Such a good OST. FF15's been decent so far, but man. I can still listen to "Blinded by Light" (ho ho ho ho) on repeat.Hitting up the FFXIII soundtrack while on the road really is something else.
Such a good OST. FF15's been decent so far, but man. I can still listen to "Blinded by Light" (ho ho ho ho) on repeat.Hitting up the FFXIII soundtrack while on the road really is something else.
Oracle Ascension Coins can be traded later in Altissia. The rest I'm not sure, thogh the Debased ones can be crafted into Experience magic.Also, could someone tell me what are Rare Coins used for? And how to use the Armiger Chain?
Lol I beat him, thanks to a much needed assist by Titan lmao. Also I just realized that you may have been talking about another monster.I got the name wrong, I meant to say Midgar Zolom or w/e, the big ass snake, instead of Midgarsormr. We're you referring to something else?
Also, could someone tell me what are Rare Coins used for? And how to use the Armiger Chain?
How on god's earth do you earn gil in this game?
How on god's earth do you earn gil in this game?
Coeurls are shit I agree, but I didn't need to fight them there. That's definitely not part of the quest.Man these sidequests are so thoughtlessly designed.
Mind the Trap:
-It's a lvl 10 mission, but it asks you to fight two lvl 34 coeurls, the hardest enemy in the game and one I struggle to beat at lvl 39
-The mission premise is the guy can't deliver goods as traps are in the way, but in fact there is a main road to his destination, and the traps are in an irrelevant side-area to said road. Makes no sense at all.
-To find the traps you just wander around a mini-map circle with no indication at all of where they are.
The game wasn't playtested at all, was it?
Don't even get me started on the Coeurls. I've beaten at lvl 72 enemy at lvl 38, but three or more coeurls at lvl 30 is absolutely impossible for me even now. Horribly designed enemy.
That's the same one, I didn't resort to the summon tho that's why I kept getting rekt lol press L1+R1 before the armiger bar depletes
So... Does the story try and get the player to care about it at some point? Not that far into the game, but I'mI just can't sympathize with any of the characters when the game can't be bothered to explain to me what's happening.heading back to Crown City now.
Why are they taking a car to Noctis' wedding in the first place? I was gonna ask if they don't have any airplanes or whatever in this universe, and now there's spaceships and shit.
Doesn't help that the English VA is terrible.
Why is my Noctis switching weapons constantly by himself now? It's annoying
So long as that's all I'm supposed to understand, I guess that's fine. But I couldn't care less about Noctis being as angsty as he is right now, considering I don't know the context of any of this.The game explains very clearly what's happening.Your kingdom got attacked. Your father got killed. You are trying to back and see what's going on.
They are taking the car because Lucis doesn't seem to have airships of their own. Niflheim is the only nation to have airships. Lucian citizens move by ground vehicles.
I hear there's an accessory that automatically does it for you. Are you currently wearing it?
So long as that's all I'm supposed to understand, I guess that's fine. But I couldn't care less about Noctis being as angsty as he is right now, considering I don't know the context of any of this.
Sounds like Pirates of the Caribbean.I thought I was crazy but a buddy noticed it too: Why is the Skyrim theme playing during a certain boss fight?
Boss spoiler!
Edit: I'm really really sorry to anyone who read this before I took it down
Big spoilersOh well...How did you know about Versatel or whatever is name is since it's not in the game according to that awful spoilery post ? ;_;
Is Galdin Quay (x2 multiplier) still the best place to cash in or is there another town i have access to for a high multiplier?
The mine in the starting area -
level 7 goblins
What the fuck???
Goblins are just monsters that scale to your level, I believe. Why there aren't regular mobs that are like level 45 in that dungeon is he confusing bit.The mine in the starting area -
level 7 goblins
What the fuck???
The mine in the starting area -
level 7 goblins
What the fuck???
Goblins are just monsters that scale to your level, I believe. Why there aren't regular mobs that are like level 45 in that dungeon is he confusing bit.
I got this ad while browsing this thread.
Reminds me of Ratchet and Clank, but actually worse, because they just play random clips from the movie that don't fit in at all and don't really explain what's going on in them until sometime after they've already played.Honestly the decision to make Kingsglaive into its own film really ruined this games storytelling. It really relies on you to watch that film to give a shit about half these characters.
Alright I legit dropped a tear. I loved it. The wait was totally worth it for me. I can't believe after everything this team was able to do this and make a great game I'm very proud like I helped made it. That ending was brilliant I'm still shook
Well, that ending certainly lived up to the hype. Okay I'm not done with this game by a long shot but thoughts.... I loved it. I have nitpicks not problems, it's so good to see this series hit me again. Fantastic game, I'll need more time to see where I would compare it but right now it's pretty high.
well goddamn that may have been the best ending in the series
If I haven't been camping and I die, do I lose all of the EXP I have been accumulating?
I haven't fought anything in hours. If the next 50 hours or whatever this game has going for it is going to stress walking/driving as much as this, I'm out.
it only hit me how insanely massive
I don't understand how that's all they managed to create