Can't stand Chapter 13 anymore.
Is it close to the end? This place will haunt my dreams lolI just got clearance level 6.
That was good for laughs.LOL, I was just reading some topics from various forums and people asked "what if Nomura fully directed Final Fantasy XV?"
Might have been spot-on, hahaha.
Seriously screw these sneaking missions where you need to keep a certain distance
Wtf my camera just locked inside the chapter 7 dungeon. Couldn't find my way so I went ahead and reloaded and of course have to start all over. First big blemish on my experience but like fuck this shit. Patch it ASAP wtf
Was really enjoying the dungeon until this too
Oh is that Bahamut section from the first Duscae demo still in there...? Actual fight was ok but the sneaking part was a little weird.
Oh is that Bahamut section from the first Duscae demo still in there...? Actual fight was ok but the sneaking part was a little weird.
You mean Behemoth? Yes, it is, it's much easier this time around, however, there's another Behemoth Hunt that should be interesting.
Just beat it. Here are some random comments
Liked the game less and less as I played. It has a nice looking world and a solid gameplay. Summons are handed extremely well.
Traversal is a chore, story is not good at all (liked it more in first half of game when it was the background), very questionable design choices in the later half of the game, and the villain is awful. I'm surprised that there are many who thought the main characters were a strength of the game, but unfortunately they didn't do anything for me outside of the one prompto scene at the beginning of the game.
Ending:Ending is mostly well done. I like what they did with the campground scene/the placement of it, although it mostly fell flat since the characters are not good. The last ending was only thing I didn't like about it because I don't care about Luna and I don't know why Noctis does either. I guess their one line dog communication for a decade really made them connect.
I may be overly negative because the last few sections of the game burned me out. Overall, I'd say the game is ok (teetering on somewhat bad). I'm going to mess around in post game and try to do that praised dungeon though.
I must've missed it: where and how do I cook???
You just select a meal when you camp outdoors.
This is even worse for me as when there are multiple enemies you constantly have to press 2 damn buttons for locking on since after slain a target the targeting system does not pick up a new target. Also if you blink you need to re-lock your target.
It is a mess really, I have no idea what they were thinking. A simple damn auto - lock system and a toggle for lock on to target would so easily fix this issue and make the game much more enjoyable.
It is hard as hell to focus my attack on a single target when there are lots of enemies around. I lock on to a target and then either because I blinked or because I used a special companion attack I lost target/moved to the next one...
Please god give us DLC with Iris playable as a 5th character to join the crew. Love her so much
The Aranea Highwind boss fight felt like a scene right out of Advent Children.
Really exciting stuff if it wasn't for the mob of soldiers that killed my team within seconds and took my lock-on away from the boss.
IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD, but it didn't quite reach.
Is all magic based on consumable items? Seems that way based on the tutorial. If you want to be a main magician, you have to buy a lot of consumables to keep up?
Magic is pretty easy to pickup from noises that are located around havens(camp sites)
You don't always have to add a catalyst to the mix, they just help add some added benefits to the magic.
Catalysts are what really help you make truly broken spells, you will need to farm or buy them.
As much complaints as XIII had, I really wish this game had a datalog. The world is so interesting and rich but we only get to know so much about it.I can't at vital plot information and world building stuff being only accessible on that radio. And I mean vital!
No. The empire is kind of a non factor.Plot hole question: (I'm at chapter 8)
Does the game ever try to make sense of why I'm being hunted by the empire (while driving around in a gaudy beacon of attention) and simultaneously giving me personal rides out of situations and turning a blind eye to me literally blowing up their bases?
The gameplay loop is great but the Frankengame is really apparent in some of the fundamental story beats.
I can't at vital plot information and world building stuff being only accessible on that radio. And I mean vital!
I know that feel.61h... chapter 5. jesus.
Plot hole question: (I'm at chapter 8)
Does the game ever try to make sense of why I'm being hunted by the empire (while driving around in a gaudy beacon of attention) and simultaneously giving me personal rides out of situations and turning a blind eye to me literally blowing up their bases?