At what point should I start hoarding XP for the 3.0x EXP Inn? Chapter 7 right now.
I love when this happens. Prompto took a close up shot of a wall and everyone was like "Wow, great shot!"![]()
"Hey this one's pretty good"
"yeah, I dig it too"
I'm talking about the big ones at night. More than once the iron giant suckers don't give me nothing.
I love when this happens. Prompto took a close up shot of a wall and everyone was like "Wow, great shot!"
Yeah... sure. lol
Pretty sure that's a bug. They should be giving you EXP.
Come on, I can't be the only one doing the Sealed Dungeons.
I had been led to believe that Cindy would be constantly framed by the male gaze, constantly teasing the boys sexually, etc. There may have been something like that in Episode Duscae.
I haven't seen any of that in the main game. Like, it's been all business with her. Prompto has a crush on her, but he seems to be putting her on a pedestal as an object of admiration, rather than just leering sexually.
Much ado about nothing? Then again, maybe criticism of her sexualization got them to tone it town.
I just started chapter 5 and I really don't know what to think about the story right now. There's been so little of it and what's there has been very weirdly structured.Right now I'm doing titan and ramuh stuff for... reasons? I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing or why.
How do people get the time for this , or the will power to power slog through it.Woo
The platinum is easy actually
The notification to summon, whatever that is, just showed up for the first time. Pressed it, held it down. Nothing happened.
You talking about when she refuels your car and washes the window? You're not seeing anything you didn't see before. She just wipes the windshield a few times.Wait until she washes your car.
I had been led to believe that Cindy would be constantly framed by the male gaze, constantly teasing the boys sexually, etc. There may have been something like that in Episode Duscae.
I haven't seen any of that in the main game. Like, it's been all business with her. Prompto has a crush on her, but he seems to be putting her on a pedestal as an object of admiration, rather than just leering sexually.
Much ado about nothing? Then again, maybe criticism of her sexualization got them to tone it town.
I'm level 23.
Why did a level 47 Imperial just show up and kill me on a road in broad daylight?
I'm about 5 hrs in, and I'm enjoying it but fuck these massive, boring, empty open worlds. When are devs gonna get it, it doesn't have to be so fucking big, dense is better.
...with her breastsWait until she washes your car.
The "gratuitous" window wiping shot is like two seconds long. You see her through the windshield, so you see her bikini top, but you also see her face, arms, etc. It's not like the camera zooms in on her tits, Quiet-style.It's her outfit. And the gratuitous window wiping shots.
Wait until she washes your car.
How do people get the time for this , or the will power to power slog through it.
What's the minute threshold to be able to fast travel? I can't fast travel to this place that's 3 minutes away. It's pretty annoying.
No threshold, only requirement is that you should have been to that place once atleast.What's the minute threshold to be able to fast travel? I can't fast travel to this place that's 3 minutes away. It's pretty annoying.
You sure? I've never had difficulty doing that, even if it was 1 minute away.
No threshold, only requirement is that you should have been to that place once atleast.
You can fast travel to quest location and parking spots as long as you've been to those areas before.
Well, I just got my Platinum trophy after killing the.giant Adamantoise boss
Good stuffI haven't got the key for the
yet though, how do I get hold of that?bonus dungeons
The platinum is really easy because none of the post-game stuff has trophies connected to it lol.
Chapter 13
I'm done being disappointed. I'm laughing now. What the hell.
I'm not there yet but I'm only about 50ish hours in and I only have about four or five trophies left and there are still a ton of post-game dungeons and shit not accounted for on the trophy list.How long did it take you to platinum it??
Gladio to Noctis catching a small fish: "Puny, just like yours."
The notification to summon, whatever that is, just showed up for the first time. Pressed it, held it down. Nothing happened.
If you explore you'll find better fishing gear at different shops which makes things way easier. Other than that just make sure you're not reeling it in when tension shows up and you'll be fine. It takes some getting used to be the more you do it the easier it gets.The only thing I find a little bit... annoying is fishing.
Any tips?
Yeah, you can just buy it at more shops, just gotta find them.So I got a great lure from a quest in Duscae - a Tonberry one - and I lost it right away. Assuming you can buy these at some point? When can I upgrade my line/rod?
Gladio to Noctis catching a small fish: "Puny, just like yours."
Gladio to Noctis catching a small fish: "Puny, just like yours."