Gonna be starting this today, any tips from those who've played it? Anything I should be aware of/ignore?
No spoilers obviously.
- Get the Regroup and Enchantment skills for Ignis. Both are very helpful in their own ways, particularly Regroup, which saves you from having to use potions/elixirs as much.
- Put AP in Exploration skills that give you free AP for stuff you'd do normally, like driving, camping, riding a chocobo, fishing if you're into that, etc. It pays off eventually
- At some point (I got it around Ch. 3 personally, but I'm pretty overleveled in general lol), I highly advise you to obtain the Airdance skill (along with Osmostrike). It just makes combat so much far satisfying, being able to zip around the air like that for virtually as long as you want. It's one of those skills that just makes the combat click for you, if it hadn't already.
- Prompto dies a lot. Try to help him as much as possible through equipping accessories that increase his Vitality (Defense) and/or HP. There's a skill for all 4 characters that lets you wear two and even three accessories, as opposed to just one, so keep that in mind as well.
- There's a 2x hotel that you can access early on, and a 3x Hotel in (This lists just the Ch. number, feel free to look at it)
. So if you're the type that loves the idea of overleveling, keep that in mind if you want to take full advantage of how much exp you can potentially gain.
- At nighttime, Iron Giants sometimes appear. When you first start off, you're not exactly in the position to defeat them comfortably. But if you're really intent on defeating them, the trick is to wait until morning. The sunlight is like poison to them, slowly eating away at their HP. So long as you're in the red circle (Go out of it, and the battle ends) as they're dying from exp, you can beat them through this method. Easy way to get a lot of exp when you are first starting out.
- Go with Control Type B. The reason for this is that it allows you to comfortably hold both the attack and defend buttons at the same time. Control Type A is flawed in that it makes it much more difficult, due to the buttons being so close to one another. Control Type C is also another alternative. Basically, just don't use Control Type A. I don't care if you're perhaps already used to it, just get used to something else lol
LVL 70 on Chapter 10, did I overleveled? I'm just having fun running around...
Overleveling is not even that big a deal tbh, I'm Lv63 on Ch. 14 myself, and even then I plan on collecting a few stuff before I continue.
Monsters that matter take awhile to kill anyhow, no shame in being able to speed up the process. If anything, it's your weapons and AP skills that really matter. You're going to need to be a high level anyways if you want to be able to engage in all the post-game stuff, so having a head start isn't exactly a bad thing. But if it's that big of an issue to you, then just don't camp or w/e until you've beaten the game.