Do the foods that increase your EXP earned also apply to side-quest completion EXP?
Yes.Do the foods that increase your EXP earned also apply to side-quest completion EXP?
You could cook it yourself. It tastes better and is cheaper.Sure do! I'm always fast traveling back to the chocobo outpost for the EXP food they have.
Sure do! I'm always fast traveling back to the chocobo outpost for the EXP food they have.
Awesome! Thanks for the response.Yes.
Never would have thought that I read something positive about XIII's story.While XV is a far superior experience to actually play, I'm going to go ahead and just say it:
For all the complaining about the Datalog and "fal'Cie" and "l'Cie," XIII had a much, much more coherent and fleshed out story besides a couple of sudden swings in character motivation.
Characters never got introduced and then completely dropped without explanation, though a few did get unsatisfyingly fridged.
It also had hours of actual cutscenes, like, with actual direction and cinematic flair, and multiple beautiful CGIs.
my absolute favorite part was how Ignis somehow not only dragged the base commander out of the base, but got him to the fucking Hunters somewhere, and they still managed to lose him! This shit happens all offscreen! And Ignis still makes it back to the party before they blow the Magitek reactor so he can tell everyone about it! Like, what?[/spoiler]
I mean I don't think you particularly need to wait until then unless you're that anal about efficiency.
I'm at level 63 on chapter 8 thanks to just doing side quests with the double exp of Galdin Quay.
If you want the main story to pose a bit of a challenge, you should just wait until post game to do most of the side quests. You get massively overlevelled by doing them as early as you possibly can (as proven by my level).
While XV is a far superior experience to actually play, I'm going to go ahead and just say it:
For all the complaining about the Datalog and "fal'Cie" and "l'Cie," XIII had a much, much more coherent and fleshed out story besides a couple of sudden swings in character motivation.
Characters never got introduced and then completely dropped without explanation, though a few did get unsatisfyingly fridged.
It also had hours of actual cutscenes, like, with actual direction and cinematic flair, and multiple beautiful CGIs.
XV has, like, 3 CG scenes, while just off the top of my head XIII had at least 5 or 6.
Why did Ignis even turn the guy over to "some Hunters?"
Were we even working with "the Hunters?" Did we have some sort of relationship with any of them besides maybe Sidequest Dave?
Where can you get better reels for fishing? I still have the first one and the fishes have a field day with me anytime I catch something interesting
Why did Ignis even turn the guy over to "some Hunters?"
Were we even working with "the Hunters?" Did we have some sort of relationship with any of them besides maybe Sidequest Dave?
He liked the cut of Dave's jib. The way he says "dowg tags" really resonated with me, personally.
I got my first game over![]()
Chapter 7 I think. That fight at the end of the dungeon. Heck I'm struggling just to make it there without using my Hi potions (no more potion and no Gil to buy) and only 1 Phoenix down.
PROMPTO pretty much knocks out at the start, and ignis barely helps with regroup.
Then again I've only tried once. I'll see how I do today without going Rambo and fighting more defensive.
We miss you Gladiolus...
Dave is their leader, and Cor seems to call the shots above him, even.
I have no idea what you're talking about, though, still didn't reach that part, but I'm assuming it's the same hunters, since you mentioned Dave...
So uh, I just started Chapter 3 (yeah, I'm poking along) and I met up withGladio's sister, Iris, and then an old guy and kid showed up (I think one of them was named Talbott?) but I don't think the game ever said who they were in relation to anybody else? I feel like I must have missed something.
Please report back in when you are done with chapter 5. I need to see that reaction.
So uh, I just started Chapter 3 (yeah, I'm poking along) and I met up withGladio's sister, Iris, and then an old guy and kid showed up (I think one of them was named Talbott?) but I don't think the game ever said who they were in relation to anybody else? I feel like I must have missed something.
Who knows what "Hunter" it is, it happens off-screen, and in the time it takes Ignis to run maybe across a football field and back.
And I never got the impression that Dave was the Hunter leader...
What was he doing cowering in a shack and passing the buck on his job first thing in the game, then?
Please report back in when you are done with chapter 5. I need to see that reaction.
Prepare for an entire game of this.
I just beat it, what level are you?
Level 34 here...
Dat Cleigne Battle Theme. Greatest battle theme ever.
So damn good.
(Chapter 4-7 spoilers)I just made it to Chapter 7, and... wow, yeah, the story is starting to come apart here little by little.
I wouldn't even had known who the fuck Jared was if I had not turned on subtitles. And the entire segment about how the Empire impounded your car instead of capturing you (and I will let slide how Cindy even figured out it was impounded at an Imperial Base) was just...dumb.
And besides Gladio's awkward as fuck way of flying solo, my absolute favorite part was how Ignis somehow not only dragged the base commander out of the base, but got him to the fucking Hunters somewhere, and they still managed to lose him! This shit happens all offscreen! And Ignis still makes it back to the party before they blow the Magitek reactor so he can tell everyone about it! Like, what?
Who the fuck is Jared, by the way?
Maybe you can argue that you can get through FFXV by just holding circle and performing warp-strikes every few seconds, but FFs have always been newbie friendly (so just "getting through them" has never been particularly challenging) and that's a bit like complaining about how you can get through Bayonetta with the square-triangle-square combo and a bit of dodging (not that FFXV's combat system is anywhere near as good as Bayonetta's). A bit pointless when the game does offer you a lot of tools to not play it in such a simple way and those tools actually make the game more fun to play & help you deal with enemies more efficiently.
Dave passes the buck on everything. Friggin wuss.
When I see people saying the combat is bad and following it up with something like "there's some depth, but you don't have to use any of that", I always wonder what they think of the games with objectively the most depth of any combat system ever. Are they trash, too?
I remember my first playthrough of DMC4, and I'm preeeetty sure it was nothing like some of the amazing videos you can watch from people who truly mastered it. But I beat it just fine!
As you said, and I'll repeat, it's obviously not on the same level, but saying the combat system is bad because you don't have to do certain things is something that only seems to apply to this specific game.
The old guy with Talbott (the little boy).
Witcher 3 never gets as chaotic as FFXV at times does but by the 10th hour its combat system has shown pretty much everything it has to offer while I hadn't even touched half the weapons in FFXV by that point and there were constantly new enemy types I needed to learn to read & figure out new strategies for. Witcher 3's combat system is a bit more polished but it would be hard for it not to be since it's so simplistic in comparison. Personally I'd take the frantic excitement of FFXV over the methodical simplicity of Witcher 3 any day.
But FF XV doesn't offer any challenge at all, I platinumed the game and finished most challenging dungeons without ever curing myself of any negative status and without ever seeing game over screen with the exception when I. And after doing one dungeon, you even get the accessory that auto-dodges for you making combat even easier.crashed while flying regalia
As for monsters, after a while you pretty much saw every enemy type, 'giraffes', 'dogs', iron giants, snakes,, most of high level enemis are just recolors of them, same movesets etc. I remember when I saw'dragons'for the first time, looked like some sort ofJormungand, but moved like your typical snake, with the same attacks, they just exchanged poison for fire, I'm also not sure what new strategies you need for them except holding circle and activating bros skills. Whereas in Witcher you needed to study your opponent in bestiary and see what were their weaknesess, because sometimes hacking away at them just didn't quite cut it.chinese dragon
FFXV combat system is definitely more prettier to watch, but not necessarily more fun to play, in my opinion of course. I'd say both have their shortcomings and both, while fun, are not even close to being very good. Servicable/decent at best, but not complete shit as some would say.
Where is this magical dungeon with auto dodge reward?
I dunno, man, I died a lot playing Bayonetta. Died once, early, playing FFXV.
But FF XV doesn't offer any challenge at all, I platinumed the game and finished most challenging dungeons without ever curing myself of any negative status and without ever seeing game over screen with the exception when I. And after doing one dungeon, you even get the accessory that auto-dodges for you making combat even easier.crashed while flying regalia
As for monsters, after a while you pretty much saw every enemy type, 'giraffes', 'dogs', iron giants, snakes,, most of high level enemis are just recolors of them, same movesets etc. I remember when I saw'dragons'for the first time, looked like some sort ofJormungand, but moved like your typical snake, with the same attacks, they just exchanged poison for fire, I'm also not sure what new strategies you need for them except holding circle and activating bros skills. Whereas in Witcher you needed to study your opponent in bestiary and see what were their weaknesess, because sometimes hacking away at them just didn't quite cut it.chinese dragon
FFXV combat system is definitely more prettier to watch, but not necessarily more fun to play, in my opinion of course. I'd say both have their shortcomings and both, while fun, are not even close to being very good. Servicable/decent at best, but not complete shit as some would say.
Oh bummer. Yeah i'll requote.Can you please re-quote my post? I added some spoiler just in case someone didn't watch trailers.
As for the dungeon it'svery different from anything else in the game exclusive, you need flying regalia to go there, it's called Pitioss Dungeon,