The DA:I comparison is lazy and superficial dude, you could do this with almost any western RPG in the last 10 years. There isn't the kind of insightful connection you think there is.
I really don't think you can bring just any Western RPG into it. To me, XV specifically compares to the gameplay loop DA: I used. I sure as fuck can't compare it to Oblivion/Skyrim or Fallout 4.
I see the comparison being apt because both games use a looser story structure with open worlds filled with much less connected side quests. They lean on party interaction/banter to carry things through. The combat is more action oriented, taking away a lot of tactical options used in games like Origins, and makes sure your own character is the most powerful despite you having party members.
Combat is in no way worse. It's many times more engaging, fun, and responsive.
DA:I was a mix of "press A to awesome" and incredibly awkward "tactical" options. It was technically serviceable, but utterly bland and unremarkable.
And FFXV is a mix of press X to awesome and incredibly nonexistent tactical options. It's not even technically serviceable in my opinion. I have a bunch of brainless morons following me around and I can't tell them diddly shit on what to do. I have some issues with DA: I's combat, but it was fine for what it did. XV's is not fine. It's not serviceable. It's missing crucial features and has a lot of shortcomings. It wasn't a chaotic clusterfuck with shrubs obscuring things and teammates having to chug down potions because you can't tell them to stay the fuck away from fire or whatever it is.
The brothers have some of the best character interactions I've ever seen in a game. DA:I's characters were a huge step back for the franchise and are incredibly lifeless and dull in comparison.
A couple of characters stood out, but for the first time in a Bioware game I found myself skipping through conversations to just get on with it.
What character interactions? Seriously, is my fucking game bugged? If I have to hear the same "indeed" again I'm going to travel to japan and stab Tabata myself. I've played nearly 30 fucking hours and outside of 2 special cutscenes after some camps the interaction has been almost nonexistent. And if I didn't watch Brotherhood one of those scenes would be a vague fucking mess. Hell, if I didn't watch Brotherhood these characters would barely exist in my mind. I don't know who the hell they are or what their motivation is besides strong anime character stereotype A and smart glasses wearing anime stereotype B.
There is story hook in FFXV, the story is disjointed and at times desperately needs more padding, but, to be completely honest, i can't even remember DA:I's story.
FFXV's story may be a mess, but it's much more enjoyable than DA:I. The ending is much, much more satisfying in XV, too.
I'm not at the ending yet. I'm judging 30 hours in. I haven't got to the linear part so possibly things will turn completely around but judging both beginnings, DA: I wins hands down.
DA:I had more varied landscapes, but they were so poorly designed and utterly/lifeless that it didn't matter. Exploration was only rewarded by more dull combat and dozens of pointless collectathons.
FFXV's world is so poorly designed and lifeless that a change of scenery would be godlike right now. Exploration is not only not rewarded, it's actively discouraged with the quick day/night system and no ability to wait around. What 'exploration' you get is also exclusively pointless collectathons.
in comparison, FFXV's world is a joy to move through. Combat is great, movement is fun, dungeons are awesome, random boss type enemies add challenge, items are worth finding, and the open world is littered with pieces of character interaction that are triggered by taking various actions (fishing, fighting, camping, etc...) that it's one of the few open worlds that adds meaningful reward to exploration.
I feel like we're living in opposite world here.
However, and I guarantee you this, those who have found joy in the characters, world, combat, and even story (it's a mess at times, but it all comes together incredibly well in the end) will praise this for years to come as a unique experience in the series and gaming in general.
Don't get me wrong, there's enough charm and fun here for me to not regret my purchase and keep going. It's just disappointing in so many ways and I can't see it stacking up well against any other Final Fantasy much less a lot of other RPGs. As far as combat it's going to be dead last of any FF. I can't see the story beating anything but maybe the first 3 games. Characters are the most boring outside of almost any of them, too.
I get that you're disappointed, but the majority seem to disagree.
Actually it's funny that the DA: I thread was at first filled with the highest praise. Moreso than this thread even. People would think the majority disagreed on that, too.