is there a way to tell what chapter you're on? I really don't remember since I've been sidetracked with the sidequests lol. I could play these sidequests forever even though they are simple in nature they give you a reason to explore the landscape and also get EXP and Gil.
edit: nvm just saw its right there clearly on the Quests screen lol, I'm level 23 and only at CH3 and 15hrs in, I'm taking my time with this baby.
Is there anywhere to explore outside of the city? Or is the entire continent I see on the map not exporable?
so Luna... Really? That's it? She was in the game for like 5 minutes worth of cutscenes. How are we supposed to feel any emotion at her passing when we didn't get to know her?
Just started Chapter 9. Gonna try to do story only and get through it today. I've done a lot of side stuff, already got the 80 quests trophy so I think I'm ready to just continue.
"Liking" something is an incredibly vague way to discuss things, especially on a forum made for discussing things.
I like them both, too, actually. Well, I'd say I really ended up loving Inquisition overall, though objectively I would probably give it an 85/100 or so. I like my time with XV so far, but I'd give it maybe a 70/100.
Man two battles behind the waterfall (the samurai dude mob and the boss fight) were super tough. Then I came out and got wrecked by the crabs the first time and then had to run the second.
Related to that, inside that dungeon I turned on wait mode so I could figure out what the symbols meant for Libra and have found it nice to keep on for the time being.
I'm on mobile so it's hard for me to link to stuff. But what you do is hit L2 to initiate the drift, then right when the chocobo jumps back up hit L2 again to get the speed boost and fill a good chunk of the stamina bar. You can chain this along with the sprint so that you never run out of stamina.
Eating a certain type of green makes your bird insanely fast, as well. I don't know if that works in races, but just exploring with the chocobo in the open world is way faster than the car.
What's great is there has never been an evil Dragoon in the series, aside for Kain's dark side. Dragoons are the most honourable characters in the series.
The minute Aranea was introduced we should have known she wouldn't be a real villain.
I really don't think you can bring just any Western RPG into it. To me, XV specifically compares to the gameplay loop DA: I used. I sure as fuck can't compare it to Oblivion/Skyrim or Fallout 4.
I see the comparison being apt because both games use a looser story structure with open worlds filled with much less connected side quests. They lean on party interaction/banter to carry things through. The combat is more action oriented, taking away a lot of tactical options used in games like Origins, and makes sure your own character is the most powerful despite you having party members.
And FFXV is a mix of press X to awesome and incredibly nonexistent tactical options. It's not even technically serviceable in my opinion. I have a bunch of brainless morons following me around and I can't tell them diddly shit on what to do. I have some issues with DA: I's combat, but it was fine for what it did. XV's is not fine. It's not serviceable. It's missing crucial features and has a lot of shortcomings. It wasn't a chaotic clusterfuck with shrubs obscuring things and teammates having to chug down potions because you can't tell them to stay the fuck away from fire or whatever it is.
What character interactions? Seriously, is my fucking game bugged? If I have to hear the same "indeed" again I'm going to travel to japan and stab Tabata myself. I've played nearly 30 fucking hours and outside of 2 special cutscenes after some camps the interaction has been almost nonexistent. And if I didn't watch Brotherhood one of those scenes would be a vague fucking mess. Hell, if I didn't watch Brotherhood these characters would barely exist in my mind. I don't know who the hell they are or what their motivation is besides strong anime character stereotype A and smart glasses wearing anime stereotype B.
I'm not at the ending yet. I'm judging 30 hours in. I haven't got to the linear part so possibly things will turn completely around but judging both beginnings, DA: I wins hands down.
FFXV's world is so poorly designed and lifeless that a change of scenery would be godlike right now. Exploration is not only not rewarded, it's actively discouraged with the quick day/night system and no ability to wait around. What 'exploration' you get is also exclusively pointless collectathons.
I feel like we're living in opposite world here.
Don't get me wrong, there's enough charm and fun here for me to not regret my purchase and keep going. It's just disappointing in so many ways and I can't see it stacking up well against any other Final Fantasy much less a lot of other RPGs. As far as combat it's going to be dead last of any FF. I can't see the story beating anything but maybe the first 3 games. Characters are the most boring outside of almost any of them, too.
Actually it's funny that the DA: I thread was at first filled with the highest praise. Moreso than this thread even. People would think the majority disagreed on that, too.
We're going to have to agree to disagree, but one thing I would like to mention is that I assure you the majority of people DO love DA:I.
Gaf is a /very/ vocal minority. We're a tiny fraction of the gaming world, insignificant when considering what's actually popular with the players.
Ask around outside of the internet and people fricken love DA:I. They just don't hold games to scrutiny in the same way.
As far as Gaf specific feedback goes... hate for a game /far/ outweighs the positive for the most part. Look at any Destiny thread up until TTK brought a kind of redemption: every other post was someone making a drive-by statement to shit on the game or long winded posts detailing every single flaw.
Yet it had the most amount of OTs in gaf history (right?), it's a huge financial success, and plenty of people have loved it since day one. And I'd even go as far to say it's very probable that the majority of people on gaf who played it liked it. For a time though, you never would have been able to guess.
A side point:
this game will have a HUGE backlash for many, many years simply because of expectation and emotional investment. It's not really fair in many ways as it's very rare a game will gain this kind of cult-following many years before it even releases. So some of the hate might not even be there had the game had a smooth and fleet development run.
Anyway, the point is the majority of players on Gaf are very likely the more casual players. Souls isn't their favourite game series and they love AAA development. FFXV, DA:I, Watchdogs, etc... games that Gaf had a very negative vocal response to will likely be on their fav lists. They don't hold the games to scrutiny like the "hardcore" do, it's like a microcosm of reality.
Reading future FFXV threads will almost certainly read like XV is the biggest disappointment in gaming history, but it absolutely will not reflect the majority of gaf opinion imo.
So I just went into the waterfall dungeon and got through it just fine until I got to the end....holy shit I got just straight destroyed by a Mindflayer and they kept spawning by the time I died I think 3 of them were there. Fuck no auto saving while going through a dungeon btw.....
You're not wrong. Forgive me; I've already written the equivalent to 90+ pages on why I like Dragon Age: Inquisition. It's going to be some time before I'm ready to discuss it in-depth again.
I'm frankly just very tired of the one-or-the-other nature forum discussion tends toward. Not only here, but elsewhere on the net, I've been seeing back-and-forths where fans of FFXV are fighting fans of Inquisition this past week, and it's rather tiring. Especially since I'm digging the approach to both (even though my all-time favorite games are more focused narrative-centric experiences).
They're similar enough, yeah, but I think I like Inquisition's "open region" approach a bit more. I like their worlds a lot, though, and I don't particularly feel as though either one is "dull and lifeless" as some folks think is true of one or the other (or both, I suppose).
What's great is there has never been an evil Dragoon in the series, aside for Kain's dark side. Dragoons are the most honourable characters in the series.
The minute Aranea was introduced we should have known she wouldn't be a real villain.
I'm on mobile so it's hard for me to link to stuff. But what you do is hit L2 to initiate the drift, then right when the chocobo jumps back up hit L2 again to get the speed boost and fill a good chunk of the stamina bar. You can chain this along with the sprint so that you never run out of stamina.
Eating a certain type of green makes your bird insanely fast, as well. I don't know if that works in races, but just exploring with the chocobo in the open world is way faster than the car.
Gave it a bit of practise just now, gonna be tough to get the sprint-drift-drift-sprint-drift-drift pattern down. Especially while steering and holding the gallop button. Not seen any greens yet that boost sprint or drift speed, only gallop, jump and stamina
edit: just got given one that boosts all abilities. Hopefully that includes sprint
You're not wrong. Forgive me; I've already written the equivalent to 90+ pages on why I like Dragon Age: Inquisition. It's going to be some time before I'm ready to discuss it in-depth again.
I'm frankly just very tired of the one-or-the-other nature forum discussion tends toward. Not only here, but elsewhere on the net, I've been seeing back-and-forths where fans of FFXV are fighting fans of Inquisition this past week, and it's rather tiring. Especially since I'm digging the approach to both (even though my all-time favorite games are more focused narrative-centric experiences).
I think the backlash on forums like this has fans of certain games a bit defensive. I think defenders of some games tend to get fatigued. I know that pretty well. I love Inquisition and I really liked FFXIII.
Hopefully I'm not really coming off as a one or the other sort of poster. Personally I think that the approach on Inquisition and FFXV are so closely similar that talking about where each succeeds and each fails in relation to one another might be a fruitful discussion, in my opinion. It's also just fascinating to see the giant western developer Bioware and the big JRPG developer in Square-Enix reach a very similar conclusion to the RPG genre as a whole with the two games and it'll be interesting to see where they both go from here and what gets fixed.
What I also find interesting, too, though, is that I almost feel like the disparate areas in DA: I would have almost worked better in a Final Fantasy setting because it would feel like the old FFs where each area had a different flavor to it, whereas the unified world works almost better with something like Dragon Age in my opinion. It also would have helped the road trip aspect if I was hopping around to more separate places in XV.
Gave it a bit of practise just now, gonna be tough to get the sprint-drift-drift-sprint-drift-drift pattern down. Especially while steering and holding the gallop button. Not seen any greens yet that boost sprint or drift speed, only gallop, jump and stamina
edit: just got given one that boosts all abilities. Hopefully that includes sprint
I think the backlash on forums like this has fans of certain games a bit defensive. I think defenders of some games tend to get fatigued. I know that pretty well. I love Inquisition and I really liked FFXIII.
Hopefully I'm not really coming off as a one or the other sort of poster. Personally I think that the approach on Inquisition and FFXV are so closely similar that talking about where each succeeds and each fails in relation to one another might be a fruitful discussion, in my opinion. It's also just fascinating to see the giant western developer Bioware and the big JRPG developer in Square-Enix reach a very similar conclusion to the RPG genre as a whole with the two games and it'll be interesting to see where they both go from here and what gets fixed.
It's quite interesting to me as well; Square and BioWare are my two favorite developers, by a landslide. (I quite like Naughty Dog as well, but I've always been more attuned to "bigger, more epic-scope" stories for whatever reason.) I would certainly agree that there are considerable similarities on display here and more than anything I'm curious to see where both these studios go next. Will they learn the same lessons? Will they learn different lessons? It's a curious thing.
And I wouldn't say you're coming off as a one-or-the-other poster, nah. "It's not you," as they say. I might just be seeing dualism in every corner of the internet nowadays after witnessing it to an absurd extent several times over. I mentally check out whenever I see a conversation flow toward that end, but thankfully it's not too bad in here yet.
What I also find interesting, too, though, is that I almost feel like the disparate areas in DA: I would have almost worked better in a Final Fantasy setting because it would feel like the old FFs where each area had a different flavor to it, whereas the unified world works almost better with something like Dragon Age in my opinion. It also would have helped the road trip aspect if I was hopping around to more separate places in XV.
Heh, interesting. I've thought similarly, although I'm not sure I'd want the unified approach in either universe if possible. To be clear, I enjoy FFXV's unified world fairly well, but I think the "open region" style -- with the greater diversity it tends toward -- is optimal in both cases.
Yep that's one of them. Most of them involve around things taking far far too long and could easily be sped up. The slow run speed combined with the slow down after a sprint are my worst ones. That and the fact I don't think you can just hire a chocobo on the fly out in the field.
All these people hating on Setsuna in the previous pages...
I enjoyed it a lot (especially the music). Not the best game ever, but it was always meant to be a small unambitious game so I don't get why people hate it if they knew what they were getting beforehand. Child of Light is in the same situation actually, I also loved it but many people seem not to like it. Perhaps people expected these low-budget games to somehow turn out to be better than or even on the same level as high-budget classics.
On topic, is there a reason why the Chocobo controls have X as dismount and O as jump, or did they forget to swap X and O in the western release only for Chocobos?
It's quite interesting to me as well; Square and BioWare are my two favorite developers, by a landslide. (I quite like Naughty Dog as well, but I've always been more attuned to "bigger, more epic-scope" stories for whatever reason.) I would certainly agree that there are considerable similarities on display here and more than anything I'm curious to see where both these studios go next. Will they learn the same lessons? Will they learn different lessons? It's a curious thing.
We both sound pretty similar actually. At this moment Bioware, Square-Enix, and Naughty Dog would probably be my top developers. I think Square-Enix's past appeals to me slightly more than the present and Bioware's present appeals slightly more than their past to me, but overall those are my big studios.
Personally I hope both Bioware and Square-Enix learn similar lessons. Cut out a large chunk of the fetch quests and/or world design and put that into as much focused quests as they can with that budget. Inquisition was amazing to me but I feel like if it cut like 30% of the fetch and added even 2 or 3 more focused quests it would be fucking perfect. XV so far has a few more issues with combat and such, but it could learn the same lesson. Cut out some of this world and focus on making one or two of these smaller towns actually have some life along with a quest with more options.
What I also find really odd is that I feel like the Duscae demo almost got it right more than the game. The behemoth quest was cut down for the game, and that made it so much worse and so much more forgettable and I can't understand why they would do that. I had hopes for quests to be pretty similar to that and they just aren't.
I just know they aren't going to fix shit when it comes to the issue I want fixed, but at least I'd have more outfits to play with first play through. And they said the 60fps was just for Pro users, they didn't say anything about us peasant non Pro users.
dude, she's presented as a villain, both in the trailers and in the point of the story I am now, you just said she isn't a real villain. That's a spoiler IMO