What are these subtitles for ants? Seriously though, they are way too small on my 55 inch TV. I wanted to play with Japanese voices but I cannot stand tiny subtitles.
There's something to be said where the main cast of XIII is generally disliked (personally I'm fine with them except for Hope, heh) and the main cast of XV is strong enough to outweigh faults in the game.
Snow was Nao Ikeda, but I think he designed the rest.
YesI posted this in the review thread but thought it'd be better to ask for input in the OT:
How's the loot and post game content? That all in really care about in JRPGS now
So what chapter do I have to start worrying about not getting to do side quests or whatever? Is there a point of no return, or at least a very long stretch of not having access to the open world? I'm currently in chapter 8
Loot is disappointing since it's just a bunch of glowing dots. Post game content is pretty great especially if you leave all the side stuff to the end. Most dungeons stuff pretty much requires you to be lvl40 and above.
Anyone got suggestions on this?
Anyone got suggestions on this?
I could explain it to you but it might be a tad bit spoilery (not story related) but a mechanic you can PM if you want.
XIII has a better battle system, better magic system, but less stuff to do. I guess XIII-2 is a better game among the three from a game play perspective, but it's just me.
Nomura designed the main cast of FFXIII except for Snow. However he had no influence on their personalities and their writing. For example, he basically stated that he finds the name "Lightning" dumb and that he wouldn't have named her that if he had been the writer.
Oh no... just started and I'm running around after dropping the car off. The framerate is atrocious on my Pro
I'm not even that susceptible to framerates being that bad in most games I play. If it's minimal I don't even notice. I'm just walking/running and it's bad here.
What are these subtitles for ants? Seriously though, they are way too small on my 55 inch TV. I wanted to play with Japanese voices but I cannot stand tiny subtitles.
I'm a bit confused about fishing. Am I supposed to cast it and just wait for the fish to bite? I keep moving with R2 to bob the rig around but nothing is biting. I'm on the very first fishing quest you get
I'm a bit confused about fishing. Am I supposed to cast it and just wait for the fish to bite? I keep moving with R2 to bob the rig around but nothing is biting. I'm on the very first fishing quest you get
Recast it. When the red line starts keep an eye on it. It'll get longer in different directions. You have to move it slow.I'm a bit confused about fishing. Am I supposed to cast it and just wait for the fish to bite? I keep moving with R2 to bob the rig around but nothing is biting. I'm on the very first fishing quest you get
The yellow dots are rare fishes if I ain't mistaken
I'm a bit confused about fishing. Am I supposed to cast it and just wait for the fish to bite? I keep moving with R2 to bob the rig around but nothing is biting. I'm on the very first fishing quest you get
No - Yellow fish can be used to eat
Blue fish can be used for materials only
Anyone got their Road Trip DLC yet?
The one on the left is the only steelbook I don't have out the 3.They look really nice together.
Really hope the FF 12 Remaster, FF7 Remake and the off course inevitable FF 13 Trilogy Remaster gonna have such a steelbook.
Fucking great, my game wasn't delivered and no one knows where the fuck it is.
Seems like there's a problem with a big transport chain here in Spain (Seur), people with orders from Game and Amazon got their game delayed to atleast tomorrow (myself included).
Yeah, he would've chosen something smart like Ignis Stupeo Scientia.
I love me some Nomura silliness, but if he actually called Lightning "dumb", that's some negative levels of self-awareness.
Nomura: Next time we give information, we will reveal his name. It doesn’t have much to do with anything else, though.
Famitsu: We’re looking forward to it. Will it be a name associated with the weather or the skies, following Cloud, Squall, Tidus, etc.?
Nomura: I thought “should we stop with the weather names, already?” but the FFXIII team named theirs Lightning, and so Versus XIII will follow suit.
Famitsu: Lightning’s name was quite a surprise, wasn’t it?
Nomura: Lightning’s name also surprised me, even though I was already familiar with her. If they started to use another name at this late date, I wouldn’t be able to get used to it, though.
There I was thinking the combat difficulty was pretty easy and then BAM, started getting my ass handed to me!
Well, kingsglaive definitely feels like one of those youtube "video game the movie" things, just a bunch of cut scenes edited together.
Should I watch Kingsglaive and the anime scenes first before first booting up FFXV tonight? Anything else I should look at as a primer before starting the game? I kind of want to dive in but there seems to be a ton of extra stuff on the sides that might help fill in some of the gaps left out of the main story.
Is that middle one Lightning Returns? That's hot.They look really nice together.
Really hope the FF 12 Remaster, FF7 Remake and the off course inevitable FF 13 Trilogy Remaster gonna have such a steelbook.
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao