This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
Amazon is using there in house delivery system, it's called AZML_US, I have no idea what to expect, and it terrifies me.
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
I'd rather have that meaningless banter missing than having to deal with english voices that dont fit the heavily japanese mimics and gestures.i wish the eng subs actually covered everything
i want to have the audio in jp but there are some things missing from the subs like vendor chat![]()
Can you give an example?Bleh i really wanted to play the game in japanese but my japanese isnt nearly good enough to do it 100% without subs but the subs dont even match what they are saying half the time so i guess i have to gow ith english -_-
Amazon is using there in house delivery system, it's called AZML_US, I have no idea what to expect, and it terrifies me.
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
This wait for UPS today will be painful. Feels like I'm the last person to get the game lmao
Its the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster steelbook.Is that middle one Lightning Returns? That's hot.
Looks like the latest batch of photos have been... interesting
Anyone know where to get some good weapons? The best I found is the shop by vesper pool with the Durandal and stuff that cost 10k each.
I'm already lvl 50
Most useful ones i find areFrom the vegetable trader near cid, they are upgradable thru cid as well, and most of them absorb elements, which is very useful, for making quincasts for high lvl hunts make them fast and do great damage.
After a certain point, you have lots of hp to start using the arminger weapons. There is an accessory for nocitis to cycle through weapons auto matically as well, i still use regular weapons though, because link strikes are too good.
I'd like to hear some hands on impressions from fellow GAF'ers regarding performance on PS4 Pro. I won't be able to play this game til Thursday as I live in a very rural area and must take my console to a friends house to download the huge 8GB update, but I look forward to playing it greatly.
I just hope it isn't a mess of an experience, technically speaking, for the Pro.
Knowing my luck, I'll update it, get it back, and SE will release a new patch >_>
Also, anyone know how to break parts easier? Trying to get the damn duplicorn horn
He didn't say "dumb", but he distanced himself from it, said that it was a surprising choice and that it forced him to follow suit with Noctis (since his game was still supposed to be "versus" FFXIII at the time).
I have used it since patch 1.01 and then got patch 1.02
I wasn't blown away with the graphics at 1.01 - I thought it looked like fallout
1.02 is a massive improvement - I think the graphics and general look is much crisper and fresher
I have not experienced any lag or framerate issues at all. No aliasing - no errors of any kind really (apart from a chocobo spawning on top of the tent and then clipping directly off it)
I use a standard 1080p TV until my 4k arrives later
Man the camera really sucks in tight spaces
Just had a big battle and couldn't see a damn thing
Thank you! I too am using a 1080p TV. I just don't want the game to be a stuttering mess. Sounds like I'm best off waiting til Thursday after all. It's the earliest I can update my game. Technically, I COULD play it today - version 1.0, but I'll be missing out on some Kingsglaive stuff I believe. Might as well get the proper experience.
Thanks again!
I've never played a FF game (crazy, I know). I avoided JRPGS during the SNES/PS1 gen, and then always felt like it was too late to jump in.
So my question: is it too late to jump in? Could someone enjoy FF15 as their first FF game? It looks interesting and I'd love to play it in HDR on my Pro.
I've never played a FF game (crazy, I know). I avoided JRPGS during the SNES/PS1 gen, and then always felt like it was too late to jump in.
So my question: is it too late to jump in? Could someone enjoy FF15 as their first FF game? It looks interesting and I'd love to see it in HDR on my Pro.
My friend said there's 3 difficulties. Easy, Normal, Default.
What's default? If it's normal, then that's stupid to have the "Default" option.
I've never played a FF game (crazy, I know). I avoided JRPGS during the SNES/PS1 gen, and then always felt like it was too late to jump in.
So my question: is it too late to jump in? Could someone enjoy FF15 as their first FF game? It looks interesting and I'd love to see it in HDR on my Pro.
I finally got my copy but I can't start until tomorrow when the patch will be fully downloaded... stupid slow connection.
That said I have one question: is "Too much is never enough" theme song used in the game or not?
This 9 gig patch is such a fucking blue balling. I hate modern gaming.
I got my Road trip codes but none of them worked ..... why?
My friend said there's 3 difficulties. Easy, Normal, Default.
What's default? If it's normal, then that's stupid to have the "Default" option.
Whats the install time like? I preordered through Amazon and I don't even know what DLC im getting.
I've never played a FF game (crazy, I know). I avoided JRPGS during the SNES/PS1 gen, and then always felt like it was too late to jump in.
So my question: is it too late to jump in? Could someone enjoy FF15 as their first FF game? It looks interesting and I'd love to see it in HDR on my Pro.
I got three sets of codes. One of the three worked for Mage Mashers but nothing else. Another set worked for the Blazefire but nothing else. And nothing worked for the Gae Bolg. I have no idea why I got three sets or why they aren't working.
YES I got 6 email codes and they don't work![]()
Target the head, and warp strike it, i used an arminger weapon for the warp strike. Their warp strike exclusive is buff![]()