Well it detects your save game and says carbuncle will visit. Has not happened for me yet tho
This is exactly what is worrying me before i start the game on the weekend. Everything that is actually gameplay related seems to be kind of...not good. Whereas the positive comments seem to be "i cant stop playing but i dont know why" or "the music is so good and one of the characters hummed the ff victory theme"
Im all for nostalgia in my games but i dont expect nor want a game to heavily rely on it. Also, i saw you quoted MGS5, but that game had absolutely PHENOMENAL gameplay, which FF15 from what i have seen/read, does not seem to have :/
I know i sound like such a downer but its been so long...ive waited and i just want something exceptional from this game. Something GREAT even. And i dont want it to be because nostalgia or pretty vistas or "the music was epic when i fought this specific boss"
Posts like this make me feel so oldI've been watching a bit of this game on Twitch. It seems awesome. This will eventually be my first Final Fantasy game.
lol, how do you push the car at the beginning? Stand by me will finish at this rate.
R2lol, how do you push the car at the beginning? Stand by me will finish at this rate.
Prompto is a genius!
You can actually see him photographing from time to time. Yeah, he literally whips out the camera instead of fighting in the middle of the battle. XD
Gameplay is the best part of the game. If gameplay doesn't interest you then I would wait cause the story is the worst part of it all.
This is exactly what is worrying me before i start the game on the weekend. Everything that is actually gameplay related seems to be kind of...not good. Whereas the positive comments seem to be "i cant stop playing but i dont know why" or "the music is so good and one of the characters hummed the ff victory theme"
Im all for nostalgia in my games but i dont expect nor want a game to heavily rely on it. Also, i saw you quoted MGS5, but that game had absolutely PHENOMENAL gameplay, which FF15 from what i have seen/read, does not seem to have :/
I know i sound like such a downer but its been so long...ive waited and i just want something exceptional from this game. Something GREAT even. And i dont want it to be because nostalgia or pretty vistas or "the music was epic when i fought this specific boss"
I've only ever played one Final Fantasy, and that was X.
I am really interested in the story and the chemistry between the main characters. That being said, how is the learning curve in this game?
For for someone who rarely plays a JRPGs is there an option to set a difficulty level?
played the first few hours, really enjoying it
how long is this game supposed to be if you don't do any side-stuff?
R2 .
This is exactly what is worrying me before i start the game on the weekend. Everything that is actually gameplay related seems to be kind of...not good. Whereas the positive comments seem to be "i cant stop playing but i dont know why" or "the music is so good and one of the characters hummed the ff victory theme"
Im all for nostalgia in my games but i dont expect nor want a game to heavily rely on it. Also, i saw you quoted MGS5, but that game had absolutely PHENOMENAL gameplay, which FF15 from what i have seen/read, does not seem to have :/
I know i sound like such a downer but its been so long...ive waited and i just want something exceptional from this game. Something GREAT even. And i dont want it to be because nostalgia or pretty vistas or "the music was epic when i fought this specific boss"
lol, how do you push the car at the beginning? Stand by me will finish at this rate.
Never mind I got it, a button prompt would be nice haha. I hope this isn't a sign of my total ineptness with this.
None of them at all? Like 15-20 hours.
Posts like this make me feel so old![]()
I think the battle system is being polarizing.
I love it, like really really love it. It's part of what is making this game such an enjoyable experience.
The game does a bad job at introducing you to it though. They do have some tutorials, but they're boring and you have to go out of your way to play them.
Also, people who are not enjoying combat so much might want to try Wait Mode? A bit more classic FF feeling if that's more on your alley.
There needs to be a Prompto photo thread.
Yooo, combing fire up close now results in a sweet behind the back toss and backflip before spell goes off super slick.
There needs to be a Prompto photo thread.
This is actually an excellent idea. Think we'd have enough people interested? I'm not gonna lie, I'd only look at other people's shots. Too lazy to share mine.
FUCK I was browsing social media and just got spoiled. FUUUUUUCK. I had done so goddamned well so far, I had the game in my hands... it was all right there!
Don't make my mistake... stay safe, stay off Twitter until you're done.
Out of absolutely nowhere, looking at Miami Dolphins news too...
Lol Cor.Here, have this party member that will only join you to walk for 5 minutes and to fight two robots
After about 8 hours in, my thoughts so far:
Game runs well
Graphics are pretty good
Music is decent with a few phenomenal tracks
Voice acting is good
The way the story is told is a disjointed fucking mess
Also, the story is completely uncompelling so far
Sidequests are pretty badly written
Writing is pretty bad
Battle system isn't great... definitely NOT what I want out of a Final Fantasy, but even outside that criteria... it's alright
No AI controls for your teammates
Overall I wouldn't be surprised to see this get similar backlash that Dragon Age Inquisition got. It has similar problems so far, but without the amazing charm that DA:I had with its characters... and not nearly as compelling a beginning as that game.
I also think it'll probably end up like MGSV for me. A game I might end up liking on its own merits once I put in some hours, but as a game in that series I didn't think it was good. Didn't like it in the same way I liked other Metal Gears. So far I'm not liking this in the same way I liked other Final Fantasies.
Carbuncle keeps reviving me and I already got his health down a 15% percent. But I can't escape the fight, what do I do? I don't want to lose all my progress in this dungeon.
This is REALLY cool to know... I actually thought that they just "faked" it... that photos would just appear after key events that don't actually reflect you playing the game... (which I'm sure some of which is true).
This is so exciting that he actually does it in real time as well, you see him doing it, and it produces action shots of the gameplay like this!!
There needs to be a Prompto photo thread.
I might try wait mode, but I don't really have faith in something that seems like it was an afterthought. The system was clearly designed around the regular mode. I could be wrong, though.
My problem is partially philosophical, I think. First, I just don't like action RPGs as much as non-action RPGs, especially with my JRPGs. If I wanted a shitty action game I'd play that. I want a JRPG. On top of that, just controlling 1 of the 4 party members is complete bullshit, especially since we've already figured out exactly how to have a real time system with control via AI like FFXII and Dragon Age Origins. I fucking hate that. I hate it with a passion, and I don't understand why we're going backwards with this sort of shit.
"Will you be staying the night with us?"
"10,000 gil"
I... I just remembered I have something else to take care of.
Seeing him photographing sometimes does probably not mean that all of the pictures are actually taken by him though.
I think most of the stuff is still just done by the game AI.
Completely agree with that. I actually already wanted to ask a mod if opening one would be alright.
You thought the characters were amazing charming? Interesting. I thought that game had a garbled story and pretty bland characterisation. Added to that the villain was poor. FFXV already has a much more vibrant and believable world than DA: I.