K weird, my patch was taking a while to download, 9gb total. It was half way through, I paused and restarted and then it was only downloading a 3.5gb file.
Haven't been able to play since I arrived home to my copy because ~10 GB update file.
I fucking hate modern gaming.
PS4 only shows the size of remaining parts that you have to download. Get another 500Mb and then pause and resume and it'll only show the full size being 3GB.K weird, my patch was taking a while to download, 9gb total. It was half way through, I paused and restarted and then it was only downloading a 3.5gb file.
That Dino character is ... odd. His femme style with the intense masc accent, and the blackmailing a prince.
I totally burst out laughing in chapter 1 when he said"see, i'm a reporter by day and an amateur jeweler by night".
So after getting a hunt and turning around after running the wrong direction, Noct randomly stopped, said "Hmm" and zoomed in on this picture, a drawing of the girl working here. Thought it was pretty funny. Does this happen to everyone? Or is it just something you can trigger? Wasn't a normal "Check" kind of thing, just happened on it's own. Was on side of desk opposite the Rest guy.
I feel your pain.
Damn Prompto keeps taking really pervy pictures. From Chapter 1 random field animal in pic.
"Prince charmless"
These guys are so mean lolGladio: "Can't you catch anything bigger?"
*Noctis catches a big fish*
Ignis: "Beginners luck"
These guys are so mean lol
That Dino character is ... odd. His femme style with the intense masc accent, and the blackmailing a prince.
I totally burst out laughing in chapter 1 when he said"see, i'm a reporter by day and an amateur jeweler by night".
You can start playing without dling the update.
NopeSo how's the selection of clothing? I asked before but I don't think it got answered. Can you buy clothes?
Hold on to your butt then lol. Lots of strange coming your way
or an outfit you can get by buying a real life $460 jacket.
This was my fear. Being waaaay to overpowered for the main Story.
There is a pic like that in the Hammerhead dinner too, of Cindy, Waiter guy and Cid.So after getting a hunt and turning around after running the wrong direction, Noct randomly stopped, said "Hmm" and zoomed in on this picture, a drawing of the girl working here. Thought it was pretty funny. Does this happen to everyone? Or is it just something you can trigger? Wasn't a normal "Check" kind of thing, just happened on it's own. Was on side of desk opposite the Rest guy.
Hmm, what was that?Is it not possible to get it buying the $20 thing anymore?
‪That Kingsglaive sceneis jarring as shit. ‬at the end of Chapter 1
Yeah the whole game has some strange editing.
There's a dungeon in Chapter 2 that has specific banter with it that is really unnatural. People will start their responses 0.001 seconds after someone asks them something.
So like the ocean isn't supposed to be purple right? Can anyone confirm that it's not purple for them? I know that sounds weird but I tried looking it up and only found more proof of purple ocean and no comparisons of what it's supposed to look like lol. P
thats because the boys arent socially challenged neogaf users and actually have the social and mental capacity to respond to a question without drooling out their mouths for 30 seconds first
San Francisco here and it's been telling me it's on the way for like 12 hours now. Work kicked my ass today and it will tomorrow, not having a copy of this is just the shit icing to an already shit day. Like fuck, I knew I should've canceled my pre order and gone digital.
thats because the boys arent socially challenged neogaf users and actually have the social and mental capacity to respond to a question without drooling out their mouths for 30 seconds first
true true
brb becoming prompto
watWell, he is best boy and he's also broken as all hell in combat.
Your options are the four you have at the beginning, an outfit you get later in the story, an outfit gained from an endgame dungeon or an outfit you can get by buying a real life $460 jacket.
nd he's also broken as all hell in combat.
Yeah I emailed square because I went to the roadtrip site and clicked on contact and redirected me to square support.
Just finished Kingsglaive and was about to jump into FFXV proper...but now I'm waiting on the install to finish...
How are the English voices? I've got time to decide.
Can you turn off overscan on your tv? If not I'm pretty sure the PS4 OS has settings for display area to compensate for overscan.Awkward. The game is slightly too big for my TV so parts of it are cut off on the edges. =/
Hmm, what was that?
Well, he is best boy and he's also broken as all hell in combat.
Awkward. The game is slightly too big for my TV so parts of it are cut off on the edges. =/
Prompto is weak af
Literally just popped a bottle of champagne to nurse while I roll on.