Just played for a good 7 1/2 hours straight.
Gosh I fucking love Prompto he is a national treasure.
Noctis when he actually talks is a very good character, funny, cocky, a bit of a asshole, immature, great.
Ignis and Glad is okay.they haven't shined yet for me.
The fact they keep throwing Kingsglaive scenes into the game just shows how much a cash in the movie is. It now makes sense why they removed the attack on Lucius portions of the game we saw in early previews, they scrapped it in favor for Kingsglaive. That was an extremely bad decision. They took out one of the coolest looking scenes in favor for a bad movie that didn't even do a good job explaining it's story.
So far there is so much backstory that needs to be explained and so many cool things they could have done but didn't. It's just disappointing how much they scrapped from this game. (So far from what I've seen.)
It does some things right and a lot of things wrong. It's step up from Lightning Returns, and I keep comparing the Overworld to what Xenoblade Chronicles X should had been.( But I mean that in the bare minimum sense.)
The amount of fetch quests are boring, the world is too huge with very little things worth exploring. I actually don't want to bother exploring ever since Chapter 3 because I feel like I won't find anything useful. The parts of the world with great areas to explore and great quests to take are too far from in-between. Again I feel like we got the bare minimum, but it's an acceptable level and I'll respect it for that, it's a beautiful world on every level and that shouldn't be ignored.
I love everything, no complaints. Really nothing, if I do have a complaint is that I haven't mastered the combat yet. HOWEVER...
Just no. Everything about this rubs me the wrong way, I hate having to go to camps, the game essentially forces you to spend time eating/getting the exp boost to even progress nicely in the game. It's choosing between a long path or a much harder medium long path. While AP is easy to farm I feel like a majority of it's skills should have been learned via level up or simply there from the start (I have to spend 99 AP in order to have my Str stat to increase according to my level? WTF?) I feel like I'm stuck choosing between hotels and camps, I wish the two could just be combined into one. Why must we separate the two?
This game has had some very weird decisions made for it which in my opinion were pretty bad and sets the game back.
But the characters are fun, the combat is great, and there are a lot of things I actually care to collect and farm for such as music and car cosmetics. But I cannot excuse the how messy the story is right now, if I could easily explain the mess the story is in it's basically Final Fantasy 12 kingdom conflict meets 13 lack of explanation/lack of potential. I'm only in mid chapter 3 and still have a lot of things to explore and do, but overall this game is sitting at a solid 8.7/10 right now and there is probably nothing that the game can do to increase that number, only decrease it. The game is a step up from Final Fantasy 13 and has a love for the fans. But the game NEEDED another year in order to reach perfection. (Assuming they filled in the holes in the story, added a ton of quality of life improvements, and filled the empty space of the world with more content.)