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Final Fantasy XV |OT2| For Jared!

I don't get it either. The combat is slick, using the analogue stick to change your combo to dodge attacks without the dodge button is so satisfying. As is perfectly ending your combo in thimerosal to dodge the enemy's attack. Love the combat in this game.

I like warping, but I wouldn't say its "slick" either. When the camera works its fine, or the targeting system, or when your party members act intelligently.
FFXV is probably the best seriously flawed game I have ever enjoyed. Like seriously the list of complaints is so damn high, but I really enjoyed it despite them.

Why is jumping on X like seriously. I find it hard to believe that a play tester did not see a problem with this. Sometimes I wonder if game designers even watch people play the game. I work in web and our UX designer has focus groups come in and use the website and they watch to see how they interact with it and what issues they have. We capture every single click and use heatmaps to tell us exactly what the user was doing. And then we stilll use interviews to get further information about what the user thinks. Is this not done at all in videogames?, because I find this issue again after again where simple quality of life fixes could make a huge difference.

Why is map on R3 and not lock on.... I know Dark Souls doesn't define a perfect standard, but you should at least have a good reason for one of the most accessible buttons whilst in the middle of combat is used to completely stop the combat and take you out of the game. In any case Controls Type B should've been Type A, I have no idea how you are supposed to play with those default controls, they are trash. Yes, defaults matter.

Magic system is frustration after frustration. My philosophy is that menus are not games and every time a game has you go into a menu it should mark that as a design failure. The entire magic system has you looking at list, after list after list just trying to find the correct item to make the magic and then doing the same thing 2 battles later because you ran out. And then when you run out of magic you have to go slowly drain these rocks which are always an annoying distance away from each other. And then you fill up on that element so a super harsh popup shows and makes you go back into the menu to use it up. Why does there need to be 2 completely separate ways of running out of magic? Why couldn't the spells merely use up the elemancy & items when cast? That way you only have 1 resource to keep track of and fights are more fun because you can use your magic as part of your general tactics. Having to go into the menu every 3 uses is garbage design.

Why are all the best and varied movesets on the Royal Arms? Using a royal arm drastically cuts your life bar down on every enemy you hit so using it in a crowd is completely infeasible. So instead Royal Arms become worn only for their stats and don't get used. But then they decided that they should be the only weapons with a unique moveset? So you spent all that time and expertise creating a wide variety of unique and exiting movesets only to lock them behind design decisions which make them basically unusable! What about simply make them do a small amount of damage per second so you could actually use them? Using blinkstrikes and knock down multiple enemies is combat 101 in this game but then they do things to actively discourage it on the most fun weapons. Mind boggling.

Why can't I change links during the battle without going to menu? IMO Ignis had the most useful links with the give me the best element, regroup and overwelm but in order to change which one I wanted I had to go into the damn menu. It would be one thing if I was locked behind that one skill for the duration of the battle because then I could say that that was a design decision to lock you into a skill and not let you switch. But no they said you can switch anytime you like, but we are just going to make it slow and annoying for you.

Not a fan of enemies have weaknesses to exact weapon types (sword, greatsword, gun) as it again forced you to have to go to menu in order to switch out to the correct type.
Don't like the lack of any sort of general control or guidance over the team, sometimes I'd see Gladio standing doing nothing and often I'd see Prompto run ahead into a bunch of Magiteck Assasins and get slaughtered. It would've been far better to let me tell them to hang back or go aggressive or really any sort of guidance for the AI.
Not a fan of the use of flavour text vs stats on weapons. A weapon says that it does "greater damage when surrounded by foes". How much damage, how many foes is considered "surrounded", all this stuff just raises more questions and leads to more switching in and out in the bloody menu.

This is all off the top of my head, but goddamn it feels good to finally put it all down. I'm sure I missed stuff too, not to mention Chapter 13 and the way the story decided to unravel itself.


Secret dungeon spoiler.

Can't make the Regalia Type-F land properly in the road to get to Pitioss... I keep dying... I'll guess I'll never get to that dungeon, no biggie I guess.

Also, call me weird, but I liked chapter 13.
And I wasn't boring or too long because I interrupted it a few times to do some side quests. Would play again.

Getting to Pitioss is ridiculously hard. You need to go over the rocks on one of the ends of the strip of road with the lowest possible speed (i.e. holding brake all the time while flying) and altitude, just edging over the top of the rocks, and even then, your car will likely crash. And if you do reach it, often the car will collide with a rock and be rendered no longer functional, though it is not a big issue, since you can just get it towed back to Hammerhead.
FFXV is probably the best seriously flawed game I have ever enjoyed. Like seriously the list of complaints is so damn high, but I really enjoyed it despite them.

Haha, this is kinda how I feel about the game. I can recognise so many issues with the game, yet it is so addicting and the bros are just so fun to be around that I just can't stop loving the game.


I'm just missing the fishing trophy for my first ever platinum. How long would it take to go from level 2 to level 10?

I'm kind of bummed out it's all I have left. I have all these awesome stats, weapons and gear and nothing to do with them.


I need help with fishing. I'm trying to catch a Vesper Gar for a quest, but this thing is too strong. The Dragon line breaks at around the halfpoint. Any tips?

Also, post-game spoilers:

The Regalia Type F is really cool. A bit more restricted than I hoped but, flying is still amazing. Any new places I can visit with it?


I need help with fishing. I'm trying to catch a Vesper Gar for a quest, but this thing is too strong. The Dragon line breaks at around the halfpoint. Any tips?

Also, post-game spoilers:

The Regalia Type F is really cool. A bit more restricted than I hoped but, flying is still amazing. Any new places I can visit with it?

Buy the rod in the Vesper shop if you haven't. After that, is a matter how going very careful when you pull the fish, go very slowly. i would recommend guiding what direction to pull by looking at the fish, and not waiting to the on screen inputs to appear. This is better done at daylight where you can see the fish more clearly.

About the spoiler
with the Type F you can reach the Pitioss dungeon. It's close to the volcano area.
I need help with fishing. I'm trying to catch a Vesper Gar for a quest, but this thing is too strong. The Dragon line breaks at around the halfpoint. Any tips?

Also, post-game spoilers:

The Regalia Type F is really cool. A bit more restricted than I hoped but, flying is still amazing. Any new places I can visit with it?

Have you found a better rod and reel? And make sure you arent reeling in when the line is tight. Slow and steady wins the race.


Just finished it. On the whole, I felt the game was pretty mediocre, but I had fun with it at times. I guess you could say it was greater than the sum of its many flawed parts.

Final boss spoilers
Wow, way to fuck up a final boss, right? It was all going great until it turned into Leviathan part 2, where you fly around holding circle as you struggle to make sense of the visual mess on screen. The Ifrit fight was much better and was probably the only boss fight in the game that I thought was genuinely great.
So to follow up from my post the other days which I guess was my thoughts on the open world portion of the game...

Absolutely blasted through a lot today, sat and started chapter 8 I believe, and played to what must be very nearly the end of chapter 13
Just had prompto's reveal...more on that later.

This game is so weird. The first half of the game: an amazingly vast open world, lots of stunning vistas, some cool optional dungeons,some truly inspired moments that you make for yourself.....yet almost an entirely absent story. Very few memorable locations to visit, very little character work for all the time you spend with your team. The second half however, every chapter has been pretty full of story, character development, some brilliant places to visit, some great setpieces, one or two very rough setpieces. I have to say in general I've really enjoyed chapter 13 too. A bit long yes, but a proper long form dungeon with puzzle solving, story bits to engage with, some tweaks to the gameplay, overall very success imo. Reminds me a bit of a modern day
Shinra building, post attack.

My feeling having played much of the game now is that they were so close to making me completely happy. Another year to simply reorganise the content and polish could have did wonders. I wrote previously that I would have ditched the car and highways and tightened the map a little more together. To add to that now, I would have taken the chapters in the back end, sprinkled those locations and story moments throughout the map from the first half, so that there is a consisent flow of exploration, freedom and story/tentpole moments and tbh that would have been perfect, and involved no strange bending over backwards with the
umbra time travel stuff.
. Travelling from each region to region via
the train, the boat, chocobo
, on foot, and having these grand moments of arriving in a new region/continent to then go on and visit
Altissia, Tenebrae, the imperial capital
, and so on. The experience as it is is so lopsided, but with all that stuff you experience after chapter 7, it seems so senseless I spent 20-30 hours previously wanting for that stuff, when they've got it, they've just paced it strangely. I am having a blast though with the more linear portion of the game, if I take off the criticism goggles and just say that it's good, the open world part is good, this is a pretty great game.

Also complained a lot about the wafer thin characters & storytelling in the first portion of the game previously. Sadly, a lot of the side characters have gone by the wayside. but at least they've did a lot with the main four, and actually tested that relationship that simply just is for a long time. You can tell they knew themselves
Luna's story desperately needed fleshing out, and they try, even if it just kind of makes Ravus more muddled. Between the movie and the first half of the game, then the second, his character really takes a turn that is difficult to follow sensibly.
. Even though a lot of it is exposition dump, a lot of what Aranea tells you between Vesperpool &
, should you choose to hang around and ask is super interesting, and just frustrates me we don't see more of that stuff. I do like that chapter 13
has a lot more environmental storytelling, and really builds an atmosphere as a result.

Mmm, this post is ending up quite scattered, haven't had nearly as much time to consider this stuff. Last thing I'll comment on is in regards to Prompto:
So they pull the Zidane style I am a shell thing twist. Very odd. They have almost no build up or foreshadowing, and no one seems to care when it's revealed. Not even in a we love you anyway way, just no one gives a shit. Felt like a big step back compared to what I considered as very strong work with Ignis & Glad over the last few hours.

So. FFXV continues to be a strange beast. Probably my last update before I finish the main quest, and then once I delve heavily into the endgame, but yea. A strange but very fun game. I would prod and tweak almost every facet of the game but despite that, I kind of enjoy every facet, no matter how fracture it all is? Still really surprised by everything though. I honestly thought I'd play the game through, think it was fine or a bit poor, and move on. It's much much better than that, but also even more deeply flawed than I would have expected, and often not in the ways I would have assumed. The development must have been something. Would love a full documentary just explaining everything, where each element of gameplay, story, and so on came from and why it ended up how it did etc.
Double post but fuuuuuuck man. For all the awkward moments this game had...
leaving your friends behind, entering the crystal and..... WORLD OF RUIN
, perfect.


Start of Chapter 10 was really good, imo. Chapter 9 was great as well, aside from the setpiece. It just dragged for too long. I was expecting very little input from the player in summon fights, but at least make it quick. I bet I could kill it faster if it was regular combat. It would be a lot more fun, too, given that you actually have many tools to stay in the air for a long time. I guess the issue here is that not everyone would have the skills enabled, but the anime power up bullshit could give them every skill just for that fight, or whatever.

The summon fights are a wasted potential, with the warp system and the air combat in this game, they could make for some truly awesome "mechanical" boss fights. Oh well, not that big of a deal, given there are quite a few boss encounters in the game. Some of the dungeon fights were cool as hell.

Actually quite enjoyed the dress and painting side quests. Genuinely good quest design, even if they weren't very long.

Just taking a quick break now, and maybe I'll finish this before the new year!

Already killed Adamantoise the moment the game allowed me to travel back, haha, just went back to Lucis to check on Talcott and give him a new thingie, and the quest started. People weren't exaggerating when they said it was easy, just long. I was expecting "easy" to be in the same way people talk about the whole game, as in "consume a billion elixirs and you never die", but that wasn't even necessary. Pretty fucking awesome parry animation, though. And the moments I got it down and while it was getting up I was able to perform some pretty fun air combat against the giant eye.

Too bad I didn't get Aranea's help, hopefully that'll happen on my way to some of the sealed dungeons in post game.

Didn't have a problem at all with
Ignis getting hurt off-screen. I thought the game handled it well. Didn't feel nearly as much "DLC bait" as Gladio leaving.
Got the Platinum!

Regalia was kinda crappy and the
fight was too long and boring as hell.

Great game overall. I really love it.


Why is there a
level 52 boss randomly placed among level 7 goblins?

Also, why is there a ladder leading to this boss that I can't go back up? Just lost 2 hours of progress...


FFXV is probably the best seriously flawed game I have ever enjoyed. Like seriously the list of complaints is so damn high, but I really enjoyed it despite them......

Absolutely agree with this sentiment. All your points are spot on, and are maybe half of my complaints with the game. And yet, I'm about to start chapter 11 (I may use Umbra to go back for a bit) and can't wait to finish it. In terms of Chapter 10:

The whole Gladio/Noctis convo had me like

I mean somehow Noctis is now a spoiled and uncaring individual? Where did I get that sense from?? And NOW after I've linked with THREE Gods and collected almost EVERY Royal Arm he asks if I am prepared to do this? Honestly this whole fight should've been when the King died (i.e. when you got the sense he was a spoiled prince), NOT this late in the game (after he's shown he's trying to step up). I mean the whole "stick together" speech Gladio gives is hilarious considering he randomly leaves the group earlier for "reasons". Anyways, I knew the story was bad, but this whole chapter filled with their arguing just pissed me off.


Why is there a
level 52 boss randomly placed among level 7 goblins?

Also, why is there a ladder leading to this boss that I can't go back up? Just lost 2 hours of progress...

When you enter the dungeon, you unlock a side quest, its recommended level is 52.

There's also another way out that would let you activate a shortcut back to the boss for you to tackle later, making it a good way to get very strong equipment early on in the game. The ladder wasn't the only way out :p


I spent the last few play sessions saving up AP so I could afford the 333AP cost HP raising skill.

I finally bought it, and at level 42, the effect is negligible.

I've made a huge mistake.
I spent the last few play sessions saving up AP so I could afford the 333AP cost HP raising skill.

I finally bought it, and at level 42, the effect is negligible.

I've made a huge mistake.

It's a nice enough skill in the sense that it offers marginal help, but your first 333 AP skill should almost certainly be a third accessory slot for Noctis or the always-critical link strike, IMO.

I'm super curious to see what sort of changes Tabata makes to the Ascension grid in future patches (the game's AP economy still needs more changes so you gain AP faster, but there's plenty of possibility to add a whole bunch of further available upgrades to the game in the expansion pack or the January patch).
I haven't been this engaged in a FF since IX.

I can see how some don't like it. I like the structure of the game a lot. Feels very modern in a lot of ways. I had a lot of issues with XIIIs gameplay.

I hope they use this engine and or format for some other games hopefully not with FF in title.


I think I've had the best weapons in the game (not including post-game locked dungeons of course) since Chapter 5. If so, that's pretty disappointing.
I think I've had the best weapons in the game (not including post-game locked dungeons of course) since Chapter 5. If so, that's pretty disappointing.

Chapter 3 is the free roam open world chapter and doesn't do much to stop you from accessing very lategame content.


Chapter 3 is the free roam open world chapter and doesn't do much to stop you from accessing very lategame content.

Yeah I get that, it just is kind of a letdown. I mean when I
got to Altissia, and even further, I was kind of expecting better weapons
. It just sucks knowing that I won't get anything better until postgame grind (most of which I don't think I even want to bother with).


I've read about a couple of Justice Monster Five type games being around with different prizes. Thing is, the game is very dull. Are any of the prizes from the 10gil version worth the time (and aren't trumped by the 10k version)? Is it even worth it to grind the later version for items?

I've seen the Prize Lists, but am not aware if story/hunt/dungeon items exist that make them moot moreorless.
I just finished chapter 9 and...

that was one of the worst boss fights I've ever seen in a AAA game in my life wtf. I would've rather it be a FMV or just full of QTEs, because it was completely inscrutable
I've read about a couple of Justice Monster Five type games being around with different prizes. Thing is, the game is very dull. Are any of the prizes from the 10gil version worth the time (and aren't trumped by the 10k version)? Is it even worth it to grind the later version for items?

I've seen the Prize Lists, but am not aware if story/hunt/dungeon items exist that make them moot moreorless.
The main thing to win from the 10k JMV game is
Wind Up Lord Vaxxas or whatever. It sells for around 500k or you can use to get the limit breaking spells with about 50 spells


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Queue victory fanfare.

Why is there a
level 52 boss randomly placed among level 7 goblins?

Also, why is there a ladder leading to this boss that I can't go back up? Just lost 2 hours of progress...

This is one of the biggest problems I had with the game. The bosses for a lot of the earlier dungeons just have way bloated levels. Like 30 to 50 levels higher than everything else. Why even have low level enemy dungeons if you're going to do this. It makes no sense. The later dungeons are more balanced.


I'm at the end of Chapter 8 and about to board the ship. Anything particular quests or things I should do before moving on?
Just got to Chapter 4 I think or the one after, all I can say is that I can't believe how utterly dogshit the story is. Oh well, I'll just continue beating on monsters and crawling through dungeons.


Minor ending spoilers:
I chose a photo of Cup Noodles as the picture Noct takes with him into 'the beyond' or whatever that was. Pretty funny to see it's inclusion into the ending FMV

Also, I wish the second half wasn't as rushed feeling. Pacing was my main gripe with this game. Spent 60+ hours up to chapter 9, just derpin' around, feeling the breeze, and then I completed the rest of the game in under 10 hours. Shit some of it was hard, despite me being totally overlevelled.


Chapter 10 was really good too. I hope this final stretch can keep that quality, aside from Chapter 13, apparently. I hope I'll be one of the few people who enjoy it, but I doubt it, with forced slow walking.


I was not expecting Iggy, of all bros, to give me the hardest run for my money in chocobo racing. Took me four tries to beat Specs. But now I've got the whole glide/halt/jump dealio down so I suppose it is fitting the smarty pants taught me how to properly race.
I was not expecting Iggy, of all bros, to give me the hardest run for my money in chocobo racing. Took me four tries to beat Specs. But now I've got the whole glide/halt/jump dealio down so I suppose it is fitting the smarty pants taught me how to properly race.

Haha, I honestly found that with lvl 9 stamina and eating the gallop greens (...curiel?) at camp and I could easily smash anyone bar
Had to get the best greens for that.


Haha, I honestly found that with lvl 9 stamina and eating the gallop greens (...curiel?) at camp and I could easily smash anyone bar
Had to get the best greens for that.

Oh cool, I didn't even know you could race
. Yeah, I suspect that Prompto and Gladio can be beat just by sprinting, but once you get to Iggy on up, it's best to make use of the greens and sprint maneuvers.


Minor ending spoilers:
I chose a photo of Cup Noodles as the picture Noct takes with him into 'the beyond' or whatever that was. Pretty funny to see it's inclusion into the ending FMV

Also, I wish the second half wasn't as rushed feeling. Pacing was my main gripe with this game. Spent 60+ hours up to chapter 9, just derpin' around, feeling the breeze, and then I completed the rest of the game in under 10 hours. Shit some of it was hard, despite me being totally overlevelled.

Agreed. Everything before Altissia was great- open world, lots of sidequests, a large and varied cast, tons of secrets, and then
You're funneled into some half-baked boss fights, shoehorned drama, and literal corridor levels that strip you of all of your weapons and abilities and ends with you waking up in a gauntlet of enemies 40-60 levels higher than the mission.
It still feels like they should have spent another year or so working on the latter part of the story, but I still really like what they did with the world.
Minor ending spoilers:
I chose a photo of Cup Noodles as the picture Noct takes with him into 'the beyond' or whatever that was. Pretty funny to see it's inclusion into the ending FMV

Also, I wish the second half wasn't as rushed feeling. Pacing was my main gripe with this game. Spent 60+ hours up to chapter 9, just derpin' around, feeling the breeze, and then I completed the rest of the game in under 10 hours. Shit some of it was hard, despite me being totally overlevelled.

I'm cracking up so goddamn hard on the bus about this!


Minor ending spoilers:
I chose a photo of Cup Noodles as the picture Noct takes with him into 'the beyond' or whatever that was. Pretty funny to see it's inclusion into the ending FMV

After watching the ending, I wish I'd
chosen a photo of Ardyn or the fat guy from Lestallum who asks you to take pictures of all of the landmarks
Urgh, maxing out Gladio's survival skill looks pretty daunting. He's level 8 and it seems to barely move. I'm only three trophies off the Platinum so I was tempted to go for it.

I was pretty surprised to see nearly 10% of players have that trophy.


I'm on chapter 8 and with most of my party at lvl 40. Should I be able to power through the rest of the game if I power level now using side quests to 45 before starting chapter 9?

Also, is the postgame as lore-dry as the sidequests in this game so far? I have no interest in playing beyond the main quest if so.


Urgh, maxing out Gladio's survival skill looks pretty daunting. He's level 8 and it seems to barely move. I'm only three trophies off the Platinum so I was tempted to go for it.

I was pretty surprised to see nearly 10% of players have that trophy.

Yeah, I was surprised too. It seems like the way I play the game is a lot more common than I thought. The order I got the skills maxed is the exact same as the order from least to most rare trophy.

N° 2048

I'm on chapter 8 and with most of my party at lvl 40. Should I be able to power through the rest of the game if I power level now using side quests to 45 before starting chapter 9?

Also, is the postgame as lore-dry as the sidequests in this game so far? I have no interest in playing beyond the main quest if so.

Finished the game @ level 47 and it was way too easy.

Dark Souls has ruined every game with boss battles for me lol


Urgh, maxing out Gladio's survival skill looks pretty daunting. He's level 8 and it seems to barely move. I'm only three trophies off the Platinum so I was tempted to go for it.

I was pretty surprised to see nearly 10% of players have that trophy.

Just get a rubber band and some tape if you want it to go faster, it goes insanely slow.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Absolutely agree with this sentiment. All your points are spot on, and are maybe half of my complaints with the game. And yet, I'm about to start chapter 11 (I may use Umbra to go back for a bit) and can't wait to finish it. In terms of Chapter 10:

The whole Gladio/Noctis convo had me like

I mean somehow Noctis is now a spoiled and uncaring individual? Where did I get that sense from?? And NOW after I've linked with THREE Gods and collected almost EVERY Royal Arm he asks if I am prepared to do this? Honestly this whole fight should've been when the King died (i.e. when you got the sense he was a spoiled prince), NOT this late in the game (after he's shown he's trying to step up). I mean the whole "stick together" speech Gladio gives is hilarious considering he randomly leaves the group earlier for "reasons". Anyways, I knew the story was bad, but this whole chapter filled with their arguing just pissed me off.

That is why Ignis is inarguably the best Bro of the bunch. What happened to him and how he decided to handle it seriously became one of the most surprisingly touching moments in the game, I was genuinely touched.

Gladio was meh. Prompto was alright, I guess.
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