Are you very early in the game? I'm not 100% sure, but I know that some functions are disabled in Normal mode until they "introduce" it to you during the story chapters.In the guide is says you can highlight an enemy unit to see their attack range, you can select them with A and they turn red, I would assume you can select multiple units and make them red, showing their combined radius of movement/attack, then you toggle X to show everyones range? Well this seems to not work at all. Whether they are red or not, it only shows the radius of the one that my curser is over, and X seems to do nothing.
Also, when tips pop up at the bottom right, is there a button to hit to pull it up immediately? Or do I have to go to the guide and find it?
Were wyren lords always tanks? Why even mess with generals.
Were wyren lords always tanks? Why even mess with generals.
Were wyren lords always tanks? Why even mess with generals.
Just magic and bows right?Too many obvious and common weaknesses.
Just magic and bows right?
3rd Chapter I think on Hard/Classic. I swear the little tip for it popped up at the bottom right making me think I can now do it. Maybe I'm wrong, that makes more sense. When I hit X I can hear it toggling something, I guess its just visually disabled.Are you very early in the game? I'm not 100% sure, but I know that some functions are disabled in Normal mode until they "introduce" it to you during the story chapters.
Is there any deadline that characters have to be married by in order for them to have kids? I want to know if I need to start buying Reeking Boxes to farm Support levels...
Miriel just hit 20 as a Dark Knight, not sure whether to keep her or reclass her. The whole reclassing thing-- especially for promoted units, is a bit confusing to me. And I'm not sure if I should reclass her to a Dark Knight again, or to a Valkyrie, Sage, or Sorcerer... Any suggestions on the matter?
Hm, I don't think it's supposed to be like that on Hard mode. Maybe fiddle with your options?3rd Chapter I think on Hard/Classic. I swear the little tip for it popped up at the bottom right making me think I can now do it. Maybe I'm wrong, that makes more sense. When I hit X I can hear it toggling something, I guess its just visually disabled.
If you want to keep her as a Dark Knight, but still gain EXP/level up, you can reclass her to Dark Knight again. Otherwise, if you want to try something new, reclass her to something else.
Thanks, fixed it! In options "Danger Area" needs to be toggled to "All"Hm, I don't think it's supposed to be like that on Hard mode. Maybe fiddle with your options?
So...what is the point of forging weapons?
She'll keep getting stat ups then? Will she retain her same stats from when she was level 20 when I reclass her back to 1?
Haha, I think I relied on my avatar and Chrom too much to reach chapter 5. The avatar is an impenetrable wall of magic and Chrom double-hit kills everything, but other than that...
Donnel's Luck + Mercenary skill where weapons might not break = weapons that last forever.
I have this sword that sometimes produces a Bullion(S) that not only procs more because of Donnel's Luck, but also is taking 5-10x longer to break because of Donnel's Luck + Merc skill. I'm rolling in the money.
And another Panne-related question, I'm seeing that her level 15 skill is something that deals extra damage to beasts "when the user is a Taguel." Does that mean she needs to be the specific Taguel class for the skill to work, or is it only referring to the fact that only Taguel-based characters can use the skill? Basically if I waited until 15 to gain the skill and then reclass her, would the benefit of waiting to learn the skill already be nulled out?
Whoa. Paralogue 17 was nuts compared to the story chapters 17-18.
Like holy shit.
And from what I'm hearing, the other paralogues can be similar, though I've been avoiding them until I make sure I have the right skills to pass on. I accidentally made Lissa a War Cleric.
Getting her to a 15 Dark Flier is going to take forever.
I still don't have this game.
My GS told me it would be here on Friday. It wasn't. I cancelled my preorder yesterday, walked through 40min of hail to the nearest BB and bought it there. It'll be worth it when you get yours!GameStop and Nemo ruined everything.
I still don't have this game.
I was thinking of going the canon route with Chrom and Sumia, but I realized since I was planning to hook up MU with Cordy, that might be a little too much P.K. action.
I'll probably switch gears. Sumia with Gaius and Sully with Chrom.
Are you very early in the game? I'm not 100% sure, but I know that some functions are disabled in Normal mode until they "introduce" it to you during the story chapters.
I figured out a great way to farm money on hard. I assume other people have figured it out, but just in case.
Make Donnel a Mercenary and teach him Armsthrift(Attacks do not reduce weapon usage, Trigger % = Luck*2) then rank him up and cap his luck at 48, which should be easy. After doing that equip a Leif's Blade (May yield a Bullion S if the target falls, Trigger % = Luck) that should allow you to get one Bullion S roughly every other kill and will almost never deplete the sword. This would work better on any of Donnel's children since they cap their luck at 53 instead.
If I learn Donnel's 2 villager skills, then 2 fighter skills, does that mean I can only learn one Warrior skill or do the newest skills replace the oldest ones?
If I learn Donnel's 2 villager skills, then 2 fighter skills, does that mean I can only learn one Warrior skill or do the newest skills replace the oldest ones?
Whether you want to level him up or not is totally a matter of opinion. He has amazing growth rates but yes, it does take investment. There are plenty of other viable units if you don't want to go through the trouble, so don't sweat it too much either way.So i did this paralogue and got Donnel after having to reload several times. The dude is level 2 while most everyone is above level 8, hes a pain in the ass to do anything with. Im assuming because he seems weak and i had to go through alot to get him that he may be worth leveling up. Do i and what should i do with him? Also my god im already freaking out about who to add to my party and leave behind, i want to show them all some love. Is it a good idea not to waste time with these extra non story charachters from dlc and spotpass?
You can learn as many skills as you care to put the time into, on a menu on the world map you get the option to select which skills you want to equip.If I learn Donnel's 2 villager skills, then 2 fighter skills, does that mean I can only learn one Warrior skill or do the newest skills replace the oldest ones?
Correct.Just to clarify, you can only S class relationship with one character, correct? I just wanna make sure before I end up having my MU marry Miriel prematurely.
I think if you get a 6th skill when 5 are already active it goes into the skill "bank", instead of replacing one of the currently active ones.
I can't seem to find any girls who can have a support relationship with Chrom... I heard if you don't get a support with a girl he'll marry a nonamed npc'd and that would be bad some how.
I'm in Ch 6 and Sumia died earlier in my game.