and I just killed said boss.
Them being in the same place as you is an act of war
So, guys. I had a minor epiphany a few minutes ago...
I wish I could, but every time I hear him say "Yeah, I rule," it kind of ruins any illusions I had of Vaike actually being cool. He's still the only axe-user in my group (aside from Frederick I guess) but I still almost never use him. I'm thinking I'll just reclass someone else into a fighter later on because Vaike just hasn't really done it for me.So far I've managed to make it to Chapter 14 on Hard/Classic without losing a single unit. I must have reset about 50 times by now, though.
Does anyone else imagine Vaike with The Rock's voice? Or whatever wrestler it is that wants you to smell what he's cookin'. I think it's because he refers to himself in the third person, but I always picture everything he says in that voice.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm relatively new to FE and figuring out wether to go classic/normal or classic/hard. I like hard games, like strategy games and srpgs, etc. Any reason to avoid hard? Is the learning curve for this particularly series that hard to master?
Does anyone else imagine Vaike with The Rock's voice?
Can those logs be used for anything?
The point of the ladle, log, wooden stick, and slack bow are so you can weaken targets with high level units and not kill them so a low level unit can get the extra xp from kills.
I find one of the biggest keys to a smooth level from the start is to micromanage where your units will start. In case you didn't know, you can go to "View Map" and then switch around characters until you find a formation you like. You can't put them in spaces outside of the designated blue spots, but you can move weak characters to the back, and strong characters to the front. This is especially helpful if you have weak characters that you want to last hit enemies for leveling...
Can those logs be used for anything?
The point of the ladle, log, wooden stick, and slack bow are so you can weaken targets with high level units and not kill them so a low level unit can get the extra xp from kills.
The point of the ladle, log, wooden stick, and slack bow are so you can weaken targets with high level units and not kill them so a low level unit can get the extra xp from kills.
Finding Master Seals are a pain in the ass to find, so I'm having a hard time deciding which classes I should upgrade my units to.
Sorcerer or Dark Knight?
Paladin or Great Knight?
Warrior or Hero?
Lunatic is ridiculous. I've lost on Chapter 1 five times straight. There really needs to be a mode in between Hard and Lunatic that is like "Very Hard with Finite XP."
When I hit 20 on a promoted class, there's no downside to Second Seal and take up another class right?
Well, downside is that you don't get to be that class any more. It's kind of what I struggle with. Yeah, I can second-seal a dude once they max out their promoted class... but I want them to BE that class! It's why I promoted to it!
Maybe I'd use two second seals in a row, to reclass then reclass right back, and earn 20 more levels in the class I want them to be.
You can never go back to a class you once were?
Yeah, when I started the game, I first went straight for lunatic. Struggled my way to chapter 2, then was like "fuck this shit"
It's a mode where you struggle to get by early in, even if you use frederick to weaken enemy units
FINALLY beat Chapter 1 with all units alive. Of course, I'm afraid I'm going to run out of vulnaries and Virion's elixir and Lissa's Heal before I can make it to a shop.
edit: and giving an enemy a Hammer in Chapter 1 to one-shot Frederick with is a dick move...
Finally started this game, I never played a Fire Emblem game before, but what I have experienced in Chapter one already has me hooked. This game is pretty fun. I'm playing on Normal Classic. I'm sure that will provide a good difficulty for someone new to the game.
You have my respect!
Most new players go for casual.
I went for Classic, as well, despite being a new player.
I figured I might as well get the full "Fire Emblem experience". After playing the game for myself I know that simply by playing on Casual it just wouldn't be the same!
So are y'all keeping your main character as a Grandmaster? I'm thinking reclassing him to dark knight because that class shares the same weapons, but have the benefits of a horse and that healing skill.
Damn man, sounds like I have to play this on Lunatic.
You have my respect!
Most new players go for casual.
Reclass after you learn ignis or however it's spelled, if you want to that is. I still don't know the second grandmaster skill though.
"All stats +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Rally command is used"
hmmm probably the best rally skill, but I'm still not a fan of rally not giving any exp.
So I downloaded the demo of this and am loving the strategy and gameplay but I'm finding it exceedingly hard to get through the terrible story and voice squeaks at that start of every character dialogue. It feels like there is more time spent watching the characters chit chat then spent actually playing the game. Is this just early game or does it get better as the game goes on. Never had this problem with FFT, but this just seems to drone on. I'd abandon it if I wasn't enjoying the gameplay so much.