Oh yeah, now that I remember it. I basically had the entire map cleared by the time she got to the villager. I was trying to remember if there were any reinforcements from the back (if you spam rescue on Severa, it's possible to keep her in the beginning for a long time).
Not a big deal. It just brings your Weapon proficiency to the next level (so if you want someone who's got C in Swords to get to B, you can do it instantly). In other Fire Emblems it was a bigger deal but since you can challenge Risen so often, bringing weapon proficiency up isn't that hard.
Oh yeah, now that I remember it. I basically had the entire map cleared by the time she got to the villager. I was trying to remember if there were any reinforcements from the back (if you spam rescue on Severa, it's possible to keep her in the beginning for a long time).
severa's stage is a pain, especially if you try after ch13. Fighting an army of all promoted (and spawns!) while trying to keep that crazy girl from killing herself
So comparing this to my favourite game in the series, Radiant Dawn, I'd have to say I like both very much, but I'll try to decide on some areas.
Gameplay Win Radiant Dawn
Pair Up is fun but I was always pairing up, no unit was alone in the end. I'd take away units to make the number of units I'd use an even number. I find it really fun but at the same time made it too easy. My opinion might change on this when playing Lunatic but so far it's a wash.
There's a few big differences though. First off, limited experience. I don't like the concept of grinding, I liked having to focus on some characters and analyzing which combinations would be better between all Acts for Endgame. Focusing on some characters also meant you had to think who to recruit and when. In Awakening, not many units are recruitable while going through a Map, and you don't really have to think about one going back and forth between the Dawn Brigade and the Greil Mercenaries for example.
I also am not a huge fan of Second Seal + Master Seal making it a moot point of going all 20 levels of a class. I found Characters having a Single class and the whole system more confusing than fun as well. Mia was a Myrmidon and I liked it that way, though it is true that over time this could add a lot of depth to the combinations possible. Also, I really liked Bonus EXP making you have some sort of additional objectives. Skills combos being inherited is cool but it can make for some way overpowered characters. RD refined PoR's system and I think it's a wash the way skills are handled. Barracks is worse than Info conversations because they don't really give you anything that good (from my experience), the conversations are as generic as Support conversations are in Radiant Dawn, and it's really just a little feature that while neat, isn't that big.
I also noticed (at least on Hard) there was not as much diversity in mission objectives and maps themselves. For example, in RD, you could have escape in a limited number of turns, defend a spot, survive for a number of turns, kill said number of units, some had fog of war, there was not just rout or kill the commander. And maps also had elevation and it meant something. Having a unit on top of a cliff or a ledge get a 100% with Hand Axe and the enemy having a really poor chance of hitting you meant it was easier to set up defensive strategies in some missions and made flying units that much more lethal. And finally, too many shops selling Seraph Robes, Energy Drops, etc. You can basically max out every unit in the same play through this way and growths don't mean as much.
Story Win Radiant Dawn
Politics, slavery, grey morality (especially in Act IV in Radiant Dawn), getting different characters in different Acts facing each other, splitting them in three groups and having different Info conversations depending on who is recruited in a specific map or who is placed in which group.
They also had taken the good-evil thing and made it in quite the opposite, something much deeper. For example, when
Yune says ''Hmmm 'dark god.' 'Dark god' No, I'm pretty sure I'm not one of those. I am neither holy nor base, neither angel nor devil. I am...freedom. Chaos. Transformation. Future. Mystery. I am Yune''
Ashera is neither kind nor loving to the beings of this world. Neither is she holy nor base, angel nor devil. She is...restriction. Order. Stability. Past. Certainty. Restraint. She is Ashera.''
I liked these bits and the whole plot seemed deeper and had more themes. Every nation and population was more developed, you knew in the end what was going on with Daein and Kilvas (the
Blood Pacts
), there was the conspiracies, the betrayals, Ike's parents' story Hell, there was development even on regions like Talrega, Marado, the desert, the outskirts of the Begnion empire or of Crimea and the difference with the nobles of Sienne or Melior...
I liked these parts better. Awakening's story is still good and fun, some nice parts especially with the parts around Ch. 10, Ch. 18 which really hit me, the twist later on and the end of the game, and time brings a nice dimension to the story, but I still prefer the RD plot.
Sound Slight win Awakening
The music in this game is great. A bunch of memorable themes, the World Map sounds nice, though I also liked the base theme in RD. The shop theme (Anna's) is cool and there's some epic music when battles start. Radiant Dawn's music was also really good but I'll give an edge to Awakening's.
Visuals Slight win Awakening
Animations are much faster, nicer and really slick. I love how when paired up they can go about hitting someone, the paired up character joining in, then protecting, both ending up behind the enemy, the latter turning around and missing and then getting crushed. Way better animations and the transition to get in them is a lot faster. Always turned animations off in RD except the first few times I got a new character.
However, I prefer having polygonal characters on the map and the map representing a smaller scale. I prefer houses to represent 10 squares than a whole fort representing a single square on the grid. It made the battles feel tighter and using polygonal characters, the map-animations (because I always turned the full animations off) were still really cool, at least way better than simply the sprite moving up a bit. But the map-animations aren't really important anymore anyway because full animations are a lot faster and much slicker. Win awakening, though I prefer the the micro to the macro as far as scale of maps goes.
Depth of content Win Awakening
Return of support conversations, and really deep ones at that. They're unlimited too. There's also DLC, Paralogues and Wireless features (Spotpass, Streetpass, Double Duel). Radiant Dawn took away Support, took away the bonus Maps after clearing the game that were in PoR and there was not much extras overall. While the main campaign was much longer, and you could replay it many times, this game looks like it could last you longer after trying to get most of the things done and even replaying it for different script as far as plot and Support Conversations go.
Before I evolved my Mage into a Dark Knight, she was level 9 with 99 exp and I had her stand on a star square. She got 11 exp but didn't level up, so I had to have her go fight someone. Is that normal?
You could always have a mage stay behind and warp her back every so often. It should buy 2 turns for her. Also have ranged characters take the right path, since they can take out the mages/archers that are behind those walls. You have to try to force Severa not to hug the wall closest to the enemies too.
Before I evolved my Mage into a Dark Knight, she was level 9 with 99 exp and I had her stand on a star square. She got 11 exp but didn't level up, so I had to have her go fight someone. Is that normal?
Rescue staff is so good. My current mission I had to help these two kids before they got overwhelmed, so I just went to the bottom of the cliff and warped them to me on the first turn LOL
Before I evolved my Mage into a Dark Knight, she was level 9 with 99 exp and I had her stand on a star square. She got 11 exp but didn't level up, so I had to have her go fight someone. Is that normal?
I'm only halfway through so things may change, but those are pretty much my exact thoughts, Jachaos. Radiant Dawn is an incredibly hard bar to clear, though. It's probably one of my favorite games of all time.
I like the multiclass system in theory, but I wish it could be integrated into Radiant Dawn's 1-20 system. Maybe they could just give you a handful of options when you promote at 20 and that's it.
I'm only halfway through so things may change, but those are pretty much my exact thoughts, Jachaos. Radiant Dawn is an incredibly hard bar to clear, though. It's probably one of my favorite games of all time.
I like the multiclass system in theory, but I wish it could be integrated into Radiant Dawn's 1-20 system. Maybe they could just give you a handful of options when you promote at 20 and that's it.
Yes, this is a really great game and between a 9 and a 10 to me, but Radiant Dawn is my favourite in the series and is a straight 10 to me. It's always going to be really tough surpassing one's favourite, but this coming so close and beating it in many aspects is really good.
I've never actually used them much, but Cordelia is getting more use than any pegasus knight in any previous game, even disregarding pair up. She seems more like a wyvern knight than a pegasus knight. Beastly stats.
It's basically like an enhanced rescue. Instead of bogging down the character, they get a stat boost and the potential for the additional attack/guard. If you can get through a situation without pairing up, great, but there are times when it's more beneficial to have the stat boost than it is to have that extra unit out there (say, prevent getting doubled, or enhancing a weak unit you are leveling up).
So the reason I have a Dark Knight at stage 5 is because I bought the master crest from the special vendor lady. Another one popped up, but it's on a stage with a challenge I couldn't beat previously and now I can't use the shop. If I beat the challenge will she disappear? I want another crest.
So the reason I have a Dark Knight at stage 5 is because I bought the master crest from the special vendor lady. Another one popped up, but it's on a stage with a challenge I couldn't beat previously and now I can't use the shop. If I beat the challenge will she disappear? I want another crest.
-may give a unit enough of a stat boost to KO an enemy they otherwise could not by themselves
-a unit has low HP and pairing it with another and switching can save it from enemy reach
-easy way to transport units, especially the slow moving ones, to a farther location
-best way to develop relationships
-nulls damage of one attack if they block
-can attack right after you for more damage
not using Pair-Up in later Chapters is suicide, its very essential imo. Losing one man for a pair-up and the second person not getting any experience are very negligible cons.
I know everyone has said it repeatedly, but, wow, dat chapter 10's everything.
It's finally time for chapter 11 and for Chrom to meet the love of his life (that I will force onto him)...right after I'm done with paralogue 4.
So far, the only ones I've gotten to marry are Vaike/Miriel, and Donnel/Sully. Lissa/Lon'qu are almost there, Sumia/Gaius are at B, everyone else I've started pairing is at C with their lover. I only just got C support with Tharja, and I already know she's definitely the one for me...although I think having a restraining order at hand just in case won't hurt.
Jesus, no wonder Nosferatu breaks the game with MU, I didn't even have any support with Tharja yet and the thing had a freaking 90+% chance of hitting despite it's low hit stats.
So I was in Paralogue 1, all enemies dead besides the boss. Was using him to get Sully some free XP. Got some nice level ups, and was overall pretty satisfied with how the map went.
Then he criticaled her. A 59% chance to hit, and a 6% chance of a crit. He had missed entirely just the previous turn.
So I was in Paralogue 1, all enemies dead besides the boss. Was using him to get Sully some free XP. Got some nice level ups, and was overall pretty satisfied with how the map went.
Then he criticaled her. A 59% chance to hit, and a 6% chance of a crit. He had missed entirely just the previous turn.
So I was in Paralogue 1, all enemies dead besides the boss. Was using him to get Sully some free XP. Got some nice level ups, and was overall pretty satisfied with how the map went.
Then he criticaled her. A 59% chance to hit, and a 6% chance of a crit. He had missed entirely just the previous turn.
So I was in Paralogue 1, all enemies dead besides the boss. Was using him to get Sully some free XP. Got some nice level ups, and was overall pretty satisfied with how the map went.
Then he criticaled her. A 59% chance to hit, and a 6% chance of a crit. He had missed entirely just the previous turn.
-may give a unit enough of a stat boost to KO an enemy they otherwise could not by themselves
-a unit has low HP and pairing it with another and switching can save it from enemy reach
-easy way to transport units, especially the slow moving ones, to a farther location
-best way to develop relationships
-nulls damage of one attack if they block
-can attack right after you for more damage
Ended up downloading this after a fruitless search to find it at retail: thank god Nintendo seems to be pushing for day and date digital downloads. If this happens again I might just spring for a larger micro SD.