Just wait until you acquire Aversa's Night.
It's literally an enhanced version of Nosferatu.
I have two Aversa's Nights from random drops. Unfortunately I don't have anyone high enough Magic level to use them yet.
Just wait until you acquire Aversa's Night.
It's literally an enhanced version of Nosferatu.
Just wait until you acquire Aversa's Night.
It's literally an enhanced version of Nosferatu.
I might've considered using Donnel if he didn't have a goddamned pot on his head, or talk like a slackjawed yokel in every friggin line. It's the voice clips that really do him in for me, I just can't take 'em. I am already regretting the time I'll have to spend using him to get him up to an S with Nowi.
It's like saying "Please attack me! I'm invincible!" Hell, it's better to be attacked than attack with it.
Speaking of which, enemies have really weird AI priority on hard sometimes. They'll be right next to two units, one they can damage and survive, the other they can't hurt at all and will kill them instantly. But because the stronger one is a mage and the weaker one is a knight, they attack the stronger one almost every time.
Just pair him with Nowi and let her do all the work.
It's like saying "Please attack me! I'm invincible!" Hell, it's better to be attacked than attack with it.
Speaking of which, enemies have really weird AI priority on hard sometimes. They'll be right next to two units, one they can damage and survive, the other they can't hurt at all and will kill them instantly. But because the stronger one is a mage and the weaker one is a knight, they attack the stronger one almost every time.
Did I dun gimped myself when I started this game? For my avatar I chose magic as the weakness...not knowing anything about the game.
Come to find out he is a magic user. I'm on chapter 6 and he hits for horribly gimped damage.
Speed was a bad choice for main stat, huh?
Met my first StreetPass team today and fought them. This was the result.
Where can I find beaststones? I'm running out and not ready to stop turning into a bunny D:
I might've considered using Donnel if he didn't have a goddamned pot on his head, or talk like a slackjawed yokel in every friggin line. It's the voice clips that really do him in for me, I just can't take 'em. I am already regretting the time I'll have to spend using him to get him up to an S with Nowi.
Where can I find beaststones? I'm running out and not ready to stop turning into a bunny D:
He's amazing for exactly those reasons. Who doesn't want a pothead yokel hero?
Btw, I just hit Chapter 12, and my support levels are still incredibly fucking low. I've got one at B I think, a few at C, and some at nothing. Are you guys just grinding that shit, or is everyone just that much further in the game?
I'm finding it incredibly hard to increase support levels for marriage, because I have so few female characters on my team. Right now, the only three real badass females on my team are Tharja, Nowi and Anna.
Just pair him with Nowi and let her do all the work.
I'm finding it incredibly hard to increase support levels for marriage, because I have so few female characters on my team. Right now, the only three real badass females on my team are Tharja, Nowi and Anna.
I was grinding supports with Nowi with no plans of actually using her.
Of her ~28 levels she's gained, she's gotten at least 15 +1 to All (or almost All) stats.
So ... I guess I'm using her now.
He's amazing for exactly those reasons. Who doesn't want a pothead yokel hero?
Btw, I just hit Chapter 12, and my support levels are still incredibly fucking low. I've got one at B I think, a few at C, and some at nothing. Are you guys just grinding that shit, or is everyone just that much further in the game?
I'm finding it incredibly hard to increase support levels for marriage, because I have so few female characters on my team. Right now, the only three real badass females on my team are Tharja, Nowi and Anna.
Thanks EvilMario and Anteo.
I'm on CH 10 so soon. :3
Stores will sell them later on and you receive one as an end of chapter reward about half way through the game. Check shops whenever Anna is in and check Spotpass characters to see if they have any on hand.
Are you pairing up a lot? By Chapter 12 I had two, or three ladies lined up to S rank with My Unit and I had Chrom already S rank with Sumia.
Not like there's any hurry though. You have half the game left to go and plenty of units left to be introduced.
I think most of the people on my team are female. :lol
And the DLC is the best way to get supports from my experience. Just take the two units you want to gain support (and maybe a couple others to get the free items from the villages), pair them up, and let them go at it. I got one pair from C to S in like 15 minutes.
If you're reeeeally low and don't have another Beaststone on hand, you can just pair her up with another unit as the backup so she's attacking less, but still being useful for the team / raising her supports.
Man with all the questions you answer in this thread I assumed you had already beat it in Japanese or something! Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else with an avatar like that.
But no, Second Seals move you horizontally or downwards on the class tree, never upwards.
This is awesome. I'll do just that. Considering how low level the DLC units compared to my team, it should go fairly quickly.
Yeah, I don't have a lot of female units on my team. That was never the aim. It just worked out that way.
I keep her paired up with my avatar, I've just been raising her level, and I believe I have 12 more uses before I'm out @_@
Avalible in stores around CH 12
I think Donnel broke my game.
Level 3 Mercenary, I sent him paired with Lissa in chapter 12 and he slaughtered the entire enemy's army alone
This is the last time I use that monster.
I think Donnel broke my game.
Level 3 Mercenary, I sent him paired with Lissa in chapter 12 and he slaughtered the entire enemy's army alone
This is the last time I use that monster.
thanks! was wondering about that, too...
just finished chapter 9. did anyone else...recruit tharja, & then watch her one-shot the boss?
The 'Awakening' in Fire Emblem Awakening refers to Donnel's awakening as he goes from villager to God.
thanks! was wondering about that, too...
just finished chapter 9. did anyone else...recruit tharja, & then watch her one-shot the boss?
this game's just amazing - i'd sorta forgotten what it was about the 2 gba games (the only other fes i've played) that i loved so much, but it's definitely all come back - perma-death forever!...
also, very glad i took the time to nurse donnel (now a bad-ass barbarian) along...
Someone a question answer for me, please.
When I play RPGs, I always try to find ways to grind/farm my characters to ridiculously strong levels. Especially in a game like this where characters die permanently, I'm hoping there's a way I can do this.
Are there any arenas and/or respawnable fights I can go to in order to train my characters?
Someone a question answer for me, please.
When I play RPGs, I always try to find ways to grind/farm my characters to ridiculously strong levels. Especially in a game like this where characters die permanently, I'm hoping there's a way I can do this.
Are there any arenas and/or respawnable fights I can go to in order to train my characters?
Someone a question answer for me, please.
When I play RPGs, I always try to find ways to grind/farm my characters to ridiculously strong levels. Especially in a game like this where characters die permanently, I'm hoping there's a way I can do this.
Are there any arenas and/or respawnable fights I can go to in order to train my characters?
So, got Libra last night and kinda forgot he existed up until now. Has anybody else tried to actually integrate him into their normal army of folks? From previous Fire Emblem games I'm already kind of pre-programed to ignore already-promoted units out of assuming that they soak up experience and tend not to be that great, but thanks to the magic of reclassing and my amusement at his recruitment speech, I'm wondering if he might be more viable than I first thought. He might force me to reorganize all the pairings I'd been planning.
While we're on the topic of chapter 9, does anybody else feel like (chapter 9 post-battle spoilers)Still, I didn't think they'd really go there, so minor props for that.Emmeryn acted completely stupidly in making her sacrifice? I haven't moved on to chapter 10 story-wise yet but what the hell was she hoping to accomplish with that? Sure, Chrom wouldn't have reason to hand over the Fire Emblem anymore, but when Gangrel already admitted to her face during the first encounter with him that his goal is to KILL ALL YLISSEANS, there's not a chance in hell that her (literally) throwing herself to the mercy of Plegia will prevent further bloodshed. Hell if anything, wouldn't this just make Gangrel more likely to invade and overrun a country that just lost its beloved ruler? I grasped the impact of the moment but still can't help but feel like it's such a stupid, empty gesture.
You are going to see how completely wrong you are.
While we're on the topic of chapter 9, does anybody else feel like (chapter 9 post-battle spoilers)Still, I didn't think they'd really go there, so minor props for that.Emmeryn acted completely stupidly in making her sacrifice? I haven't moved on to chapter 10 story-wise yet but what the hell was she hoping to accomplish with that? Sure, Chrom wouldn't have reason to hand over the Fire Emblem anymore, but when Gangrel already admitted to her face during the first encounter with him that his goal is to KILL ALL YLISSEANS, there's not a chance in hell that her (literally) throwing herself to the mercy of Plegia will prevent further bloodshed. Hell if anything, wouldn't this just make Gangrel more likely to invade and overrun a country that just lost its beloved ruler? I grasped the impact of the moment but still can't help but feel like it's such a stupid, empty gesture.
About Libra, or Emmeryn?
Either way, I'd love to be wrong, I want there to be more impact, but in the immediate wake I can't help but feel kind of underwhelmed by its significance.
So, got Libra last night and kinda forgot he existed up until now. Has anybody else tried to actually integrate him into their normal army of folks? From previous Fire Emblem games I'm already kind of pre-programed to ignore already-promoted units out of assuming that they soak up experience and tend not to be that great, but thanks to the magic of reclassing and my amusement at his recruitment speech, I'm wondering if he might be more viable than I first thought. He might force me to reorganize all the pairings I'd been planning.
While we're on the topic of chapter 9, does anybody else feel like (chapter 9 post-battle spoilers)Still, I didn't think they'd really go there, so minor props for that.Emmeryn acted completely stupidly in making her sacrifice? I haven't moved on to chapter 10 story-wise yet but what the hell was she hoping to accomplish with that? Sure, Chrom wouldn't have reason to hand over the Fire Emblem anymore, but when Gangrel already admitted to her face during the first encounter with him that his goal is to KILL ALL YLISSEANS, there's not a chance in hell that her (literally) throwing herself to the mercy of Plegia will prevent further bloodshed. Hell if anything, wouldn't this just make Gangrel more likely to invade and overrun a country that just lost its beloved ruler? I grasped the impact of the moment but still can't help but feel like it's such a stupid, empty gesture.
Someone a question answer for me, please.
When I play RPGs, I always try to find ways to grind/farm my characters to ridiculously strong levels. Especially in a game like this where characters die permanently, I'm hoping there's a way I can do this.
Are there any arenas and/or respawnable fights I can go to in order to train my characters?
So what does marriage do anyway? What are the benefits?
Another aside that I'm reminded of thanks to chapter 9.
I dunno how many people still use the little voice-emotes during talking sequences (a lot of people seem to complain about them), but I could not help but burst out laughing when Basilio stepped in with his "HELL no!" Made the whole experience of those voices worth it.![]()