The Vaike doesn't need to pass it on because he and Lissa are the OTP.
What's a OTP?
The Vaike doesn't need to pass it on because he and Lissa are the OTP.
What's a OTP?
Using pair up? You will get destroyed if you don't use it.
One true pairing.What's a OTP?
What's a OTP?
Do enemies pair up in the harder difficulties?Using pair up? You will get destroyed if you don't use it.
One True Pairing.What's a OTP?
Do enemies pair up in the harder difficulties
Thanks everyone. That makes me feel better. Paralogue 16 is no fucking joke!
Any advice on what secondary class I should assign Olivia?
Any advice on what secondary class I should assign Olivia?
Dark Knights are the bane of my existence.
Cherche is simply... the best :3
I don't know who to pair Tharja with; she's a fucking creeper. Don't think I want to do that to my Avatar.
Wait for Henry.
How can you say no to that adorable face?
Murder them Beastkiller.
I read the Donny and Cordelia support (I sure as hell am not doing that in my game) and I liked it. S rank doesn't exist though!
It doesn't? I could of sworn I saw S rank option in the Support menu. Oh well, pair her with someone else....
Wait for Henry.
I don't know who to pair Tharja with; she's a fucking creeper. Don't think I want to do that to my Avatar.
Go Pegasus Knight to pass down Galeforce.
Pegasus Knight then Dark Flier for Galeforce =P
Hey guys, I finally received my copy of the game but don't have the time to invest in it properly at the moment. I did see that Nintendo has some limited-time free and discounted DLC though and was interested in nabbing it. Someone told me the DLC is gated in the game and you have to play a little into it in order to start buying/accessing it.
Can anyone tell me quickly about how long it takes in order to access that point? How much investment is required?
Apologies if this has been brought up in the thread already multiple times... I didn't see it in the OP and I tried searching the thread a little but didn't find the answers I seek.
It doesn't? I could of sworn I saw S rank option in the Support menu. Oh well, pair her with someone else....
I have a female Avatar. She married Lon'Qu. Tharja married Gaius.
During one battle, I navigated Tharja over to one of the shiny spots that give you stuff. Her dialogue was something along the lines of "This will be perfect for my hex. Now FemaleAvatar will have eyes for nobody but me!"
...apparently the Tharja in my game has some latent bisexual tendencies.
I don't know who to pair Tharja with; she's a fucking creeper. Don't think I want to do that to my Avatar.
Cordelia doesn't have S supports in this game except with Kincaido.
Kincaido x Cordelia OTP!!
Aghhh that pain when you accidentally save over your main file with a new one
Depends on you, but it took me about 2 hours.
...apparently the Tharja in my game has some latent bisexual tendencies.
It doesn't exist! Don't believe the lies!
Cordelia doesn't have S supports in this game except with Kincaido.
Kincaido x Cordelia OTP!!
Aghhh that pain when you accidentally save over your main file with a new one
Does the game just default to the first save file when you are saving for the first time?
EDIT: Also the one true S Rank is with Anna. It's probably one of the more natural marriages in the game, anyways.
You mean OT3.
Hard is too hard, damn it. I can't even beat Florina's team to level up.
And so are almost all the marriages. The only real failing of the way that the support system works is the abruptness of the marriage declaration, bar a few exceptions. I actually loaded back from doing the MU/Lissa S-Rank event because of how sudden the marriage thing was. Anna's works because the suddenness actually works for the character - she said it herself, she's a whimsical sort, so the sudden marriage proposal just seems more natural to the character.What.
They're basically like...
"Hey we're married! That's cool, haha!"
They're basically like...
"Hey we're married! That's cool, haha!"
To be fair, that's quite like a lot of pairings.
"Oh here's suddenly a ring. Despite never mentioning it before, I like you!"