There is a Bard class in this games, but it has nothing to do with dancing (they're basically Mages).
Fabulous mages.
There is a Bard class in this games, but it has nothing to do with dancing (they're basically Mages).
AFAIK, the real problem is that the save data is attached to the download rather than being a separate file, so if you ever want to erase it from the SD card for whatever reason, you'll have to lose your file.
So technically, yes, it'll be stuck there in a way. Not sure if you can transfer it normally from one card to another.
I don't know how anyone plays this game without Kellam. He's been an essential part of my team.
Excellent, thanks for the tips.
The story and the characters is the best part of the game for me. It just so happens I'm enjoying the gameplay too.
Rescue Staff. Severa's AI is really dumb. Severa has to talk to Holland (the Enemy Villager), and she'll become a Blue Unit after that. You pretty much have to clean the road for her.
Alternatively you can grind Cordelia and Virion to ridiculously high levels so that when you retry Severa's Paralogue her stats are higher, and therefore won't require much protection.
love it when the rain and snow pauses when you activate a skill or crit. They really should keep this kind of brisk pace combat animations for future games. Add in some unique attack animations for the promoted classes and maybe some not dog shit looking magic and it would be puuuurfect.
I know that they've said this Fire Emblem is sort of a "culmination point," for the series, but they have enough here that I hope they at least take this engine and refine it for another 3DS Fire Emblem down the road. Set it in mars if you want, but keep the overall style (and maybe give them some feet for a change).
I had FE downloaded, and after playing several hours I upgraded from the stock SD crd to a 32 GB card. All I did was copy every file from the stock card to my computer, then copied that to a brand new card (before putting it in the 3DS). Then when I popped it in the 3DS I was good to go. Didn't lose any save data.
Thewas AWESOME. Past FE games have a hard time topping that moment...bait & switch in chapter 23
When I buy the DLC, will it be available for all files on my game?
Yes, when you get past chapter 4.
The one that always seems to impress me is Panne with the taguel attack animations, especially when paired up with extra attackers. She jumps about the field, attacking from different directions, changing up the timing of dual strikes...seeing a pair of people circling around an opponent comes off really cool-looking and dynamic. You see it occasionally with pegasus knights too, when they cross through an enemy during attack.
I know that they've said this Fire Emblem is sort of a "culmination point," for the series, but they have enough here that I hope they at least take this engine and refine it for another 3DS Fire Emblem down the road. Set it in mars if you want, but keep the overall style (and maybe give them some feet for a change).
Isn't the appeal of the FE games it's strategic perma death gameplay in high fantasy settings?
Isn't the appeal of the FE games it's strategic perma death gameplay in high fantasy settings?
Mars was one of the initial ideas for settings for this game as reveal in the Iwata Asks.
Personally, I'm glad they didn't try and expand off the planet.
You are missing out on literally four of the best kid characters, though.That said I didn't use Tharja, Olivia, Maribelle, or Cordelia, so that's four kids MIA in this file. Maybe after I beat the final chapter I'll go back and pair them off.
Mars was one of the initial ideas for settings for this game as reveal in the Iwata Asks.
Personally, I'm glad they didn't try and expand off the planet.
The team discussed setting FE13 (now Awakening) on Mars, but quickly abandoned the idea.
Frankly, I'd be down for it, as long as it was sci-fi/fantasy, not straight sci-fi. A Space-Opera Tactics game? Yes please!
Team Libra represent.
Man, I'm really tempted to purchase the artbook for this game. It's 4000JPY on amazon.co.jp right now and the exchange rate is good, so the temptation is strong. Anyone own it already?
I had FE downloaded, and after playing several hours I upgraded from the stock SD crd to a 32 GB card. All I did was copy every file from the stock card to my computer, then copied that to a brand new card (before putting it in the 3DS). Then when I popped it in the 3DS I was good to go. Didn't lose any save data.
I wouldn't mind if IS does make a FE style game on Mars. Just don't attach the Fire Emblem title to it. Make it a new IP as otherwise they'll probably be grasping at straws trying to make it seem like the past games. Or hell, make the next Advance Wars on Mars.
You are missing out on literally four of the best kid characters, though.![]()
Holy shit, does Lethality have the coolest fucking effect in the game? Yes, I believe it does.
Yes, it does. More of the animations need more stylistic and exaggerated effects like the GBA sprites. They shouldn't be so concerned with adhering to naturalism.
It's fantastic. The last 100 pages is the support conversations though. Hopefully Dark Horse or Udon brings it over with that part translated.
Man, even as a series vet (played 6 through 11 on all difficulties) this game on hard is still ball busting. All the new recruits have shit all stats, and the defense/skill of the enemy units is huge. In the old games the triangle actually was indicitve of how a fight would go, not so much here. Swordsman vs axe user, or an axe wielder vs a lancer, doesnt help much, I might as well be ignoring it. Terrain advantadges seem hugely diminished as well.
I could easily steamroll most chapters with my key few characters (chrom, avatar, vaike, sumia) but trying to train guys like ricken, donnel, gaius etc is nearly impossible, even with pair up abusing. Am I missing something? I started a new game up on easy and just DESTROYED the first 5 chapters, it wasnt even funny. So I switched back to my hard save file
I should note that I generally refuse to use prepremotes until end game. I'm around chapter 10 on hard with a few paralogues completed. Any insight?
Can anyone link from the OST the music that plays in mainly risen side fights that starts with bongos and I think is a remix of an older theme?
I wonder if previous FEs got badass interesting characters like Lucy and Owain.
It happened to me on chapter 18's boss, and that immediately came to mind. Though I think support guard blocks them all automatically if it activates.
I think we've found the setting for SMTxFE.