Yes, you can name weapons when you forge them. Too bad I suck at naming things :x
Playing the EXP pack, I'm pretty sure it counters all attacks (including 2x attacks), but not sure about ranged, I don't think so though.
Also, the Fire Emblem 3DS decal on Etsy sold out and came back with a $2 price increase.
I really want to get it to salvage some good out of the blue XL that I don't like, but it's double the price of all the other decals. I hope it doesn't go away too soon, I'm very interested in it.
My sister is on Etsy and does her own crafts store, even has a decal maker...I may ask her to make me one for my own blue 3DS XL. See if she could do it in light blue/white...
I need a good source for a clean image of FE crest/logo on its own though.
Honestly, if you can do the sprite work that the cart uses. I'd think people would be interested in it, it's nice and different.
She already got back to me and said that all she needs is a good clean image of what I want done.
I told her she could probably make some sales too.![]()
Are they really charging $6 for 3 maps? That seems rather steep considering how limited the Champions of Yore 1 map was. I get that it's a remake of the first map in the series but I'm glad I didn't pay money for it.
I don't know how I feel about them selling gold/exp/item farming maps either.
I think somebody else here could procure a better image of this (as this isn't clean enough), but the first post has an image of the japanese cart.
Honestly, if you can do the sprite work that the cart uses. I'd think people would be interested in it, it's nice and different.
it's pretty embarassing actually. FE turned into a pay to win game. reminds me of those cheap PC games i used to laugh at in the past. you have these atrocities on every platform these days. shame it is spreading to established franchises as well. so many bad decisions.
Kinda agree. Not really interested in any of those maps aside from the fact...they're new maps. But I'm only gonna bother with the ones that offer unique things, like the Demon Knight scroll and bride's bouquet.
But it's a trend that started long ago, and I think it can mostly be attributed to a lack of time to invest from gamers. A lotta folks would rather experience everything quickly and move on, rather than stick with a game. I don't mind seeing FE budge on its options for difficulty, but it is a bit sad to see victory up for sale.
On the plus side, that's less money I will spend on this game. If these were all story-related, I'd be fucking broke by the end.
So does anybody else name Owain's weapons and Owain's only?
heh, i don't mind spending money on big substantial dlc that was created after the main game was finished. something where you can feel the extra work that went in. pay to win is a whole different story.
Well, I don't like these three gold, exp, super weapons maps either, but it's not pay to win.
First there is no (competitive) multiplayer and second these DLC are absolutely not necessary to beat the the campaign on any difficulty.
So, I made Tharja a Dark Knight with the intention of gaining lifetaker and then switching over to Sorceror. However, there doesn't seem to be any real advantage to making the switch. The switch merely makes me lose a bunch of stat gains and only really gives me +1 skill and mag. Does it give me higher growth rates for those two? Or does the ability to use Dark Magic again make this worthwhile?
So, I made Tharja a Dark Knight with the intention of gaining lifetaker and then switching over to Sorceror. However, there doesn't seem to be any real advantage to making the switch. The switch merely makes me lose a bunch of stat gains and only really gives me +1 skill and mag. Does it give me higher growth rates for those two? Or does the ability to use Dark Magic again make this worthwhile?
This would be great... the decal currently on there is a bit inaccurate (namely the dragon wings). Not sure where I can find official art of the crest though. I also love the idea of using the cartridge pixel artMy sister is on Etsy and does her own crafts store, even has a decal maker...I may ask her to make me one for my own blue 3DS XL. See if she could do it in light blue/white...
I need a good source for a clean image of FE crest/logo on its own though.
Dark Magic is that big of a deal (and will quickly make Lifetaker pretty pointless honestly) and there's different stat cap modifiers for the class. Off-hand, Sorceror has less STR, higher MAG, lower SKL, lower DEF, higher RES, and equal SPD/LCK (well, every class has equal LCK >>).
So does anybody else name Owain's weapons and Owain's only?
I assume there's level scaling for story missions right? I've been trying to get everyone buddy buddy with each other, I'm afraid I'm just going to steam roll the story when I get back to it.
My last few story missions have just been every enemy suiciding into my characters. So I don't think there is scaling.
My last few story missions have just been every enemy suiciding into my characters. So I don't think there is scaling.
I assume there's level scaling for story missions right? I've been trying to get everyone buddy buddy with each other, I'm afraid I'm just going to steam roll the story when I get back to it.
Still, I've lost a couple of characters – Donnel and Fredrick. I'm trying to just suck it up and go with it whenever someone goes down.
You're going to steamroll the main story. There is no scaling for main story missions.
Think that won't be an issue if I restart on hard?
A question about StreetPass: is the team that you send a snapshot of what you set up when you confirm (levels, skills and inventory) or the stats of the characters when the StreetPass occurs?
Hrm.. that's a good point. What's the point of classic when I'm just restarting when someone goes POOF.
Think that won't be an issue if I restart on hard?
A question about StreetPass: is the team that you send a snapshot of what you set up when you confirm (levels, skills and inventory) or the stats of the characters when the StreetPass occurs?
Not 100% sure, but I think its a snapshot of when you confirm.
It won't be as much of an issue, but if you spend enough time grinding, hard mode loses all difficulty as well. You are going to break the difficulty of any mode if you do that.
Hrm.. that's a good point. What's the point of classic when I'm just restarting when someone goes POOF.
Resetting upon any character's death is a game over. Well on Classic anyway. Casual has battle saves, so people can cheat.I'd restart even on casual mode. If I lose a character I failed the mission. I wish they would just add a "hardcore" mode or something that gives you a game over if anyone dies, period.
It won't be as much of an issue, but if you spend enough time grinding, hard mode loses all difficulty as well. You are going to break the difficulty of any mode if you do that.
Resetting upon any character's death is a game over. Well on Classic anyway. Casual has battle saves, so people can cheat.
Not 100% sure, but I think its a snapshot of when you confirm.
Thanks!Correct, you have to update it manually
Should I make Virion into a sniper or a bow knight?
It won't be as much of an issue, but if you spend enough time grinding, hard mode loses all difficulty as well. You are going to break the difficulty of any mode if you do that.
i heard only lunatic plus and lunatic are difficult regardless of grinding :/
progressing decently so far since yesterday.
question. is it normal for all the skirmishes ive encountered so far to have enemies with maxed out stats in lunatic? seeing wyvern lords, war monks, sword masters and assassins with their stats capped was quite a shocker for me. best way to approach?
I see. unfortunate as back when i was playing on hard classic i used skirmishes mainly to build support/relationships.... :|It's normal. Best way to approach it is to not fight any of those battles. You won't get any XP from doing so on Lunatic, so there's no point.