All your terrible implications about Cordelia aside, I would have loved a kid for Anna and Flavia.Anna or Flavia should've had a child instead of her.
If she wants to be dream about Chrom forever, she should be left to her misery alone.
So uh, I guess this game officially has Persona 4 level weirdo fandom. NOICE
Speaking of horses, I really wish Walhart wasn't a mounted unit.
I really like the Conqueror armor, but the horse just kinda kills it.
But of course they gotta keep up that Nobunaga junk.
Speaking of that, the whole fire ship naval battle thing was from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms wasn't it?
Last night I built support between Severa and Cynthia; to be honest, I was a bit surprised at myself saying, "Wow, this girl is a jerk," seeing some of the stuff Severa said. In the end it turns out alright, but maybe they just went a wee bit more on the 'jerk' side in Severa's 'jerk with a golden heart tsundere' attitude.
Guys, guys, guys, what about Lucina?
Is it because it's too icky? Hahaha.
It *is* unfortunate that her pining for Chrom is what define her the most--or even if it isn't true, it is what the fans recognize from her the most--but overall Cordelia as a character is quite alright.
Last night I built support between Severa and Cynthia; to be honest, I was a bit surprised at myself saying, "Wow, this girl is a jerk," seeing some of the stuff Severa said. In the end it turns out alright, but maybe they just went a wee bit more on the 'jerk' side in Severa's 'jerk with a golden heart tsundere' attitude.
It's not that Cordelia is bad, it's just that there's nothing in the game that reflects that someone is married to someone else. Chrom saying "Thanks, friend" to Lucina or his wife is jarring. When you reach S level, all that relationship building just...stopped.
Not to mention Cordelia's support with other guys is really intimate. Listing each other's good points and bad points!? Not while you're my wife you don't.
Bunch of insecure folks up in here. When she's talking about "him" after she's married she's talking about her husband aka Kincaido.
Chrom saying "Thanks, friend" to Lucina or his wife is jarring. When you reach S level, all that relationship building just...stopped.
Just finished the game. Absolutely fantastic. Worth every penny I paid for the game and every second of agony I spent over two days looking for a physical copy since I failed to preorder in time. With very minimal grinding, only unlocking chapters to recruit children, my in game timer was a shade above 36 hours while my Activity Log timer was a shade above 40 hours. I loved the little epilogues that each character got at the end. Definitely think I will be replaying this game in the near future, if only to fully break the game with skills and to explore children beyond Laurent and Lucina more.
Despoil could have been such a great skill on hard (still is sorta) for money grinding but the fact it only works during the player phase and not during the enemy
phase is such a troll.
That's lame, but it would be broken as hell on someone like Donny. Shit it probably still is too good.
Well, if you want the characters being all love dovey to each other just land them together in a shinning tile and hope for a bond quote. There are 4 variations per active character (I love you, don't die, you're beautiful/handsome, here's a gift!), for a total of 8 possible combinations per couple (4 for each active character).
Regarding the voiced quotes, that's the problem with the American version going with more specific and longer quotes than the Japanese voices. I think there's a really awkward "my love" quote from Sumia too which can play at completely innapropriate times.
It does kinda remind me of the Battle of Chibi.
Sorry AnimeGAF, I liked this show. (At least, until the end of the first story arc)
I'm out.
Brides are out, heck yeah.
So Waifu.
Serenes Forest guy said:HARD
Rules of the game:
Rule One: I am allowed to override Autobattle to guide one Thief to chests or one relevant unit to Villages. I might allow myself use Pair Up but ONLY on Turn 1 and no switching after that. Besides that? ADVANCED AUTOBATTLE TACTICS.
I might fuck around with Renown or recruit Spotpass characters I really like (or by popular demand [nino]). Really the only rule is Rule One.
UPDATE C1: I am allowed to shuffle equipped items at the beginning of each turn.
UPDATE BEFORE C3: I am allowed to override Autobattle to open doors if progress is impossible otherwise.
UPDATE C3: Talking is a free action.
My man.Anna however...
Waifu material.
What do y'all typically do with Donnel once he hits 20 as a Mercenary? Where should he go next?
And should I be using Speed Wings and stuff like that for characters who are lacking in the corresponding stat, or should I use them to boost characters who are already proficient?
What do y'all typically do with Donnel once he hits 20 as a Mercenary? Where should he go next?
Some guy on the Serenest Forest forums had the craziest idea for a new playthrough.
I think I want to try this. It's more like what a tactician would deal with in real-time.
That's too bad.Lucina doesn't really look all that great in a dress, IMO. I noticed it when I made her a cleric and hoped she'd look okay as a bride.
So, since I can't get the DLC right now, and there's already a pic of waifu #1 (Tharja) up there...can anyone take a pic of Yarne as a bride? I'm curious.
...god, now I'm thinking about it.