Playing hard first is like flying by the seat of your pants, REAL MAN STUFF!Welcome to hard mode! We hope you enjoyed your easy mode playthrough to learn all the maps!
I get where you're coming from but not every map does this though, plus you don't always know which forts are suddenly going to sprout enemies and on which turn, fort sitting isn't exactly a grand old time.Funny how you say that enemies spawn at random.
Normally you are warned beforehand if new enemies will appear in the map. And if you didn't paid attention to mission... 6, I think? (the one where you recruit Maribellle), they tell you that enemies WILL appear from forts.
Guys, just get your avatar armsthrift, tomefaire, ignis and forged Aversa's Night.
Reinforcements doesn't matter at all, trust me.
Also, about to really start my lunatic run. Any advice?
Guys, just get your avatar tomefaire, ignis and nosferatu.
Reinforcements doesn't matter at all, trust me.
Also, about to really start my lunatic run. Any advice?
Avatar + Fredrick BFF for the first 4 chapters
Fixed it for you.
Yeah I kinda figured that. Tons of Myrmidons for the first real fight? Fuck you game.![]()
I'm wondering if Mia/Ike's canon now looking at Priam's class choices.
Guys, just get your avatar tomefaire, ignis and nosferatu.
Reinforcements doesn't matter at all, trust me.
Also, about to really start my lunatic run. Any advice?
I actually quite like the animations, but I will always miss the IMPACT the sprites had
I'll forever remain hopeful.
Chp 1-4
Frederick is your god.
Chrom and Avatar are bros.
Everyone else is there to be your meatshields so you don't lose anyone important
Bu, but everyone is important in my team.![]()
I actually quite like the animations, but I will always miss the IMPACT the sprites had
I actually quite like the animations, but I will always miss the IMPACT the sprites had
I only just noticed that because you pointed it out.Oh gods, playing with fate, that one is.
I only just noticed that because you pointed it out.
Someone tell me it only happens like that because it is Lyn.
I only just noticed that because you pointed it out.
Someone tell me it only happens like that because it is Lyn.
Ah, you guys can attack me on the fact that I didn't genuinely enjoy FE7.
I actually quite like the animations, but I will always miss the IMPACT the sprites had
having played this game for 400+ hours ive only a decent share of complaints.
- Not enough support convos.
- Too much legendary weapons from FE 4(seriously they got almost all of them if not all) and not enough from the other FE games.
- Fog of War more or less discarded or intentionally ignored completely.
- Mission objectives too few. hell just two even. Rout or Defeat Commander.
1. Haven't played scramble pack but does that add support to the game or just chatter in the map? if just chatter, my point still stands.
2. Really bothered by this. They managed to add almost all of the legendaries (if not all of them) from that game and so few from FE6-10. FE6: Armads, FE7: Sol Katti (hate it), FE8:Nidhogg, FE9-10:Ragnell, Ashera Staff, Double bow. They couldn't drop Mistletainn or Balmung and throw in Roy's Sword of Seals? Missing Roy's Sword of Seals is criminal for me. Also needs more legendary light/dark tomes. only book of naga is sad.
3. Made the game much more challenging. why did they cut this out? If people thought they hated lunatic before, lunatic with FoW would literally make peeps cry and howl lamentations.
4. already explained. Escape, defend for x turns, Capture gate/throne/door/etc would have been nice.
Still love this game but if i had any complaints, it would be these.
Still love this game but if i had any complaints, it would be these.
Also while I too wanted other objectives, Capture is almost the same as kill the boss.
having played this game for 400+ hours ive only a decent share of complaints.
- Not enough support convos.
- Too much legendary weapons from FE 4(seriously they got almost all of them if not all) and not enough from the other FE games.
- Fog of War more or less discarded or intentionally ignored completely.
- Mission objectives too few. hell just two even. Rout or Defeat Commander.
1. Haven't played scramble pack but does that add support to the game or just chatter in the map? if just chatter, my point still stands.
2. Really bothered by this. They managed to add almost all of the legendaries (if not all of them) from that game and so few from FE6-10. FE6: Armads, FE7: Sol Katti (hate it), FE8:Nidhogg, FE9-10:Ragnell, Ashera Staff, Double bow. They couldn't drop Mistletainn or Balmung and throw in Roy's Sword of Seals? Missing Roy's Sword of Seals is criminal for me. Also needs more legendary light/dark tomes. only book of naga is sad.
3. Made the game much more challenging. why did they cut this out? If people thought they hated lunatic before, lunatic with FoW would literally make peeps cry and howl lamentations.
4. already explained. Escape, defend for x turns, Capture gate/throne/door/etc would have been nice.
Still love this game but if i had any complaints, it would be these.
To 1. Yeah those are chatter on the map. Long chatter, sometimes twice or 3 times per pair. Also while I too wanted other objectives, Capture is almost the same as kill the boss.
Tiki, Sayri, and all those later characters say hello. also lack of for example chrom x panne, nowi, ricken, even cordelia is disappointing. and finally, one can never have enough supports.I'm not sure I understand your complaint about the lack of support conversations, because there are tons and tons of them. Like hundreds.
*Sounds off the casual alarm bell* You must not like difficulty and additional strategy...I agree that there aren't enough mission objectives, but I didn't miss fog of war.
I'm not sure I understand your complaint about the lack of support conversations, because there are tons and tons of them. Like hundreds.
Some pairs should have at least a C conv, Cordelia X Chrom should go C or maybe B.
Anyone pair that can have support conversations can go at least to A.
Come to think of it, but why do Nowi and Tiki not a support, while Tiki and Nah do?
Some of the choices of supports and certain females not having kids seem like they got cut due to time constraints.
Loved the game but since we're talking about flaws
- New enemy re-inforcements spawning at the beginning of the enemy's turn. Seriously: fuck that. It's BS, why couldn't it just have done them spawning at the end of the turn so you could plan around it. It feels really cheap for an enemy to spawn and kill one of my units when sometimes they don't even warn you it's coming.
- The Golden Gaffe felt like pay-to-win. I felt SO dirty playing that one and the one which gives you experience. They don't even attack you and give you a shit tonne of experience/gold for basically nothing.
Otherwise, great game.
Come to think of it, but why do Nowi and Tiki not a support, while Tiki and Nah do?
Some of the choices of supports and certain females not having kids seem like they got cut due to time constraints.
I was looking for that one art with both of them, agreeing with you in that and about to ask why they do appear in some official art. Sadly for some reason, I don't have the safe image search thing active.. my eyes.
I was looking for that one art with both of them, agreeing with you in that and about to ask why they do appear in some official art. Sadly for some reason, I don't have the safe image search thing active.. my eyes.
Huh I belive that's not new, but is still annoying, even more for those maps where they do not warn you.
And Golden Gaffe is unnecesary for the main campaing so, is more like pay to have an easier game in a higher difficulty. Hell as I've said before, is totally possible to play the game with no grinding at all, I've read about people that have done that in lunatic.
It certainly wasn't in the GBA ones, (though I'm not 100% sure about Shadow Dragon.) It's a random group of guys playing and you can clearly see they spawn at the end of the turn. It seems like such a backwards step to have them spawn at the beginning of their turn.
which was one of the main reasons why FE6 > FE7.It was in the first GBA game, FE6 and pretty much everything before it.
It was only in the first GBA game that was released to the west, FE7, that it became at the end of the enemy turn.
It was in the first GBA game, FE6 and pretty much everything before it.
It was only in the first GBA game that was released to the west, FE7, that it became at the end of the enemy turn.
Loved the game but since we're talking about flaws
- New enemy re-inforcements spawning at the beginning of the enemy's turn. Seriously: fuck that. It's BS, why couldn't it just have done them spawning at the end of the turn so you could plan around it. It feels really cheap for an enemy to spawn and kill one of my units when sometimes they don't even warn you it's coming.
- The Golden Gaffe felt like pay-to-win. I felt SO dirty playing that one and the one which gives you experience. They don't even attack you and give you a shit tonne of experience/gold for basically nothing.
Otherwise, great game.
This is why Lyn is my waifu
;_; if only
Well that's fair enough, but it still seems like a step back to me. I don't want to criticise the game too much because I loved it a lot, I'm just nit picking.