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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

Hmm? But that's already out. I have it.

I'll be going Birthright first cause it's easier =P
How many times was the Lucina figma delayed though? :p
I expect most people here to play all three games to death. I was mostly talking about the more casual players that will probably only play one game. I assume the OT will be full of them during the first week or two.
Yeah but a majority of those casual players are going to start with Birthright.


Brace yourself for the eventual "I thought this is like Pokemon versions"

The infinite comparisons to pokemon versions, the confusion over buying the other routes as DLC, the claims that you're only getting 'half the story' and the bitching about the 'true ending' being DLC are going to take up an insufferably large number of posts I'm afraid. Hopefully the talk about the actual game doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


The infinite comparisons to pokemon versions, the confusion over buying the other routes as DLC, the claims that you're only getting 'half the story' and the bitching about the 'true ending' being DLC are going to take up an insufferably large number of posts I'm afraid. Hopefully the talk about the actual game doesn't get lost in the shuffle.

Me too, it's disheartening that every new discussion I see on the more general platforms always involve some sort of what you described.


I will have a rules section in the OTs like the other OTs I make.

It is up to the community to self regulate them. Seda is on board and members like Chrom think it is necessary.

If I can beat everyone else, I may do the same for the review thread or trust that the person who does can implement rules and self regulate.

I will try to proofread and make things as easy to understand as possible. Versions and length are not even the least of the games problems so I do not see how this is an issue to complain about until you actually play the game, which a majority didn't unless they imported.

Complaints like that can be singled out and called out on whether or not they are commenting because they can or if they are commenting if they have the game and playing.


so GSC shifted focus to FEif already eh... kinda surprised the 1st one is Elise.
Oboro when?

hinoka when

I only get nendoroid because I can put them into a Neo Zeong like this. marth and shiida



so GSC shifted focus to FEif already eh... kinda surprised the 1st one is Elise.
Oboro when?

Not surprised that it was Elise from IF as she kinda fits the Nendo market (cute), and the males wouldn't work that well because ... just make a Touken Ranbu character instead.

I"m just really surprised that they didn't make Tiki instead, as she kinda fills that same role.


Just cause it's a guy with a sword doesn't mean a Touken Ranbu character would be better.
And they're already making all of them regardless.


Nearing the end of my Sacred Stones playthrough. I am on Chapter 20, but have been messing around in the ruins trying to level up people that have fallen behind/haven't seen as much use.

A number of my characters are really getting RNG screwed though. Seeing 2-3 levels go by with just a HP skill up is such a piss off. Amelia is going to finish lower than most of my other Paladins in pretty much everything other than speed and maybe recovery. Level 10/20/7 currently and her strength is still 12 or 13. Her defense is like 8-9.
Nearing the end of my Sacred Stones playthrough. I am on Chapter 20, but have been messing around in the ruins trying to level up people that have fallen behind/haven't seen as much use.

A number of my characters are really getting RNG screwed though. Seeing 2-3 levels go by with just a HP skill up is such a piss off. Amelia is going to finish lower than most of my other Paladins in pretty much everything other than speed and maybe recovery. Level 10/20/7 currently and her strength is still 12 or 13. Her defense is like 8-9.

10/20/7 Cavalier->Paladin Amelia: 16.9 strength, 13.2 defense

sure you're getting screwed, but that's what can happen when you use a bad growth unit :p


the previewers have been getting better at the game (well most of the time)

but I think they moved on from using your healer to block a choke point

I would have expected Felicia to die but she dodged, crit killed and dodged another unit. And then just playing cautious rather than rushing. Between luck and some thinking, they're getting better. But I imagine you'll always play poorly if you rush yourself in general (with a time limit that'll happen).
I would have expected Felicia to die but she dodged, crit killed and dodged another unit. And then just playing cautious rather than rushing. Between luck and some thinking, they're getting better. But I imagine you'll always play poorly if you rush yourself in general (with a time limit that'll happen).

eh if you know what you're doing rushing won't be that bad (at least on normal) :p
Trying to finish up FE7 before Fates hits.

That moment when green units start charging the enemy and you're very worried for their well-being and then they all start popping off 2% criticals.
stop eating all my EXP.
Probably my favorite/the funniest gaiden requirement ever.

I finished Radiant Dawn, the tower wasn't too hard except for killing the dragon king whose name is hard to spell and Ashera was tricky and took a few tries (especially since the game doesn't explain how her attacks work at all, so it was a lot of resetting to figure out how to not have anyone die). Ending was pretty good, I want to do Hard Mode but I also don't want to touch those rout map again for a long time.

MVPs weren't anything shocking except Tibarn somehow got the fourth most kills wtf? Top five were Haar/Jill/Mia/Tibarn/Ike, was kind of surprised Titania didn't make it (was six or seven, I think) and would have guessed that Ike and Mia would switch places, but otherwise no real surprises.

I was hoping I would love this a lot more than I did since my other favorites are Thracia and Blazing Sword and part of why I like them is that I feel follow ups can touch on more interesting story material. This did have a lot of interesting concepts, but the fucking blood pact, the very hot-and-cold map design, and the lack of supports kept this one from being in the FE5/7 tier for me. This ended pretty middle of the pack for me, probably lower than FE4/13 but higher than 9 or 11, probably would put it at about the same place as Sacred Stones but for different reasons.


Radiant Dawn is probably higher up for me. The maps can be uneven, but I like that they tried to do some different things with the game. Unfortunately throwing Ike's squad of invincible super units into the viewpoint rotation with Micaiah's raw recruits made for some frustration. I think people would have had less of an issue with the difficulty if they weren't given a constant reminder that things could be easier when the chapters switched.


I enjoyed RD, but it felt like a step down from PoR. It's been quite a while since I last played it though. I've recently started another playthrough of PoR, but it's not the only FE I'm playing at the moment, and with Fates around the corner I don't know when I'll get to RD again.

It had its problems, but at the very least I had no trouble staying interested and completing it, which leaves it far above FE4/11 in my eyes.
Radiant Dawn is probably higher up for me. The maps can be uneven, but I like that they tried to do some different things with the game. Unfortunately throwing Ike's squad of invincible super units into the viewpoint rotation with Micaiah's raw recruits made for some frustration. I think people would have had less of an issue with the difficulty if they weren't given a constant reminder that things could be easier when the chapters switched.
I liked a lot of the weirder chapters but all of the endgame rout maps were really not very fun at all to me.

If I had to rank them, it would probably be 7>5>4/13>6>8>10>9>11


10/20/7 Cavalier->Paladin Amelia: 16.9 strength, 13.2 defense

sure you're getting screwed, but that's what can happen when you use a bad growth unit :p

I'm just levelling all of my Paladins so I can decide who to take with me to the last few levels. One would think that the pre-promote characters would turn out better though.


Wait, has it been decided if we're having separate FE14 OTs for each route or one OT for all routes? It's going to suck if someone who has only finished one route ends up clicking on a spoiler that's for the other route.
Wait, has it been decided if we're having separate FE14 OTs for each route or one OT for all routes? It's going to suck if someone who has only finished one route ends up clicking on a spoiler that's for the other route.

I'm pretty sure it's all one OT...

I'm just levelling all of my Paladins so I can decide who to take with me to the last few levels. One would think that the pre-promote characters would turn out better though.

well Seth does turn out pretty great yes :p


Have you met our lord and savior, Seth?

I'm ashamed to admit this but I never used Seth. People always told me to never use Jeigan characters so I ended up ignoring him in the four playthroughs I did.

It's been over 10 years and I still feel like I made a huge mistake.


I mean I could do 2 or 3 version OTs and another thread... It's more work but if you really want to...

I mean I will have strict spoiler rules and maybe a spoiler thread. We don't need to confuse people more than they have already confused themselves.


I mean I could do 2 or 3 version OTs and another thread... It's more work but if you really want to...

I mean I will have strict spoiler rules and maybe a spoiler thread. We don't need to confuse people more than they have already confused themselves.

I don't like this idea. It will just end up fracturing discussion and eventually one is going to die sooner than the other. Birthright and Conquest are technically different games, but they're still highly interconnected.




Avatar flairs!

You forgot this one


I don't like this idea. It will just end up fracturing discussion and eventually one is going to die sooner than the other. Birthright and Conquest are technically different games, but they're still highly interconnected.

That's why I am asking because someone brought it up I was going to only do one OT in the first place since it's a lot of work anyway. I mean if you REALLY want to I could.

I just think that you're better off with a single thread and with strict rules in place that the community self enforces and regulates. It has been no issue for other games, it shouldn't be an issue if people do self enforce and regulate good discussion.

The first 6 chapters shouldn't even be considered spoilers anyway. Post Chapter 6 is when spoilers should be tagged and whatever else you want. It should not even be an issue.

Route: Chapter



Yeah stick to one OT, and maybe a spoiler thread.

The spoiler thread would be all unmarked spoilers for all routes. Simply a place for people to discuss anything without reservation.

edit: I guess we could put a date for Revelation specifically. Should we?
so like

Birthright Chapter 26

Snape kills Dumbledore


btw how many games even have a separate spoiler thread on GAF anyway?

What cultural exactly is Fates inspire from?

I'm listening to the opening theme, (the music from its first reveal, where everyone thought it was SMTxFE), and got me wondering since its really great.

Also I think Intelligent systems should've done SMTxFE


Revelation would probably be in the second OT because of how fast the board moves now by the time it comes out we would probably hit the post limit. I don't think Revelations should get it's own thread.

If anything you mind as well reuse the import OT as a spoiler thread.


What cultural exactly is Fates inspire from?

I'm listening to the opening theme, (the music from its first reveal, where everyone thought it was SMTxFE), and got me wondering since its really great.

Also I think Intelligent systems should've done SMTxFE

It takes recognizable aspects of several different cultures and exaggerates those aspects so that it fits the fantasy setting and background of the game.

Character designs and worlds intentionally exaggerate things so that they can fit their setting and make something "unique" and recognizable.

I disagree. I would like to see a Intelligent Systems version, but Atlus did an outstanding job on #FE and the final product is something IntSys wouldn't have been able to do. It would be a different product but you really need the S-Tier IntSys team to back it. The Atlus team sent their big names to make the game and it all definitely showed in the end.
Revelation would probably be in the second OT because of how fast the board moves now by the time it comes out we would probably hit the post limit.

It takes recognizable aspects of several different cultures and exaggerates those aspects so that it fits the fantasy setting and background of the game.

Character designs and worlds intentionally exaggerate things so that they can fit their setting and make something "unique" and recognizable.

I disagree. I would like to see a Intelligent Systems version, but Atlus did an outstanding job on #FE and the final product is something IntSys wouldn't have been able to do. It would be a different product but you really need the S-Tier IntSys team to back it. The Atlus team sent their big names to make the game and it all definitely showed in the end.
I actually wanted a tactics style game for #FE, with SMT demons and Fire Emblem characters. I'm sure IntSys could make a great game, it's in fair to judge base on their handheld games. But then again I find Atuls to just be a decent developer out of personal perference.

I want to like #FE, but the gameplay look similar to Persona which I find boring. Might still get it to support them but maybe I'll be surprise.


As someone who prefers P2 to P3/P4 (although I still like P3/P4!) the one thing about #FE that has my eyes is some actual honest-to-goodness dungeon design.

The idol stuff is whatever though


I really love IntSys too and the series was my first RPG on SFC but the output has not been the same in recent years where as Atlus is mostly consistent or has been improving year after year. I can't really say the same for IntSys trajectory from their Super Famicom years to present day.

IntSys can do tactics well they have a lot of great games, do they do it well consistently? No they don't.

Franchise mismanagement, budget mismanagement, release mismanagement, advertising. It goes on and on and being a fan and seeing their output fluctuate can be frustrating. From not even being able to play Advance Wars games and having to get a English one to the varying quality output for Fire Emblem it is frustrating.

I am glad that some of the issues are being worked on in the present day compared to past titles but there are still a lot of issues that IntSys has to clean out in terms of consistency.

I love that they are trying new things. They just need to do them and execute them better with more polish.

More members should be posting their final impressions soon, so check out the OT if you have not already. The game itself is more SMT than Persona and it streamlines the supports and it isn't a drag unlike social links. complaint would be that you wish there were more supports in the game.

I think the perception of idol is kind of misconstrued and it gets a negative connotation when discussed. There really is only one, maybe two idols at most in the game. The rest are professionals in their own fields, singing and acting just happens to be an overlap and it is an overlap for several people in that profession. People like Ice Cube and Miley Cyrus have jump started different careers from their former profession. Idols are no different, especially when they graduate from their group and move on to different projects.

A good analogy would be comparing an idol career and their later success to a child actor and their career as an adult. It's very different and their attitudes towards it can be very different.
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