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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

I've asked this in a couple of other threads, but I haven't gotten an actual reply yet. I haven't played Fates yet (waiting for my order). I know that importers here on GAF and western reviewers have mostly criticized Fates for its story, but what did Japan think of it (the story, not the whole game)? I'm just wondering if we might be able to expect the devs to focus on that as an area of improvement again for whatever's next.


I've asked this in a couple of other threads, but I haven't gotten an actual reply yet. I haven't played Fates yet (waiting for my order). I know that importers here on GAF and western reviewers have mostly criticized Fates for its story, but what did Japan think of it (the story, not the whole game)? I'm just wondering if we might be able to expect the devs to focus on that as an area of improvement again for whatever's next.

Japan thought the story was shit too. The supports and interactions were what people actually talk about, reference, and enjoy through art and discussion.

Even with Seisen and other games, it was always more about the character interactions and the minute details rather than the overall plot.

One user on PK/FE made a pretty apt comparison in a lot of the fantasy story elements in fire emblem. They compared it to your typical morning children's anime. Not saying that it is bad, but it is not always something that is amazing or compelling.

Like you ask someone about Marth and what they like about Marth, they talk about he is hot or his "harem" of women and men and not how he beats the shit out of Mediuth.


Fucking Scarlet crited me 3 TIMES in conquest chapter 13

I completely underestimated this chapter

Best advice is to let enemies come to you. Only rush in if you know it is a confirmed kill.

Camilla was the MVP of this chapter. Camilla tank on the left, Corrin tank on the right. You can take your time with this. You just might miss the item bonuses cause an outlaw will go pillage items in the background. Yuugiri was much more threatening than Scarlet and Takumi died in the second turn.


Best advice is to let enemies come to you. Only rush in if you know it is a confirmed kill.

Camilla was the MVP of this chapter. Camilla tank on the left, Corrin tank on the right. You can take your time with this. You just might miss the item bonuses cause an outlaw will go pillage items in the background. Yuugiri was much more threatening than Scarlet and Takumi died in the second turn.

Yep, learned this the hard way. I didn't play on classic and it even made me reset multiple times due to character deaths. The part of conquest that I love and hate is the fact that exp is actually limited.

I couldn't prevent Silas's death towards those beast hunters. I alter between him and Selena to use the Armorslayer I got last chapter.

Rekt list
1) Silas (Death by beast killer)
2) Azura (BlameTakumi)
3) Niles (38% chance of RNG plus 2 one-point lvl ups)
4) Selena (Overwhlemed while trying to protect Elise)

Takumi is a fucking asshole, Camilla and Corrin wiped most of the enemies on this map and surprisingly Odin had consistent MAG growth and he ended up becoming the MVP from the Knights he killed

I love this game so much, this is why I love it

Am I completely fucked Corrin is level 19 while most of the cast is on 12-15 barring Camilla


Depending on your difficulty I think you're a little over leveled. At that point I think I had units that were still level 12 and my Kamui was like what level 15? It's been a while but I know that I wasn't close to 20 for any of my characters yet. Like Chapter 14 only just has units that are level 16/17 and promoted.

That's not a bad thing though, you are being efficient with your experience, just keep your other units up.

I remember is that the units I used most in this chapter was your avatar, Camilla, zero, Beruka, and Elfie the most. Having a tank that can minimize damage and not get doubled and being able to outspeed and double are important.

Having range is important, like giving Beruka the throwing axe and Camilla Thunder when I can. I made sure as hell to kill Takumi in like the first 2 turns not just because I hate him but because I knew that if he didn't die ASAP my army would be fucked.


It is low-key amusing to see how much difficulty some people are having at the beginning.

Are the clothes stripping weapons still in the english version?

I'm not gonna lie, I'm playing on Hard and Chapter 3 was the point I was like "Ok, now I need to step back and get my FE legs back underneath me'. Trying to take all those ogre things out while keeping the 2 princesses alive was tricky. I realize they only retreat when killed, but I knew I could keep them alive and it'd be good practice. Getting swarmed by those teamed up brutes was rough.


Seeing people have so much difficulty and finally understanding a map and have it click in their head is a pretty satisfying feeling.


Depending on your difficulty I think you're a little over leveled. At that point I think I had units that were still level 12 and my Kamui was like what level 15? It's been a while but I know that I wasn't close to 20 for any of my characters yet. Like Chapter 14 only just has units that are level 16/17 and promoted.

That's not a bad thing though, you are being efficient with your experience, just keep your other units up.

I remember is that the units I used most in this chapter was your avatar, Camilla, zero, Beruka, and Elfie the most. Having a tank that can minimize damage and not get doubled and being able to outspeed and double are important.

Having range is important, like giving Beruka the throwing axe and Camilla Thunder when I can. I made sure as hell to kill Takumi in like the first 2 turns not just because I hate him but because I knew that if he didn't die ASAP my army would be fucked.

I really appreciate the tips, thanks.

I got a seraph robe and I don't know who to use it on. I have a 16/0 Silas that only has 25 HP, might use it on him


The Excitable bane is magic resit? Dammit. That's what I get for not paying attention. Picked that one because it didn't sound too bad. Think I'm gonna restart my Corin. Only on Chapter 6, so it should be pretty quick for me to get back up and running.

What Bane is the least painful? I'm thinking Speed for my Boon, as SPD has always been useful in FE. Maybe Luck for my Bane?
The Excitable bane is magic resit? Dammit. That's what I get for not paying attention. Picked that one because it didn't sound too bad. Think I'm gonna restart my Corin. Only on Chapter 6, so it should be pretty quick for me to get back up and running.

What Bane is the least painful? I'm thinking Speed for my Boon, as SPD has always been useful in FE. Maybe Luck for my Bane?

luck, it's always the dump stat


Yup luck sucks.

Speed is always necessary in past games but in this game it's not as "important" so to say.

Speed is definitely really important but you will run into skills and enemies where you can't outspeed or you can't double attack. One of the skills for units is to prevent double attacks from both sides and for those situations speed goes out the window and your damage becomes more important.

Buff your strength or magic instead?

If you plan on being a sword fighter/samurai you might want to stick with strength or skill?
Ninja is a pretty great class too but it takes time to get rolling.


Yup luck sucks.

Speed is always necessary in past games but in this game it's not as "important" so to say.

Speed is definitely really important but you will run into skills and enemies where you can't outspeed or you can't double attack. One of the skills for units is to prevent double attacks from both sides and for those situations speed goes out the window and your damage becomes more important.

Buff your strength or magic instead?

If you plan on being a sword fighter/samurai you might want to stick with strength or skill?
Ninja is a pretty great class too but it takes time to get rolling.

Strength/Unlucky it is. Looks like you can start at the Branch as well? That's good. Only lose a single chapter that way.
I'm on hard conquest and it feels like Lunatic to me because how much of the gameplay changed.
Buffs/debuffs Pairup/dual strike, wish this stuff was in Awakening.


Chapter 12 is disguised as a hard chapter you can see why people get stuck on it so bad. It's still hard but it is stupid RNG reliant because of a certain strategy. One thing for certain is that it is near impossible to kill Ryouma on Lunatic at this stage depending on your level. It might be possible on hard haven't tried.

You have to choose whether or not it's worth it to go for the chest too, most of the time it's fuck it I just want to finish.

Oh yeah. You are no way strong enough to beat Ryouma. You seriously need to cheese this chapter on lunatic and avoid Kagerou/Saizou at all costs. Having Kamilla and Corrin cheese through and the rest of your army take care of the archer reinforcements will help.

I laugh that it says escape in 16 turns or defeat Ryouma, cause you sure as hell not gonna kill Ryouma unless you skill grind or sacrifice a unit or hope you crit and you sure as hell gonna take 14-16 turns to escape.

Pot breaking roulette is fun too. Oh this is a bad pot? okay it will just debuff or get rid of 6 HP. NOPE my max HP gets halved for the entire battle. It's hilarious.

Going through the middle is like asking to commit suicide. Going through the right is much more manageable.

Buffs were in Awakening in the form of bonuses and sakebi, one of the few things it did right. Debuffs are a nice add now.


I feel somewhat tempted to go back and change it to Lunatic but I probably shouldn't. I need to just see how things go and decide who's worth investing in.


There is way too much game here for me to even consider a Lunatic run. Going to run Birthright on Hard, Conquest on Normal and probably Revelation on Hard depending on how I feel. I want to finish all 3 games sometime in the next decade.


Chapter 12 is disguised as a hard chapter you can see why people get stuck on it so bad. It's still hard but it is stupid RNG reliant because of a certain strategy. One thing for certain is that it is near impossible to kill Ryouma on Lunatic at this stage depending on your level. It might be possible on hard haven't tried.

Using Elise's staff (forgot the name) helps, but I've managed to kill him with Effie without the staff. I've only played hard though.


i wonder how many ppl in the ot actually on lunatic

Here's the thing ... the people here that are capable of playing lunatic pretty much already played the game already (except for Prodigy) not many people are capable of it. Hell we had people struggle with normal in Awakening on the ot last time.


Sticker Sheet that comes with the #FE Cipher starter set. (Caeda got demoted in Shadow Dragon and look at Mia over Mist and Elinicia).


Bonus Sleeves that come in Set 4 box.

Had Camilla w/ Reverse Club take out Ch. 12's boss. Tried Felicia, but the boss was all "NO-UGI" and had her eat a crit for a reset. Made her kill off half the reinforcements instead.

So will Canto ever return.

I can imagine it now: A cavalier charging in. Then another one. And another one. And another one. All armed with Snake Venom and Four Fangs. Also Defence Seal and Speed Seal because fuck you.
Can also imagine movement-locked bosses dying in shame again.


I can imagine it now: A cavalier charging in. Then another one. And another one. And another one. All armed with Snake Venom and Four Fangs. Also Defence Seal and Speed Seal because fuck you.
Can also imagine movement-locked bosses dying in shame again.

Canto was a bad mechanic to begin with, but I didn't think about how stupid it would be with some of Fates' skills and the debuffs, haha.

I'm glad it's gone, we have to live with our positioning choices when attacking.
Here's the thing ... the people here that are capable of playing lunatic pretty much already played the game already (except for Prodigy) not many people are capable of it. Hell we had people struggle with normal in Awakening on the ot last time.

Hey there's no way I'm the only one here who's playing Lunatic without having imported!
When my copy hopefully gets here today I'm going to be trying a blind Birthright Lunatic run. I don't know if it will be too strong for me though, FE6 endgame almost was (that might have been because I got too hype about Sueand ended up with Sacae though). Only going to start on Hard for Conquest.

Blind in this case means I have an idea of what characters are good but I have resisted watching streams so I have no idea what any maps look like.


Hey there's no way I'm the only one here who's playing Lunatic without having imported!

I haven't imported and decided to play it safe with Nohr on Hard at first, but after setting up a Lunatic file for Hoshido I changed my mind and now have both on Lunatic.
Being able to lower the difficulty certainly made me less worried, if I manage to screw things up too much because I'm playing blind, it's nice to know I won't have to restart.


Thank you RNG goddess (or NoA lol) for blessing Setsuna on my US Birthright playthrough. Lv 12 with 14 STR. Already reaching to my promoted Setsuna STR back on import playthrough lol....
I think I may have to give up on an iron man blind run of Birthright. Ill have to make it up with fe 1 or 3 book 1 or something. Losing someone in chapter 3 made Chapter 4 much more difficult.
Thank you RNG goddess (or NoA lol) for blessing Setsuna on my US Birthright playthrough. Lv 12 with 14 STR. Already reaching to my promoted Setsuna STR back on import playthrough lol....

huh I'm also above average here with 12 strength at level 10 lol


Support conversation grinding for every single support still sucks. trying to still get supports to contribute onto pegasusknight archive not all of them are even compiled yet. too much with all the different supports you can get in this damn game.

Which game? Fates?

What type of guide? What class promotes to what?

I thought you were gone because of the Sakura pictures.

It is amusing to see people learn how to play older Fire Emblem now. So many people are overcommitting in the OT and finding chapters impossible and it is nice to see them finally get it and the tactics to really click. Hopefully not everyone gives up too fast.

Also i will laugh if Orochi ends up being moderate popular amongst english fans.
Yes for Fates. Maybe I should have put this in the OT. Just what are the recommended promotions for the units.

Unless you're playing on Lunatic, just go with your gut feeling/aesthetics. You can always change your mind by using a Heart Seal.

Otherwise a good rule of thumb is that horses/mounts are good : )

I thought you were gone because of the Sakura pictures.

Well, I do need to update a hundred or so pages with all the new English names. 3 days later, I think I'm a third way through now.

Hopefully I don't get KO'd along the way.
Unless you're playing on Lunatic, just go with your gut feeling/aesthetics. You can always change your mind by using a Heart Seal.

Otherwise a good rule of thumb is that horses/mounts are good : )

Well, I do need to update a hundred or so pages with all the new English names. 3 days later, I think I'm a third way through now.

Hopefully I don't get KO'd along the way.

don't worry, pretty sure your stock of Sakura's fan arts are enough to prevent you from KO'd


I know that feel.

I don't run the site but I contribute to it and it takes a really really long time to get all the dialogue and all the terms and everything for each FE game.

It has been like 8 months and support conversations aren't even close to being done. Not to mention other games needing to be updated.
I know that feel.

I don't run the site but I contribute to it and it takes a really really long time to get all the dialogue and all the terms and everything for each FE game.

It has been like 8 months and support conversations aren't even close to being done. Not to mention other games needing to be updated.

I regularly use that site (or I used to before I got all the data myself), but dang I didn't realise it was that tough.

I'm really grateful to have many helpful and resourceful contributors helping with the English support conversations.

What we've done is pull the script straight from the game files; normally the text is super cluttered, but a few of our members coded a script to remove 99% of the clutter.
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