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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

I wonder if Awakening will get a direct sequel. Every single universe in the series has had more than one game.

Awakening is technically connected to 123, so that might rule it out. Plus it's kind of a special case since it's such a mishmosh/celebration of all the games.

Magvel got erased from existence I see, how fitting


So this map (Chapter 4) took me a long time to finish. Not only did it take a bit to figure out what to do about getting to the Thove keep, but it felt like the game found every reason it could to throw a new set of enemies at me! I struggled a bit later on. We left off with Sigurd and Co not knowing how to ford a river once the bridge was removed.


So, eventually out of desperation, I just try to walk over the mountains and learn that I actually can. Welp. For some reason I assumed you had to be a brigand or a pirate or something. This is after trying to see if my thief could pick up a key along the river bed, or if moving a unit to the bottom of the map where the river ends to see if an event triggered. I dunno where I even saw the "key" thing. Did I make that up? Well anyways, after much turn wasting, finally Sigurd is sitting outside Thove castle ready to take on Maois or whatever his name was. However, I learn the Sigurd doesn't actually do a great job of taking him out on his own. I eventually move Lachesis, Azel, and someone else over to the keep to help out. I'm using Lachesis as my primary healer at this point because Aideen and Claude are already topped off.

Azel ends up taking out the wannabe King of Silesia. One down, one to go. Lachesis hits 20 and upgrades to MasterKnight! I notice she can use a lot more weapons now, and I buy her a Silver Lance. One thing I've noticed is that no one has upgraded weapon level outside of promoting. Some of my weaker (read, unpromoted) units haven't been able to ever use better weapons which kind of leaves them behind. Units like Alec (still useless) and Noish and Midir have been hard to incorporate into anything because they've fallen behind. I guess it's to be expected though. They could instantly become more valuable if I get them to 20 so I do keep trying to use them somewhat.

Over at Zaxon castle, Deccar send Pamela over to Silesia (the castle) where Mahnya declares that she will protect the Queen with her life.

Doofus-face is still blocking the path to the bottom half of the map. Sigurd was able to get their quickly with the Return ring item. Also, the peaks near the south castles are also not traverse-able, I believe. I thus reason that I am just supposed to watch the outcome of this battle. Meanwhile, Andre finally shows himself, and reveals that he is actually from Grandbell. He leads of group called Beige Ritter, comprised of mounted archers. Bad news for Silesia's pegasus knights :( . They begin to duke it out while I'm racing units back south because I anticipate that I will have to access the southern part of the map to clean up.

Mahnya and Pamela trade blows along with the rest of the knights but the outcome seems certain with the approaching archers.

Mahnya falls in battle, and Fury and Levin both make a remark about her death. With Fury's comment, I wonder if maybe she was the one character who could have flown down there and talked to Mahnya to maybe change the outcome at all. Andre then heads out while Pamela decides to go attack Thove castle up north...which I had just started having my troops move away from. I decide to turn around most of my troops while having a few that were furthest ahead continue on the path towards Sigurd. He's still blocked by a random Silesian mage.

Daccar sends Donovan to take over SIlesian castle, but not after a handful of civilians begin to escape. I actually like the typical "rescue civilians" missions that crop up occasionally in these games. I wonder if I will be rewarded for saving them all? Luckily, Sigurd is already pretty close and some of my other units are finally within reasonable range as well. Donovan does what he wants with the Queen, who is now waiting for rescue.

We are then introduced to Lamia the Wicked. She seems pretty imposing. Meanwhile, we can finally make progress onto these new enemies. Some axe-men and mages are chasing down the scurrying civilians, while Lamia's group of mostly Swordmasters is parked outside Zaxon castle.

I rescue the first villager I see (I think I lost one of them) and notice that it results in pretty great exp gain for each. Actually a pretty simple but neat and immediate reward I was not expecting. Sigurd eventually finds himself in a spot of trouble, but a lot of the attackers have absolutely 0 chance of hitting him so it's all good. A lot of the close units on my end are lower levels ones so I try to get them some free exp from rescuing the duders. Meanwhile, battle is about to ensue between Pamela's knights and my units which were headed back towards Thove.

I learn that Fury cannot Talk to Pamela. Not that I was expecting it, but figured they might have something. Meanwhile, the civilians are all rescued and both battle fronts seems to be going well. However, I notice that Pamela took a hit and actually began fleeing back a bit. Very odd. I figure that she's going back to get a heal or something.

But actually she returns with another regimen of troops! Interesting, I'm not sure I had ever seen something like that in a Fire Emblem game. Anyways, she seems more committed to finishing the fight this time. She has a talk with Fury which is cool and adds a little gravity to the battle I suppose. For the second wave of the battle, I had gotten close to the keep and was able to place Holyn to guard it. This oddly was a smart choice because it seems to make a lot of enemies more likely to attack him, and he was very capable at surviving many attacks from the pegasus knights.

So Holyn gained a bunch of levels and also helped keep my other units alive since they were ignored by a good chunk of the attackers. Meanwhile, I learned that many of my unpromoted units cannot even cross into the south part of the map after taking out the axemen nearby. Haha, embarrassing! After many many turns, I use Lachesis to heal everyone while moving my units all down to meat up at that area just outside of Silesia castle that Donovan is occupying. It occurs to me that I can use Aideen's Rescue to move them across.

Luckily I have enough uses to do exactly that. Since I bothered to do that, I decide that I try to focus on getting some exp for some of my weak unpromoted units. I find this really tough in the case of Tiltyu, but at least Thoron looks cool. I bait the castle defense out and easily dispatch of them since I outnumber them greatly.

Tiltyu actually manages to get the kill on Donovan. She used Wrath ability after taking a hit and nearly dying. I didn't know she had that until Donovan was suddenly dead. However, upon taking Silesia and saving the Queen, Lamia's units start to approach. A quick inspection shows that they are decked the fuck out. Brave Swords and Killer Bows. She herself sports a Silver Blade (I still haven't seen any other Killer Weapons? I'm really surprised she didn't have a Killer sword weapon.) Anyways, basically throws out the idea of spoon feeding exp to my weaker units, I don't want to mess around with these guys.

I start for the jugular. I send Brigid with her Ichival but she only lands one hit and doesn't quite kill Lamia. I place Aira in the keep in order to see if that draws some attacks similar to Holyn before. It does a little bit but seemingly to a smaller extent. I'm really glad that I'm able to dance 4 of my units into another turn because otherwise a lot of Lamia's troops survived my initial wave. I try to focus down the ones with the best weapons and left some of the Sleep sword (?) around. Eventually Levin gets a hit on Lamia to finish her off. When she first appeared I assumed she'd be a major antagonist but I guess not. I thought she would take more of a Sonia/Petrine type role. Luckily I finally survive through the attack. Levin's evasiveness was helpful here.

Feels like it's downhill from here since the remaining enemies are much easier. So time to spoon feed some experience to the weak guys right? Well actually I find this harder than anticipated because of Daccar's constant Blizzard spamming. I keep healing over it and finally get Lachesis up to level 30. Remember that she just promoted earlier this chapter. And now all 4 of my level 30s are either ones I could really feed exp to because of healing (Claude, Aideen, and now Lachesis) or the Dancer. Anyways, I get sick of trying to pretend my weak units are useful and instead just decide to wipe out Daccar with Aira+Brave sword. All of these mini-bosses in this chapter but I don't remember or have noted any interesting item acquistion from any of them. Both Deetva and Pamela had rings on them (and Lamia had Renewal iirc) but none of those dropped.

I did manage to get Lex to 20 (paragon helps) so maybe he will finally be useful. I actually kind of like this promotion system, but it would be nice to have to option to promote early via an item or something. I fell like units like Midir could be useful if they could simply use better weapons but I guess that's something to expect when I'm using basically everyone...except Ardan.

Anyways a lot of plot happens at this point. Basically every important player from Grandbell is already here, including some newly introduced foes, the Generals Vaha and Ida. Langbard, Reptor, Alvis, even Byron are all here. Langbart also sends an unknown soldier after Byron, whose seems to be on his last legs. He seems to desperately want to give the Tyrfing (Tyrefang?) to Sigurd, which of course his many enemies don't want to happen. There was also an enemy that looked similar to Andre (as well as Andre himself) that seemed to lead a similar unit of Grandbellian forces, only axe wielders. Let's just say that a lot of people stand in Sigurd's way.

As a general impression, only things I kind of don't enjoy at this point is that it feels like Sigurd's battles so far are all somewhat reactionary. I'm not actually sure what his goal is. Most of the time he's just responding to being attacked, or defending something else from being attacked. The game's hinted at Langbart/Reptor trying to take power in Grandbell from the Prince Kurth, and obviously there's the continuing plot about Deirdre and the Dark Sect and the revival of some big bad, but Sigurd only knows a tiny bit about that in passing. I dunno, I just wish there was a little more directionality to Sigurd's goals, if that makes any sense. Right now most of the trouble finds him I guess.

I guess the only option is to keep playing :)
Ah, here's the writeup.

Glad you figured out how to reach the castle, I had to do the same thing in my game. That said, there's another way to cross the river. All you have to do is park Dew in front of the bridge, and he'll pick the locking mechanism and bring the bridge down. There's actually a village near the bridge that has a guy that tells you what's needed.

Other than that, all I can say is that this playthrough took a turn for the interesting for you with the chapter you just finished.

I'll stay tuned for Chapter 5.


Ah, the farthest village in (closest to bridge) I had lost.

I actually did have Dew slink around near the river but must not have placed him correctly.


I know Sacred Stones wasn't the best, but I still think it had a super strong cast. I liked them way more than the 6/7 crew.

Can't comment on FE6, but I think it's pretty even between FE7 and FE8 with a slight edge to FE7:

Marcus = Seth
Raven = Gerik
Joshua > Guy
Pent > Saleh
L'Arachel > Priscilla
Matthew > Colm
FE7 Lords > FE8 Lords
Four Fangs > Six Imperial Generals
Lyon > Nergal
Jaffar > Everyone


Man, I even played Sacred Stones. Embarassing.

Wonder why that's the odd one out?

IIRC, Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance were in development at the same time, with Sacred Stones being announced after Path of Radiance, but releasing earlier. It was the only time something like that happened, otherwise they only worked in one game at once, and, after Path of Radiance, they focused on its sequel, pushing Sacred Stones aside.


Can't comment on FE6, but I think it's pretty even between FE7 and FE8 with a slight edge to FE7:

Marcus = Seth
Raven = Gerik
Joshua > Guy
Pent > Saleh
L'Arachel > Priscilla
Matthew > Colm
FE7 Lords > FE8 Lords
Four Fangs > Six Imperial Generals
Lyon > Nergal
Jaffar > Everyone

Lord's comparison is tough because Eliwood sucks, Hector and Ephraim are two of the best, and Lyn and Eirika are middle of the road for me.
Poor Eliwood gets a lot of hate, but at least he's a cooler lord than Roy. Roy was a meh character with meh (Even for a lord) stats. Only thing Melee kid had going for him was being a pimp (6 potential wives, wowzers). Oh, and his Awakening DLC art is pretty slick.
As you can see, the pot really begins cooking in this chapter.

Oh, and since you started the chapter, I feel safe informing you that you missed the best weapon in the game last chapter. Whoops. (I'm sure you can handle it though).
For future reference, if you ever replay the game, make sure to have Levin visit Silesia castle to see her mother, and the Queen will give you a ridiculous Wind Tome, Holsety. (30 MT, +20 speed, +10 skill, very light) Fury's sister tells you to see her later at the beginning of the chapter, so the game does kinda tell you, but it's somewhat obscure, though not to the level of hidden like the Brave Axe or a few other items that were in prior chapters.


I dunno. I got a sweet bow. And Cuan ran home with a neat spear.

Edit: Actually having to restart this one since a certain Lord's father needs a little more help than I thought :p
Yeah, you really have to make a beeline to save him. At least the game more or less knocks you over the head about how you should save him though.
I was just thinking about Radiant Dawn, Part 2 Endgame tonight for some reason.

That was a really cool map.

(Sorry for the random interruption to the current discussion.)


There's no such thing as interrupting in a community thread!

Whenever I think of really great maps, Elincia's Gambit comes to mind, but there's a bunch that I like. I also like the map in FE7 where Legault joins up. I don't remember the name of it without looking it up.


Tellius games had great maps. Radiant Dawn in particular had some really insane challenges. Like that one level where Izuka just keeps spawning beasts.
Yeah, Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance had some great maps. Made me so sad when I was playing Awakening. =(

(Perhaps I should go back and finish Awakening one of these days, come to think of it...I just had too many issues with it, and it never clicked with me like FE games usually do.)


I guess I'll blurt out that my favorite map so far in Holy War has been 3 (the one with Brigid / pirates). Felt like the most freedom where some of the other maps have a few more restrictions. Also that map music :)
While I generally enjoy the lengthy chapters of Genealogy of the Holy War, I think the openness does make the map design kind of wonky. I can't think of any other FE game that flat out blocks you from reaching certain areas of the map the way that game does.

Thracia 776 brings back the small maps and does some...unique things with them. It was a nice change of pace.
So many good songs in Genealogy.

Conversation 1 is awesome for a mere chat song. Grandbell Army 1 aka the army theme that Levyne is probably hearing a lot in this chapter, is very fitting for the Grandbell troops and their might. I have other favorites, but I'll wait for the playthrough to advance.


So as we left off, Grandbell is on the edge of Turmoil. The Prince is dead, the King is dying, Sigurd is a traitor, dad is also not in good shape. It also seems like absolutely every faction under the sun wants Sigurd dead for one reason or another. Also I am uber wind magic-less apparently. Welp. I finally managed to promote a bunch of my weaker units in the first part of this chapter. I mainly abused the weaker bandit axemen duders and the ballistas later in the level.

So over at Lubeck castle, Langbart sends off man-whose-name-I-never-caught after the fleeing and dying Lord Byron. This guys leads the Axe Knights of Grandbell and they are given a cool name like the other units but I forgot to jot down what it was. Anyways, I learned quickly that these guys quickly mop up the hobbled soldier, so eventually I learn that I need to prioritize getting to Byron and fast as possible. One of the first things I notice is that this map seems unusually large. I would be unsurprised to learn that it's actually the same size, but there's no large swath of water or mountains that eat up any giant section of the map. I see the desert, and anticipate that I will eventually have an enemy encounter over there. I assume the majority of typical desert FE mechanics will apply. The other castles on the map include Zaxon (the starting keep) as well as Phinora, Velthome, and Bahara.

Seemingly every village starts with a brigand nearby. Ha, I understand the reasoning for doing that, but it seems a little bit manufactured. "Video gamey", hehe. Of course there's a threat within walking distance of each village to start out :p . Byron begins fleeing west towards Zaxon with the various Grandbellian units all around him. Deirdre is alive! I reason that her Grandfather is the dying King ______ (name forgotten) of Grandbell. He seems to be on his last legs as well. Old guys not doing so hot so far in this chapter. Deirdre seems to have amnesia, too. Tragic.

Alvis is here! And ahahahaahahahhahaha his goals seem pretty telegraphed. Well actually, there is some ambiguity yet. The last we saw Deidre was several years ago when Manfloy kidnapped her. It's not certain if Manfloy dropped Deirdre here and is manipulating Alvis, or if Alvis is in the know the whole while. Either way, he seems to want to marry her so that he can act as some sort of regent king. Back to the fight, I use my Dancer to try to get some of my strongest units up towards Byron to save him. I did some item shuffling to give Midir Jamka's Killer bow. I notice that the keep's item shop doesn't really restock all that often. I feel like I'm missing something because due to the limited number of items that I just have to keep repairing, and also not a plethora of dropped items, I've never had to use the item storage. In any case, it hasn't really hindered me. I hope the new bow will make Midir more useful. Jamka is strong enough with a Silver Bow.

Brigid and Aideen talk and I finally put a few bits together that I had just glossed over before. I knew Andre was Grandbellian but now I realize that he is a sibling to thse two, all from Jungby. I remember from the beginning of the game the Aideen was originally taken from Jungby, so it makes more sense now. He killed his father and ...actually I don't quite have all of the motivations in place here. I'm unsure of his reasons other than him wanting to take control of the province. Well, in any case, like the rest of Grandbell he's another foe in Sigurd's way. Sigurd runs past the first line of defense while units like Azel and Lachesis mop up the rest. He is actually pretty easily to get to. Sigurd talk to Byron, who gives him the Tyrfing, only instead it is spelled Broken. Welp.

I put Aira and Sigurd up front to take on the axe knights that were chasing Byron. Before I knew it, their leader Slaydar was dead before I even knew who he was. However, I don't really have time to celebrate since now Andre is just going to lead his Beige Ritter into battle next. And his guys are all decked out in Brave Bows. Seems like a tougher group to deal with, so I begin to pull my units back.

Things on the southwest end are going fine. Most of my units are down there, and I can send some of my weaker guys against the axe thieves while the other actually capable units take out everyone else. Beowulf is one of the first to benefit and becomes a Ranger. I'm surprised that he can't use a bow, however, some ranger. Jamka is still one shotting fools, and otherwise my other really good units like Holyn make this encounter a breeze. I'm finding that even promoted, Lex still kind of sucks. He never dodges diddily and missed too often to be counted on. If only I had a Brave Axe

I randomly learn that Aira has paired with Dew. Uh huh. Unplanned but okay. Anyways, I lure the mounted bow men close and learn that they are actually extremely fragile. Most of my units can each take out one easily, except Noish, because he's lame. I do the usual "has only a bow" boss tactic of trapping him up :p. They never learn. With dancer aid, I end up taking out all but one of the Beige Ritter in one turn.

Both siblings have a chat with Andre before whacking him, but it just seems like flavor text (still appreciated). Andre obviously is really easy since he can't counter attack. I don't remember who killed him.

Racing Lachesis and Fury down to the last village reveals an interesting tibit. Seems Eltshan had a kid named Aless, who clearly will not be important coming up. With all of these pairings and offspring and such, I assume I am setting myself up for the second generation of units. Its fun to guess who all will play a role coming up. Well first I'm more interested in figuring out what initiates the time skip in the first place, so, onward! Midir becomes a Bow Knight! She was upset with Jamka and Brigid taking all of the archery credit. I hope she is generally more useful now. So other units left to spoonfeed are Alec, Noish, and Fury. The first two are able to take down the lower two ballistas with the help of some healing and dancing, getting some much needed exp.

Speaking of Midir and Brigid, I learn that they too are now a couple. I thus realize that Midir is actually a guy. Fooled me for longer than Lucius did, anyways. For the last two ballistae, I use Aideen to rescue Fury into range and have her take them other for easy exp. Only the boss, Langbart, left now. While all of the villages in this map so far only gave gold (I really am starting to wish more gave items), one of these two villages reminds me of the Prince Shanan of Isaac. I mean, yeah I probably knew all of this information beforehand but it's helpful to have it reiterated. I guess a lot of people take Sigurd's friendship with Shanan as "evidence" of his treachery to Grandbell.

Langbart has a really spiffy axe, the Swanchik, whose stat bonuses end up making him like a tank. I decide to not waste time whittling him down and attacking with the strongest weapon of my own armory at the moment, Brigid with Ichival. It actually ends up being really easy, just allowing her to retaliate and get healed each turn. Langbart dies and mentions the name Dannan, who I don't know.

Aside: One of either Slaydar or Andre mentioned Scorpio, who I also don't know.

From some of the spoon fed exp, Fury is finally a Falcon Knight and Alec actually managed to promote to Paladin. Stay losing, Noish. And I suppose Tiltyu, I guess she's the token "way underleveled" character of the game so far. Wrath still makes her useful sometimes. And Ardan, but I never liked him. We actually are introduced to the importance of Dannan right away, where Sigurd decides to send Oifaye and Shanan along with his son Serlis to get out of this hell hole and go over to Isaac to be safe for the time being. I anticipate Sigurd might not ever see them again for a long time.

(If ever? Having gone into the game knowing there are "two generations", I feel like I could reason what's coming up. Well, it's either gotta be long term imprisonment or death, right
Or time travel lolol
. Too bad I couldn't go in completely unspoiled.)

Cuan, my main man, is back! He and Ethlin finally decide to stop playing hooky and help out. Fin is still seemingly tardy, however. We learn that Cuan and Ethlin have a kid named Altenna. I feel like I can already name half of the roster of the next part of the game, haha. But Trabant is also sniffing around. I had actually pretty much forgotten about his earlier absence. Basically he wants to get rid of Cuan's knights (Something Ritter, again. Lance knights). I think he is acting on his own and not under one of the Grandbellian lords, but I'm unsure. Meanwhile, Alvis is promising whole countries to people left and right on his way to obtaining power. Giving them out like candy. For some reason I feel like these promises will not be fulfilled.

Manfloy shows his face again after some absence. Again, things are still a bit ambiguous here. Alvis seems to have the blood of 3 or so important bloodlines in him, including one that Manfloy is really interested in in order to revive the Dark Lord. Alvis doesn't really seem to see eye to eye with Manfloy, he mentions wanting to preserve peace through his eventual rule and not be interested in whatever the Dark Sect is up to. However, he clearly sees Sigurd as a disposable obstacle in the way of the greater good so for our purposes, it doesn't really matter at this point, he wants us dead. Meanwhile, the general Vaha is leading the Roten Ritter and begins to chuck meteors at Sigurd and Co. while Cuan has to deal with this batch of Thracian wyverns. Things seem to be about to come to a head. I may finally get to use the Gae Bolg!
Things are certainly heating up. I assume you're going to try to get the Broken Sword 'unbroken' at the Repair shop, right?

Also, I'd like to reiterate a certain bit of Chapter 2 dialogue that should be relevant if you glossed over it before.

Sir, Lord Filat of Barhara is here to see you.

Lord Filat, it's good of you to come.

Sir Sigurd, looks like we've reached full-scale war with Agustria. What's the prognosis?

We seem to be holding up alright, but it's been no easy fight.

Incidentally, I've come with a bit of bad news.


There's been some nasty rumours making the rounds in the Royal Court.
It's going around that Prince Cuan of Lenster, King Eltshan of Nodion, and yourself are conspiring against His Majesty.
They say that explains why you're hiding the Prince of Isaac.

That's absurd!
Who could've started such a story!?

Duke Reptor and Lord Langobalt.

I see... Those two have had it in for my father for some time, but this has gone far enough.

I believe they're put off by the way Prince Kurth goes to Lord Byron for everything.
Once the prince ascends the throne, those two are sure to be ousted from their posts, and that has them worried.
At any rate, I'd watch your back.

Thanks, I'll do that.
Tell me, how are we faring in the Isaacian conflict?

We expect Prince Kurth and your father's triumphant return any day now.

I'm glad to hear His Highness made it through alright. My father sure worries about his safety.
He fears the Royal Family's blood would be lost forever if anything were to happen to him.

We've been trying to hasten his search for a bride as of late.

Is there any special reason for that?

Well, only a select few at the Royal Court know this but...
It seems His Highness is having problems letting go of a love from his past.

Any reason the two never married?

Oh, I may as well tell you the whole story. This all took place nearly 20 years ago.
The lovely duchess of Velthomer, a married woman mind you, fell for the prince.
Now the duke of Velthomer was a reputed womaniser and had several lovers. The prince, however, was a straight arrow.***
Initially, the prince merely sympathised with the duchess, but then one day the two fell deeply in love.
Now the duke lost his head. After writing a letter denouncing the two, he committed suicide.
The duchess, clearly perplexed, disappeared without a trace.
I believe her name was Cigyun.

Geez... I never knew. The duchess would have been Lord Alvis' mother, correct?

Precisely. Oh, what a pity...
To lose both parents like that at the age of seven...

Poor Prince Kurth... and the duchess.

Oh, I'm sorry to run on and on. Soldiers like yourself have no time for Royal Court gossip.
Just forget I said anything. I'm sure this conflict is keeping you plenty busy.
Sir Sigurd, we anxiously await your return to the homeland!

***Barrylocke note: One point not really explained in the game, but mentioned in official supplementary works, is that the Duke of Velthomer, Victor, had apparently gotten drunk and molested a maid of the castle. The maid eventually got pregnant, which made Victor "yell, curse, use violence, and try to drive her away". Sigyun defended the maid and was likely comforted by the Prince around the time of this incident, and the bastard child is who we know as Azel.


I actually do remember that conversations pretty well. I believe I bolded the write-up text under it as I tried to make sense of it. It's helpful to have the text in front of me again, though. Edit: Clearly I got some of that confused at the time, though.

And no, I didn't consider the repair shop. I assumed I would have found a quest item or something to fix it. I guess I don't give the compoany smith enough crediit
Yup. Basically if a weapon runs out of uses, it become a broken sword/axe/whatever. It'll have shitty might, shitty accuracy, and will somehow get very heavy, but it can still be fixed at the weapon shop.

On a related note, I'm honestly not sure why the game bothers to offer personal storage, but I can say that I've very rarely used it. I WANT to say that if a character dies and gets revived, their items wind up in storage, but I'm not 100% on that. It would have been cool if couples could share storage units at the very least, but that's not so.


Yup. Basically if a weapon runs out of uses, it become a broken sword/axe/whatever. It'll have shitty might, shitty accuracy, and will somehow get very heavy, but it can still be fixed at the weapon shop.

Ah, you see I haven't let an item break. I assumed it would be gone for good.

You know, the usual da na na na na naaaah and then poof. I guess I assumed the Broken item was something unique/ story specific.


The most unlikeliest of people is seeing a lot of action in Chapter 5 so far. I'm having to use Dew against every priest and archer, and rescuing him out of danger. You can guess why.

Fury is being very useful as well.
Fury's always been useful for me. Fire Emblem tends to be hit or miss with it's Pegasus Knights, but Fury tends to lie in the middle of that line. Once she promotes and becomes a winged healer though, it's all hit.
Fury's always been useful for me. Fire Emblem tends to be hit or miss with it's Pegasus Knights, but Fury tends to lie in the middle of that line. Once she promotes and becomes a winged healer though, it's all hit.

not seeing it, there's a lot of hits and very few misses (at least among the earlygame pegasus knights)

FE1/3/11/12: Caeda is amazing (and Catria AND Palla, lolEst)
FE2: who cares
FE4: Fury is decent I guess, idk the Paladin units run over everything anyway
FE5: dunno, I don't think Karin (?) is that great
FE6: Thany gets strength screwed lol (and Miledy is great)
FE7: Florina is a better version of Thany
FE8: Vanessa....Seth exists, but she's great if you actually use her
FE9: Marcia=MVP, Tanith is great too
FE10: yeah ok this is probably the worst game for Pegasus Knights, especially because Haar and Jill run over everything and make them even more useless
FE13: Sumia/Cordelia, see Vanessa's section but with Robin instead of Seth
then again if female avatar reclasses to Dark Flier does that sort of count as a pegasus knight
Is Marcia really that good? I remember not being terribly impressed with her in FE9, though it's been awhile.

I'm probably not far enough in Thracia to really have a true opinion on Karin (just got to Chapter 6, which is the first chapter that she's allowed to fly in), but the fact that she helps the ever badass Fergus become even more badass, while also getting boosts of her own makes me think that she's going to be a staple of the team.
And so the bomb finally dropped. I was waiting for this, though I saw you started suspecting that it might end this way earlier on.

First of all, cut Deidre some slack. :p IIRC, she starts to remember Sigurd a little bit before Alvis sends her back to the castle, and her sprite even looks back at him one last time on the way back.

I probably should have mentioned earlier that you don't actually need the full price of a weapon to fix it. Had you attempted to fix the Tyrfing with whatever money was in your purse, it would have used as much money as you had available to fix it to that level. IE if you had 20K, you'd lose all your gold and get 20 uses out of it (since holy weapons cost 1000 per use). Sooo basically that Dew stealing tactic, while clever, was kind of a waste of time, heheh.

On a related note, the Thief Sword basically gives the wielder the Steal ability. Since Dew already has that ability, and since the Thief Sword is pretty crappy in terms of being a weapon, it's a waste to use with him. Also, if you're ever curious to see how much money you can steal from a foe, check the Gold option for the enemy in the menu. Just as it shows how much gold your units have, it also shows how much the enemy has too, and when you whack them with a thief or the theif sword, you swipe it all (or as much as you can carry if your purse fills)

And finally, to whet your appetite on things to come, I feel you should know that your actions decided who married who (besides Sigurd/Diedre and Cuan/Ethlin of course). Remember when I said way back that while this game doesn't have a support system, you can still gain something from having units stand adjacent? That was me hinting at the games Lover System. It's actually pretty similar to the FE6 and beyond support system at least in how it grows, and those games support systems seem to take influence from both this game and older FE games with support systems (FE1, 3, and 5)

Basically, units start with a certain amount of love points for units of the opposite sex, which grows every turn. If you have units of the opposite sex stand next to each other, it grows even higher. Certain pairings can also get a boost through conversations (Like when you had Ayra talk to Holyn to get the Brave Sword). When the points hit the maximum, the couple is bound together and will be the parents to children that will appear in the next generation. You technically can't look up the amount of points a character has, but when you get your fortune taken in town, the fortune teller will tell you how far along you are with your highest ranking suitor.

The parents will pass down their usable items, any holy blood ties, money, and skills (if they're bound to the character and not the class, for instance Dew won't pass down steal unless his child is a thief because that's a Thief thing, not a Dew thing). In addition, the kids growth rates for stats will depend on their parents as well, with daughters getting most of their influence from their mothers, and sons getting it mostly from their fathers.

Anywho, I'm glad to see that this made it to Chapter 5. It'll be interesting watching the 2nd act and the fruits of your unit husbandry.


Just one more thing... if the female characters weren't paired up, or died, you'll get replacement characters rather than their children.


I never tried repairing a weapon without the full money amount, haha! Yeah I realized early on that the thief sword on Dew was a little pointless.

I didn't want to be obessive and pair everyone up artificially, like a checklist. But looking back, I think I got the majority of them paired up, though not all of them mentioned children specifically in their conversations.

Deirdire went with Sigurd (enforced)
Ethlin went with Cuan (enforced)
Sylvia went with Levin (expected)
Aira went with Dew (wat)
Brigid with Midir (this confused me until I rationalized Midir was male, haha)
Tiltyu with Claude (may be story enforced, otherwise expected)
Aideen with Azel (both early game units so I'm unsurprised)
Lachesis with Beowulf (seems a little random)

So I suppose Fury didn't end up with anyone. Guess she was always roaming around too far from the group :p

On top of this, Eltshan had a child, and having gotten to the start of the chapter I see Shanan will be a unit as well. Going over my posts to see if there were any others to expect.

Edit: I do have one save state (dont kill me) at the end of the last chapter, I could just force Fury with someone :/


Edit: I do have one save state (dont kill me) at the end of the last chapter, I could just force Fury with someone :/
Mmm... you have Arden, Alec and Noish left. I think any of them could work fine, but you could go with the one that ended with the better stats.


Well I went back and just wasted a bunch of turns. The fortune guy now says that Noish and Fury are in "love" but nothing on their character screens. Dunno if that is enough. Probably too late.

Not too bothered though. I didn't go back for other things I missed so this is just something else. Keeps the playthrough interesting. At least I got most of the people to be paired without really focusing on it.


Well I went back and just wasted a bunch of turns. The fortune guy now says that Noish and Fury are in "love" but nothing on their character screens. Dunno if that is enough. Probably too late.
It needs to be said on the character screen that they're lovers, otherwise it doesn't count.

If by Turn 50 they aren't lovers, there's no way for it to happen. As for making them falling in love faster
just have them stand right next to each other by the end of each turn.
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