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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

I think a big part of who paired with who in your game was because you did some shenanigans with Sylvia to get her to level 30, and some minor ones to get exp for healers. If any opposite gender units were standing next to each other during that, they were gaining love points every turn. IIRC, the game stops giving love points not from conversations after the 50th turn, so the almost 300 turns that it must have taken to get her to level 30 didn't have quite as much of an effect as it could have, but I'm sure it did mess with who fell for who.

If you still want to pair up Fury, she also has Holyn, Jamka, and Lex along with the three mentioned by Javier.

I won't go into what parents lead to better kids right now, but I will say my surprise on the pairings you got.

Sylvia went with Levin (not that surprising since it went a littler long in Chapter 2)

Aira went with Dew (I honestly didn't see that coming, especially since you had Aira get relation points with Holyn. Incidentally, Lex could have had a similar talk that would have also given her the same weapon and points. I'm blaming the Sylvia shenanigans on this.)

Brigid with Midir (They're one of the more likely pairings for Brigid. They also have a love conversation, but you never mentioned it so I'm thinking you pulled this one off without that.)

Tiltyu with Claude (a pretty likely pairing. Azel gets a love converation with her, but I think your Azel had married Aideen by then, so their love conversation never showed up
Aideen with Azel (pretty easy because as you said their both early game units. Aideen has quite a few admirers, but if you had Azel and Aideen talk in Chapter 1, then this might have been the deciding factor. Midayle can talk to Aideen too, but it's an either/or talk)

Lachesis with Beowulf (not as unlikely as you may think. That training exercise that Beowulf did with Lachesis doubles as a love conversation)

Fury with nobody (poor Fury :/. Ironically, she has the easiest pairup in the game, with Levin. They get a chat that instantly makes them marry each other in Chapter 4. Of course that's ~2 chapters of time between when they meet and then, and Levin apparently couldn't resist Sylvia's dancing :p)
<---- I see that my new favorite underdog is arriving on the field!

Fun fact, Leif happens to be the star of his own Fire Emblem game, Thracia 776. It's a midquel that shows how Leif, Fin, Nanna and their own crew survived on the Manster/Thracia peninsula. I need to get back to playing that game myself sometime, because it's very fun, though it lives up to its reputation of being a tough game.

What's that? More background info about other stuff? Well there's the fact, that Julia would get a different tome if you had captured Johan's castle and recruited Johalva...but who cares right now. Leify-boy's here!

This is true theprodigy. He's certainly one of the lesser Lords in the series combat-wise, although his Light Sword is pretty badass. Besides the spell magic from range that it has in FE4, it can also be used to heal Leaf to full hp at the cost of a weapon use.


Huh. I'm actually a bit stuck on Chapter 7. One boss near Shanan/Patty and Serlis' group now has Fenrir and covers the whole area between the two groups. Shanan is the only one that can reliably dodge but would still die in one hit. It does a lot of damage to everyone else too.

Down south, I don't think Leif and Co are strong enough to take out Blume, he's wielding a really strong spell.

I could get really scummy with the save states I guess and just march Shanan through with his dodging, heal him up with Julia/Lana, and then march him to take the Shrine back. Maybe I've got a sleep staff tucked away somewhere. Gotta think laterally.

Worth 1000 words or whatever:

Edit: I can't even get to Blume yet anyways, gates in the way. Also I can't even fly over to the village to save it until I figure it out!

Restart time maybe.
I'm sure part of it has to do with when the games were released.

Seisen no Keifu/Geneology of the Holy War was released in '96, and was the sequel to Monshou no Nazo/Mystery of the Emblem, aka the most popular FE game in Japan until Awakening. Meanwhile, Thracia 776 was released via a Nintendo Power download service in '99, and released as a normal cart in '00. By then, the N64 was out for years and the PS2 had just come out in Japan (it was apparently the very last Super Famicom cartridge made). I imagine these factors means that the demand is way higher than the supply and it's much rarer than Seisen no Keifu and especially Monshou no Nazo.

Still, it's pretty impressive. Old JRPGs tend to go for really cheap in Japan since they were/are so popular over there, so you can get some real deals on games that are much more expensive here...assuming you don't care about that whole language barrier thing.


Ah, that's very enlightening information. I didn't know it was released so relatively late.

Maybe I'll make New Mystery of the Emblem my next import then, haha

"Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu" ? That's some mouthful.

Edit: Only one I've played completely without any language help was Sacred Stones. I have no Japanese knowledge, which is unfortunately and problem needs to be fixed, haha. I invented character names and imagined a general plot based on who appeared when and all that :p Luckily the core game itself doesn't really require specific knowledge of the language.
I suppose. I personally wouldn't see myself buying RPG style games just because I feel like I'd miss out on plot and such, and because emulation is an option. I could see myself picking up specific non plot-heavy games if I were into collecting though. Fortunately, all of the FE games have patches of some sort, so there's no need for me to play those in Japanese at least.


Right. I'd play it with a patch most likely (this is still entirely hypothetical). You just mentioned the language barrier and I was just recounting my one experience with an entirely japanese FE game. It was still really fun! I play these for the core gameplay really, map clearing and unit progression. You could give me a series of unconnected maps with nameless avatars and I'd probably still enjoy it a ton. Though the narratives are usually pretty interesting and I do like that the FE games tend to have large casts, and later titles have done a pretty good job of giving each character their own arcs and really flesh them out. I think PoR and RD especially do a great job of making most of the characters important despite them being so numerous. Compared to something like Fire Emblem (GBA) where a lot of characters are just kind of there to be units for you. I love highly political storylines in general, and FE has those in spades.
Many people feel that FE4 is actually the easiest once you know which pairings are the most broken and you have more cool items. But I agree that FE8 is easier for a blind playthrough, even if you discount the grinding mechanics.


First part of Chapter 7. This one's a bit dialogue heavy. Guess it is to be expected with a lot of characters being introduced (or re-introduced) here. Shanan and Patty flee Yied Shrine with the Balmung in hand, Leif, Fin and Nanna scramble to protect Lenster from oncoming knights, and Serlis enters the arena to the dismay (or delight) of many who want him dead. As the number of adversaries increases, I'm very glad that the number of allies does as well.

Leif starts out at a fairly low level (that would be level 1) and with none of Cuan's stuff :( I guess it's all lying in the middle of that desert where he died. Except for the Gae Bolg, which is in some enemy's hands somewhere. He does have a Light sword, which seems pretty nifty. We learn that Delmud and Nanna are siblings, the children of Lachesis (and in my game, Beowulf.) Seems like I had a decent pairing there, but of course I don't have much in the way of reference. I am very glad that Nanna inherited the Earth sword to help keep her HP up. At first I thought Patty and Shanan were acquaintances at least but I suppose not. Shanan does manage to convince her to hand over the Balmung which she and her plebeian bloodline can't hope to ever use anyways. Shanan better get familiar with his new weaponry quickly, because he have a lot of Dark Mages on his ass.

So yeah. Balmung is legit. A perfect sword for a Swordmaster. Rather, anyone that can wield it. Luckily Shanan happens to be able to. While it hits hard, more important is Shanan's evasion stat so that he can deal with the various mages who can attack from range since the Balmung is only a close quarters weapon. Meanwhile the Lenster folk have a bunch of villages to try to save while Blume sends a bunch of soldiers at them. Luckily, fighting within the various little villages gives a good evasion boost, which becomes essential since these three are a bit outnumbered. Fin's Brave Lance seems like it should come in handy here.

Serlis' group approaches Yied Shrine from the east, dealing with the Dark Mages as well. The enemies are pretty accurate and deal a fair bit of damage, so Julia and Lana end up on near full heal duty here. I find myself weakening the enemies with a fully healed unit and then following up with kills for units that cannot survive another magic hit. It would have been problematic if there were more of them but luckily the mages were not very numerous. Bramsel and Jabarro are seemingly chomping at the bit to get their fingers on Serlis. Neither seems to have made a play yet, though. We are introduced to Leen, who seems to be a dancer and is reminiscent of Sylvia, and Aless, who is a chip off the old block (Eltshan).

Although Aless and Serlis have never met, the Nodion prince doesn't seem too fond of making any new friends. Fin gets a Speed Ring from one of the nearby villages while Nanna grabs gold from a few of the others. Serlis plays around with a Fire sword which gives him a little more utility with the extra range. Good to have. Squint and you almost see Roy.

Patty backs off because she seems pretty useless in a fight...though in hindsight the Sleep sword might have been helpful. Then again, Shanan one shots these guys, dodges most of the time, and can take a few hits. He can only reliable clear one Dark Mage per turn, but it's not so bad. Fin waits in a defensive position ready for the push by Blume's knights. Meanwhile, Nanna learns from one of the residents that Tinna doesn't seem to be as cruel as her uncle or the rest of the foes. Unsurprising, but a good reminder to see if we can get her support later.

Fin takes a few hits but he generally outclasses most of the attackers, his armament helps. I dunno why I was using Iron in the image, haha. Leif being able to support with Light and Nanna turning back to heal up means I'm able to get through the first wave of soldiers. Shanan finishes off all of the attackers, and he is able to keep Patty from harm. He rushes towards Yied to try to take it back quickly but Cutozov readies Fenrir, which makes him a threat to anyone near the shrine. Luckily, Shanan is well equipped with Balmung and dodges the few shots that the mage is able to send his way.

1 HP is all you need. As long as you don't get hit again. Leif and that other Lenster-folk successfully defend the villages, with the Light Sword, Earth Sword, and Brave Lance seeing a lot of use. However, the trio seem to be boxed into their little region and cannot approach Blume quite yet due to several gates in the way. I would not be confident in their chances to overthrow him alone anyways. THammer is a really strong spell. I might need to shove a Balmung up his...spleen. I still have to worry about Bramsel, Jabarro, and Ishtor first anywho.

I start moving most of Serlis' group past the shrine, towards the south. Serlis himself, as well as Lakche, approach the shrine to meet up with Shanan, who almost has the place subjugated. He Astras and rids the world of Cutozov easily. Until Serlis is able to seize the shrine, however, the rest of the force is unable to pass by Bramsel's border guard. Somewhere around now, a random axe-man shows up to poke at the last village on the map.

Shanan and Serlis reunite and share some kind words. Upon taking the shrine, Serlis learns that the people here worshiped the Dark God Loputousu, but Levin cautions him to check his point of view and reevaluate the meaning of good and evil. Seems a bit like PoR/RD at this point. It will be interesting to see if the parallel is maintained.

Upon the taking of Yied shrine, Bramsel and Jabarro seem to want to mobilize but still don't really make any mark on the map. By that I mean the border opens up, but no troops are sent and I don't see either character anywhere. Instead, Liza and Ishtor take the field and set up troops to the south. They have a lot of long range weaponry so I have to be careful. I am finally able to attempt to rescue the last village now that the magic barrier around the area has fallen :p

Bramsel tries to get creepy with Leen but Aless is having none of it. He seems to have the mega-powerful Mistolin in his possession, which I've seen wielded (by his pops) but never used. Again, I'm surprised that nothing reflects the dispute on the map. Nothing seems to have happened that I can control, to my knowledge. So I have to focus on Ishtor down south and worry about this later. Shanan and Lakche reunite near Yied, (I suppose they would be cousins) and Lakche gets some stat ups.

Rescuing the last village at nearly the last possible moment, we learn that Jabarro and Aless are close, it seems like Aless was recruited into Bramsel's service or something like that. Probably good information to put in my back pocket. I also get a Shield ring for this, which seems like decent swag for a Pegasus Knight. Patty introduces herself to Serlis and he receives a Brave Sword. Along with the Fire sword he acquired earlier, this should help him be a little less average in future fights, I hope.

So, Ishtor and Liza take up defensive positions to the south, and I will have to approach them since they do not come to me. I gather my units up north. Meanwhile, Leif and Co. are still kind of stuck. I've had them repair their weapons and heal up but otherwise I'm unsure whether I'm able to use them . I haven't tried using something like the Warp staff, but I imagine the NPCs will get out of the way once I take the next keep. Liza, Ishtor, Bramsel, Jabarro, Blume, and maybe Aless? Still a lot of people to take care of here. I feel things are about to get dicey.
More weapons for everyone! Speaking of which, fun fact. once a weapon gains 50 kills, you gain the ability to critical with it. Your chances of a weapon criticalling is Weapon Kills (indicated by stars) - 50 + Skill + 20 if next to your sibling or lover. So if a weapon has 60 kills, it has 10+skill% chance of critting, and if it has 35 kills, it won't crit at all

The exceptions to this are having the Critical skill, like Leif, which makes critical chance based on skill or they get a guaranteed effective crit, like Archers on Winked units). Standing by your lover/sibling also gives you the 20% (but nothing else) if you don't have any of the other stuff.

So what can we learn from all of this stat formula stuff? High kill weapons are great to use. If someone is equipped with a weapon that is high kill but they have a stronger weapon that they use a lot more, it may be worth giving the bloodied thing to someone less fortunate.


I was actually wondering about critical hits since it seemed more obfuscated compared to later entries. Was thinking it was tied to skills like wrath or only limited to using a slayer weapon (or comparable variant). Or the killer bow (no others that I've found yet.) That's interesting to tie it to weapon use. Reminds me of using heavy weapons to get weapon skill up. A little bit anyways. In some of the games having the highest weapon use tier gave +5 critical so it's in the same realm at least.

Aside, I'm happy to see that the skills like Astra and Luna and Wrath and stuff are in this one. I suppose that I gave misplaced credit on PoR/RD thinking they introduced the majority of them. Bit red in the face. Well, sacred stones had a bare bones system but there wasn't a lot to it. Some guaranteed hits with snipers and the general damage block and a couple others I forget. "7" had the assassin ohko, but not much else to my memory unless you count the inherent critical bonus on some classes. Did "6" have anything? I've played it, but only once; in my memory it's all a blur. At least I know it has no assassins, so no ohko.

Also reminds me when the whole "affinity bonus" stat growths thing for "7" was debunked. I believed that stuff for a long time.

Man I ramble late at night.
FE6 had no skills iirc. And I didn't know about the OHKO thing for years, probably because the only time my assassins would get it, I would just think it was a crit.

What are you referring to with the Affinity Bonus thing?

Oh wait, you mean that thing where you chose the Month your Tactician was born in and people said it provided a bonus, right?
yeah FE4/5 introduced skills, they were kind of broken though compared to the FE9/13 versions (let's not mention the FE10 mastery skills....)


Right. People thought it worked like some inherent Afa's Drops to any character with matching infinity. Instead, it's just a small bonus to hit and evade. Still useful.
Yeah, I love skills being tied to specific characters to add personality and uniqueness, but FE9 did a better job at actually balancing it all. FE4...well, you've seen Astra in action.


Is anyone else playing any other FE game at the moment?

I'm starting a new Awakening campaign, playing through the story and DLC chapters using mostly a team with the DLC characters (and no Nosferatu).


Not excited for Hyrule Warriors in the slightest, but a small part of me hopes it does well enough for Nintendo to consider a Fire Emblem Warriors.

It just makes too much damn sense. I want to go beast mode on some motherfuckers with Ike.

Hell, just imagine a Hector/Ike co-op session.


I really want to play the first GBA game in English :(

You should be able to find a fan patch for it. Unfortunately the ToS suggests I have to be careful here. I'm also unsure how expensive it would be to grab an import cart now. A quick glance suggests 60 dollars or more now. Sheesh! Why I went with Holy War, fairly cheap.

Surprising that they never bothered after SSBM.


Priam as Ike alt.
Chrom and Lucina as Marth alts.
Robin or Owain as the Fire Emblem Awakening rep.

This should happen.

They won't put entirely different characters as alts - now if the Black Knight was in Smash, the possibility of a Zelgius alt would be much higher...
They won't put entirely different characters as alts - now if the Black Knight was in Smash, the possibility of a Zelgius alt would be much higher...

It would most likely be references to them (color-wise), so you know the next best thing to them actually being in the game


Awakening is great for beginners!

God, I've said this about 100 times in this thread, but I'd love for remakes of the Tellius games on a portable system. I'd love to be able to recommend those games, but I can't with their price tags


Same with "FE7" as a VC release. It's also a great first game with the expanded tutorial and all. Getting a used cart isn't outrageous (assuming you don't get a phony), but still more expensive than it should be plus it requires people to pull out their old DSLites.
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