Oh boy, first post on this site in this thread. I'll probably suprise everyone with how much I suck.
So, anyway. After buying a Wii U I did what everyone would do. Instead of playing the new shiny games I bought I bought an eShop card, looked at the eShop and bought both FE 7 and FE 8. Of course I already own both of them, but omgplayingthemonthebigscreen!!!
So, I played through Fire Emblem just normal, because I haven't played that in ages (and well, because since it was a new game I had no option to play it on hard mode or Hector hard mode). I am now playing through Sacred Stones and for that I thought I will do gender only runs. For my first run I choose girls only, because Eirika's route is easier then Ephraim's (it has no damn Ghost Ship, oh god that map). I am currently in chapter 12 and well, for someone who never did a challenge run on any of the Fire Emblem games before, Girls only is definitly a challenge. The hardest part are the first few missions because you have such a small fighting force, only swords and lances and your characters are also pretty weak (and all of them decided they don't need strenght - srsly, Neimi had 6 Strenght before I gave her an +Str Booster before C8). Now, since I already have 3 promoted units and actually have quite a bunch of units, it's like a more "normal" game.
Recruiting Amelia was actually also quite "interesting", since she leaves on turn 12 which I didn't even know the could do. Had to rampage through the enemies and not care who was feeded kills to actually reach her in time.
On a side note, I am also more or less (less at the moment) playing my Awakening files, my Hard Classic Post game were I still need the Challenge and Apotheosis maps (and train all the characters, only 3 have +10 stats so far), my Lunatic run is on chapter 16 , were I could try to recruit Morgan( but that map has chests again and I never trained Gaius, so I either have to use Anna again (and bench someone who would actually need the Exp, like Lucina or Kjelle) or level up someone like Lon'qu or Avatar and make them into a thief. I also have an Outrealm only file, but I am only at chapter 6. It's interesting to see how broken Pair up and Support is in this game, because even with pair up, without the supports my units die extremely fast.