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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

you know, pretty much every single game has had a god/dragon as a plot point and/or antagonist, it'd be nice if this game actually didn't have it for once, but I'm not expecting it

I hope so but I doubt it will happen.

Everytime there is a dragon or a god interfering in the plot, it becomes too simple, bland and predictable (the dragon is just something that wants to destroy everything and the hero is a hero because he has sacred sword yee). It really did bad things to FE10 plots
Part 3 was a masterpiece for me and the twist at the end was such a buzzkill, fortunately, the tower part was great with all the twist and characters developement

With this western country vs eastern country thing, there is a lot more to do than the usual dragon twist.

As for the worldwide release, you should know that there are only a few RPG that got a worldwide release. I think there is Pokemon XY and... I don't have another exemple. I would be already happy if I got the game before 2016.


ORAS was a global release, though Pokemon is a much bigger franchise than Fire Emblem.

Not really since Europe and I think Canada got it a week later - Pokemon X and Y is the one I can think of and that's an exception rather than the rule.

I don't mind gods/dragons being in Fire Emblem games as long as it's built up properly, the twist in Radiant Dawn was fairly well executed I thought and it gave the game an epic feel to it.


We already saw a Dragon, choking someone no less, so...

But yeah, Part 3 of RD was great. Stakes got so high there, Micaiah basically went off her rocker.


Junior Member
I think what Fire Emblem if will probably do is make the Avatar and Lord synonymous. Make you the player the hero of the story.
No, that doesn't count.
I'm talking about the avatar being there of their own volition (doesn't necessarily have to be good or bad, just opposite of the main Lord's ideals).
Like throughout the game you're presented options. Whichever you take, the main Lord chooses the other option, or something like that.
At the end of the game, you'll be controlling the main Lord and facing down the avatar, who's on the opposing side of your decisions.

But then it's not an avatar anymore if you aren't even following his side. His whole point is to be a point of view character. In that scenario, you'd end up with the main lord as an enemy.

And I'm saying that'd be cool.

Y'know, that WOULD be cool.

They'd never do it, but it'd be cool.

Tommy DJ

Quick question.

I'm planning a Hector Hard Mode S Rank run. Do ranks from Lyn's story carry over to Hector's story. I honestly cannot remember or find anything about it outside 5 stars funds rank = free white gem.

I'm going to answer my own question so I can find a condensed answer when I do this again in a few years time.

Ranks don't seem to matter in Lyn's mode. This means you can grind up Nils without feeding him to the wolves. Killing off Rath is recommended so he comes with B rank bows, which lets him use the brave bow.

Funds rank also doesn't matter. The gem that Lyn has in her inventory during Chapter 16 is dictated by remaining assets. White gem needs total assets to be greater than 33,000 - real easy to achieve if you pilfer all items from chests and steal the lockpick from the thief in Chapter 7x. Blue gem is from 30,000 to 33,000. If you want the white gem, are forced to either use the robe or the ring. Using both will net you the blue gem so long you have pilfered all items and have the stolen lockpick - if you are missing any of these, you will get a red gem.

If you limit item uses to the Mani Katti, iron lances/swords/axes, and the heal staff, you can potentially use both the robe and ring and still get the white gem.


So did Codename S.T.E.A.M. go from worthless to costing $92 (at the absolute minimum) for anyone else, or am I alone in my consumerism.


So did Codename S.T.E.A.M. go from worthless to costing $92 (at the absolute minimum) for anyone else, or am I alone in my consumerism.

Nah. I was hesitating to jump in for it before, but now it's a must buy, unless there are some very bad news at release, like stupidly short campaign or something similar.


haha FE6 secret shop is so hilariously broken
the most lucrative one is the one in the next to last chapter so your characters should be hilariously broken by that point anyway. it does allow zeis enough prep time to catch up on milady though. boots for everyone. :lol
the most lucrative one is the one in the next to last chapter so your characters should be hilariously broken by that point anyway. it does allow zeis enough prep time to catch up on milady though. boots for everyone. :lol

Milady buying like 30 pairs of boots at the secret shop, such a girl thing to do /s


I love using that one RNG exploit in FE8 to get units with maxed move by having that one bonewalker drop boots every time. It's great.


You guys I just drunk impulse bought RD! It was $65 for a complete copy, and looks like original printing. Even though I really prefer, PoR, I definitely regret selling my copy, and I figured that with the recent announcement of Wii downloadable games on Wii U, this was going to be it's lowest price for a while.

The thing is, even if they ever happen to release RD on the eshop, there's no existing mechanism to import your PoR saves, making it an inferior version.

I'm terrible at this shit though. Re-bought Pikmin 2 for like $70 about a month before they finally announced the NPC Wii version. Now I just got to get an Ike amiibro.

So did Codename S.T.E.A.M. go from worthless to costing $92 (at the absolute minimum) for anyone else, or am I alone in my consumerism.

Yeah, but for me it was more like "Okay IS, I'm going to buy it but I'm not going to be happy about it" to "LASER SWORD ATTACK FK YEAH".


Oh yeah the infinite boots, what the hell were they thinking, although it was fun seeing Roy moving faster than Sonic.

They were probably thinking that since the game is hard enough as it is, there's no harm in letting someone grind it out in the arena, and then later turn their characters into gods with all their money if someone really wants to.

Maybe they were also thinking that the ranking system would discourage abusing the secret shops?
They were probably thinking that since the game is hard enough as it is, there's no harm in letting someone grind it out in the arena, and then later turn their characters into gods with all their money if someone really wants to.

Maybe they were also thinking that the ranking system would discourage abusing the secret shops?

FE6's ranking system is incredibly lenient though

I mean, at least the funds rank isn't bizarre like FE7, but it's incredibly easy instead

Tommy DJ

IS often have these strange oversights where its clear they weren't really thinking right. It still cracks me up that the Ike can trivialize one of the best Fire Emblem story arcs by trading his sword for a hammer.

I like to believe that the Chapter 21 secret shop exists so you can make the worst lord in Fire Emblem history into a juggernaut.


If you got through RD with no trouble, you'll probably be fine with Awakening. Is there anything specific you want to know?


...right, who's worse
Probably not the one who has access to the best weapon in the game. It's ranged, grants +5 defense and resistance, auto criticals dragons and mamkutes, has the ability to heal 30 HP and only has a weight of 8 resulting in no speed loss. Good luck doubling Nergal and the Fire Dragon with Durandal, Eliwood. :lol


Don't forget those delicious 20 uses so you probably shouldn't waste that to heal :p

Well, Roy only gets the Sword of seals and promotes in chapter 21/21x, so you only get to use his promoted form+best sword for 3/4 maps :c

Granted, Eliwood gets Durandal in the final, but he at least gets his promotion and horsie before that.

(...I don't think the Binding Blade auto-crits, though, it just has the effective bonus, which is... 3x damage... oh lol nvm)
Probably not the one who has access to the best weapon in the game. It's ranged, grants +5 defense and resistance, auto criticals dragons and mamkutes, has the ability to heal 30 HP and only has a weight of 8 resulting in no speed loss. Good luck doubling Nergal and the Fire Dragon with Durandal, Eliwood. :lol
yeah, because endgame is the only thing that matters

If anything, what makes Roy finally get out of the Roy zone is infinite boots, not the Binding Blade, because let's be real here that sword is far too fragile to have Roy on the front lines.


If endgame doesn't count, what does Eliwood do better that your other characters can't? He has a nerfed horse, average stats before and after he promotes and basically has no redeeming qualities outside of that one chapter and the chapters where you have to occupy the throne.

At least Roy is used to recruit most characters and is mandatory to end the chapter, which is crucial in unlocking the gaiden chapters and thus the best ending.


Oh boy, first post on this site in this thread. I'll probably suprise everyone with how much I suck.

So, anyway. After buying a Wii U I did what everyone would do. Instead of playing the new shiny games I bought I bought an eShop card, looked at the eShop and bought both FE 7 and FE 8. Of course I already own both of them, but omgplayingthemonthebigscreen!!!

So, I played through Fire Emblem just normal, because I haven't played that in ages (and well, because since it was a new game I had no option to play it on hard mode or Hector hard mode). I am now playing through Sacred Stones and for that I thought I will do gender only runs. For my first run I choose girls only, because Eirika's route is easier then Ephraim's (it has no damn Ghost Ship, oh god that map). I am currently in chapter 12 and well, for someone who never did a challenge run on any of the Fire Emblem games before, Girls only is definitly a challenge. The hardest part are the first few missions because you have such a small fighting force, only swords and lances and your characters are also pretty weak (and all of them decided they don't need strenght - srsly, Neimi had 6 Strenght before I gave her an +Str Booster before C8). Now, since I already have 3 promoted units and actually have quite a bunch of units, it's like a more "normal" game.

Recruiting Amelia was actually also quite "interesting", since she leaves on turn 12 which I didn't even know the could do. Had to rampage through the enemies and not care who was feeded kills to actually reach her in time.

On a side note, I am also more or less (less at the moment) playing my Awakening files, my Hard Classic Post game were I still need the Challenge and Apotheosis maps (and train all the characters, only 3 have +10 stats so far), my Lunatic run is on chapter 16 , were I could try to recruit Morgan( but that map has chests again and I never trained Gaius, so I either have to use Anna again (and bench someone who would actually need the Exp, like Lucina or Kjelle) or level up someone like Lon'qu or Avatar and make them into a thief. I also have an Outrealm only file, but I am only at chapter 6. It's interesting to see how broken Pair up and Support is in this game, because even with pair up, without the supports my units die extremely fast.
If endgame doesn't count, what does Eliwood do better that your other characters can't? He has a nerfed horse, average stats before and after he promotes and basically has no redeeming qualities outside of that one chapter and the chapters where you have to occupy the throne.

At least Roy is used to recruit most characters and is mandatory to end the chapter, which is crucial in unlocking the gaiden chapters and thus the best ending.

no, stuff like that doesn't actually count, otherwise following this to its logical conclusion Roy (or Marth) is the best unit in the game because you literally cannot beat the game without him (i.e. seize), or even further, that Micaiah, Laura, Lucia, Geoffrey, Ike, and Ranulf are all tied for best unit in Radiant Dawn because they have to arrive/seize at some point

but nobody actually does this, because it's stupid

now as for Eliwood I'm going to look at him again, but my impression of him is that he's throughly mediocre rather than actually bad
That's like saying the king is the worst piece in chess. :lol

Every character has his or her uses.

no, but nobody considers the king to be the "best" piece simply because you're required to protect it

besides last time I checked nobody was actually saying Roy is the worst unit in the game, Wendy gets that "award" free


Last I checked I replied to the claim that Roy is the worst lord in Fire Emblem and nobody claimed Roy is the best character in Binding Blade.

Comparing units within a game is I'd think more effective than comparing the individual lords without the context of the game and its mechanics. Otherwise, Ike would obliterate everyone with the game's inflated growths, bonus exp and aether skill.
Last I checked I replied to the claim that Roy is the worst lord in Fire Emblem and nobody claimed Roy is the best character in Binding Blade.

Comparing units within a game is I'd think more effective than comparing the individual lords without the context of the game and its mechanics. Otherwise, Ike would obliterate everyone with the game's inflated growths, bonus exp and aether skill.

I am comparing them within their respective games, and the whole hypothetical was to show how absurd counting seizing as an advantage is

however, upon reflection I'll say that Roy and Eliwood are about equally shit, it must run in the family


Sölf;148525376 said:
Oh boy, first post on this site in this thread. I'll probably suprise everyone with how much I suck.

So, anyway. After buying a Wii U I did what everyone would do. Instead of playing the new shiny games I bought I bought an eShop card, looked at the eShop and bought both FE 7 and FE 8. Of course I already own both of them, but omgplayingthemonthebigscreen!!!

So, I played through Fire Emblem just normal, because I haven't played that in ages (and well, because since it was a new game I had no option to play it on hard mode or Hector hard mode). I am now playing through Sacred Stones and for that I thought I will do gender only runs. For my first run I choose girls only, because Eirika's route is easier then Ephraim's (it has no damn Ghost Ship, oh god that map). I am currently in chapter 12 and well, for someone who never did a challenge run on any of the Fire Emblem games before, Girls only is definitly a challenge. The hardest part are the first few missions because you have such a small fighting force, only swords and lances and your characters are also pretty weak (and all of them decided they don't need strenght - srsly, Neimi had 6 Strenght before I gave her an +Str Booster before C8). Now, since I already have 3 promoted units and actually have quite a bunch of units, it's like a more "normal" game.

Recruiting Amelia was actually also quite "interesting", since she leaves on turn 12 which I didn't even know the could do. Had to rampage through the enemies and not care who was feeded kills to actually reach her in time.

On a side note, I am also more or less (less at the moment) playing my Awakening files, my Hard Classic Post game were I still need the Challenge and Apotheosis maps (and train all the characters, only 3 have +10 stats so far), my Lunatic run is on chapter 16 , were I could try to recruit Morgan( but that map has chests again and I never trained Gaius, so I either have to use Anna again (and bench someone who would actually need the Exp, like Lucina or Kjelle) or level up someone like Lon'qu or Avatar and make them into a thief. I also have an Outrealm only file, but I am only at chapter 6. It's interesting to see how broken Pair up and Support is in this game, because even with pair up, without the supports my units die extremely fast.

Doesn't she return in a later chapter if she leaves the first time?


I am comparing them within their respective games, and the whole hypothetical was to show how absurd counting seizing as an advantage is

however, upon reflection I'll say that Roy and Eliwood are about equally shit, it must run in the family

It's what they get for thinking they could be a lord without blue hair.


Doesn't she return in a later chapter if she leaves the first time?

Yes, on Eirika's route she returns in C13. However, with only being allowed to use girls, I welcome Amelia with open arms. And training her 4 chapter later would most likely be quite a bit more difficult.
Marth was reallllly bad in the original Fire emblem (not so much so in 3), and Leif wasn't great either.

Did we play the same Fire Emblem 1? Marth is a really solid lord whose only major weakness is that he can't promote so he only has 20 levels to play with and no promotion bonus. (Which matters a less here compared to other Fire Emblems because all non HP stats cap at 20 even after promotion). He has great growth rates for his game and a bunch of exclusive weapons (In FE1 the Miracle/Mercurius Sword could only be used by him iirc). Plus Rapiers were purchasable in FE1 without secret shops, allowing him to use them as a general tactic against armors and horse units instead of as a special occasion weapon for bosses and pinch situations.

He may not have been the best unit in his game, but having him as a mandatory unit isn't going to hold you back like it eventually does to Roy or (to a lesser extent) Leif. If anything he might have been a little worse in Mystery of the Emblem Book 1 (never got far in Book 2, or played the DS games). The Mercurius Sword is no longer a Marth exclusive, and Rapiers are only found in a single secret shop, at a more expensive price than in FE1 no less. Though one could argue that the caravan being with Marth (kind of like it's with the Twin Lords in FE8) is a buff to his usefulness vs FE1 using a stationary storage system like FE7.

Roy and Eliwood have a lot of the same mehness going on, but at least Eliwood promotes earlier, especially if we're referring to Hector Mode, which seems to be the common standard for FE7. The time difference between Roy getting to level 20 (pretty easy in normal play since he's around from the start and mandatory) and when he finally promotes really hurts his growth potential. I know there's a popular patch floating around that has him promote at an earlier plot point (I think when he becomes the leader of the Eturian army) to make him more useful. That should say a good deal. It's hard to judge them based off of the Sword of Seals and especially the Durandall, because these weapons are gotten so late. Eliwood basically gets to use it for 1 chapter+ a final boss. While it factors into the equation, I don't see that being so important in the long run.


I kinda like the Famicom Fire Emblem games, although going back to them now is so hard due to the janky animations and lack of features like skipping things.


Fire Emblem 1 is amazing. Hector was really great in that one.

2 was ok, but I didn't really fall in love with Ephraim or Erica.
I didn't just play Fire Emblem 1, I attempted to do a semi-blind (semi because I had played through FE3 Book 1 prior) iron man run of FE1. I stopped because the inventory nonsense in that game lead to Navarre dying with the Mercurius Blade before I could give it to Marth, which basically made me chicken out when the time came to fight Camus and his Silver Sword and Lance squad of Destruction.

Fire Emblem 1 has a lot of weird quirks, most of which I'm glad don't exist anymore, but there was definitely a certain amount of logic put into it and its game balance. For example, Magic Water always felt silly and pointless in most of the newer FEs to me (note that I've never done Hard Mode in an FE game yet), but in FE1, you can completely understand why they have it around and it's strategic usefulness. Magic users have no magic growth and can only improve their magical prowess by promoting, while almost no unit in FE1 has resistance as a base stat or growth (including pegasus knights, them being able to resist magic wasn't a thing until later). A Staff or potion that gives you 7 Resistance becomes a very useful thing to keep around in these circumstances.

I kinda like the Famicom Fire Emblem games, although going back to them now is so hard due to the janky animations and lack of features like skipping things.

The animations were no GBA FE games, of course, but I thought the Famicom games had a few neat tricks. I remember Marth got a lot of unique animations depending on what sort he was equipped with (including an awesome flip), and of course there's Alm's finisher for the final boss
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