Coffee Dog
lol that ones only a waste of time if you use the wrong Dragon Vein
it would be helpful if they said where the bridges went up at least
lol that ones only a waste of time if you use the wrong Dragon Vein
GoddamnitJust let me handle the fighting.Saizou, disarm the trap please.
GoddamnitJust let me handle the fighting.Saizou, disarm the trap please.
I thought it was one of the easier chapters in Hard.Conquest 21 was fucking hard. Wow. How the hell did some of you play this in hard classic?
I think I might be one of the few who's had no trouble with the hit rate, it felt no different then older games for me
Just finished Conquest 15, I love the game but holy shit at what "just happened".
I hateKaze clutched out a reset for me after I fucked up placing Elise. Bless this man. ;_;
That was a fun chapter, but lol at the story. I feel like the writer wasn't even trying.
Yep, I really enjoyed the chapter, thewas pretty well done.whole cloning thing
Especially since some of these earlier chapters even let you take less.I think there are too many units in this game. Revelation must be a nightmare.
I think there are too many units in this game. Revelation must be a nightmare.
My only beef with it was thatAzura on the lower map was completely useless other than being pair up fodder. And while buffs went to both sides, the effect of sing didn't (other than the buff).
Got to the boss like the turn before the last one. Was tricky to deal with without killing myself, but I managed to kill it. Wasn't going to let that stat boost item go (whichever it was...).
Conquest 16 is dumb. That is all.
I'm really, really struggling with Birthright Prologue 12 on hard/classic, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm not a terrible FE player - I've beaten FE7, FE9, and Awakening (hard/classic). I've been at this chapter for almost two hours now with my current squad, and I just can't seem to do it without someone dying.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that my units are a bit under leveled - I'm bringing along all unprompted units besides my (godawful) Corrin, and not only is the level is full of level 2 berserkers and two level 8 paladins, it's also got a level 7 berserker with a tomahawk right where I need to go. Only a select few of my units at level 18-19 can one-shot the ninjas or even the archers or mages. I'm letting the house get destroyed because apparently it doesn't matter for recruitment, and I still always have one unit die as I push towards the middle.
I'm really, really struggling with Birthright Prologue 12 on hard/classic, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm not a terrible FE player - I've beaten FE7, FE9, and Awakening (hard/classic). I've been at this chapter for almost two hours now with my current squad, and I just can't seem to do it without someone dying.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that my units are a bit under leveled - I'm bringing along all unprompted units besides my (godawful) Corrin, and not only is the level is full of level 2 berserkers and two level 8 paladins, it's also got a level 7 berserker with a tomahawk right where I need to go. Only a select few of my units at level 18-19 can one-shot the ninjas or even the archers or mages. I'm letting the house get destroyed because apparently it doesn't matter for recruitment, and I still always have one unit die as I push towards the middle.
....The house can be destroyed? lol I played on the same difficulty and never let anyone close enough to damage the house. Two of my units were beefy enough to take Berserker hits while I got everyone into position. I just continued on in that formation while I sent a strong enough unit to tank hits above, heal a bit each turn with their skill and use a Vulnerary if it looked bad that turn.
Well, maybe wou can my strategy (I am playing Birthright Hard/Classic and yesterday finally reach to the 13 chapter):
Defeat the guys who are in the boats (reaching with Sky Knights, of course) and fight with them or with their pair ups. The other units should go to the lowest place, defeat the more nearest enemies and wait until more enemy units move to your guys. Maybe you can move your units only some tiles, but not so much. It's very possible that in any moment the enemies will be stuck, unable to move freely, and they will be in a kind of queue, and if that thing happens, you should attack only the second enemy you can reach. Repeat the process until you have few enemy to attack, but if you see to Xander or his subordinates you should avoid any fight with them.
I was thinking that I miss the opportunity to attack with a mage or ninja in the places separated by water, and later move them to a safe place with Azura song. When the queue thing happened, I only attacked with Hinata, so he gained some experience but it was not so much. But the experience to defeat almost all the enemy units was great : )
I was talking about Prologue 12, sorry![]()
Your units must be way, way better than mine. Here are some highlights of my crew:
Corrin level 1 - defense 21 (yay), speed 13 (lol), res 10 (lol)
Rinkah level 19 - str 14, ski capped at 14, spd 15
Hinata level 19 - str 15, spd 15, res 6
Again, Corrin is the only promoted unit I'm bringing along. Meanwhile, these berserkers have str 26 and silver axes, and paladins have def 21 and res 20.
Yeah go promote them and train them up. Remembering offhand because it was quite a while back but I know I had promoted units like Hinoka with 27 Str, enough speed to double, and 30 Def / 29 Res. You can throw a Guard Naginata on a unit like that to soak up damage if you need them to while weaker units get EXP.
I'm really, really struggling with Birthright Prologue 12 on hard/classic, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm not a terrible FE player - I've beaten FE7, FE9, and Awakening (hard/classic). I've been at this chapter for almost two hours now with my current squad, and I just can't seem to do it without someone dying.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that my units are a bit under leveled - I'm bringing along all unprompted units besides my (godawful) Corrin, and not only is the level is full of level 2 berserkers and two level 8 paladins, it's also got a level 7 berserker with a tomahawk right where I need to go. Only a select few of my units at level 18-19 can one-shot the ninjas or even the archers or mages. I'm letting the house get destroyed because apparently it doesn't matter for recruitment, and I still always have one unit die as I push towards the middle.
I think we've had very different experiences with this paralogue based on when we're playing them. I've only completed chapter 15 of Birthright, and I think I'm right at that stage where the game expects me to have a number of promoted units. I've been spreading my XP around to make sure nobody gets too overleveled, which was perfectly fine in Awakening, but has kind of bit me in the ass in the more difficult Fates.
I thought it was one of the easier chapters in Hard.
Camllia has some great supports conversations in my opinion
About the same, maybe a bit easier.
I've noticed that the item shop doesn't have a parallel seal, is there something I need to do to unlock it?
Man, I've been sitting here thinking of the next strategy to try on Conquest Chapter 9
My previous attempts had me trying to flank both sides of the keep, but now I'm thinking of having everyone come from the top hole in the wall (after talking to Nyx) since there's a good choke point, and I can make a beeline for the map boss
Parallel seals are Heart Seals in NA, aren't they?
He's an ass becauseyou chose Nohr, and at that point he is already turning mad
I don't like him but eh, he has justifiable reasons
Seeing Conquest 13's objective being Rout the Enemy is actually some fresh air, because a simple objective like that after 12'sis appreciative.Beat Ryoma or have Corrin escape in 16 turns
Also in the intro for Ch. 13Takumi's a bigger asshole than expected by shooting Elise, why was he so high up on the popularity list in Japan?
Seeing Conquest 13's objective being Rout the Enemy is actually some fresh air, because a simple objective like that after 12'sis appreciative.Beat Ryoma or have Corrin escape in 16 turns
Also in the intro for Ch. 13Takumi's a bigger asshole than expected by shooting Elise, why was he so high up on the popularity list in Japan?
Edit: After playing Birthright, I have a feeling thatTakumi's going to lose it by Iago's control over him and have nobody helping him
Even in Birthright, he's still kind of a jerk, and not the likable one like Jakob, he's the one you want to punch in the face like Sumia did to Chrom.
I love Jakob but he's definitely a cosmic douche to characters outside or Corrin if you play the supports. Takumi is just.... there.