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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Finally got a chance to open my copy and now I'm up to the part where I can pick which path I want to play. I have to say though I don't think they did a good job story wise in trying to make a situation where you're really torn personally over picking one side over the other. At least I'm not feeling it.

The connection to the Hoshido side feels forced and not nearly enough time was given to give you a real strong personal reason to side with them. The one
possibly strong connection, the mother, ends up being killed.
Where as with the Nohr you have that stronger connection due to having been raised along side those siblings. You can tell the main character is comfortable with them, etc. Yeah the king
clearly is evil and you can get that from just the opening chapters but you don't get that impression from the others.
That's not enough I think to make me pick Hoshido over the Nohr. Especially when told to make a decision right then and there.

I had a feeling that this choice section was going to be messy and it seems to be. Maybe there is no way for it to not to be with so little time spent before it.

Since I have the SE cart I honestly think the better options right now available to me are Side with Nohr (people my character has a connection with) or Refuse to choose a side (because I'm to conflicted in the moment). I just don't see any story reason to pick Hoshido (people I just meet perhaps a week ago at best!?).

Anyone else have this issue?


Yea the lead up to the decision is pretty bleh.

I felt it was pretty one sided towards Hoshido since you know the faceless are set to attack Hoshido by Nohr and the king set you up to do his dirty work. Only reason I felt you would pick Nohr is the loyalty to your family but that's kinda hard when you know for a fact your father is pretty evil.

Also gameplay wise, if your planning to play all the campaigns, I would recommend going with Birthright first since its the easier one and sadly the lesser of the two. That being said feel free to whatever you want.


There were posters that said that they cant believe anyone would pick Nohr. Personally, I dont see how anyone would pick Hoshido, so I guess they did an alright job with the prologue as there is not a clear winner there. Still, it felt that they needed more chapters.

The one thing you may not noticed is that by that point it is implied that Corrin somehow forgot your time in hoshido, so most likely Corring wasnt a 3 year old that cant remember a thing. He was probably older, so who knows...

You know what makes it all worse: (super spoiler)
You are not even related to anyone from Hoshido besides the queen. So basically, they are not your "real" family either.


The decision to me was more "choose to do the right thing" or "choose to side with the family who you were raised with" rather than 'choose between your two families". Nohr clearly isn't in the right with this war, but are you willing to to overlook that and attack Hoshido anyway rather than fight the people who you are closest with.

Of course, I chose neither side, so what do I know. :p


The decision to me was more "choose to do the right thing" or "choose to side with the family who you were raised with" rather than 'choose between your two families". Nohr clearly isn't in the right with this war, but are you willing to to overlook that and attack Hoshido anyway rather than fight the people who you are closest with.

Of course, I chose neither side, so what do I know. :p

I agree. That really does seem to be the choice here when think more about it. Pick you family (Nohr) or do what appears to be the "right thing" (Hoshido). It's really not a choice of being torn between two families you have grown to care about and sadly that appears to be what was advertised. At least I thought so. The way the choices are worded though does seem to be closer to you've said.


I agree. That really does seem to be the choice here when think more about it. Pick you family (Nohr) or do what appears to be the "right thing" (Hoshido). It's really not a choice of being torn between two families you have grown to care about and sadly that appears to be what was advertised. At least I thought so. The way the choices are worded though does seem to be closer to you've said.

I never got this from the advertisement, it always was the familiy that raised you/loyality/ongoing relationship, or the family you were born to/blood relations/barely any connection beyond that.


I've reached that point in Birthright where i'm starting to pair them off. I already had Kaze x Mozu in Conquest but I have a feeling i'm going to do the same here in Birthright. I have a female avatar this time and story wise I want to see how a pairing with Silas turns out. I'm not really sure about anyone else. For some reason none of the characters are really standing out to me like in Conquest. I'm thinking Orochi x Azama for a powerful magic user?
Playing hard Conquest, when should I do the Before Awakening DLC? I tried just now after chapter 7, but those damn ninjas swapped Elise practically across the stage and killed her. Is it doable or should I come back later?
So I've opted to get started on Conquest since I wanted to do something different before finishing Birthright. Currently I just finished chapter 8 and I have to say it wasn't as hard as people made it out to be. You just have to go about it a certain way.


So I've opted to get started on Conquest since I wanted to do something different before finishing Birthright. Currently I just finished chapter 8 and I have to say it wasn't as hard as people made it out to be. You just have to go about it a certain way.

Bless your soul for what waits you in chapter 10.


Garon is obviously evil and Mikoto seems like a saint when you meet her, but the hostile reception you get from Takumi can sour you on the Hoshido siblings, that and the fact that they show how the Nohr siblings are working to moderate their father.

To me, it would have felt like abandoning foster siblings to an abusive parent, even if the alternative is staying and suffering the abuse with them in solidarity, in the hopes that you can make it better for all of them someday.

The writing could have made that more clear, though.


Beat Birthright last night, was enjoyable, but I definitely liked Conquest better.

I have tonight off and Revelation releases tomorrow, hopefully it is the best of the bunch.


Garon is obviously evil and Mikoto seems like a saint when you meet her, but the hostile reception you get from Takumi can sour you on the Hoshido siblings, that and the fact that they show how the Nohr siblings are working to moderate their father.

To me, it would have felt like abandoning foster siblings to an abusive parent, even if the alternative is staying and suffering the abuse with them in solidarity, in the hopes that you can make it better for all of them someday.

The writing could have made that more clear, though.

But at least from Corrin's characterization it's like s/he's a bumbling idiot that keeps trying to make Garon happy even though he's obviously out to get Corrin killed and intends to take over the world because mwahahahaha.


Finished Conquest 15 after days of a break...

Corrin and Azura... This is the worst plan ever!

Also finally I see this again, lol.


I was more torn on the gameplay side of things (didn't want to "ruin" Birthright by playing it after Conquest, but on the other hand I was a lot more excited to just play Conquest already) than the "moral" decision when making my choice between Hoshido and Nohr. I ended up siding with the latter both because of gameplay reasons and because I liked the Nohr siblings better and didn't want to betray and abandon them to an abusive father. Also from Corrin's point of view I literally just met these Hoshido people and he himself said it was hard to care about them
(before completely contradicting himself a few minutes later and going berserk over his dead mother but that's just Fates lolwritting)
, so there was that. Besides, you don't really know by that point which angle the story will take, so you may think Corrin really is aiming to "change the empire from the inside" as the marketing explicitly says, like slowly setting up the pieces for a rebellion against Garon or something like that, so siding with Nohr was always my preferred choice. It's only later that you realise Corrin's a completely spineless and clueless yes-man of a protagonist that can only
decide to take some sort of action against Garon when a magic crystal ball shows he's literally satan

Anyway, Azura's son paralogue was so braindead I literally had to reset twice because I beat it way too early and couldn't support/exp grind properly. First I put Mozu on the boss' range on the first turn and he decided to end his life by engaging her. Second time I accidentaly did the same with Corrin and he once again decided to just get it over with and commit suicide. I had to actively avoid him for the sake of getting some mileage out of that paralogue, literally the wimpiest FE "boss" ever.
Is this what Birthright will feel like after I'm done with Conquest? :X


Alright I have to know. I'm how Birthright chapter 10 and I only have 6 total units including Corrin. I'm starting to think I may not have enough units to beat this chapter. Is this map even possible with this number of units available?


Alright I have to know. I'm how Birthright chapter 10 and I only have 6 total units including Corrin. I'm starting to think I may not have enough units to beat this chapter. Is this map even possible with this number of units available?

If you've let that many units die already I'd recommend restarting and lowering the difficulty, enabling casual mode over classic, or choosing to reset and try battles again when you have character deaths. Chapter 10 and 11 are going to be really hard if you've already lost so many units.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Finished up Birthright. I was kind of shocked at just how expansive the game was when multiple titles are all being released at the same time. 62:00 flat, which seems kind of crazy when I saw websites listing the completion time as half that. I don't feel like I'm that slow with these games.
Playing hard Conquest, when should I do the Before Awakening DLC? I tried just now after chapter 7, but those damn ninjas swapped Elise practically across the stage and killed her. Is it doable or should I come back later?

Any time you feel confident with your team since the DLC scales with your progress.

Next time, try not to keep Elise and other weak units well away from the Ninjas. I had to make Strategist!Felicia run to the far corner sometimes to stay alive.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Finished up Birthright. I was kind of shocked at just how expansive the game was when multiple titles are all being released at the same time. 62:00 flat, which seems kind of crazy when I saw websites listing the completion time as half that. I don't feel like I'm that slow with these games.
It really is like two totally separate games. Three, if you count Rev (which is tomorrow for us non special edition plebians!!)


It really is like two totally separate games. Three, if you count Rev (which is tomorrow for us non special edition plebians!!)

I really disagree with that final part since Revelation has a lot of reused content. It's mostly about gathering (almost) all the Nohr and Hoshido assets in a single game, rather than adding much new of its own.


Does anyone here actually keep playing if a unit dies, or is it always instant reset?
Occasionally, if it's my first run, I'll play through the map a little more to see how the map is developing and think about what I could have done in other areas, but it's always a reset in the end.


Is there anyone specific I should be hooking Corrin up with?

From a gameplay perspective it'd depend on Corrin's sex, class, boon/bane stats, and whether you want to get all the kids.

Really, though, you'd be fine to just pair him/her with someone you like and intend to continue using.
Welp. I fucked up. I fucked up and got Jacob killed on the second-to-last turn of the final mission on Birthright Hard. But I don't care this time. I'm not resetting that. I just beat a Fire Emblem game on Hard for the first time with no grinding and (almost) no deaths. Feeling good.

PK Gaming

Is there anyone specific I should be hooking Corrin up with?

Whoever you like, but if you want specifics:

  • As previously noted, if you want to obtain all of the child units, then Male Corrin cannot marry a 1st gen unit who isn't a Corrinsexual (ie. Scarlet, Reina, etc). If this isn't a concern, then marry whoever you like.
If you're looking for the best wife/husband for Corrin:

  • For female Corrin, Silas is typically regarded her best husband for both Birthright and Conquest. Both characters benefit a ton from each other (Corrin gains Cavalier, Silas gains... a lot of things, like access to Ninja), and Corrin herself is a great mother for Sophie. Really hard to screw this up especially since Female Corrin almost always gives you access to 2 awesome units for pretty much any husband.

  • For male Corrin, you can't really go wrong with anyone, but I feel like Hana (for Birthright) is a good choice if you straight up want to kill things. You get a nice boost to Speed and Strength and Hana herself benefits a ton from Corrin since you can give her valuable classes (like Hero or Fighter). On Conquest, Charlotte is literally THE combat wife, because of her insane pair up bonuses (+8 Strength and +5 Speed, WHAT).


If you've let that many units die already I'd recommend restarting and lowering the difficulty, enabling casual mode over classic, or choosing to reset and try battles again when you have character deaths. Chapter 10 and 11 are going to be really hard if you've already lost so many units.

Yeah that's what I figured. Alright, I think I'm going restart and just do better and be more careful. Forget lowering the difficulty. I like the challenge!


Does anyone here actually keep playing if a unit dies, or is it always instant reset?

I weigh a lot of variables. Obviously if someone dies on like, turn 2, fuck it. It'd take two minutes to catch back up. Last turn of the map? Sorry friend, we might be forging ahead. Were you a key all-star unit? Did you get fucked up by a ridiculously unlikely crit? Did I just play stupid and forget something? It all adds up.

With kid units your bench ends up so ridiculously huge, and the kids are all ready to go from map two. At a certain point my desire to see supports and endings is outweighed by the simple fact that there are more units where that one came from, and I don't want to replay this whole damn map.

Plus it just characterises a playthrough so well. Silas died fighting the boss of Birthright 24, a stray crit. I had to leave him behind, even though he'd been a ringer all game. I decided that Sophie would be his living legacy and dumped my hoarded trove of stat boosters into her.

she still died on Endgame :')


Does anyone here actually keep playing if a unit dies, or is it always instant reset?

It depends on how much I value the unit versus how desperate I am to not replay a stressful map. I've sacrificed Silas and Kaze in Conquest so far (currently at Chapter 16).

I also agree with the post above. I think character death adds an interesting element of personal narrative.


♪ Sing with me a song of birthrights and love
the light scatters to the sky above
dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone
lost in thoughts, all alone ♪

Azura is the best


It depends on how much I value the unit versus how desperate I am to not replay a stressful map. I've sacrificed Silas and Kaze in Conquest so far (currently at Chapter 16).

I also agree with the post above. I think character death adds an interesting element of personal narrative.

I wonder how viable would it be for games with unit permadeath to actually tie party deaths into the game (or at least an epilogue or something). Giving the player a graveyard where the avatar could get some posthumous support conversations (through either flashbacks or monologues) to flesh out their relationships would be interesting, and they could include guest appearances by other units when the deceased unit wasn't too close to the avatar in-universe.

And that reminds me, what'd happen with the story if you got your faction's princes and/or princesses killed in-game? Do they die for good and affect later dialogues or do they get handwaved as still being alive like when you defeat an important enemy unit in battle yourself? I've only lost Harold so far, and reset because I liked him too much and it happened way too early to a string of misses and a 18-damage crit he took.
Level 9 Nyx base stats are on par with level 4 Mozu. Does she have some amazing growths to make up for her awful base stats or is she the frontrunner for the worst unit in Conquest?


Level 9 Nyx base stats are on par with level 4 Mozu. Does she have some amazing growths to make up for her awful base stats or is she the frontrunner for the worst unit in Conquest?
Nyx is just bad, and unlike Odin you can't rescue her. She can't hit anything and there's not much missions you still immediately after she's introduced where magic is even worth bothering with, and with Nyx even less so.


Nyx has super high Mag and Spd growths and that's it.

Basically just a glass cannon but her luck and skill are so bad its not really worth.


Nyx would have a better case if Camilla weren't already good enough for your magical purposes through the early game and Ophelia didn't exist in general.


Level 9 Nyx base stats are on par with level 4 Mozu. Does she have some amazing growths to make up for her awful base stats or is she the frontrunner for the worst unit in Conquest?

She can be workable with Nosferatu since it'll let her take better advantage of Countercurse and Heartseeker.

Still ends up being the fourth best mage on the path in a game where mages are slightly underwhelming, though.

The worse unit on Conquest is probably Benny or Odin, but she's close.


Didn't train Mozu during her paralogue, now stuck with a lvl 2 villager on chapter 8 conquest.

Maybe next playthrough dearie.

I did the same in my normal/clasic playthrough of Conquest and ended Mozume's chapter with her at level 1 and with about 45 experience, but managed to catch her up to the rest of the team by playing defensively and using weaker weapons with the rest of the party whenever it was necessary to have her deliver the finishing blow. She's now a level 1 sniper that's fairly respectable and will probably end up as a merchant if I manage to level her up enough to get the better sniper skills.


Junior Member
Finally got a chance to open my copy and now I'm up to the part where I can pick which path I want to play. I have to say though I don't think they did a good job story wise in trying to make a situation where you're really torn personally over picking one side over the other. At least I'm not feeling it.

The connection to the Hoshido side feels forced and not nearly enough time was given to give you a real strong personal reason to side with them. The one
possibly strong connection, the mother, ends up being killed.
Where as with the Nohr you have that stronger connection due to having been raised along side those siblings. You can tell the main character is comfortable with them, etc. Yeah the king
clearly is evil and you can get that from just the opening chapters but you don't get that impression from the others.
That's not enough I think to make me pick Hoshido over the Nohr. Especially when told to make a decision right then and there.

I had a feeling that this choice section was going to be messy and it seems to be. Maybe there is no way for it to not to be with so little time spent before it.

Since I have the SE cart I honestly think the better options right now available to me are Side with Nohr (people my character has a connection with) or Refuse to choose a side (because I'm to conflicted in the moment). I just don't see any story reason to pick Hoshido (people I just meet perhaps a week ago at best!?).

Anyone else have this issue?

But nohr is obvi evil though, that's why it was fairly natural for me to pick Hoshido anyway. Azura being reverse kidnapped is also cool, and says she would not go back to nohr because Hoshido is much nicer.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I used Rinkah all the way through Birthright. She looks cool and has a relatively unique class.
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