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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Conquest 25
Contemplating on whether or not to fight and get the chests or just beat Ryoma and get it over with >_>


Villager is actually an exception to that, but in any event its 15 skill is not great.

Not in Fates. I looked it up when I reached level 10 with Mozu and got Underdog thinking she might get a skill at 15 while I was weighing whether to reclass her or not and to leave that skill behind. Turns out she doesn't a level 15 skill, but I decided to keep her as a Villager anyway.


Chapter 17 Conquest was the perfect balance of challenge while being a fun map to me. Did it on my first try but still got some reeeaally close calls (why must you be so damn squishy Azura). Managed to keep
alive for a good while until the enemies decided to Blitzkrieg him into oblivion on one of their turns because he kept carelessly charging through thinking he's Xander or something.
Speaking of Xander he's fucking unbelievable. I can just throw him in the middle of a mob and confidently expect him to come out on top with over half his hp to spare. It's ridiculous how good he is right now.

Should I just keep my Peri as a Great Knight or should I reclass her into a Paladin after learning Luna? I don't feel very comfortable with a glass cannon like her having two weaknesses to worry about and Paladin does have better mobility, but I don't know.
While we're on the subject, what do I do with Effie? Promote into General for Defensive Formation and then reclass into GK? Do the opposite for Luna and then keep her as a General for the rest of the playthrough? My only hang up towards using her as a GK is because I feel like I already use too many mounted units. It's like half my deployed units are on a horse.
Hector maybe, but Ike was really OP
Ike is a foot swordlock in two really enemy phase heavy games. In PoR anyone with a mount is better than him, plus Boyd. In RD better options include Jill, Haar, Titania, arguably Boyd and Sothe, and endgame is just a Royals stomp.

He's decent in PoR and strong in Radiant Dawn but definitely isn't OP. Jill is another character better than him in both games, for instance.

Edit: Lords better than PoR Ike include Sigurd, Seliph, Leaf, Hector, Ephraim route Ephraim, Radiant Dawn Ike, I think FE12 Marth but I've never played it, Chrom, Robin, and Corrin.


Not in Fates. I looked it up when I reached level 10 with Mozu and got Underdog thinking she might get a skill at 15 while I was weighing whether to reclass her or not and to leave that skill behind. Turns out she doesn't a level 15 skill, but I decided to keep her as a Villager anyway.

You sure? I swear I got her to 10 before I made her an Archer since I thought that was required for a heart seal at the time and she doesn't have underdog for me.

May be my memory playing tricks.


I guess I just have bad luck because my Corrin is pretty weak.

Agree on Ike though. He's a good lord, but there's plenty of characters that are far more powerful than him, even in his own game. My Hector was pretty much mediocre.


I guess I just have bad luck because my Corrin is pretty weak.

Agree on Ike though. He's a good lord, but there's plenty of characters that are far more powerful than him, even in his own game. My Hector was pretty much mediocre.

My corrin is pretty bad despite capping strength, his speed is bad, hp is bad, skill is bad.

Ike is a foot swordlock in two really enemy phase heavy games. In PoR anyone with a mount is better than him, plus Boyd. In RD better options include Jill, Haar, Titania, arguably Boyd and Sothe, and endgame is just a Royals stomp.

He's decent in PoR and strong in Radiant Dawn but definitely isn't OP. Jill is another character better than him in both games, for instance.

Edit: Lords better than PoR Ike include Sigurd, Seliph, Leaf, Hector, Ephraim route Ephraim, Radiant Dawn Ike, I think FE12 Marth but I've never played it, Chrom, Robin, and Corrin.

He didn't have versatility, but in terms of things being a threat to him, I rarely remember any unit that could potentially touch him or scratch him.


My best characters are Corrin, Xander, and Effie. I can throw them into whatever and they will usually survive. Camilla and Leo not so much, but they wipe the floor with any leftovers.

I only feel like bothering with Corrin's and Azura's kids, and will get the rest in Revelation. Still deciding who Corrin is S-ranking though.. Xander or Leo.


Ike in my first run of PoR was absurd, maybe it is a luck thing, but even back when it released I thought he was OP.

I've never had a good Hector.

I think Corrin is a great lord, not too strong, not too weak, and because of the Yato they scale well into the late game.

+Mag Corrin is very strong early game though.
Ike is a foot swordlock in two really enemy phase heavy games. In PoR anyone with a mount is better than him, plus Boyd. In RD better options include Jill, Haar, Titania, arguably Boyd and Sothe, and endgame is just a Royals stomp.

He's decent in PoR and strong in Radiant Dawn but definitely isn't OP. Jill is another character better than him in both games, for instance.

Edit: Lords better than PoR Ike include Sigurd, Seliph, Leaf, Hector, Ephraim route Ephraim, Radiant Dawn Ike, I think FE12 Marth but I've never played it, Chrom, Robin, and Corrin.

you should specify Boyd with transfers, without them his speed is disgustingly bad

Ike in my first run of PoR was absurd, maybe it is a luck thing, but even back when it released I thought he was OP.

I've never had a good Hector.

I think Corrin is a great lord, not too strong, not too weak, and because of the Yato they scale well into the late game.

+Mag Corrin is very strong early game though.

that's because PoR is a joke, but the thing is basically anyone can be invincible and many can clear out enemies better than Ike

Astral Dog

Gonna write down impressions I have on the characters in Conquest, ranked by their usefulness (but in no particular order in the brackets except for some stand-outs). All of this has been based on my experience in Hard/Classic.

Effie: Your workhorse through the entire early game, and manages to stay almost as relevant through everything else. Effie is a fucking boss. She's durable enough to tank nearly every early game threat and her personal skill (with her outrageous strength and weirdly high speed to boot) ensure she can dish out as much as she can take. She drops off just a bit as the game throws more ninjas and mages at you, but she's a best in class physical tank outside the royals.
Camilla: Camilla proves her worth in the very same mission that she's introduced, and never falls off. Through the early game, her pre-promote stats render her virtually unkillable short of truly insane manuevers and proves to be a vital crutch to lean on when you'radvantage, in really bad situations - she's your delete button. Of course, she's no Jeigan either - she's a versatile tank and the fact that she's one of your few unambiguously great axe users makes her damn near essential for some maps.
Xander: It's fortunate that Xander arrives just in time for Effie to fall off a bit in terms of pure utility. Xander is pretty insane, honestly. Siegfried isn't quite the crazy weapon that Raijinto is, but it's nonetheless quite strong, and like all the royals, right out of the gate Xander is incredibly strong - strong enough that it feels a bit bad to use him at first, but he's a bastion of safety for your units from the moment he's introduced - that is, if you're careful about magic.
Elise: Elise isn't the best healer ever, but she's the best one you'll ever get. She's a fine mix of utility - her high mobility means she can cross insane distances for clutch heals, or simply to easily get out of danger zones that would be guaranteed to murder her, and her starting with Freeze makes a huge difference for saving units from being intercepted or stalling objectives. She's got an amazing Personal on top of all that - the damage reduction is crazy, especially early game, and is what really turns tanks like Effie from being very good early units to amazing ones.
Keaton: Keaton's a lot of things. But the two things that really matter about him are: a) He's adorable. b) He's an insane ball of speed, strength, and defense. He's got good starting bases and for almost everything that matters, really strong growths. He's not only a reliable physical tank (especially with Beastrune equipped), he's excellent at assassinating targets and especially tearing apart cavalry - Beastbane proves to be a lot more valuable than you might give it credit for later on. Plus, his kid owns.

Very Reasonable:
Leo: The king of reasonable units. Leo, like all the royals, is strong right out of the gate, but he's also I would consider the 'fairest' of all the royals. Even in his introductory mission, where he's at his peak relative to the rest of your army, he's not even really the best even there. He's still very good, though, and Dark Knight is an excellent class in terms of its' versatility - there's rarely a situation where using Leo is bad, even if there's not tons of situations where he's amazing either - especially since soon after you get him, the game throws tons of high resistance enemies at you. It's really his average speed that kind of makes the difference for him, though, so if you fix that, he'll go from arguably your most reliable tankbuster to easily your best one.
Niles: In a world where you didn't bother investing in Mozu, Niles is the Archer you're stuck with for a very long time - and anyways, he's still better at assassinating mages. Niles is pretty strong out of the gate, and he's almost always relevant for whatever the game chucks at you - be it locked chests or pegasus knights. He'll be able to double most things and is fast or resistant enough that it's rare to feel totally uncomfortable sending him out to do some business.
Peri: I'd love to say Peri is inarguably a staple, but I need to be a bit more clear-headed about this and say that Peri's just really damn good. Bloodthirst is an amazing Personal, a huge Rally for every single physical damage relevant stat in the game (and since Speed is so good it helps her on enemy turns on top of that with the increased Avoid) and all she needs is one kill to get the train going. She's not just an awesome character, she's an awesome unit - the best Cavalier in the game, IMO. She'll level into high strength and high speed, further cranked up by Bloodthirst which throws her damage output into overdrive. Still, she's glassier than what you'd consider ideal and while she has above-average Resistance, it's really not enough to save her from eating a lot of magic damage regardless - it might just mean the difference between being deleted on the spot or surviving the first hit for a lethal counterattack before the second. Great Knight does a good job of covering for her weaknesses, anyways, and her naturally above average Resistance means the penalty doesn't hurt nearly as much.
Jakob: Jakob is a hair away from being a pure staple. He's incredible in the early stages, but the problem is that Jakob just kinda... stops being useful the moment Felicia comes into the picture. Not because Felicia is inherently that much better, but she has the much more relevant stat for damage by that point. Still, he's invaluable for a long time, and Gentilhomme's damage reduction has a lot more value in Conquest's early game given how much you'll be relying on Effie and Fem!Corrin. His early damage output is significantly higher than Felicia's, and there's of course a lot of use you get out of his healing and debuffs. There's just... not much reason to stick with him after a certain point.
Felicia: Felicia is straight-up not very good. For a time. Kind of a long time, honestly. For all the reasons that Jakob is truly invaluable, Felicia is nearly his antithesis. With the tools you're given, her damage output is low and the trade-off in slightly improved stave value doesn't really make up for that when she's basically just budget Elise in terms of utility. Luckily, if you were benefiting from the early game edge of Jakob, Felicia comes in at the exact time she's most useful. Which is the acquisition of the Flame Shuriken. It's what enables Felicia to be so much more powerful than Jakob so immediately, and gives her an immediately defined role in the army. All of a sudden, she's the best of both worlds in being a good staff-bot while still having above-average damage.
Kaze: The other reason why Jakob just becomes significantly less useful. It's certainly true that Flame Shurikens aren't always better than the regular old kind, and while you might think that still leaves room for Jakob's stat orientation, Kaze is way more useful to have around in those situations. He's just better specialized for it, with his insane speed and skill synergy. You can use him to crack open tough physical opponents, but he's especially amazing for blowing up mages between the good match-up on the triangle and high Resistance. He has decent initial utility and he scales well, too.
Selena: I'll be honest, Selena hasn't been quite as amazing for me as she has apparently turned out for others, but being not quite as amazing still means she's pretty damn good. While not quite a Myrmidon, Selena's a potent combination of high speed and high skill, with good strength and decent defense to round out the package. She'll double most things, especially with help, and in all likelihood will wind up being one of your most reliable units for critical hits.
Azura: Pure utility, even if her inclusion always makes positioning a little more complicated than it needs to be. It's all worth it, because Sing is an incredibly powerful ability - the potential for double heals or emergency repositioning, or extending movement range, or... well, anything else, is amazing when used well and well worth the soft resets when you accidentally fuck up and give your enemy an easy vector to her because she's roughly as durable as wet paper.
Beruka: Beruka floats in the limbo that exists between a meh unit and a reasonable one, but I've had a lot of success with her so I'll stick her at the bottom of the reasonable units as opposed to the lord of the meh ones. Beruka's honestly not astounding or anything, and in terms of how you're going to use her, she's kind of just a more physically specialized version of Camilla with a Personal geared towards very solid poking and clean-up. But that's still pretty good, and her combination of high mobility, physical defense, and decent speed are really useful for some maps. Good pair-up fodder on top of that.

Silas: He's... alright. There's not much to say about Silas, to be honest. He's just kinda alright. He's got pretty solid growths, he's useful in the early stages of the game with one-two punch of reasonable defense and good speed, but he's... well, he's not really that special, and in terms of his promotion options (which are good, but not unique to him or stuff he's uniquely better at) and how he scales, just doesn't ever really become more than consistently decent. He's a decent Cavalier with the usual promotion options and honestly, a pretty sub-par Personal. It'd be one thing if it happened while he was in a supporting position of the Avatar, but the 50% HP requirement is both too specific and... well, you're leaving your Avatar at 50% HP for kind of a lame power-up of a much less crucial unit. He's still good, just not really remarkable. Meh.
Charlotte: Charlotte is... well, she's okay. Sort of. She's not too reliable as far as hit rate goes and joins at a bit of a difficult chapter for birdfeeding. She packs a lot of heft into her axe, but isn't anywhere close as reliable as Camilla or Beruka is, and doesn't have much HP or defense to make up for it. The bonuses she gives paired up are crazy, though.
Mozu: Mozu seems attractive as a unit, but there's a fallacy a lot of people are in danger of falling into with her and characters like her - having above-average growth rates is not always the same thing as above average potential. And honestly, even adding Aptitude into the mix, Mozu's total growth rates aren't really that special. Ironically, she has a low ceiling in terms of utility and a lot of investment before you hit that ceiling somewhere in the mid-game. Conquest is a bit starved for Archers, but you really need to weigh the handful of missions in the mid-game that Mozu makes easier against the amount of XP it takes to make anything out of her before the late-game starts to render her more and more irrelevant. You can make her something else, but you really need to seriously ask yourself 'why even bother'.

Abort Abort Abort:
Nyx: When her personal is all about taking Ls and dishing them back half-way, it's not exactly a great stage setter. Nyx has the same problem that all of your early mages have, which is that she folds like wet paper to pretty much anything with a sharp end attached to it and doesn't have enough reach to hit first in a meaningful way. Her personal clearly orients her more towards being a mage-killer, but when you get her, there's really not that many mages to necessarily worry about per map, and she's so far behind by the time her Personal could possibly be even remotely relevant that like... she's just not good. Not good.
Odin: Odin's got pretty much all the same problems as Nyx, though his Personal is much more fun (and much better in general) and he's made worth it with his truly amazing kid.
Benoit: There's pretty much no worthwhile reason to use him besides his kid (who I haven't obtained) while Effie lives and breathes, and Xander is hot on her heels shortly after.

I've obviously neglected to mention a lot of other characters, but basically these are all the characters that I felt were worth saying something about. I understand that Arthur's actually not bad, and I love him as a character, but I also don't have anything especially meaningful to say about him as a unit.
Very interesting read.
I disagree a bit with a few, as much as ive been using Niles as an archer and promoting him, he is very weak with only a few units where he has the advantage, opening chests is the most useful ability from him.

Silas is ok, never the best or the worst , but has been useful many times when paired or even alone.

Jakob has an amazing dpuble healing ability but he becomes useless and weak besides that, he is too fragile and weak to use as an offensive unit after a few chapters.

Where is my boy Beny? He is very good, almost an Effie 2.0 his stats growth is impressive

Astral Dog

Conquest 25
Contemplating on whether or not to fight and get the chests or just beat Ryoma and get it over with >_>
this was an interesting chapter, i could not beat Ryoma until using the Dragon vein to change the floor! At first i thought you were supposed to fight him like that :p
Niles was good, but fell off hard after his shining moment in chapter 10. Nina was way better, but even then her STR capped far too low.

I used javalins and my powerful as fuck Ophelia when I needed range
this was an interesting chapter, i could not beat Ryoma until using the Dragon vein to change the floor! At first i thought you were supposed to fight him like that :p
just as a test I beat the chapter in 4 turns
My corrin just laughed at ryoma
Jakob seems to be doing just fine for me. When he joined the roster in Birthight I started using him over Felicia (since I used her much more in Conquest) and he has been reliable. Hooking him up with Hinoka or Oboro (she needs some Nohr lovin'). Haven't changed his class yet

PK Gaming

Corrin seems a lot stronger on Birthright than on Conquest.

Nohr Noble is potentially better, but the Hoshido Noble has immediate returns and inexplicably better growths. (+Str Hoshido Noble Corrin straight up has 55% defense growth...). Like, if you're running Sol or Aether, you're basically indestructible.

My ended up surpassing Ryoma fairly quickly.


Jakob seems to be doing just fine for me. When he joined the roster in Birthight I started using him over Felicia (since I used her much more in Conquest) and he has been reliable. Hooking him up with Hinoka or Oboro (she needs some Nohr lovin'). Haven't changed his class yet

Just in case, Hinoka can get Jakob classes from Azura as A+ support. Oboro cant. Although I don't see how those two would benefit as strategist or maid.
Just in case, Hinoka can get Jakob classes from Azura as A+ support. Oboro cant. Although I don't see how those two would benefit as strategist or maid.

Good to know. I'm not really looking into ideal matches in terms of gameplay or classing on this run, just by gut/fun/whatever. The Revelations file is where I will probably dig into the nitty gritty of best gameplay unions.


Effie and Arthur + Jakob and Corrin are my workhorses, for when shit needs done but it's not so severe that i need to pull Xander off the bench. My Effie's defense is deceptive, though, and i've lost here a few times putting her up against a breach that i thought she could tank (although part of the problem is that i gave her a javelin and she's so good at killing she sometimes makes it worse on herself).

I can't for the life of me figure out why Selena is any good, but i stuck her with Niles for some reason and they make a good team together.

My Jakob's fast becoming broken, though, and he still just has his iron knife. May the Elder Dragons protect Hoshido if i ever give him steel.


Yeah, dunno how you can't see how insane Camilla is. Amazing start, great skill access, tons and tons of utility and power off flight and fills an essential niche with her weapon specializations.

She's another one of the reasons Leo's not as good as he should be, lol.

I don't know...she sucks hard in my campaign. I gave up using her, now she just warms th bench. The sheer number of archer units in later Conquest missions just turned me off to flying units.


Odin as a Samurai is honestly your best bet IMO, and a lot of good skills to potentially give Ophelia - namely, Vantage, which has really nice synergy with Vengeance. Astra is pretty lol too, especially since you can turn Ophelia into a crit-monster, but Vantage is more generally good.

and sacrifice a galeforce chance to odin!?
Pass Galeforce down to Ophelia, though. :0

(it's just OK)
who cares about the enemy phase. Conquest hard I just played aggressive, galeforce is the best skill for that. Also avoided pairing up for the same reason. More characters killing more enemies
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