Conquest 19: ONE move point out of position by accident and I have to restart a rout map on the VERY LAST ENEMY.
So far I've enjoyed Birthright's story a hell of a lot more than I am currently enjoying Conquest's...does it get better?
Nope, the gameplay of Conquest evens out the borderline offensively bad story.
Nothing worth getting angry over though since the overall story quality of all three arcs are passable at best.
Ah okay, that's what I figured. But like you said the gameplay makes up for it, so I'm alright with it. Birthright will probably just be my primary game.
Fates is one of the few games that I'm really glad I spoiled myself over in the end, since if I went into the game with the amount of hype that I had I'd be mad salty with it.
Enjoy Conquest, gameplay wise it's one of the finest strategy rpgs I've played in a while. Birthright on the other hand made me restart because Branch of Fate retains your previous difficulty state (which was normal for me) and it got stale til after 15 for me since I can just autobattle my way to victory.
Conquest on the other hand gave me hell even on normal for the later chapters.
Best. Character. EVER
However, you said three, who's the third after Tharjar and Gaius?
I equipped Felicia with flame shuriken and suddenly shes the most op unit in the game.
In chapter 13 of conquest i sent Odin and Felicia pair alone to the left towards the diviners and they legit ignored her because her resistances were too high.
I'm going to try sending her truly alone and see if that changes anything.
Best. Character. EVER
What is Jakob's max level? Butler is listed as a promoted class, but the game is telling me he can still get exp at level 20.
I know they were added because of fan favorites, but some of the supports keep mentioning leaving this world and all that, I'm wondering if they are trying to connect the Awakening/Hoshido-Norh world. Sequel maybe?
I would actually like a Awakening Sequel.
You dont understand what I mean.The DLC shows how they change clothers and go to the fates universe. It doenst specify which version of the children they are.
As you know, in awakening there is the Future Past DLC that tells the story of the Awakening 2nd gen in a different outrealm, in this outrealm they didnt go back in time to save their parents cause they actually managed to get all the gemstones, they are on the way back to Lucina in Ylisse so she can perform the Awakening but they get ambushed.
One of the stages has Owain and Inigo doing a last man stand on a bridge. Odin from Fates references some traumatic event that happens on a bridge in one of the supports. So, is this Odin the one that came back in time in awakening? or the one that made the last man stand on the bridge alongside Inigo in Future Past?
It's a normal promoted class. Jakob and Felicia are unique and can go up to level 40, even if they reclass.Butler/Maid are special classes that both go to 40.
Use Keaton. I didn't and I regret it. Niles' kid also isn't very good.There are so many interesting characters in Conquest. And I know I can't raise them all or I'll end up screwing myself.
And Harley Quinn is my third favorite character in all of comics, so it all checks out!She's like an anime Harley Quinn. It's perfect.
Use Keaton. I didn't and I regret it. Niles' kid also isn't very good.
Conquest MVPs that you should def raise:
All royals (Elise replacable by Leo's son later on)
Effie (Human tank)
Niles (Above average unit that works well in a lot of situations, especially as a bow knight)
Charlotte (pair up bot)
Benny (replace with son later)
Kaze (unlike birthright, he's the only ninja)
Beruka!Nina was really, really bad. Not sure if that's because of her mother, or her RNG growths.
Use Keaton. I didn't and I regret it. Niles' kid also isn't very good.
Conquest MVPs that you should def raise:
All royals (Elise replacable by Leo's son later on)
Effie (Human tank)
Niles (Above average unit that works well in a lot of situations, especially as a bow knight)
Charlotte (pair up bot)
Benny (replace with son later)
Kaze (unlike birthright, he's the only ninja)
I'm definitely going to use Effie and Niles and most of the royals. I'm not a fan of beast units but I'll give him a go. The main problem I had with my Birthright play through was the amount of main units I was using. I didn't have have any character at max level.
I'm usually not a fan of beast units either but Keaton has quickly turned the game into Keaton Emblem, his dominance on the battlefield is something else. I pretty much never have to worry about him dying. He has amazing bulk, offense, and after you promote and level him up he also auto-heals a buttload of HP at the start of each turn which almost feels broken.
Besides his support convos are pretty funny, specially his psychopathic banther with Peri which is probably the most amusing marriage proposal I've seen. May they bathe in their enemy's blood happily ever after.
Do you feel the same way about Kaden? I stopped using him midway through Birthright, but when I decided to pick up his daughter on a whim before the final chapter, she was WRECKING everything with minimal effort.I'm usually not a fan of beast units either but Keaton has quickly turned the game into Keaton Emblem, his dominance on the battlefield is something else. I pretty much never have to worry about him dying. He has amazing bulk, offense, and after you promote and level him up he also auto-heals a buttload of HP at the start of each turn which almost feels broken.
Besides his support convos are pretty funny, specially his psychopathic banther with Peri which is probably the most amusing marriage proposal I've seen. May they bathe in their enemy's blood happily ever after.
And Harley Quinn is my third favorite character in all of comics, so it all checks out!
Also, I have no idea who to marry Niles off to. I was planning on getting him hitched with Azura because I think they're adorbs together and their C Support was kinda funny, but Niles' C support with Effie was a legitimate riot. Thought it was hysterical. Niles just has fantastic supports... except with poor Mozu, who is a charisma vacuum.
Do you feel the same way about Kaden? I stopped using him midway through Birthright, but when I decided to pick up his daughter on a whim before the final chapter, she was WRECKING everything with minimal effort.
I'm also not a fan of beast units, which is why I initially benched them, but they seem to be really good in this game.
2 questions:
-When does the level 3 rod shop become available in Birthright? I'm literally about to reach level 20 with everyone in Chapter 17 and I'm all out of Master Seals.
-You know those bonuses you get depending on the number of paths you have purchased? Do those reset between playthroughs or can you only get them one time ever?
And Harley Quinn is my third favorite character in all of comics, so it all checks out!
Also, I have no idea who to marry Niles off to. I was planning on getting him hitched with Azura because I think they're adorbs together and their C Support was kinda funny, but Niles' C support with Effie was a legitimate riot. Thought it was hysterical. Niles just has fantastic supports... except with poor Mozu, who is a charisma vacuum.
I'm usually not a fan of beast units either but Keaton has quickly turned the game into Keaton Emblem, his dominance on the battlefield is something else. I pretty much never have to worry about him dying. He has amazing bulk, offense, and after you promote and level him up he also auto-heals a buttload of HP at the start of each turn which almost feels broken.
Besides his support convos are pretty funny, specially his psychopathic banther with Peri which is probably the most amusing marriage proposal I've seen. May they bathe in their enemy's blood happily ever after.
After 82 hours (time flies by when your leveling all of the children to be viable and S Ranking them with each other), I'm done with Revelation.
I loved this game. I wasn't able to finish Awakening but I was able to finish this game. Despite not being recommended, I started this route because I already knew how the other games already ended and their general plot points. I was still able to enjoy the characters and how the story beats played out, and the route reintroduced each character to you so it all worked out. The story was alright, but there were some convenience issues that I won't go into specifics here, even with spoiler tags since like 90% of people haven't beaten Revelation yet. I will just say that the way one family member joins your party comes off as pretty messy compared to the rest of your family members. It also comes at a cost that I wasn't really fond of. Other than that, I did enjoy the story and Corrin wasn't as rage-inducing as I hear s/he is in the Nohr route. Also this route is definitely the true route, there's zero doubt about that after playing it. I will also assume it will be the most satisfying route to play. If I ever replay a route, it's totally going to be this one. Just for the amount of options you have with your units and child units is superior to the routes (it's double the size). The only downside is that a small few units from the other routes aren't available, but it's not big loss.
As for what I personally did in the game, here's my top troops:
Corrin: A strength build with Quixotic+Hoshidan Unity+Swordflaire+Dragon Fang+Lifetaker. I honestly regret getting those skills on him because he became an unstoppable force that broke the game open like a twig. Dragon's Fang nearly every turn, it's amazing. Honestly being able to buy skills really breaks the game, so I stopped doing it halfway through and won't do it in future playthroughs.
Corrin!Shigure and Nyx!Rhajat : Shigure with really high strength, access to both Nohr and Hoshido Noble lines? You had Corrin 2.0 here, and even without Quixotic and Swordflaire, he was a force to be reckoned with, especially teamed up with Nyx!Rhajat, the best caster in the game. She wrecked house with Tomefaire and Calamity Gate tome.
Azura: What do you get when you get Azura "Oni Savage/Oni Chieftain", get all of those skills, then give her Dread Fighter? You get a fighter with the highest skill/crits in the game. Didn't even need to keep her paired with Corrin since both of them just killed everything by themselves. Eventually stopped using both of them until the final 2 levels of the game. Also, the animations for Dread Fight are badass.
Charlotte!Selkie: Everything keeps on dying and she gets her health back by the next turn. Slap Renewal on her and just go to town. Has less to do with her mother than just being a good unit in general. Plus she's adorable.
Camilla!Kiragi: Probably my favorite unit in the game. Didn't even need to add online skills to him for him to be godlike. Sniper class with Bowfaire, Quick Draw, Certain Blow, Savage Blow, and Air Superiority. It means he hits everything. EVERYTHING. If you're on a flying mount, you're more fucked than usual. And if you're not dead after he attacks, you're pretty close to it due to Savage Blow and his wife Mozu!Sophie is going to finish you off. Once I stopped using Corrin/Azura, him and his wife would be in charge of one shotting bosses. Also Camilla and Takumi work great together, in terms of shipping and combat.
So yeah, if you're on the fence with Revelation, get it. With access to nearly every unit in the game, you're in for a really fun time that you can sink tons of hours into. Will definitely be in my top 5 game of the year, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be my top handheld game of the year, which is saying a lot considering Zero Escape 3 comes out this year.
PS: If you don't pair up Subaki and Selena, then you're not playing the game correctly. It's totally worth it just for the exclusive dialogue with her daughter.
PPS: There's also something really thrilling about pairing up the royals of Nohr and Hoshido with each other. Each support I did was fun. Leo and Takumi's supports are hilarious. Also Elsie!Shiro looks goofy as hell with his hair color. Doesn't look right at all, and also makes him kind of meh since he's not a magic user, but whatever.