Ah no wonder. I just talked to her and sent her to a safe corner of the map. I thought she would be way too weak to handle the monsters on her paralogue.
Mozu has been one of my best and most dependable units in Birthright and Conquest. You can bring her entirely up to speed in the paralogue where she's recruited. It's not an investment.
Ha, 3 hour maps.
Those short times were the days.
Chapter 10 felt like it was 3 hours long for me lol Manageable but I was paranoid the entire time.
If this is a response from what I said earlier, I was greatly exaggerating, it just felt like 3 hours to me, probably was only 30 minutes or so. I couldn't even imagine an actual 3 hour map lol
Movement growth shouldn't come back but I'd sell future children for dismount and fatigue.
All these Revelation maps have been ridiculous for me.If this is a response from what I said earlier, I was greatly exaggerating, it just felt like 3 hours to me, probably was only 30 minutes or so. I couldn't even imagine an actual 3 hour map lol
All that time you spent is in fact a massive investment.
(not to mention the Heart Seal if you made her an archer; honestly if you're willing to invest that much she has more upside later as a Master of Arms)
Reading about how everyone's Takumi is amazing makes me feel sad. Mozu beats him in every stat except Resistance. They still have seven level ups left, but even if he gets Str and Speed each time, he won't be able to catch up to her. :/
Yeah, I'm wondering what poor woman I'm going to have to punish once I finalize my pairings. :cLook on the bright side. Takumi finally has stats to match his personality.
So since i picked up conquest with the plan to go the nohr route I chose it in chapter 5, and while im not gonna go back on it, i still feel pretty bad, the game itself kinda pushes you pretty hard to choose hoshido/birthright as the canon path haha
All these armor dudes in chapter 13 birthright....
What can I do..
Reading about how everyone's Takumi is amazing makes me feel sad. Mozu beats him in every stat except Resistance. They still have seven level ups left, but even if he gets Str and Speed each time, he won't be able to catch up to her. :/
Conquest Chapter 26 is kicking my ass, Chapter 10 style. Something always goes wrong.
Conquest 20 took me way more that I'm proud to admit.
fucking air currents
Birthright is so boring it hurts, if that makes you feel any better.
Give your ninjas some Sting Shurikens and they'll blow through them. An arrmorslayer is good too if you have one. Magic destroys them as well since they have low RES.
Wow did your Takumi really get screwed that badly by the RNG gods? Takumi should always be better than Mozu because Fujin Yumi is an godly weapon. He's one of the most OP units in FE history because of that. Mine was insane and was getting crits every other attack.
Okay, I've just recruited Rev Odin in all his glory and I'm amazed that anyone saw that and thought "This is a good idea". Not even mad, it's just amazing when someone this bad comes along.
All these armor dudes in chapter 13 birthright....
What can I do..
lol no
Relative to the game. I'm not saying he's going to start hanging out in Thracia and start smashing everyone there. Only Ryoma in Birthright surpasses his damage output during the main story unless you spend hours grinding for seals to make some random kid the ultimate beast.
There's a lot more to unit strength than raw damage. Takumi is good but he isn't even OP in his own game, let alone strong enough to stand amidst the series' giants.Relative to the game. I'm not saying he's going to start hanging out in Thracia and start smashing everyone there. Only Ryoma in Birthright surpasses his damage output during the main story unless you spend hours grinding for seals to make some random kid the ultimate beast.
She's not but you dedicate every enemy possible to her EXP gains by softening the enemies before she comes in with a kill either on her own or with a dual attack.
Yeah, if you heart seal her to Archer and have a bronze bow/brass yumi handy, it's possible to absorb the damage with everyone else, and slowly pick away at enemies as you work toward the boss.
Of course, the boss also doesn't move, so if you got a cupid bow from My Castle stuff, you can farm exp until you're getting nothing from attacks if you've done that, too.
Chapter 7 of Revelation took me over 50 turns. I really loved exploring every bit of the map.Kind of felt like a traditional RPG. Hope theres more fog of war in the later chapters.
10 minutes later
I'm having an easier time with Birthright Lunatic than I am with Conquest hard. Predetermined level ups help too. I think a few bad level ups really screwed me over in Conquest.
Chapter 7 of Revelation took me over 50 turns. I really loved exploring every bit of the map.Kind of felt like a traditional RPG. Hope theres more fog of war in the later chapters.
Hmmm when I start going through the paralogues in Revelation, I'll give her a chance. I didnt think you got Heart Seals that early in the game but lo and behold I have one in my convoy and I have no idea where I got it. I can always use additional archers, but she would have been really helpful had I known this during Conquest.
Can somebody explain the term "Corrin-sexual"? I keep seeing this on Reddit and Serene's Forest. I'm also seeing "Kamui-sexual", so it isn't new.
I can't seem to find anybody explaining the term, just using it.
Characters that dont have supports with anyone else in the group except Corrin/Kamui/The Avatar.I can't seem to find anybody explaining the term, just using it.
Can somebody explain the term "Corrin-sexual"? I keep seeing this on Reddit and Serene's Forest. I'm also seeing "Kamui-sexual", so it isn't new.
I can't seem to find anybody explaining the term, just using it.
Do they think the boss of Conquest 17's Avo rate is fair?
Cause it ain't. Even after disarming the traps, my highest rate to hit the bastard was 61%...
Its people who can only S rank Corrin. Like Felica, Gunter, and Scarlet.
Characters that dont have supports with anyone else in the group except Corrin/Kamui/The Avatar.
Examples: Shura, Scarlet, Reina, Etc...
It's used for characters that exclusively have S-supports with the avatar.
Not to to be confused with Chrom-o-sexual. That's a joke from Awakening, about how most of the characters in the game seem to have a thing for Chrom.
Thank you, all.
Man. I'm upset there are so few pairing guides for creating optimal child units. The most comprehensive pairing guides so far are for the benefit of the parents, not the children.
Like, who cares about the parents. I want their babies to rock. The children are our future!
But Awakening had pretty clear pairings that let you make perfect children at just the expense of Gerome, but you got a satisfying personality pairing between Cherche and Frederick as a result. The options in Fates don't seem to have clear perfect pairings like they did in Awakening.