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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


thinking of getting this since i just got a New Nintendo 3DS XL and got pokemon x and monster hunter ultimate 4, is there a nintendo gaf mega thread or somthing i can check out?:D

You're already packing Best3DSGameMH4U, but if you're interested in Fates, it would fit right into your library without any overlapping!

Hmmm, closest thing I can think of for a Mega Thread would probably be the monthly Nintendo Digital Downloads threads.
Holy Christ this lava level in Birthright is a nightmare. If you flood an area with lava... is that just it? Is there any way out of that? It seems like if you Dragonvein by the orb the statue holds it'll be the path. But is there any reason to do the lava side?
I just ignore the veins and fly up with all my flyers. :/ At that point, my people were pretty OP since I had just finished all the child maps. I'm sure there's a proper way of completing the chapter, but it's anything but fun.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I wouldn't click this spoiler, but anyone who's finished both main routes can:

Playing Conquest first has to have bigger shock value in regards to seeing how your family treats you from the other side. Conquest feels more like a continuation of Corrin's life as he already knows it, and the siblings on Hoshido side more or less remain in the same position as they were when they first met you: they just want you to come home. In this way, they never really feel like antagonists. On the other hand, choosing to betray Nohr seems to deeply hurt your Nohrian family, and they feel much more hostile throughout the course of the game, especially Xander. It must be a big turn coming from his Conquest self, which is so helpful and loving. Leo is kind a jerk in both routes, but he is also very antagonistic for most of Birthright, as well. Takumi may be the final boss of Conquest, but it's not really him, whereas Xander, Leo, and, to a lesser extent, Camilla, are all out to get you because you broke their heart. And I mean get you as in kill you, not bring you home like your Hoshidan family is trying to do during Conquest.

Good analysis, that's what I noticed too. I'd add that the little sister characters on both sides are sympathetic and seem to hold unconditional love for Corrin. Meanwhile, Camilla does at one point say she'll kill you and bring your lifeless corpse back to Nohr in her arms or something like that, but later on she behaves a lot more like Elise and Honokoa, only saying she wants you back in the second encounter. I think Leo harboured less animosity than Takumi ever did, which saved him from Araknos' control.

The final 2 chapters of Birthright are back to back no save marathons? I do not like it. Not one bit. Seems like a cheap BS way to add fake difficulty. Not letting me save at all just isn't a fun way to make the last chapter exciting.

If it helps at all, you can still battle save in Endgame. Just do it at the beginning and you can avoid going back to Chapter


How do you grind forever in Birthright/Revelations? Scouting costs money and I don't see how I can continuously gain it back.
How do you grind forever in Birthright/Revelations? Scouting costs money and I don't see how I can continuously gain it back.

Once you can acquire the skill that gives you a LCK% chance of acquiring a gold bar, you can easily gain it all back in a map. Even the higher tiered maps have enemies that drop enough gold to make it a loss of only a couple hundred per scout without the skill, and with that, you usually only need one or two gold bars per scout to grind infinitely.


You're already packing Best3DSGameMH4U, but if you're interested in Fates, it would fit right into your library without any overlapping!

Hmmm, closest thing I can think of for a Mega Thread would probably be the monthly Nintendo Digital Downloads threads.

<3 thanks!


Ahh gold bars. Okay, didn't want to get those skills but I guess I can do that.

You can't make a profit off My Castle items last I checked.
Revelation 17 is everything I wanted for this game

So much fan service. Im squealing

both royal families plus their retainers have assembled. Im dying its too much


Ok. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright is finally a wrap. Thought I'd come in and throw in some final thoughts before moving onto Conquest.

-My 3DS record says my playtime was 92 hours, and I kind of don't believe that. At least half my time was spent messing around and grinding supports in Castle battles. I would say the actual game took me ~60 hours to beat on hard, which I'm kind of embarrassed by, but it did take me way too long to get my FE feet back under me.
-The download battles are super fun and that's why I spent so much time in them. It was great having a place to grind supports that didn't make my team OP EXP wise and just the battles themselves were fun ways to mess around and try new strategy.
-Story was OK. Not great, but not awful. It feels complete enough that if this were it, I'd be satisfied. I would say Azura's story and the Nohr people were undeveloped, but those aren't huge complaints to me as a singular tale.
-Supports were great overall and a ton of fun. Had way more fun here than in the normal story. Kids were all especially fun, and often more interesting than their parents. Shame they get the shaft in the main narrative.
-I liked how the epilogues fleshed out the kids' stories, but the wives seemed to get a bit shafted. Sucks because the women were by far my favorite characters. Men in Birthright were all kind of lame outside of Kage, Ryoma and maybe Silas.
-Class wise, Swordmaster played exactly how I liked and showed why it was still my favorite FE class. Sniper felt actually playable for once, but a lot of that was Takumi's special weapon. Kinshi knight felt woefully underpowered outside of the chapter it was introduced. Axe users shafted in general. Base Class wise, Buttler/Maid and High Ninja were the only two that felt inherently OP. Buttler was so powerful that it just negated any use of other staff users, especially since pure magic in this game is pretty lame.
-Character wise, Ryoma, Takumi, Hana, Kaza and Sophie were my MVPs. Kids in general seem like they could be super duper OP with a little planning, but Sophie is the only one that stood out in my playthrough. Ryoma felt like the only truly inherently OP unit, but I could see an argument for Kaze as well. Corrin didn't feel near as overpowered as Robin. She was very good, but not amazing. I didn't see why I would use her dragon attack at all when Yato just felt stronger with fewer weaknesses.
-Game was very much a victim to the reverse difficulty curve. Once I started promoting in the mid teen chapters, I just walked over everybody. Did the Paralagoues after Chapter 18 and those were semi tricky at times. Everything after that was a breeze besides maybe Chapter 25 and 27. 25 was only tricky until I figured out it was meant to be an offensive chapter where I went to the enemy and hunted them down instead of playing defense and having them come to me like most of the rest of the game.
-Most of the map design was pretty cool and fun. Not amazing, but acceptable. Dragon Vein added some cool ideas.

I think that covers my basic thoughts. I absolutely loved it and it left me even more excited to play Conquest. Felt like a great upgrade from the step back that was Awakening, even if I did enjoy that game as well despite its problems. I'd post all my marriage pairings, but I've already wrote way, way too much so I'll end here.

If it helps at all, you can still battle save in Endgame. Just do it at the beginning and you can avoid going back to Chapter

Don't battle saves erase when you load them on Classic? I never ended up using them, but that was my impression.
I got to Conquest 25, and even if the story is a joke this game is soooooooo much better than Birthright.

The last 3-4 missions have all been fantastic.


Do we have to save the children in their paralogues to recruit them? Shiro keeps killing himself in the first turn.

I am pretty sure that yes, you have to. Some won't join even if they survive, if you don't talk to them.
That said, one of the kids is an enemy in a paralogue, and you can defeat them and they will join after its done.


Do we have to save the children in their paralogues to recruit them? Shiro keeps killing himself in the first turn.

I believe if a character can die in combat, yes you do. Just use a Rescue staff to make it easier.

There is one time later on in the Paralogues that is a bit tricker that the game doesn't let you in on.
The house Mitama is in can get destroyed and she still will recruit at the end of the chapter.


Finally paired everyone up. Decided that it made more sense for folks to marry those who they had been fighting with instead of trying to get optimal parents for the kids. My main army has slightly more women than men, which means Oboro got stuck with a husband (Subaki) who won't go to battle with her. :(

Now to collect the children. At this rate I'll be finished with the first game out of three by April. :p
can someone help me real quick by just confirming or denying something?

so i've been trying to wrap my head around how promotion and skills work in this game, is it the case that I should level to 20, promote to an advanced class, and then use the various seals from there to bounce between promoted classes after getting the skills I want?


can someone help me real quick by just confirming or denying something?

so i've been trying to wrap my head around how promotion and skills work in this game, is it the case that I should level to 20, promote to an advanced class, and then use the various seals from there to bounce between promoted classes after getting the skills I want?

That's how I did it.
Made it finally to chapter 21 and I'm against an entire army of faceless. It was a bad idea to try and fight them out...

Also fuck those cheap golums with their rock throws.


The worst part of this fucking chapter is that the inside of the castle is so easy because of the dragon veins, but everytime an enemy even so much as touches me it's a fucking crit and I die to RNG. It's infuriating when I finally put together a good strategy but just lose because the numbers keep deciding to fuck me.

God fucking damn it.

The Astral Plane is so confusing to me.

It's explained that the AP is different dimension whose portal is opened and closed by Lilith. But this dimension, meant to be a refuge away from war, has ruffians and towns and traders and is essentially imperceptible from the real world. It feels like the Astral Plane concept wasn't part of the original script for supports, or was written out at one point, and now we have this inconsistency.


I just started Conquest and fuck, it is hard. I'm pretty much a noob in Fire Emblem and Birthright was really easy. Just had to reset a couple times and mostly because i got too confident and didn't pay attention.

But man, it took me like 6 tries to complete Chapter 6 Conquest. At least Chapter 7 was on first try.

This run is going to be waaaay longer.
I just started Conquest and fuck, it is hard. I'm pretty much a noob in Fire Emblem and Birthright was really easy. Just had to reset a couple times and mostly because i got too confident and didn't pay attention.

But man, it took me like 6 tries to complete Chapter 6 Conquest. At least Chapter 7 was on first try.

This run is going to be waaaay longer.

I restarted a 14 hour Hoshido playthrough because I found out an undesirable plot event was avoidable. I got back up to speed, and better, in about three. First-runs of games like these take so long. But blowing through it a second time is a cake walk.

But I'll admit, I have been stonewalled by some maps in Birthright. I know some vets can do Birthright with their eyes closed, but there are lots of times where I've had to do a map over and over again because I lose a unit.

Part of it, I think, is always having at least one underpowered unit on the field to get XP. Which makes them very vulnerable to one-shots and they contribute very little. Another part is taking risks that just don't pay off at all.

Say, for example, one of my leading units gets hit for massive damage from an attack that only had a 65% chance of hitting. This happens all the time because 65% is still the majority percentage, but it's a risk worth taking sometimes. My only chance to save this unit is to move my healer into the danger zone. This will let me heal my leading unit, but then my healer is at risk.

9 times out of 10, enemy units will ignore all my other units and just smash my healer to death. So truth is, once the original unit ended up in rough shape, the battle was already over.

I can trace almost all of my losses to that single mistake that I then work to correct. A lot of the time, it doesn't go well.

I blame Awakening for this. Lunatic on Awakening was not possible for me, but even on hard, I wouldn't even watch enemy turns. I would just press start and wait for everybody to run into my units and explode. Awakening was so easy!

I still skip enemy turns in Fates when I know I'm safe, but I've come back from quite a few skips wondering how on earth my unit was just killed.
Conquest feels so good on Hard/Classic. Very satisfying level of challenge without feeling unfair. I'm up to Chapter 17.

I really want Ophelia but I'm having trouble getting Odin and Nyx to S-rank because Odin is so damn bad. I used a heart seal to make him a Samurai but his low strength and E rank in swords means you're looking at a lot of 4x2's, 5x2's, etc. Owain was my favorite character in Awakening but I am looking forward to ditching Odin as soon as possible, sadly.

Otherwise I'm loving the characters in Conquest. All of the Nohrian royals are great and there are plenty of solid units left to fill out the cast. I just hope Selena or Laslow become more powerful at some point, I feel like I'm babying both of them but I just love the Hero class so I can't help myself.


Conquest feels so good on Hard/Classic. Very satisfying level of challenge without feeling unfair. I'm up to Chapter 17.

I really want Ophelia but I'm having trouble getting Odin and Nyx to S-rank because Odin is so damn bad. I used a heart seal to make him a Samurai but his low strength and E rank in swords means you're looking at a lot of 4x2's, 5x2's, etc. Owain was my favorite character in Awakening but I am looking forward to ditching Odin as soon as possible, sadly.

Otherwise I'm loving the characters in Conquest. All of the Nohrian royals are great and there are plenty of solid units left to fill out the cast. I just hope Selena or Laslow become more powerful at some point, I feel like I'm babying both of them but I just love the Hero class so I can't help myself.
You should do yourself and Ophelia a favour and skip having Nyx as her mother. She's not nearly as good a mother as you might think when it comes to growth rate and passes down pretty much nothing relevant skill-wise.


I just ignore the veins and fly up with all my flyers. :/ At that point, my people were pretty OP since I had just finished all the child maps. I'm sure there's a proper way of completing the chapter, but it's anything but fun.

Same here. I just ignored everything and went with my fliers straight to the boss.

Did the same on the next level.


Conquest 22 is a fucking amazing map. No frills, just a great, fairly minimal map mechanic geared pretty intelligently toward utilizing two wings of your army with great enemy placements and a handful of reasonably tough minibosses seeded throughout. Really refreshing to have a map like this after so many map mechanic heavy stages.

Oh, and the music is absolutely incredible.
You should do yourself and Ophelia a favour and skip having Nyx as her mother. She's not nearly as good a mother as you might think when it comes to growth rate and passes down pretty much nothing relevant skill-wise.
I'm not too worried about skill optimization but I thought the boost to Mag growth would be nice from Nyx. Surprised to hear she's not a good fit.


'enry 'ollins
It spawns enemies for several turns (I think out of the holes), but eventually the Dragon Vein for the bridge will come back. The lava stays though. It sucks.
I stayed and farmed the exp on every level. Was a pain. I called it a day when
aggroing the boss started spawning more dudes.
Booked it after that haha.
Speaking broadly, what are everyone's favorite units and how do you have them classed?

I have Silas and Hinoka S Ranked and have Silas as a Paladin with Luna. They are a devastating force. Sophie usually follows closely and cleans up anything they don't 1 Hit.

Subaki and Oboro are a tremendous team too. I have Oboro as a Basura for the skills at the moment and Subaki hasn't promoted yet. But they're my favorite defensive lead.

For child units, I have really only maximized Sophie and Asugi. But I should have a killer Selkie by this afternoon. I haven't determined who to S them with...

Edit: I should also add that I'm still only in Birthright.


Neo Member
How do you grind forever in Birthright/Revelations? Scouting costs money and I don't see how I can continuously gain it back.

It's not that expensive. There are also shiny drops on the ground that are often just gold rewards so you can earn back your fee that way.


Man these Paralogue's keep EATING ME ALIVE. I'm struggling Takumi's son's right now and all of these pegasus knights are just the worst. Part of my problem is probably that I'm trying to level some folks up though.
Speaking broadly, what are everyone's favorite units and how do you have them classed?

I have Silas and Hinoka S Ranked and have Silas as a Paladin with Luna. They are a devastating force. Sophie usually follows closely and cleans up anything they don't 1 Hit.

Subaki and Oboro are a tremendous team too. I have Oboro as a Basura for the skills at the moment and Subaki hasn't promoted yet. But they're my favorite defensive lead.

For child units, I have really only maximized Sophie and Asugi. But I should have a killer Selkie by this afternoon. I haven't determined who to S them with...

Edit: I should also add that I'm still only in Birthright.
Percy, Kana(boy) and Kiragi are obviously the coolest characters and their support convo are the cutest thing ever. Oh and its Percy as a Wyvern lord, Kana as a swordmaster and Kiragi as a Kishin knight.

Ill also add that Leo has a sorcerer late game almost destroyed everything on revelation hard mode along with Ryoma.


Neo Member
Speaking broadly, what are everyone's favorite units and how do you have them classed?

Fuckin. Mozu. Actually so strong. I paired her with Silas but she basically needs no one's help to just wreck face all over the map. Made her into a Kinshi Knight after Archer and she's doing as much damage as Sniper Takumi with twice as much mobility.

My wife, Kagero, is also insanely powerful at this point. Really hard to hit her.
Fuckin. Mozu. Actually so strong. I paired her with Silas but she basically needs no one's help to just wreck face all over the map. Made her into a Kinshi Knight after Archer and she's doing as much damage as Sniper Takumi with twice as much mobility.

My wife, Kagero, is also insanely powerful at this point. Really hard to hit her.

I have Mozu paired with Ryoma right now, but she's underleveled and not in a position to pass down any quality skills. It's pretty late at this point and would be hard to level her the ten levels she needs for a good skill to pass down... But maybe I'll invest the time. She's just an archer at the moment.

Where do i get more Mjolnirs easily?
I need to make Ophelia stronger.

What is it about Mjolnirs that people keep talking about? Do they stack with each other or something?
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