Are the castle invasion options that show up in the birthright map important? I just finished one but it just felt like another grinding thing.
Because Beach Party DLC!!!Whaaat there are no ryoma x leo and xander x takumi supports!? Why IS whyyy.
But he has bows and can kill stuff!
But really, with 40% soon he will only be useful for killing Flyers.
Speaking of missing old classes, I really miss Warriors. They were cool because they were an Axe using class that fell somewhere between Heroes and Berserkers in terms of stats. Now you have to choose either extreme. Plus, a Bow user with really high strength is cool.
I'm sorry, 40% is considered bad now? Growth inflation really is cancerous to the series.
I'm sorry, 40% is considered bad now? Growth inflation really is cancerous to the series.
Because Beach Party DLC!!!
Master of Arms is a promoted class of the Villager.There are a lot of things I don't understand in Fates, especially meta mechanics, but this one threw me for a loop. Why did Shiro learn skills from a class he has never been? Obviously they came from Mozu, somehow, but nobody in this family tree was ever a villager. Mozu didn't even have underdog because I changed her right to Archer.
Anybody know how this works?
Yeah, I was confused, I'm also still in the mindset that 40% is decent/good....
(he actually has 45% strength growth as an Outlaw/Bow Knight, 40% as an Adventurer)
funny thing is Niles' strength is perfectly fine in Conquest lol
He's fine, but not as good as many other physical units. My Azura has more strength than Niles.
Who's the best wife for Leo? There's no one in particular that I ship him with, but his daughter is one of the only kids I want in Conquest. I may as well try to give him the best option.
That's because Azura's strength growth is absurdly high for a dancer lol
and no, Niles is a good unit in Conquest, arguably top 10
Who's the best wife for Leo? There's no one in particular that I ship him with, but his daughter is one of the only kids I want in Conquest. I may as well try to give him the best option.
Selena and Subaki were always meant to be with each other
Who's the best wife for Leo? There's no one in particular that I ship him with, but his daughter is one of the only kids I want in Conquest. I may as well try to give him the best option.
Selena and Subaki were always meant to be with each other
Pretty much. Sorry Laslow.
If you want to gimp Selena, Subaki, and Caeldori sure.
Selena, Odin, Ophelia is even worse though and Odin and Sev were my favorite kids in Awakening.
Birthright Paralogue 7:I hope Shiro's supports explain why he's suicidal. This fucking map.
Need to find a nice match for Laslow. Soleil looks great with red hair but I cant pair Sakura with a womanizer. Hmmm. Maybe Caeldori?
Are Ninjas supposed to have poor defense? My Master Ninja Kaze has really good speed but his defense is so awful that he can barely take 1 or 2 hits before almost dying,
If you want a good Forrest caster, I'd recommend Nyx. I'd recommend Nyx and Elsie for anyone who wants a powerful caster child, but Leo can't marry Elsie for obvious reasons, so you're left with Nyx.
Forrest is a boy, despite being a Troubador.
Nyx (pass Malefic Aura) and Felicia (pass Live to Serve) are the best options if you're trying to make him useful.
Chapter 18 was not as hard as I expected. Is MVP determined randomly or something? Effie and Niles got it, even though Effie barely did anything outside the first few turns. Selena didn't get it, but she rocked that map. And I'd have guessed Felicia did more than Niles too, but at least they were close.
Ninjas are basically Thieves, so yeah.
Got it, thanks.
Do you get more/less support points for fighting with characters paired up (in one square) rather than fighting adjacent? Would be nice if I could just stick Elise onto Odin for supports grinding since I rarely need to heal.
Invasion 2 is kicking my butt. Things are fine until the reinforcements show up and the maids and leader start moving. I don't have a unit that can survive three great knights, two maids, and the merchant leader with the gold skill. Can't really lure effectively when dealing with entrap.
Have an idea to try later, if that doesn't work I'll skip it for a chapter or two.
I now have Shining Bow Sakura and it is beautiful. Y'all ahould be jealous.
Man, Chapters 14-16 of Conquest were a cakewalk and then 17 comes and starts kicking my butt. And I was just starting to get cocky. I'm pretty sure I'm just being impatient and worry less about who goes where than I should. Plus the level looks like one big puzzle. Ugh, this chapter's gonna force me to think.
Rescue can only be bought on Birthright and Revelations and you get a few extra ones every time you level up the Store. They're not infinite, though.How do I buy more Rescue Rods? They're handy for the paralogues.
I might use the different Rods now since the enemies are getting stronger. First time in my Fire Emblem game! Lol.
Rescue can only be bought on Birthright and Revelations and you get a few extra ones every time you level up the Store. They're not infinite, though.
In Conquest, Freeze saved my butt more times than it should have. Enfeeble is also great for weakening up bosses.
This game is probably the second best when it comes to staff utility (you can't beat FE5's OP staves in that aspect).
Only infinite items can be bought in other people's Castles.Yeah I'm on Birthright sorry if it isn't clear. My store run out of stock. I thought I could buy some if I visit other castles but I haven't found one.