So is Dwyer really the lamest kid? Who did you all leave single if you weren't cradle robbing or going with the Corrin only units?
You can get all the rewards once per file. So yes, there's no penalty whatsoever if you get the rewards on your current playthrough.Question, I noticed there is an option at my castle to get some free items for buying the different versions of the game, some class change scrolls among other things. If I take these in birthright, are they gone forever? Or are they always available when I make a new game? I'd rather save them for the other paths bc I can grind and do other stuff in birthright anyway
So is Dwyer really the lamest kid? Who did you all leave single if you weren't cradle robbing or going with the Corrin only units?
Playing normally, I usually don't start unlocking Paralogues unitl chapters 13-14. And even then, I don't start playing them until after Chapter 18 so that the kids come with their own promotion seal.At what chapter did you get your first child?
Should i be worried if i'm at chapter 11 and didn't get one yet?
How?And still, you can grind supports even in Conquest, so there's really no need to worry about missing the Paralogues.
You can get all the rewards once per file. So yes, there's no penalty whatsoever if you get the rewards on your current playthrough.
This also applies to the My Castle Battles/Visits rewards.
Generally people set up their castles to be easy to grind or get skills. So find some high level castle that doenst counter attack and start a battle there. The best ones are those that have a high level Lilith with only a heal staff.
My experience generally has had me get better support grinding in by actually defeating enemies instead of just attacking them. Also, the MVPs get a support boost from what I've noticed. Every time I do a recommended castle and kill everyone, I always end up with some conversations while even grinding for 30+ minutes leads to nothing.
There is a cap on the amount of support a pair can earn in a single battle. It's about what they earn through five paired up attacks.
So is Dwyer really the lamest kid? Who did you all leave single if you weren't cradle robbing or going with the Corrin only units?
Because I went with female Corrin ヽ(▼ー▼ノ
Because I went with female Corrin ヽ(▼ー▼ノ
Did you get the Shining Bow from Battle Points? If so, how did you get so many points so quickly?!I now have Shining Bow Sakura and it is beautiful. Y'all ahould be jealous.
There is a cap on the amount of support a pair can earn in a single battle. It's about what they earn through five paired up attacks.
Did you get the Shining Bow from Battle Points? If so, how did you get so many points so quickly?!
Did you get the Shining Bow from Battle Points? If so, how did you get so many points so quickly?!
I am playing Birthright as male Corrin to have the experience of marrying one of the girls, but man, it's awful. Female Corrin is boss. Male Corrin sucks. I had a playthrough with female Corrin up to Chapter 18 that I restarted when I got a better hold of the mechanics. I wish I had just forgone Kanna and married Nyx.
I love Female Corrin. Male Corrin... I just look past him. It's like he's not even there. BOOOO.
*High five
I mean, going to play at least once as male Corrin for marry Oboro, but right now, going with female Corrin. Marrying her with Silas, having Sophie and Kanna as siblings.
I know about the cap, though my testing makes me wonder if its there isn't also a per action cap. I mean, it could all be in my head, since I haven't tested anything throughly, but it seems that you get more support points for killing an enemy than just attacking, as well as more from being MVP, beyond the normal cap. I've taken Odin from C to B with Nyx in 1 fight, which as far as I know shouldn't be possible with the normal cap. Now, Nyx nuked most of the enemies while Odin supported and they got MVP, so I figured that they must be getting more points from somewhere since my previous grinding method was just hitting enemies up to 8 times then leaving, and that didn't get Odin from C to B with anyone in one fight.
Again, could just be in my head, since I haven't done much in the way of supports for a while. Probably need to test it out some time.
I don't know if they changed any of it from Awakening where any paired up action was the same, but it would depend on where they were between C and B when the fight started. I doubt Odin has quicker support with Nyx like he does with most folks and Niles, Leo, or Ophelia in particular.
On my next run I'm going with Male Corrin for sure because I need to marry Felicia. Or maybe Hana.
Damn, what a conundrum...
This is the corrext answer.More likely answer, is that he's playing Rev and got it from the Nohrian armory.
So is Dwyer really the lamest kid? Who did you all leave single if you weren't cradle robbing or going with the Corrin only units?
You can't pair kids and adults together (wow, that sounds awkward reading it out loud). Only Hoshido pairings Laslow has is with Orochi and Hana anyway. Only way to get red haired Soleil is with Selena or red haired Corrin.
I guess I completely misunderstood that illusion thing in chapter 19. I just disregarded the enemy right where you start since it said I can't attack them/they can't attack me... only for them to attack me and kill a unit immediately.
Seems like a kind of bullshit mechanic to make enemies you can't attack.
I guess I completely misunderstood that illusion thing in chapter 19. I just disregarded the enemy right where you start since it said I can't attack them/they can't attack me... only for them to attack me and kill a unit immediately.
Seems like a kind of bullshit mechanic to make enemies you can't attack.
I guess I completely misunderstood that illusion thing in chapter 19. I just disregarded the enemy right where you start since it said I can't attack them/they can't attack me... only for them to attack me and kill a unit immediately.
Seems like a kind of bullshit mechanic to make enemies you can't attack.
It is much less fun when they all have effective damage against horses and all your units other than Camilla have a horse!
Don't forget all the hit rates being around ~60 so reliable hit rates don't really exist!
That probably would've been my least favorite chapter of Conquest if 20 wasn't even more awful.
game's just being sadistic against all those players that promoted everyone into a mounted unit cause nohr encourages it
What's everyone's favorite tracks?
I've only beaten Birthright and I'm in the middle of Conquest but my favorites are Road Taken and Aqua's Theme (Brave Ver.).
Resolve (Dark) is the GOAT tactics theme. Can't be said enough.What's everyone's favorite tracks?
I've only beaten Birthright and I'm in the middle of Conquest but my favorites are Road Taken and Aqua's Theme (Brave Ver.).
My options at the time were Paladin Corrin, Paladin Silas, Paladin Xander, Strategist Elise (tbf tho Elise doesn't get to see combat because a strong wind would ORKO her (except her res is high so that's not an issue)), Bow Knight Selena, Bow Knight Nina.don't know what you're talking about only two of my units were on a horse for that chapter and one of them was Elise
edit: actually 3 cause Niles I guess
Story seems uniformly bad across all three campaigns but Fates does a good job arguing that maybe Fire Emblem's story doesn't matter as long as you have interesting supports and well-designed maps and objectives.
I end up more attached to the organic narratives that form around your units rather than the prefab narrative.