I think their S support had those four lines tooThe .... Was better reserved for Benny and Beruka.
So is there somewhere where I can listen to Nohr's rendition of Lost in Thoughts All Alone, namely the one in chapter 14 without Garons of increasing discomfort? Wanna listen to itand put it on my iphone.
Conquest chapter 17. Last unit left killed Xander with a double flame shuriken because I only checked the dmg values for a Silver Shuriken.
SO thats 2 hours gone.
Not doing the paralogues screwing me over.
Yes, choosing Branch of Fate from the title screen lets you create a new Avatar and start at Chapter 6.Can i choose a different gender for my hero in the other capmaigns without replaying the first 6 chapters ?
Made it to Turn 9 with the revised strategy. Everyone then began charged me and I was screwed.
That stage is full of choke points. Utilize those until they start to overwhelm you, then assemble at the gate.
There's a point where your expansion peaks, then you have to start to pull back.
I feel like the quality of the stages in Conquest has just ramped up immensely since Chapter 21. Huge, increasingly cerebral maps that demand a ton out of your ability to read how a situation is gonna develop and the correct positioning to make it happen safely, all the while nailing down a crucial aspect of consistent, but honest pressure (well, not much in 23 once you stabilize against the initial horde). 22 was an amazing map, and 23 was shy of it but still a really fun concept, and 24 now is fantastic.
I'm kinda dreading where the needle is supposed to tip into the bullshit later, but for now it's a really nice balance.
Dude! This exact same thing nearly happened to me last night. I knew he had a flame shuriken but I made a mistake and left Xander in his range anyway thinking he could easily take the damage. When I saw 20x2 come up I nearly dropped the 3DS in distress. After the first shuriken hit Xander landed a 41% hit to kill the boss and save himself. So I guess I can't say I know your pain but I can certainly imagine it. That was way too close for comfort.Conquest chapter 17. Last unit left killed Xander with a double flame shuriken because I only checked the dmg values for a Silver Shuriken.
SO thats 2 hours gone.
Not doing the paralogues screwing me over.
I played conquest hard first and started immediately into birthright hard. Im enjoying birthright more. Im on chapter 19 and just unlocked all the paralogues, so Im working on those nextI'm playing Hard/Cas and thinking of doing Birthright on Lunatic/Cas when I'm done.
Has anyone played Conquest > Birthright back to back and enjoyed it?
i dont think so, but the only "GOTCHA BITCH" moment I had was in chapter 27...fucking countersHas any FE on Hard been as mean with enemy skills as Conquest? For me personally it feels that way but I've only played the handheld FE games in depth.
So, uh, absolutely no one is talking about the online multiplayer in this game (probably because it's obfuscated behind the Extras menu), but it's actually pretty solid. Judging from my one match, it seems like the chance of encountering a team stacked with Replicate is pretty likely but otherwise the mode satisfies most of my desires for FE multiplayer (i.e. units fighting on actual maps, like in Shadow Dragon). There are no modifiers like fog of war and absolutely no hooks for winning, it seems, but it's a hell of a lot better than most of the series' previous offerings.
So I made a paralogue unwinnable by grinding supports on conquest with two low leveled units.
Ignatius has terrible stats for being level 20, and he can't survive before I reach him.
Man I really LOVE this game on Casual mode. Hard/Casual mode is perfect, folks. Give it a try. The game is still challenging and fun and NOT punishing. There's very little "lost time" due to unexpected RNG and you don't lose "game content" (support conversations) due to bad luck.
I have to say, I 180'd my opinion on this game after switching from Hard/Classic to Hard/Cas.
Try using units with high movement to advance as far as possible towards the village with the help of Azura's singing. Then that unit can use a Rescue Staff to bring another unit close and then the warped unit can get closer to the village. Pairing up with Ninjas also give you extra movement, so use that too. If Ignatius can survive at least one turn you should be able to reach him in time.So I made a paralogue unwinnable by grinding supports on conquest with two low leveled units.
Ignatius has terrible stats for being level 20, and he can't survive before I reach him.
Man I really LOVE this game on Casual mode. Hard/Casual mode is perfect, folks. Give it a try. The game is still challenging and fun and NOT punishing. There's very little "lost time" due to unexpected RNG and you don't lose "game content" (support conversations) due to bad luck.
I have to say, I 180'd my opinion on this game after switching from Hard/Classic to Hard/Cas.
I plan to reset for every death even on casual, but battle save sounds convenient.
So I made a paralogue unwinnable by grinding supports on conquest with two low leveled units.
Ignatius has terrible stats for being level 20, and he can't survive before I reach him.
When I first got to Birthright Endgame I started the level without taking much time to position my units and quickly realized things weren't going well. I hadn't lost any units yet but I just knew I could start better so I instinctively pressed the buttons needed to restart the game. That was about the time I realized what I had done...It's especially helpful when they throw 2 maps in a row at you without giving you a chance to save.
I honestly had no idea that was in the game until you just mentioned it.
I should try that!
When I first got to Birthright Endgame I started the level without taking much time to position my units and quickly realized things weren't going well. I hadn't lost any units yet but I just knew I could start better so I instinctively pressed the buttons needed to restart the game. That was about the time I realized what I had done...
Anyway, I can't play on Casual personally. The game just loses too much of what I love about the series.
I might play casual Hard/Lunatic after I finish the three campaigns normally (currently Hard/Classic Revelations). But part of what defines a Fire Emblem playthrough is who didn't make it to the end (or "retired" now) and why.
I had trouble with this one as well, but best bet was to get two flying units head over the trees to the right, with Benny and a resistance strong character to take the mage below Ig. Biggest issue for me was actually keeping Benny alive afterwards.
Also, if you don't already have him, Percy made all the difference here if you need another good flying unit like I did.
Any suggestions on good characters to make dread knights in hoshido path?
If so, when should you change them?
Anyone on this? Also, how about that other class that you use the ebon wing for? Who's a good hoshido candidate for that?
I can't say I blame you for wanting to save yourself hours upon hours but I guess I'm just stuck in my ways.I still reset, I just use for the battle saves. Just don't do them every turn, but I use it as more like a mid point.