Couldn't find anything sadly. Most I found was a couple of fan covers and a fan made rendition. No original version sans garons of increasing discomfort.
Alright what kind of garbage is Revelation Chapter 17 on Hard. First of all, you can't save after Chapter 16. Then, you're given a bunch of underlevelled units so even if you only brought your tough heavyweights it doesn't matter. Then at least 10 mounted units rush you on each side. Peri died on like turn 4 because she couldn't dodge 1 of 2 50% hits while sitting in a fort. I (wrongly) assumed that maybe as a level 16 she could sit in a fort and be okay while Odin and Niles ran away to the ever shrinking free spaces in the top left. I almost threw my damn DS against the wall. This is easily the worst designed chapter of all 3 routes. Now I get to play Chapter 16 again, and while it isn't hard it's super boring waiting for those damn flame lines.
I didn't find this chapter too hard personally. Leo and Xander can solo most of those mounted units on that side. Bring Keaton and put him over there. And wait at the top fora while until all reinforcements are dead. Slowly progress on the right side downwards drawing enemies close with your tank. Have Xander deal with turrets and boss.
Couldn't find anything sadly. Most I found was a couple of fan covers and a fan made rendition. No original version sans garons of increasing discomfort.
Disappointing. I guess this is what is truly meant by 'embrace the dark'. Hopefully we eventually get full versions with english lyrics. If not, I'll settle for Japanese when my OST arrives in May.
Just beat it myself, pair up your highest defense unit with a defensive support, break the first medicine pot (middle in front of your units) to add +4 to def. Camilla can tank a round or two with the Saizo/Kagero combo, then wail on them and tank the onslaught of enemies in a narrow entrance with your heavy defense unit. Once done, break a single pot on the right side of the massive pot area and draw the crowds to your tank. Pick them off with ranged attackers (If you have Felicia USE THAT FLAME SHURIKEN). Run everyone into the pot area and use your tank to hold off the archers healing when necessary. Meanwhile clear off the left and right rooms and open the chests, just make sure to watch for the entrap priest on the right. I didn't try to kill Ryoma, but feel free to.
I'm right with you on the difficulty. It's strange to be in a classic hard fire emblem with absolutely no ability to arena abuse. It's never taken me this long to beat a FE game. I beat Birthright in about two weeks, but I'm just over halfway on Conquest. I really love the difficulty, but I wonder if I'm actually having fun playing like this. It feels like lunatic mode to me.
Thanks for the tip. I finished Invasion 1, and played the Before Awakening DLC, plus did a bunch of micromanagement and managed to beat it without having anyone die! The difficulty is insane but I'm really enjoying this. I'm doing an average of 3 chapters a week so it seems this one will last me quite a while.
The HP growth in this game is so fucking shit. For the second playthrough again everyone is like Azura. And it's always Birthright that has the problem. The same characters in Conquest and Revelation never had this
The HP growth in this game is so fucking shit. For the second playthrough again everyone is like Azura. And it's always Birthright that has the problem. The same characters in Conquest and Revelation never had this
I keep getting completely destroyed on Normal / Classic Conquest Chapter 22...
Wondering if my thinned out team is starting to hurt me and I'm relying too much on 3-4 units.
My team...
Corrin 12 Nohr Noble (s rank with Jakob)
Jakob 29 Butler (s rank with Corrin)
Mozu 13 Merchant
Camilla 13 Malig Knight
Keaton 6 Wolfssegner
Azura 19 Songstress
Selena 3 Hero
Xander 10 Paladin
Kaze 14 Ninja
Peri 20 Dread Fighter
Elise 22 Dark Falcon
Benny 15 Knight
Kana 2 Nohr Noble
Dwyer 20 Lodestar
I realize I have a lot of pre-promote still that I have been trying to work on, but is this normal for this late in the game? Also only one S-rank so far (though Keaton!Camilla is close to S.) My strongest units by far are Camilla, Xander, Keaton, Corrin. One thing that hurts is that Jakob has become totally worthless lately. Elise and Selena seem to be starting to come into their own though.
Any tips for this map?
I basically am getting past the first 3-4 dragon veins leveling the forts, but when the reinforcements spawn behind me I'm getting overwhelmed.
She's the core of my army, not Xander. Her damage and survivability is absurd, and a Hexproof Spear fixes her poor Res (not that it matters too much since she's got the health to eat spells for days and for some reason has a fairly high dodge chance too).
I keep getting completely destroyed on Normal / Classic Conquest Chapter 22...
Wondering if my thinned out team is starting to hurt me and I'm relying too much on 3-4 units.
My team...
Corrin 12 Nohr Noble (s rank with Jakob)
Jakob 29 Butler (s rank with Corrin)
Mozu 13 Merchant
Camilla 13 Malig Knight
Keaton 6 Wolfssegner
Azura 19 Songstress
Selena 3 Hero
Xander 10 Paladin
Kaze 14 Ninja
Peri 20 Dread Fighter
Elise 22 Dark Falcon
Benny 15 Knight
Kana 2 Nohr Noble
Dwyer 20 Lodestar
I realize I have a lot of pre-promote still that I have been trying to work on, but is this normal for this late in the game? Also only one S-rank so far (though Keaton!Camilla is close to S.) My strongest units by far are Camilla, Xander, Keaton, Corrin. One thing that hurts is that Jakob has become totally worthless lately. Elise and Selena seem to be starting to come into their own though.
Any tips for this map?
I basically am getting past the first 3-4 dragon veins leveling the forts, but when the reinforcements spawn behind me I'm getting overwhelmed.
Haha she's still alive! She's on the bench though because I was worried I had too many ladies and not enough dudes to get s ranks for marriage. Is she better than Benny?
Haha she's still alive! She's on the bench though because I was worried I had too many ladies and not enough dudes to get s ranks for marriage. Is she better than Benny?
effie is top 5 to top 3 characters in conquest, depending on stat gains RNG
your benny is also woefully underleveled to be tanking that late in the game. I think your best bet at this point is to go grind out benny's relationship to an S (use before awakening and my castle battles), do his paralogue and get Ignatious. His offspring seal should put him around level 6 general.
I'm playing Birthright, and it's time to reclass Orochi and Rhajat. Suggestions? I'm thinking of taking Rhajat (Sakura is the mom) through Basara, Onmyoji, and ending in Witch. Or should I just not bother going Witch? Also, is it better stat-wise to go to Onmyoji while leveling up, and switch over to Basara to grab the skills and then jump right back, or should I spend those 15 levels in Basara before moving over to Onmyoji.
I've got no clue what to do with Orochi. I'm thinking about just doing the same steps with her, but that seems redundant. I've been pretty confident about reclasses with everyone else, but these are like the only two super magic users the campaign wants to give me (Hayato's been put on the bench permanently), so I want to make sure I do this "right." Any tips?
When are people generally promoting and S ranking in Conquest. What chapter range?
I guess one goes hand in hand with the other though since S ranking gives you more experience to soak and get more promotes. Maybe that's why I'm falling behind. I lost a lot of males that would have had children early in the campaign.
When are people generally promoting and S ranking in Conquest. What chapter range?
I guess one goes hand in hand with the other though since S ranking gives you more experience to soak and get more promotes. Maybe that's why I'm falling behind. I lost a lot of males that would have had children early in the campaign.
The majority of my units promoted back around Chapter 17. Now I'm about to hit 22 and they're in the level 9-11 range. I also have a couple of paralogues to do so they can still reach higher before the end of the game.
They do but the reinforcement are nice near the end of the game because is EXP galore. Effie and Xander or Ryoma and Oboro can tank anything so you never worry about them overwhelming you once you get rid of the flyers.
When are people generally promoting and S ranking in Conquest. What chapter range?
I guess one goes hand in hand with the other though since S ranking gives you more experience to soak and get more promotes. Maybe that's why I'm falling behind. I lost a lot of males that would have had children early in the campaign.
I had everybody hit 20 and promote right before chapter 17.
I think I recruited my first child character (Ophelia) around chapter 14, and the last one I am actually using (Nina) before chapter 21. You can gain support levels in castle battles if need be.
I actually really like that Javelins and the like only hit once. Makes it really easy to weaken enemies with tanks and let the underlevelled units pick them off easier.
So how long did it take you guys to finish each path? It's interesting to see how much the time varies with difficulty setting as well. It took me about 55 hours to finish Birthright on Hard/Classic (Activity Log time) and I'm already up to about 40 hours in Conquest on Chapter 19.
I expect I'll be well over 150 by the time I finish Revelations.
Conquest is taking me longer than Birthright, for some reason. I've done more paralogues in this campaign so that may be why. I'm at around 40 hours at Chapter 24.
Welp, Corrin got killed in Birthright Endgame. Not by the final boss, but by some random-ass mook with 27% chance of hit. 27 wasn't that bad but I had a few lucky misses to help
That feeling when you see "33" and "100%" at the enemy's attack screen and "33 HP" on Corrin at the very end of a paralogue.
Why you gotta be such a brat, Percy. You'll never be as awesome as you father (nor as useless as him but hey when you got chins like those who needs to fight properly).
That last rush of enemies on that paralogue is a lot to deal with. I ended up leading them all the way to the bottom of the map and finishing them off there.
I'm playing Birthright, and it's time to reclass Orochi and Rhajat. Suggestions? I'm thinking of taking Rhajat (Sakura is the mom) through Basara, Onmyoji, and ending in Witch. Or should I just not bother going Witch? Also, is it better stat-wise to go to Onmyoji while leveling up, and switch over to Basara to grab the skills and then jump right back, or should I spend those 15 levels in Basara before moving over to Onmyoji.
I've got no clue what to do with Orochi. I'm thinking about just doing the same steps with her, but that seems redundant. I've been pretty confident about reclasses with everyone else, but these are like the only two super magic users the campaign wants to give me (Hayato's been put on the bench permanently), so I want to make sure I do this "right." Any tips?
Still early in Birthright and just a quick question: why does it seem like I can't raise any supports with Sakura other than a few characters even though her support list shows me that she should be able to? Is it story related or something?
Still early in Birthright and just a quick question: why does it seem like I can't raise any supports with Sakura other than a few characters even though her support list shows me that she should be able to? Is it story related or something?
Maybe she has a lower support rate with some characters? I might be pulling that game mechanic out of my ass, but I think Corrin gets support convos faster with the royal families, for example.
Maybe she has a lower support rate with some characters? I might be pulling that game mechanic out of my ass, but I think Corrin gets support convos faster with the royal families, for example.
Maybe. I really don't know at this point.
I just tried it again. I paired up Sakura and Azura but no support hearts during fights. But when I separated them hearts popped up. Is this a thing? Thought it didn't matter.
Maybe. I really don't know at this point.
I just tried it again. I paired up Sakura and Azura but no support hearts during fights. But when I separated them hearts popped up. Is this a thing? Thought it didn't matter.
Things like healing and Sing will only provide a support bonus between the party healing/singing and then one receiving it. So if you pair up Azura to Sakura and try to heal people they're not going to receive a boost in support rating unless they're attacked. I would assume this is the problem you are running into.
Still early in Birthright and just a quick question: why does it seem like I can't raise any supports with Sakura other than a few characters even though her support list shows me that she should be able to? Is it story related or something?
Conquest is awesome but man these past few chapters have been a bit too gimicky for my tastes. I appreciate the diverse map design, it's a nice change from Awakening but Conquest Chapters 17-20 have been brutal with these bizarre rule changes brought in. I've been slogging through it but failing repeatedly on maps makes it hard for me to stay motivated. Chapter 10 remains my favourite of the Conquest maps so far. After I finish Conquest I'll play something else as a palette cleanser before returning to tackle Birthright.