Conquest 10 seems like a really neat hold-the-line mission that is unfortunately killing me dead on Normal/Classic. I don't really want to drop down to Casual needlessly but I just spent two hours with nothing to show for it. The worst is feeling like I have the general strategy figured out but losing people in the last turn to random shit. I wish I had save states.
Also, Arthur can go die in a fire. I threw both my Goddess Icons at him to bring his luck up and I'm still not sure it was worth it.
Are you making use of battle saves? They're the closest things to save states.
Another question for birthright: what story chapter will be the last chapter that you get a new character for your team?
I kind of want to have everyone on hand before I start marrying people off lol
Ahhhhh someone help me!
I can't decide if I want to marry Reina or Caeldori and it's driving me crazy! I like them both a lot. I probably prefer Reina's design a little, but Caeldori levels up sooooo fast and is really powerful.
Anybody married them? How has it worked out?
Are you making use of battle saves? They're the closest things to save states.
Battle saves are only available in Casual.
If your skill stat is bad, the skills may not activate. Skills that have a lower chance of activating roll first. If they don't activate, it goes on to skills with higher activation rates. For example, Lethality---> Sol.Do certain skills prevent other skills from activating?
Because it just occurred to me that I haven't seen Rend Heaven or Astra activate in a really long time on two of my units. I think I remember something in Awakening about certain skills overriding others and preventing them from happening?
If your skill stat is bad, the skills may not activate. Skills that have a lower chance of activating roll first. If they don't activate, it goes on to skills with higher activation rates. For example, Lethality---> Sol.
Yep. Classic only gets bookmarks, which are suspend states.
Like many of the times I come into the thread to complain about my lack of skills (sorry!), I did eventually get past it. It only took me one more reset this time! I'm worried about future levels, though, and am considering whether I want to try alternatives to dropping to Casual, like Boo Camp. I can't decide what would be a bigger stain on my Conquest campaign.
I'm at Conquest 17 and it seems that shit just got pretty real. Also, should I be worried? I've promoted only two units, Corrin and Elise, and the rest of my units ranges from 14 to 17. Did I fuck up on the exp spread on my units? I decided on my final rooster after chapter 15 and been focusing on leveling those units only, but it still feels like I'm a couple of steps back from where I should be.
Your units are underleveled and that will make chapter 17 a bit of a nightmare. I deliberately did a paralogues right before that chapter with an eye to getting everyone to 20 and promoting, which seems to be around where the game expects you to be.
Aching Blood increases Odin's critical rate by 10% should he be wielding a forged weapon with at least 12 characters in its name.
Chapter 15 if you don't count bonus units.
22, and some bonus units that can be recruited whenever
In Birthright, you get the last 1st gen unit that can marry units besides the avatar in the end of chapter 13/ beginning of chapter 14. There are still some 1st gen units that only join afterwards, but they're all avatar-only.
Is this true regardless of what stat is used as a multiplier?
What about skills like Venom and Grisly Wound, do they stack?
What about the Seal skills? Can Strength and Defense Seal work together? EDIT: Looks like seals targeting different stats do work together.
Do certain skills prevent other skills from activating?
Because it just occurred to me that I haven't seen Rend Heaven or Astra activate in a really long time on two of my units. I think I remember something in Awakening about certain skills overriding others and preventing them from happening?
So basically around chapter 14 for units that can marry anyone other than the avatar. And around 22 for avatar only units. Alright, sounds doable. I guess my avatar will have to remain single for the time being.
I'm at Conquest 17 and it seems that shit just got pretty real. Also, should I be worried? I've promoted only two units, Corrin and Elise, and the rest of my units ranges from 14 to 17. Did I fuck up on the exp spread on my units? I decided on my final rooster after chapter 15 and been focusing on leveling those units only, but it still feels like I'm a couple of steps back from where I should be.
You're probably using a weapon that doesn't allow skill procs aren't you.
Chapter 8 Conquest Hard Tips? I've been stuck for a while.
There must be a trick to using the dragon veins. I also don't know how to visit the houses before the enemy.
I am not. I don't know why. Shiro has 27% skill, so I should be seeing Astra roughly 1/4th of the time. I guess I've just been unlucky.
Weapons that don't allow those things say so in the description, right?
New question: If a unit is already Level 20 and you use a Heart Seal, do they automatically get the skills from the new class or do they NEVER get them?
If you're at 20 in a promoted class, you have to use an Eternal Seal, which increases the level cap by 5.New question: If a unit is already Level 20 and you use a Heart Seal, do they automatically get the skills from the new class or do they NEVER get them?
Chapter 8 Conquest Hard Tips? I've been stuck for a while.
There must be a trick to using the dragon veins. I also don't know how to visit the houses before the enemy.
I never used the Dragon Vein but it seems like a trap or just a stall tactic for the reinforcements. For the houses, I figure you can take down the sub boss and rush to the west most house or go north while worrying about the units that'll come out on the first turn. A Freeze staff is useful in either case, I think once is enough to get in and take down the runners.
What I did was take Elise and Silas to the southwest house about one space past the house entrance and used a Freeze. The sub boss used Freeze on Elise while Silas could get in and claim the house reward first. After that I was free to take the house I was right next to with Elise.
Well Astra activation rate is Skill x 0.5. Also if you wanted, you could Heart Seal and then promote. After getting to level 2 you get the first skill from the previous class and then level 3 gets you the second skill from the previous class. You can catch up on missed skills like that.
I never used the Dragon Veins either. I essentially did what Renewed did; I think taking out the spear fighter that activates the first house is crucial, as I'm guessing he goes and alerts the other houses if you don't catch up to him and kill him. If you take him down, you have a bit of time to get up to the north and claim the third house before another runner gets to it.
You get them once you level up. The same thing happened with my Corrin and I got the two skills at level 1 and 2 on the promoted class. To get the skills, you'll have to use a Master Seal, then level up, or use an Eternal Seal. Astra's activation rate is skill *0.5 so it's not a 1/4 chance to proc.I am not. I don't know why. Shiro has 27% skill, so I should be seeing Astra roughly 1/4th of the time. I guess I've just been unlucky.
Weapons that don't allow those things say so in the description, right?
New question: If a unit is already Level 20 and you use a Heart Seal, do they automatically get the skills from the new class or do they NEVER get them?
I haven't kept up with this thread because I finally got around to playing this game a couple of days ago, but I just wanted to pop in and say how disappointing it is that nearly every song in this game has the game's main theme in it. I get that the song is important and everything, but some variation in the soundtrack would be nice.
That is all, carry on.
I am not. I don't know why. Shiro has 27% skill, so I should be seeing Astra roughly 1/4th of the time. I guess I've just been unlucky.
Weapons that don't allow those things say so in the description, right?
New question: If a unit is already Level 20 and you use a Heart Seal, do they automatically get the skills from the new class or do they NEVER get them?
Thanks guys this game is tricky as hell
You're telling me. I'm stuck on Chapter 11. Dunno what I'm going to do about one specific portion ().archers with goddamned Counter skills wreck me so hard
Good luck!
If that side is giving you a lot of trouble, you could always go the other. What I did was kill them with Effie and a Javelin. Counter doesn't activate if you kill the enemy, or attack from farther out than 1 range. Effie was strong enough to take down the archers in one hit. For those that didn't die with one hit, they died to the javelin on the enemy turn.
I would normally avoid that side, except I need the sweet, sweet XP. I fear I am already underleveled and need all the help I can get for the horrors that await me.
The tip I've been reading a lot and should really take when my 3DS is done its wireless backup is "give Effie a Javelin." I learned about Counter because my Effie nearly died to it, since she can't one-shot them. (Also, if my Effie should be strong enough to one-shot them at this stage, I guess I'd better buy Boo Camp because clearly I've screwed up somewhere.)
I would normally avoid that side, except I need the sweet, sweet XP. I fear I am already underleveled and need all the help I can get for the horrors that await me.
The tip I've been reading a lot and should really take when my 3DS is done its wireless backup is "give Effie a Javelin." I learned about Counter because my Effie nearly died to it, since she can't one-shot them. (Also, if my Effie should be strong enough to one-shot them at this stage, I guess I'd better buy Boo Camp because clearly I've screwed up somewhere.)
Question about Paralogues: Do the enemies scale to your level? Or do the paralogue numbers mean that the higher the more difficult?
Cover for lost in thought all alone
She took quite the liberty with the lyrics
You know, I've been thinking about this. They hired a manga writer to write the script, which took two years. I wonder if the reason the story feels stilted at times is because of Nintendo's draconian policies and desire to evoke a certain feel in their games. Fire Emblem games are generally fairly generic fantasy - even its more complicated stories, like FE4 and the Tellius duology, are relatively simple narratives. I wonder if the author was held back by guidelines that he wasn't used to working with.Wow that Ophelia and Odin A support... I was expecting it, but wow, the feels. Why can't they get whoever writes the supports to write the story? It would probably end up way better.
You know, I've been thinking about this. They hired a manga writer to write the script, which took two years. I wonder if the reason the story feels stilted at times is because of Nintendo's draconian policies and desire to evoke a certain feel in their games. Fire Emblem games are generally fairly generic fantasy - even its more complicated stories, like FE4 and the Tellius duology, are relatively simple narratives. I wonder if the author was held back by guidelines that he wasn't used to working with.
Are you playing with a male or a female avatar? Now, that I think about it, all units you get after chapter 14 in Birthright are male.
Wow I just did the S Rank with Camila... Lol wow that is freaking WEIRD, haha that's why I wanted to S rank to see if they really let that whole thing be so weird. And then the Private Quarters conversations are just fucking creepy as hell.
Yeah I think I'm all done with the private quarters stuff. I don't understand what all he hearts are for in there, they don't really explain it but yeah that's just some real weird dating sim stuff that really really feels out of place in this war setting.
You know, I've been thinking about this. They hired a manga writer to write the script, which took two years. I wonder if the reason the story feels stilted at times is because of Nintendo's draconian policies and desire to evoke a certain feel in their games. Fire Emblem games are generally fairly generic fantasy - even its more complicated stories, like FE4 and the Tellius duology, are relatively simple narratives. I wonder if the author was held back by guidelines that he wasn't used to working with.