Ninjas are great because they're some of the best and most reliable ranged attacking units after the huge nerf magic and range weapons like javelins and hand axes got.
Some of the kill animations on classes are better than the crit animations imo.
Dread Fighter crits has them barrel roll diving into the enemy and the normal kill animation is them slowly walking up to the enemy (sometimes even using a pokemon double team style effect) and then suddenly popping up right on them
Finally beat Classic Lunatic Conquest. That endgame was miserable, I
tried it like half a dozen times including the rescue stave strategy before I got sick of it and bought a bunch of Offensive skills on the MC and just 2-turn cheesed it with all the Rescue staves. Still wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for a Luna and Dragonfang activation all in one turn.
All in all this game was so difficult to be painful and nauseating at times. The difficulty wasn't like how XCOM or Roguelikes are difficult in that you have to manage loss and risk. Playing perfect in Conquest is literally what it sounds like: playing PERFECT. Many maps have the difference between victory and loss be due to one mismanaged unit, one miscalculation or rarely one unlucky crit (which happened far less than I thought, Takumi notwithstanding). It's like... hard Soulsborne bosses, you try and try again until you figure out what works and what doesn't. There was alot of tedium because you can often mentally organize maps into "chunks" based on groups of enemies to engage. If you already know how to clear the first room, but die to the second, you still have to repeat the first room. This game really needed mid-battle save points ala Shadow Dragon in the later missions, just one in the long maps to still preserve the difficulty but cut down on the tedium. On the other hand once you DO beat the maps you are stuck on it feels amazing... right up until you get slaughtered in the next mission.
The map design was amazing and memorable, if only for all the bullshit it had you do. I remembered Birthright's maps in chunks, like the early and mid game and such. But every single map in Conquest felt like an ordeal. The most memorable ones for me were:
Chapter 9 with the stupid surprise reinforcements after beating the Shrine Maiden guarding the boss. Birthright liked mixing Magic and Melee units together so you had to have a tank that blocked both. Conquest just likes giving random mooks Magic Weapons instead...
Chapter 10 which was amazing well designed since every turn every member had to be in the perfect position. You really had to think two turns ahead on this map, but once you figure out the mininum characters that can hold each chokepoint it becomes much more manageable.
11 had Azama the heavily armed unarmed priest that probably killed everyone at least once. I guess he taught you the meaning of conquest.
13 had Reina which pretty much just walled off that section of the map and could one round KO the Armor Knights. Died many a time to her horde until I figured out that I could just aggro all the Wyverns before charging in.
14 had the ever present criss-crossing status-stave users and, again, surprise flying reinforcements including VERY early promoted mooks.
17 was this insane mess. A combination of escort quest and hordes of ninjas that shit all over the typical strategy of tank then counterattack. This map required more fine positioning than even chapter 10. Why does Fire Emblem insist on making allies charge into danger?
19's furry apocalypse was also somewhat overrated in terms of difficulty. It's probably the most straightforward gear and stat check chapter; simply put you needed enough tanking to survive hits and enough DPS to clear the hordes on your turn and protect yourself from counterattack. Even the group of mixed invulnerable and vulnerable enemies could be kited with high Mov-tanks.
20 I challenge anyone to tell me that this is a good chapter. Holy shit this chapter is terrible. Winds are one thing, but the addition of flying units and again tons of "surprise" reinforcements makes this both tedious and unfair. This game desperately needs at least a one-turn warning before reinforcements appear.
21 was so frustrating I just cheesed it by flying Camilla from one Dragon Vein to the next. Didn't even try to kill the boss and get the arms-scroll.
24 was the only Conquest map I beat on my first try, despite it being pretty heavily demonized. It helped that I had a royal child reclassed to a Kinshi Knight so it was really easy to activate the DV after Hinoka taps into the speed force. I'm not really sure how one would beat it without having at least two flying royals though, or just fielding tanky units.
26 was the hardest, most miserable map in the game for me. An ABSURD amount of units per room with stats that are comparable or better than yours, starting with like a dozen heroes and being constantly bombarded by the Boss's status staves. The final room with basically two dozen Knights and Beserkers was further complicated by them all holding anti-armor or anti-beast weapons which screwed with your main tanks. You basically needed a fully kitted out max defense armor knight and/or Keaton to survive it. There's a conspicuous lack of magic using units in the final room, which probably would've made the final room unplayable. Luckily the boss rarely used the Hexing Rod otherwise this map would be impossible.
27 was weird and disappointing, but annoying to play through over and over again to get to the final boss. I have no idea why I can't save between 27 and endgame. It's just senseless.
The characters in Conquest are all really good, with a large number of tanks which are pretty much necessary to do well in Conquest. Unlike Birthright where it was easy to just have a small number of characters absorb alot of kills you naturally spread out your kills in Conquest. You have no standout unit in Conquest; no comparison to Ryoma who slaughters everything in Birthright. Xander was pretty underwhelming, with lower stats than other units and practically never doubling. Probably the MC is the best one, if only for their debuff skill and the ability to switch from tanking to DPS on a dime. Conquest had alot less of the Hoshido "swarm with high movement units" with some exceptions with flyers. Conquest map design seems very "room" or group focused with each section of a map being its own "puzzle". Units also tended to group themselves by typing, rather than mixing seen in Birthright. Pure Res and pure Def tanks are much more viable.
Niles was a real standout to me, since he could wear many hats. Magic tanking, healing, DPS, he had it all. I also fed him alot of Spirit Dusts and he became a quasi "Mage" for me. Selena was also ironically perfect on my run, almost maxing practically every stat and constantly procing offense skills, but fell off near the end because of low caps in her Bowknight class. Everyone else was just good at their jobs, whether it be DPS or tanking, there are few bad characters in Conquest but few outstanding ones either.
All in all I think I had more fun in Birthright, but I think I'm gonna remember Conquest for more vividly and probably fondly going forward in a masochistic kind of way. Conquest has burned me out on the difficulty of the game, so I'm probably gonna just buy a bunch of skills and farm money on Revelations to cut down on the bullshit.
In my birthright playthrough and need to pick who isn't going to have their partner or a kid. Realized I didn't pair up Azama. Is his kid a good fighter or good character (memorable character). How about Hayato's?
Only Songstress and the DLC classes can hit level 35+, everyone else is still capped at level 20 promoted unless you're either Jakob/Felicia or use an Eternal Seal.
Camilla should probably be stronger than almost everyone else in your army at this point, don't be afraid to use her.
how is that obscene when all classes' cap are level 20 barring DLC and special classes and Felicia and Jakob
Classes like lords, dark fliers, and dread fighters can go to level 40 because they are special classes that cannot be promoted, those classes are kinda broken in a sense where they are technically promoted class in terms of growth.
Classes that goes caps at 40 instead of 20
All DLC classes
Felicia and Jakob
In other words, you probably got spoiled thinking that all units can go to level 40, unless you reclass someone outside of Azura/Felicia/Jakob to a DLC class, every single unit will cap at level 20 after promotion.
Camilla stayed relevant throughout the entire game for me, even though she's not the top unit she never made herself a burden, she maxed out Str and Spd before even hitting level 20 plus she's got some really neat magic growths.
Try to use a DLC seal on camilla, you'll find out that her level is 40 instead of 20 now.
Sad about Azuras mom too. Is there any dialogue between Scarlet and Ryoma in this chapter if Ryoma is the one fighting her? I killed her with someone else and she just said ".... Thank"
I completely missed the visual cue for making lava bridges and when the other Dragon Vein didn't immediately appear again the next turn, I assumed that I had to trigger the ones up ahead. The ones that were impassable to non-fliers.
So I flew Hinoka/Sophie up there, Wane Festaling to keep them alive, all while dealing with lava damage and seemingly endless reinforcements below. Of course, because I had missed the visual cue, I triggered the reinforcements and lava on the third part too. One turn later, the Dragon Vein reappeared in part two, and I realized my mistake. At this point I was getting mauled by 20+ reinforcements. My team held strong for a surprising amount of time, but in the end Selkie fell prey to two 40% Stonethrow dudes + swordmaster and I put the game down. I'll do this level intelligently later >_>
In my birthright playthrough and need to pick who isn't going to have their partner or a kid. Realized I didn't pair up Azama. Is his kid a good fighter or good character (memorable character). How about Hayato's?
Hayato's daughter was one of the strongest characters I had. Azuma's was pretty useful as well, and she wound up being one of the characters I liked the most.
Hayato's daughter was one of the strongest characters I had. Azuma's was pretty useful as well, and she wound up being one of the characters I liked the most.
Technically anything can go to 119 (20 + 99) with enough eternal seals, but for all practical purposes 40 in a class that can't promote is the same as 20 in a promoted class.
Done. I had no idea I even had one in my inventory. Sweet.
Sakura and Xander are quite the power couple. Theyre at A and I'm not sure if I want to S them. I thought Xander and Hinokas supports were really sweet so I'm leaning towards that.
Sad about Azuras mom too. Is there any dialogue between Scarlet and Ryoma in this chapter if Ryoma is the one fighting her? I killed her with someone else and she just said ".... Thank"
Ok friends, I was late to the party with Awakening. Loved every bit of it (outside of the story) and I'm wrapping up the last couple chapters. Ready to move to Fates and I have an important question or two.
1) Birthright or Conquest? Conquest sounds nice for something different since I'm coming RIGHT out of Awakening but I hear it's very hard. Note that Awakening was my first FE game and I played on Classic/Hard - gave me some trouble but not too much. Which version should I get?
2) Depending on the version I pick, what difficulty should I choose? I enjoyed Classic/Hard on Awakening, that seemed to fit me well. Should I do the same for Fates or is it balanced differently?
Ok friends, I was late to the party with Awakening. Loved every bit of it (outside of the story) and I'm wrapping up the last couple chapters. Ready to move to Fates and I have an important question or two.
1) Birthright or Conquest? Conquest sounds nice for something different since I'm coming RIGHT out of Awakening but I hear it's very hard. Note that Awakening was my first FE game and I played on Classic/Hard - gave me some trouble but not too much. Which version should I get?
2) Depending on the version I pick, what difficulty should I choose? I enjoyed Classic/Hard on Awakening, that seemed to fit me well. Should I do the same for Fates or is it balanced differently?
Conquest would definitely mix things up for you. Its doesn't have grinding (you can support grind online or in the free dlc map, but no exp grinding) and has "limited" resources. I say "limited" because they give you a lot, but you will have to grab it yourself in the maps (optional objectives, chests, etc). Later chapters throw new twists at you in the form of map specific mechanics. Most are interesting, some not so much. As for the difficulty, Normal would probably work for you if you do go the Conquest route. One thing to remember is that you can always drop the difficulty down later (but not raise it), so you can start on hard and see how far that takes you.
Birthright is going to be more of Awakening, plus the new balance changes they've made. It will help ease yourself into the differences between Fates and Awakening like Tag Team and Dual Guard. If you go this way, I'd say Hard should work.
One final note, Birthright for Story, Conquest for game play. Lots of people love the characters on Conquest (I do too), but I haven't played far enough into Birthright's supports to get a feel for them yet, so I withhold judgment.
Conquest would definitely mix things up for you. Its doesn't have grinding (you can support grind online or in the free dlc map, but no exp grinding) and has "limited" resources. I say "limited" because they give you a lot, but you will have to grab it yourself in the maps (optional objectives, chests, etc). Later chapters throw new twists at you in the form of map specific mechanics. Most are interesting, some not so much. As for the difficulty, Normal would probably work for you if you do go the Conquest route. One thing to remember is that you can always drop the difficulty down later (but not raise it), so you can start on hard and see how far that takes you.
Birthright is going to be more of Awakening, plus the new balance changes they've made. It will help ease yourself into the differences between Fates and Awakening like Tag Team and Dual Guard. If you go this way, I'd say Hard should work.
One final note, Birthright for Story, Conquest for game play. Lots of people love the characters on Conquest (I do too), but I haven't played far enough into Birthright's supports to get a feel for them yet, so I withhold judgment.
Doesn't Savage Blow on work in a 2 square radius around the user? That would make it ineffective on bow users since they want to stay far away.
So, I know there was a discussion on support grinding a while back. I finally have gotten around to doing it in Birthright. Just did some ranks between Corrin and Orochi, and its really odd. I just got the B rank, when to go pick up Death Blow for Mozu (My Castle) and decided to fight a promoted Subaki with Corrin/Orochi paired up. 7 attacks later, Subaki was dead and I took the castle. I went to check my supports, and as expected they didn't have one. Orochi asked for an accessory, I gave one to her, and bomb, they are ready for an A rank support. I should also note that they didn't get MVP that map.
It really does seem that killing strong enemies together gives a large boost to your support points. I think this since I doubt giving an accessory gives a huge amount of points (Emblem Shield to Orochi in this case). It also doesn't seem like it fall within the normal cap for attacks.
It's a 1-2 range bow that uses magic and hits resistance, and the priestess class can uae bows, making my Sakura with an absurd 37 magic do hilarious amounts of damage. The only downside is that you have to get her bow rank to C, but it isn't too hard in Revelation which is the path where you can get it for her.
I'm so tired of losing characters to 2% crit chances. Got to the end of conquest 20 hard and the second to last enemy on the map oneshot Charlotte, gonna have to restart cause she was one of my best units.
Hinoka to Spear Fighter is really good. Go to Basara, pick up Quixotic, then reclass her to Spear Master. I'm not sure about Silas, but he should work as a Merc. Your best choice for now is Hinoka to Spear Fighter.
Finale Fireworker is correct, but that only applies to promoted units.