Unpromoted classes get their last skill at 10, though?
Are you supposed to wait to have kids because of inheritance of skills,stats, or class? Or can you do it any time you want?
Are you supposed to wait to have kids because of inheritance of skills,stats, or class? Or can you do it any time you want?
In my birthright playthrough and need to pick who isn't going to have their partner or a kid. Realized I didn't pair up Azama. Is his kid a good fighter or good character (memorable character). How about Hayato's?
Are you supposed to wait to have kids because of inheritance of skills,stats, or class? Or can you do it any time you want?
Revelation 24
That was a lot of fun.until the very end, where I lost like 2 units due to that chokepoint.Didnt engage a single unit
Story spoilers:
Glad I didnt pair Azura and Corrin yet, just found out they're actually Vallite cousins! Does that make Takumi Vallite royalty too, since she's also Queen Mikotos son?
Spoiler time.
Mikoto only has one blood child, Corrin. The rest are her stepkids
Finally finished Birthright. Forty hours on the clock (but many more with resets...), hard, classic.
The final mission was a shitshow lol. The first two enemies that came in on me hit <10% crits and clocked people... I kind of appreciate that you can't save going into that mission, I would've reset for sure. But at that point I just wanted to get it done. Took Garon out in one round of attacks on him.
Ok but man. What an absolute mess that story was. The game goes so far out of the way to pretend like death isn't happening (except your mom): your allies "flee", you can win the friendship of a village chief by slaughtering two dozen of his people, you attempt to kill your Nohrian siblings but I guess they retreated too... and then in the home stretch they just kill two people in super cheap ways and two in melodramatic ways. So many things go totally unexplained -- like wtf is going on with Garon -- that I *guess* will be explored in the other path? Who cares. I'm skipping all dialog in the other paths.
Onward! What's next: Revelation or Conquest? I think I'll go Casual for the next, just to save time on resets.
I have a question...what do I do about character that hit level 20 and can't level up anymore? I can't use Master Seals on them and using any other seals just keeps their level. I changed Gunter to a Paladin hoping that it would help him, but it just made him worse and I can't change him back. Corrin and Xander just capped at 20 and I can't do anything with them. In Awakening I could change them to another class and they'd drop down to level 1 so at least they could level up again. I guess that can't be done in Conquest so I need some advice. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a question...what do I do about character that hit level 20 and can't level up anymore? I can't use Master Seals on them and using any other seals just keeps their level. I changed Gunter to a Paladin hoping that it would help him, but it just made him worse and I can't change him back. Corrin and Xander just capped at 20 and I can't do anything with them. In Awakening I could change them to another class and they'd drop down to level 1 so at least they could level up again. I guess that can't be done in Conquest so I need some advice. Any help would be appreciated.
Unless the skill is something you really want/need that's not necessarily true at all. I reclassed Corrin to Cavalier pretty much as soon as I got Dragon Fang and I didn't miss the whatever skills from the Noble class because it was way more valuable to have Corrin on a horse (and the +3 damage skill from being a cavalier is great). Unless your only goal is having the strongest possible team at endgame then it's not really necessary at all to worry about this.Wait until 15. Always wait until 15 so you get all the skills, then get the skills from the other class in only two levels.
There is an "Eternal Seal" to raise level caps. Available from Gold Rod/Staff shops. You should be able to find castles through the Recommended section that you can buy them at. V expensive tho.
Master Seal is the only one that resets level, so you shouldn't use it until 15-20. I don't know Gunter, but some units join in advanced classes (the maid/butler), and their natural cap will be higher than 20.
If you're looking to level them up more for skills, use an Eternal Seal, which lets a unit level up 5 more times once they reach the limit.
I have never seen that in my shop and it's level 3. I guess these guys are stuck at level 20, then. Just seems like a waste since they're my main units. Well, I'm on the last mission anyway and nothing carries over so I guess it's not worth bothering with.
When you say "find castles", what do you mean?
You never visited anyone else's castle? Go talk to the orb in your castle. I don't have the game on hand but the menu is something like Visit Castles > Recommended > and then there's a list. Gotta be online: it's sort of like Street Passing people over the Internet.
Oh. I saw the option on the list, but I don't like PvP so I didn't try it. I have no desire to battle other players. Can we just visit other castles without fighting them?
Yes and it's not actually PVP anyways. When you battle when visit other people's castle their units are AI controlled.
You only PvP when you choose "Wireless" in the orb menu
Hey you can grind for gold and exp on Revelations right, without the DLC?
Is Nohrian Trust a good skill? I changed Corrin to Great Lord once I got Draconic Hex. Kinda seems like I may as well stay the course....
Also, who is a good candidate for Lodestar?
Hey you can grind for gold and exp on Revelations right, without the DLC?
oh my god, I didn't even think about thisHere's another thing that's totally shit about the Birthright story: the fact that Corrin can transform into a fucking dragon is a plot point for exactly one mission and then never mentioned ever again.
Yep. Experience can be grinded like Birthright. Gold is a little harder, but all you need is someone with Profiteer, and you can grind infinitely.
Here's another thing that's totally shit about the Birthright story: the fact that Corrin can transform into a fucking dragon is a plot point for exactly one mission and then never mentioned ever again.
Do you mean through Challenges, or are there Scout missions in Revelations?
I've purposefully avoided all Scout missions because I don't want to be in the habit of using them and then be too bad at the game for Conquest and Revelations. Partly because I thought you couldn't scout in these two plots.
Here's another thing that's totally shit about the Birthright story: the fact that Corrin can transform into a fucking dragon is a plot point for exactly one mission and then never mentioned ever again.
Haha yea. They dropped the ball on that one. It doesn't help it's one ugly Dragon too.
(I don't understand this dragon archetype, why are horse dragons a thing?)
Haha yea. They dropped the ball on that one. It doesn't help it's one ugly Dragon too.
Do you mean through Challenges, or are there Scout missions in Revelations?
I've purposefully avoided all Scout missions because I don't want to be in the habit of using them and then be too bad at the game for Conquest and Revelations. Partly because I thought you couldn't scout in these two plots.
Nohrian Trust is useful if your Corrin has high skill for activation rates and a support partner with an useful set up of offensive skills,which wouldn't take slots from Corin due to his Nohrian Trust skill.
Cool. I think I'll stay as GL until Lv. 34, then reclass just in time to get Nohrian Trust.
Haha yea. They dropped the ball on that one. It doesn't help it's one ugly Dragon too.
Hey, does anyone know if Dread fighter or Dark Falcon classes break the game?
I've just got them sitting in my castle, but I don't want to use them to reclass any units if it's gonna make the game a cakewalk.
Thanks, Know anything about Dark Falcon?My Mozu is beastly as a Dread Fighter, but I think a lot of that falls on aptitude improving her growths more than the class itself. And even then she isn't leagues beyond other characters like my Niles or Effie.
Since knives/shurikens are so good you will probably be using those most of the time, making it kind of like a Master Ninja with more balanced growths (less spd, skl, more HP, str) and added axes. The skills aren't amazing either, first three are decent but the last one is pretty nice.
I made a spreadsheet to keep track of all my pairings :x