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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


1. Pair up is better than not pairing up in this game.
2. Better use of xp. Gunter doesn't need xp at all to be a pair up bot.


1. Pair up is better than not pairing up in this game.

I see this argument a lot but it seems a little reductive. There are plenty of situations where you're better off using offensive pairing to finish lethal enemies more quickly. I think Fates strikes a pretty good balance with the risk-reward mechanic of its pair-up options.

Mind, this is from my experience on Hard in all three campaigns. Maybe Lunatic is so brutal that you're always better off clutching to another unit for survival.

Second point is valid if you're playing with a very small squad but I've kept my squads ultimately sized to about 14-16 units (just to get a nice balance of unit types and a good slice of the variety the game offers) which doesn't leave much room for an inert stat booster. There are also plenty of good units you can pair together that can also hold their own by themselves if need be.
The thing is that guard stance does boost offense, not only by boosting offensive stats (+4-6 str or gaining the ability to double is huuuge) but also lets you do way more aggressive enemy phase action because of how much less damage you'll take, meaning you can attack far more enemies.

Corrin killing everything on enemy phase with Gunter pair up is a lot easier than trying to use two units without dying.


1. Pair up is better than not pairing up in this game.
2. Better use of xp. Gunter doesn't need xp at all to be a pair up bot.

I only pair up to have a tank absorb dual attacks. Having a pair just means I get one fewer attack on my turn so there's no real reason to do it with anyone else most of the time.

Even on the Conquest path it's not difficult to have 16 leveled units at the endgame.


Unconfirmed Member
So 25 is going to be one of those chapters. Four consecutive misses with hit rates of 73+, one being 85. After the second miss I was probably screwed anyway since I didn't have enough units to kill all the enemies.

Then I get fucked by a 24 hit attack from an enemy.

I don't feel like dealing with this. I'm about to cheese the shit out of this chapter.


So dark knight MC plus husband kinshi knight shigure = fuck your mages your non armoured soldiers and your archers. We are a 9 move monster fearing little. I'm actually not sure if our kana is going to come out any good though. We can pass some good skills but I never checked if we were going to give him bad growth rates.

Speaking of monsters sakura went from healer hiding at the back to the first to hit 20 a few chapters ago and as an onmyoji she is incredibly dangerous.

Ryoma refuses to stop criting or triggering Astra when I just want him to soften up enemies though. I might have to bench him for a bit once I finish s ranking him with rinka. This is supposed to be hard mode man, not the ryoma doesnt need allies show.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That Ryoma x Saizo DLC convo... Amazing.

It's a real shame Nintendo didn't go further with providing same sex romantic supports in Fates. So many of these DLC convos are overflowing with homoeroticism, so it would of been nice if players could actually capitalize on that in earnest.
They can only go up from here


That Ryoma x Saizo DLC convo... Amazing.

It's a real shame Nintendo didn't go further with providing same sex romantic supports in Fates. So many of these DLC convos are overflowing with homoeroticism, so it would of been nice if players could actually capitalize on that in earnest.

Silas should certainly have been a gay option. That man is obsessed with you no matter the gender.

PK Gaming

Phew, barely made it through ninja hell (Chapter 17)

It really was such nonsense. I had all of my crew primed to take out the boss, but nobody could hit him. I thought Xander was safe, but he busts out the Flame Shuriken and brings him down to 1HP (that's twice he's been brought down to 1HP from a boss, lol). Anyway, Xander, Corrin and Felicia all miss, but thankfully Camilla was able to clutch out.


That's actually one of the reasons I thought Conquest was better than the other two paths. Although the characters praise and rally around Corrin's idealism, Corrin's practical decisions and leadership abilities are portrayed as flawed - maybe it should have happened even more often, but something like
Leo going against Corrin's orders to execute a defeated enemy and being portrayed as correct, or Xander sometimes barking orders in cutscenes in spite of nominally being under Corrin as far as the Hoshido invasion goes seems very rare among other FE lords.

Even in a case like Path of Radiance, when some of the Greil mercenaries questioned Ike's leadership and left, they were eventually proven to be wrong, while in Conquest Leo's and Xander's actions are all considered correct.

That take on Corrin is much more convincing than Birthright's and Revelation, where Corrin somehow even takes the leadership position from the older brothers for no reason.

Really, the most annoying parts of Conquest are basically mistaken priorities from the writer - and mistakes that easily could be avoided by just changing the focus of elements that are already even mentioned in the game.
For example - the stupid crystal ball plot device wasn't really necessary to make the plot follow the Hoshido invasion by itself. Later, they bring up how Nohr was starting to be divided into two factions - Xander loyalists and Garon loyalists and that it could lead to a civil war, but it's something they wanted to avoid.

That, alongside the other one off mention about other battles causing deaths of innocents in both sides, so ending the war would help everyone, should have gotten a much bigger focus in being part of the initial justification for the Hoshido invasion, rather than being briefly mentioned once way after it was underway.

Eh, with Ike, the characters that returned to the Greil Mercenaries was done moreso due to him finally proving his worth (Shinon in particular needing to be
beaten by Ike after Rolf talked to him
) than than them being proven wrong about him, but I agree on the dropped plot points and lack of focus because I can see what Conquest was trying to say: During war, sometimes the best decision is not always the easiest to make. It's a solid premise to build a story around, but the problem is that the few moments of clarity the campaign has are drowned in moments full of plot conveniences like the
aforementioned crystal or unjustifiable actions like Garon's "salt the earth" endorsement of a war crime i.e. killing unarmed civilians
or Corrin constantly repeating the same dialogue about their decision that butchers what it's trying to say.

On a slightly unrelated note, i've found that Revelation is a complete cakewalk compared to Conquest and Birthright, even with a lack of grinding. It could pick up in the final few chapters but the overall campaign might be the easiest game in the series thus far...and probably the weakest of the three Fates has to offer.
I guess I was spoiled by characters like Effie getting good growths. Gunter doesn't even seem to have very good bases for being a Jeigan. I guess there is the pair up fodder route, but I'd opt to use units that can carry their weight.

Gunter is just there as a pair-up bot. Outside of that, he has no use. He can't support with anyone but Corrin and he's really bad in Revelations.
Whoa holy crap I had no idea. I thought that was a joke but nope, Peri actually has heterochromia.

Speaking of the Red and Green cavs, I recently found out while studying up on min-maxing pairings that Ninja is coded in as the Hoshido equivalent of Cavalier, so Kaze and Saizo are actually straight up the Christmas Cavs. If you marry Kaze or Saizo with Ninja as your Talent, they'll actually get Cavalier because the lack of classes will switch them to the Nohr equivalent. Pretty cool. The same thing happens if kids have the same two classes as their mother. An easy example is Percy. With Beruka as a mom he'll actually inherit the Sky Knight class because he already has Fighter and Wyvern Rider. I had no idea that this type of thing was in the game until after playing through both Birthright and Conquest.


You saved yourself with that edit!

EDIT Myself Wait, Ranulf the cat? No kidding, never noticed.


That seems like a strange character for it. I get Idoun, because she's supposed to be all mysterious, and I sorta get Peri, because Christmas Cavs, but why did they give Ranulf heterochromia?


Unconfirmed Member
This game's RNG is the most frustrating thing. I can't hit for shit with 70s but twice in a row now I've lost because enemies get consecutive hits with 30s.

I'm pretty much at a loss on what to do with the right side of chapter 25. I've got the left side worked out, barring RNG stupidity. Right side stalls out once I start dealing with Ninjas dealing 40% max HP damage via skills. Almost feels like the only option is entrap + freeze + keep trying until the RNG has mercy on me.


This game's RNG is the most frustrating thing. I can't hit for shit with 70s but twice in a row now I've lost because enemies get consecutive hits with 30s.

I'm pretty much at a loss on what to do with the right side of chapter 25. I've got the left side worked out, barring RNG stupidity. Right side stalls out once I start dealing with Ninjas dealing 40% max HP damage via skills. Almost feels like the only option is entrap + freeze + keep trying until the RNG has mercy on me.

Conquest, right? The sticking point on the right side is the hallway. Have a 2 range break the wall into the right room. Use sing on them, run them off, and have Xander shelter Azura. The 2-3 guys in there will filter out into the hallway to attack Xander. He should live and you can clean them up before moving into their room and using it as a staging area to rush into the left room.

It's probably the most complicated part of that map. Unless you're stupid like me and get Leo lunged into like 3 swordmasters.


Unconfirmed Member
Using Xander on the other side of the map since he's the only one that can lure the Ninja's + Swordmasters. Everyone else either has too low defense and dies, or they are Effie and have too much defense so they don't get lured.

I guess after the first couple turns I could swap some people around.


Anyone with Shelter can do it so long as you're willing to have them tank hits. Xander is just likely the best option.

The alternative would be to either blow a rescue staff charge after breaking the wall or be willing to eat shots from both sides of the hallway for a turn.


Unconfirmed Member
Beat it with staffs. One entrap and four freeze uses on the left side and two entraps and a few freezes on the right. Definitely cheesing it, but it worked.


I did a convoluted thing that involved freezing the master of arms at the end of the hallway and positioning Velouria just 1 tile outside of his reach and using rallied defense Xander/Charlotte to attack and tank the ninjas. From the second turn onwards I positioned Leo just within range of the Spy-Shuriken ninjas so he could eat some damage for the other 2 tanks to survive, paired up Velouria with Camilla and occasionally healed/backed up/singed with Niles and Azura. Somehow it all worked out in the end and there was some logic to it but the whole process was so needlessly convoluted that I can't remember the finer details. All because my cheap ass didn't want to waste those expensive, expensive entraps.

Also, speaking of Xander/Charlotte, their S support has got to be the most awkward marriage proposal out of all the units I married in Conquest. It just went from Xander scolding her to stop seducing the entire army and "(Charlotte)I just wanted to marry a rich dude" to "(Xander)I wanna put a ring on you". I guess Xander really has a thing for gold diggers and/or likes them kinky.

Niles' and Felicia's support convos on the other hand were specially funny/awkward considering both of them were already married when I started getting their conversations. Grass is always greener eh Niles.
I found a few S supports that seemed natural and flowed. I can't remember what they were but I think they were Arthur x Kagero, Oboro x Takumi, and Keaton x Camilla.


Charlotte still hits on other men even when she's married. Poor Xander. :[
I always found it weird that even in Awakening if you married Cordelia, she would still be obsessed with Chrom or how Tharja would still be obsessed with Robin even if you marry her off.

This is why they need to bring back the support conversations limits back. And make it so that you can't marry every single female/male in your party like in the older games. :I
I always found it weird that even in Awakening if you married Cordelia, she would still be obsessed with Chrom
well, thanks to fates DLC we at least know that
chrom x cordelia isnt canon anyway EDIT: oh yea...I forgot it was never possible for chrom to marry cordelia anyway.


Beat it with staffs. One entrap and four freeze uses on the left side and two entraps and a few freezes on the right. Definitely cheesing it, but it worked.

I wouldn't call that cheesing. Staffs are amazingly useful in Conquest. You're supposed to use them otherwise they wouldn't give them to you.
Alright so I definitely thought that Lifetaker had gotten nerfed in the same way as Galeforce but it turns out that no, it still works great. I had been at a loss in terms of the final skill for Leo but now I no longer have that problem. Rhajat also likes it, thought she has the reverse problem where she has too many good skills and not enough slots.


Whelp mine and shigures kana has a whopping 15 magic at 20/2. On the other hand his res and def are great and he tanks just fine with the dragonstone. I could give him a sword since he has high strength but I do love my dragon baby.

Also we are an all blue haired family including gramma Azura and I wish there was a way to take a family photo of all our in game models.


Mind, this is from my experience on Hard in all three campaigns. Maybe Lunatic is so brutal that you're always better off clutching to another unit for survival.

It depends. I beat Hoshido on Lunatic using paired units, but Conquest Lunatic has forced me to use every single attacker I can find. I dropped Elise for Mozu. Still haven't lost anyone yet, and I'm only on chapter 9.
They can only go up from here
I hope so. There was so much missed potential with this set of characters particularly. Like I said before, you can't tell me that after that DLC convo between Ryoma and Saizo that they don't feel something other than loyalty and friendship.

Silas should certainly have been a gay option. That man is obsessed with you no matter the gender.
Definitely. Niles is cool, but some variety next time would be greatly appreciated, and not just for relationships for the MC, but between other characters too. I'm not saying everyone should be able to pair with every other character, but more options are definitely needed.
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