Just beat Ch.20 Conquest tonight, what a great feeling!
I have no IDEA how you people are able to beat maps like that on Classic mode on your first playthrough. I made it like 15 turns save scumming before I lost a unit...
Yea no worries. You get her after you clear the chapter.
I don't remember Percy having the sad music, so I was really worried there.Yeah, it doesn't matter. She will still join at the end.
Edit: Kaze'd
I don't remember Percy having the sad music, so I was really worried there.
But finally, all children unlocked.
I've also captured all the bosses in Revelation too.
I can finally do chapter 18 now...
I'm still trying to figure out how the heck to navigate 21 without my low def people getting obliterated, heh.
My Corrin has only 12 speed at 20/6. and he has average def and single digit res. basically everything threatens him to death. It's a pain having to bring him to every battle only to babysit his ass.
Question: if I start a new Lunatic run later from the same Branch of Fates, am I gonna be stuck with a Corrin who is RNG doomed?
One day I want to try+ Mag -Speed Corrin with Wary fighter and legit just make him a pure dragonstone tank.
Question: Do paralogues get tougher the longer you wait to do them? Or what's the best time to take them on?
One day I want to try+ Mag -Speed Corrin with Wary fighter and legit just make him a pure dragonstone tank.
herp derp
They do. I'd wait until chapter 19, since then the children will come with an item that automatically promotes them. If you go in later chapters, the item levels them up automatically too, including weapon levels. Although I guess you can go earlier if you're planning to make them class change from their basic class, since the offspring seals aren't compatible with that - they need to stay in their original class in order to use them.
Playing on hard, all the paralogues available on Conquest were perfectly doable at end-game, but I've heard horror stories about Ryoma's son's paralogue (although I haven't tried it yet), and I needed two fliers for Ignatius' paralogue.
Playing on hard, all the paralogues available on Conquest were perfectly doable at end-game, but I've heard horror stories about Ryoma's son's paralogue (although I haven't tried it yet), and I needed two fliers for Ignatius' paralogue.
Everyone recommends Rescue Staffs. I never really needed it and I recruited Shiro after 2 turns. I'm not sure why.
For me it was just that Shiro would get OHKO'd or ORKO'd by the promoted units around him, and I couldn't possibly get people up to take care of all of the enemies boxing him in. Even a single rescue staff would be dodgy at best since that still plops him down in the middle of a pretty large chunk of enemies.
Ultimately just using two staffs was easier.
I'd heard that Conquest was supposed to be more of a classic FE campaign, but it didn't feel like it. Mainly because of the stupid kids necessitating a support grind, which is only doable if you buy the dlc. So instead of a tight game like 7 or 9 it felt more like the grindy 8 or Awakening.
Yes, you will be stuck with the same level ups.
Wait a minute
If that's true, why is it that you get different level ups when you reset a map?
I wish that Elise's retainer shared her 'you're going down, scumbag!'. Top tier crit quote tbh.
Major Revelation 18 stuff
Major Revelation 18 stuff
Life isn't fair.Major Revelation 18 stuff
Scarlet? She dies for story purposes, and I hope to god that IS doesn't make free DLC that brings her back
I might only buy so I can have a thief in a Girls only run without having to reclass Nyx, but Anna was on-cart DLC and fuck supporting that.