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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

I turned Nyx into a Witch in my Conquest playthrough. Currently she's level 18, but I can bring that up through paralogues.

Did I do good, or did I make a horrible mistake? Maybe Ophelia would've been better had I waited a little longer to get her?


E-rank tomes aren't crippling, but they aren't noteworthy either, which was my main point. Forged Fire still has underwhelming base damage, and even if she can ORKO low Res enemies (which any mage can do), she's still falling short on bulkier units and doesn't even have an EP OR fantastic support options to back it up. Also, you're missing the point; nobody implied you should make her a Dark Mage because that would lower her movement and take away her staff access, which is just about the dumbest thing you can possibly do on Conquest.
I brought that up because I kept seeing her staff access as something coming at an expense for using her more actively as a mage. I don't think that's true at all. You don't need to be healing every round. You certainly don't need to be Freezing everything every round, or even every map. You take advantage of all of the positional advantage that Elise gives you and while she's there, she blows shit up.

Staves are set up so that the user gains experience once per turn at most. Combat units can gain significantly more EXP, especially when the EP or boss units are taken into account. There is absolutely no conceivable way that Elise is promoting early unless you're staff grinding, which shoots a huge hole in the "Elise is a great mage" argument, when said mage doesn't even exist for a huge chunk of the game. Healing is also variable, so there are some cases where you won't gain much EXP on her if you don't need to heal.
You shouldn't toss around 'no conceivable way', dude. Elise is one of two healers you get for a very long time, and by far the most efficient at it. I didn't 'staff grind' at all, and again, she promoted second around the start of Chapter 17. You get her early enough and you get enough opportunities with her for that to happen. This is also ignoring that staves do give out differing degrees of XP, and Freeze or Entrap give out tons of it.

Also, if Nyx can't hit the broadside of a barn, then what about Elise? Her skill growth is similarly terrible but she doesn't even have the luxury of having Heartseeker. Of course, Nyx generally shouldn't be attacking enemies at point blank either, but at least she has access to instant Forged Lightning which lets her 2HKO enemies before they can even counter attack.
It's constantly a question of curve. Think of it like this. Forget about the fact that Nyx lags behind Elise in the Skill department in spite of the fact she starts five levels higher. Consider it like this. Nyx needs to use that 5 skill immediately. And constantly deal with it, because she has no other route for progression. That's disproportionately bad stacked up against the speed of early Samurai and Oni Savages. Elise has reasonable skill, not the stuff you can expect tons of critical hits out of, but reasonable, by the time you hit 20/1 where you worry about that first.

Investing in Nyx absolutely makes her good. "Good" in the sense that can she can kill most enemies in one round at a range when trained up which is pretty much all I need her to do as a Mage. She's very flawed and she simply isn't a character I would personally use in combat (especially when her support is like +1 move, +6 Speed and +3 which is way too good too pass up), but she isn't worthless either.
You misunderstood me. I didn't say investing in Nyx to make her good isn't impossible or whatever, I specifically addressed your point that you need a similar level of favouritism or investment to make Elise as good or better than Nyx. You're playing really weird if you're at some point where you aren't just inherently investing in Elise because she fills such an immediate and essential role. Hitting things with magic with Elise when she's already jacked up on tons of magic and speed isn't close to the same thing as dealing with Nyx's rare combination of flimsy bulk and awful hitrate.

Elise's main issue as a combat unit is that she simply does not exist as a Mage for a good chunk of conquest, spends a significant amount of time in E/D rank hell, which lowers the amount of contributions she can make as a Mage AND her pair up options are ass on top of that. That's why I have her pegged as inferior to Leo/Odin/Nyx, who all can make use out of great tomes like Forged Lightning, Mjolnir and Horse Spirit (with the latter 2 of course functioning as decent mages after a boost).
My point continues to be that Elise's magic growth is so utterly nutty, that E/D rank hell isn't even close to being as bad as you're making it sound. I don't think 'existing as a Mage' is actually that important when she's still gaining the most relevant stats for a mage in any Fire Emblem game at a longer timescale, and a more consistent and less risky rate.

That's a false claim. Early game has Fighters and Armors who are absolutely fucked by Magic, and most of the early bosses (besides like Hinoka) have shit resistance. If anything, using an optimized Corrin has shown me how destructive Magic can be. It's only held back by its lackluster users, but you eventually get Leo and Ophelia who rock at magic, and you can make Odin and Nyx function with the help of supports/tonics.
I mean, I don't know what's so false about it. Everything I said there lines up pretty closely to what I... said there. Magic is as good as the people using it in Conquest and as good as the circumstances they're in (how dominant high res counters like Ninjas or Pegasus Knights are). If you aren't building Mag!Corrin, you don't get anyone who's good at magic until Leo joins (he has the misfortune of joining in a chapter with tons of Pegasus Knights, though) and Elise follows him a few chapters later. Conquest gives you basically no reason to bother with any other mages in the game (when non-Dragonstone magic isn't actually the most reliable way of killing things) unless you're making a conscious decision that you really want to use Odin or whatever. I wouldn't actually blame you fwiw, but I wouldn't raise my eyebrow if you were soft-resetting a lot.

Tomes are literally the life blood of mages. They're the reason why Ophelia is a crit Goddess, the reason why Leo can consistently erase enemies with Forged Lightning/Brynhilda, the reason why Odin and Nyx have any worth in combat since they can sort of the do the above, but are worse at it. Elise spends a significant portion of the game being unable to do any of these things, which is why she isn't a noteworthy mage.
I don't agree. Magic isn't only good because of the unique properties of tomes. Magic is good because it attacks a soft spot in the defenses of many enemies. You can get by on E-rank tomes because resistance doesn't scale up as the game progresses quite like defense does, and Elise moves into the class fully able to compensate.

Sorry, but Leo not being a magic nuke is complete and utter bullshit. Leo easily caps Speed and Magic and I could consistently get his speed high enough with support to double most enemies, which basically meant quadruple Lightning tome (or an incredibly hard hitting 2 hit with Brynhilda, which hits like a truck because since his magic is overkill). Who cares if his personal tome's ability sucks ass, its unpenalized 1-2 range with high base damage, which is amazing on its own. Elise is never hitting as hard as Leo, period.
First up, I didn't say Leo couldn't be a magic nuke. I don't really wanna be accused of saying something I didn't. I said that Elise has more numbers on her side. The long and short of it is that Elise doubles more, needs less help to do it, and on average will cap magic way sooner and a fair bit higher. As a mage, not as a hybrid like the Dark Knight is, you can't ask for anything more. You can't throw her into exactly the same situations as you could Leo, but that's been a separate discussion in my mind. Again, 'never' is strong language.

Nyx takes noticeable investment to be good as a mage. Elise takes little investment to be acceptable as a mage and she simply does not exist as one until she promotes (which is a long time without staff grinding). That's the crux of my argument.
I agree with most of this. My point is that the transition is much healthier for Elise, and her raw stats are good enough that spending a bit with basic tomes isn't actually a big deal. As soon as she's 'acceptable' as a mage, she's naturally on the path of being good at it, and then great.

What? Dark Knight Leo has 8 move, access to all the best tomes (instant access to Lightning), Lifetaker, Heartseeker, (which mitigates his sketchy skill growth), very good pair-up options and an actual enemy phase. Exactly what about him is gimmicky? As I said earlier, Elise isn't there to blow people up. She's there to Freeze, to heal, to rescue without being attached to a high move unit due to her own high move. I don't need her to blow her up because I can't count on her offense being anything better than "average", especially when she doesn't have the pair up options OR tome rank to be a threat for most of the game.
I misspoke. I didn't mean to suggest that Leo has gimmicks (besides his irrelevant weapon skill), I wanted to make a point of how good Elise is on paper and how that extends to her application.

As I mentioned above, you are making this an either/or situation. Elise can do all of those things. She's still likely your best staff user and she'll hit A rank very reasonably. She can also blow stuff up. She has the craziest magic growth in the game, amazing speed, and high resistance. It's wasteful not to take advantage of those things. Especially in Conquest, when you just don't get enough consistently good magic users, especially if you omit Ophelia. Elise comes into the fray at a time where the game starts to cool off on units like ninjas or Pegasus Riders (and gives you other tools to mitigate their impact on your strategy anyways) and you won't need to catch her up or deal with patching her stats up because she moves into tomes around a good time for magic.
Honestly Elise is a really solid magic unit granted it takes some time before she even becomes useful considering she can't fight for a majority of the game.

Also do staves ever get refilled in the shop or once they run out is that it?


Speaking from my experience, rarely did Elise have an opportunity to actually attack on my Conquest run. The fact that a lot of the latter maps of the campaign have enemy formations that usually requires your attacking units to tank a few blows on enemy phase didn't help matters much. As far as combat goes, Leo was by a considerable margin my most valuable magic user. Elise and Ophelia were kinda tied for second but I'd give the edge to Ophelia because of her being a crit machine.
Elise does have pretty crazy Mag and Speed stats, but she rarely gets the chance to actually put them to use and is generally better served as a support unit, only attacking in situational occasions when you can make sure no one (or just one at the most) is gonna touch her on enemy phase.

Anyway, Birthright Lunatic has been pretty easy. So far it looks like my Silas is stuck with shitty growths... again. Dude just can't catch a break. I'll probably end up benching him again after getting his daughter. On the other hand my Hana has been getting some pretty crazy level ups but damn does her defenses suck, talk about a glass cannon. The ninja brothers, Subaki and Jacob tied for MVPs so far. Subaki in particular seems to have inherited my Conquest!Mozu status as the RNGod, dodging 70~80% attacks like it's nobody's business and getting some good growths to boot.
Should I bother with Hayato? I've gotten him to level 6 and he's looking pretty trashy so far.
"There's no way in hell Elise'll out-hit Leo"

If you're into re-classing and have the gold for it, Elise happens to have natural Revenant Knight access for (an effective) +5 Mag after four levels through Trample on top of whatever she'd gain normally, letting her equal a 20/20 Brynhildr-wielding Leo at 20/15 using Fire, Fire happening to have +10 Hit over Brynhildr regardless of range and Elise's +10 Luck compensating for the -5 Skill difference between her and Leo.

Buuut that's re-classing. I'm not into that myself.

Barring re-classing, there's still a period where Elise out-hits Leo thanks to her ridiculous growths, or at the very least can go toe-to-toe. :p

"You can fix Odin via Mozu's paralogue"
No, Mozu's paralogue is for fixing Mozu as an Archer. He won't be getting much out of it as, if I recall, the enemies are Lv. 5 and so's he, meaning he'll at best get 2 levels out of it. 2 levels aren't going to make him amazing.

"You can fix Odin via a Felicia Pair-Up and tonics and stuff"
I'd like to remind people that Ch. 10 exists and that not having Felicia on Staff duty is a pretty bad idea, not to mention Odin's better off supporting -her- from Ch. 12 onwards. It's probably possible on Lunatic, maybe idk, but I wouldn't recommend it if you value your sanity.

We're also assuming everyone's using a male Corrin in this particular case.

"Elise is hard to level compared to the others"
Um, no, she's not. Even if she has to compete with one other Staff user (unless said person is in permanent Pair-Up bot mode), a lot of people are going to take hits and that means she'll get to do lots of healing. Recommend using Mend at all times for best results. It'll rarely be wasted anyway.

Meanwhile, the other mages have to compete with the rest of the army. Sure, they -can- be used on enemy phase to help rack up XP, but...

1. Nyx is not going to be taking hits. Ever. And God help you if she's up against anything with a crit rate -- including other mages.
2. Odin's Speed is a liability. Can be fixed as I said earlier if you're using a male Corrin, but that denies you Felicia who's straight-up better than him offensively. Sage in different clothing, that girl.
3. Why on Earth are either of these people taking hits when you've got much better options like Effie or Xander?


Fucking Conquest 23.

Latest attempt Takumi OHKOd 44 defense Effie, again.

Previous attempt the second boss on the wall OHKOd Xander.

Getting fed up with this.

On the Elise note, she is one of the strongest "swoop in for a one-turn kill" units in my army as a Strategist. I knew I married that girl for a reason. Yeah, she often is busy healing, and of course she can't tank a crowd, but with her great speed she doubles almost anything and with a pair up defender she can often be safely left in an otherwise dangerous spot if her partner block meter is full and she can survive the first hit (and then double attack counter, I've got her Fire tome at +2).

PK Gaming

I brought that up because I kept seeing her staff access as something coming at an expense for using her more actively as a mage. I don't think that's true at all. You don't need to be healing every round. You certainly don't need to be Freezing everything every round, or even every map. You take advantage of all of the positional advantage that Elise gives you and while she's there, she blows shit up.

Well yeah, her staff access doesn't really get in the way of her combat duty. She will have to stop and heal when necessary, but she isn't a front line unit anyway. Strategist Elise is an auxiliary attacker first and foremost.

You shouldn't toss around 'no conceivable way', dude. Elise is one of two healers you get for a very long time, and by far the most efficient at it. I didn't 'staff grind' at all, and again, she promoted second around the start of Chapter 17. You get her early enough and you get enough opportunities with her for that to happen. This is also ignoring that staves do give out differing degrees of XP, and Freeze or Entrap give out tons of it.

Promoting with Elise at Chapter 17 at minimum (which still seems too early to me) isn't impressive. Whereas every other combat unit who promotes around that time really comes into their own at that point, Elise starts out with a feeble tome rank, low skill, low durability and abilities that are strictly suited for supporting others.

It's constantly a question of curve. Think of it like this. Forget about the fact that Nyx lags behind Elise in the Skill department in spite of the fact she starts five levels higher. Consider it like this. Nyx needs to use that 5 skill immediately. And constantly deal with it, because she has no other route for progression. That's disproportionately bad stacked up against the speed of early Samurai and Oni Savages. Elise has reasonable skill, not the stuff you can expect tons of critical hits out of, but reasonable, by the time you hit 20/1 where you worry about that first.

No disagreements there. Nyx definitely makes you feel that low Skill stat, and it's one of the reasons why she's pretty mediocre. Though as I said earlier, Heartseeker can mitigate that with earlier access to forged Lightning, which is a point in her favor.

You misunderstood me. I didn't say investing in Nyx to make her good isn't impossible or whatever, I specifically addressed your point that you need a similar level of favouritism or investment to make Elise as good or better than Nyx. You're playing really weird if you're at some point where you aren't just inherently investing in Elise because she fills such an immediate and essential role. Hitting things with magic with Elise when she's already jacked up on tons of magic and speed isn't close to the same thing as dealing with Nyx's rare combination of flimsy bulk and awful hitrate.

Okay, yeah I see what you're getting at now. Elise doesn't need anywhere near the investment that Nyx does to be a good unit, and I suppose that makes Elise "better" mage in a sense. I just feel that potential isn't the sole factor for being a good mage. Contributions matter. Nyx (however flawed she is) can contribute with her magic early on. Elise can't. If Nyx manages to promote to Dark Knight, she'll be better as well. Elise will always be acceptable at magic, but Nyx has the potential to be better. Remember, the argument is who is the better "mage" and not "unit", because we all know Nyx gets un-made by Elise in that regard.

My point continues to be that Elise's magic growth is so utterly nutty, that E/D rank hell isn't even close to being as bad as you're making it sound. I don't think 'existing as a Mage' is actually that important when she's still gaining the most relevant stats for a mage in any Fire Emblem game at a longer timescale, and a more consistent and less risky rate.

Except there's more to being a good mage than just having solid growths. Her ability to ORKO most enemies with forged Fire isn't really impressive since it isn't even unique to her. Other mages can actually muscle through bulkier enemies with Mjolnir or Lightning which is is literally something Elise can't overcome through numbers alone. 'Existing as a mage' absolutely matters when you're making the claim that she's the best 1st gen mage, when she can't even put that to practice for a good portion of the game! Even when it does happen it's nothing impressive. You still haven't acknowledged the fact that none of supports facilitate her magic combat, and it's completely wasteful to pair her off when she can't even be used in EP. Her combat becomes relevant during the stretch of game where durability during EP is more important than ever, which is also a knock against her.

I mean, I don't know what's so false about it. Everything I said there lines up pretty closely to what I... said there. Magic is as good as the people using it in Conquest and as good as the circumstances they're in (how dominant high res counters like Ninjas or Pegasus Knights are). If you aren't building Mag!Corrin, you don't get anyone who's good at magic until Leo joins (he has the misfortune of joining in a chapter with tons of Pegasus Knights, though) and Elise follows him a few chapters later. Conquest gives you basically no reason to bother with any other mages in the game (when non-Dragonstone magic isn't actually the most reliable way of killing things) unless you're making a conscious decision that you really want to use Odin or whatever. I wouldn't actually blame you fwiw, but I wouldn't raise my eyebrow if you were soft-resetting a lot.

It's objectively false. The number of oni savages, samurai, armors and soldiers you face have shit res that can abused. Ninjas are potent, but aren't common (with the exception of a few chapters like) and peg knights are even rarer. I'm not sure why this is a sticking point for you. Magic is absolutely held back by its users, and you only really need to look at Leo to see that, since he's the first good non!Corrin mage you get. By the way, i'm not sure why you're point out Leo's ineffectiveness against peg knights, when he stomps on literally every other enemy unit type in his join chapter (including the hordes of archers, who he takes easily due to his high natural bulk and WTA). He's even effective against the boss.

I don't agree. Magic isn't only good because of the unique properties of tomes. Magic is good because it attacks a soft spot in the defenses of many enemies. You can get by on E-rank tomes because resistance doesn't scale up as the game progresses quite like defense does, and Elise moves into the class fully able to compensate.

But the point of contention is Elise being a fantastic mage. Being able to stomp on low res units doesn't make you can exceptional mage. You shouldn't conflate Odin and Nyx's incompetence with Elise actually being an amazing mage. Being able the survive and blow shit up (Leo), or simply delete anything that moves (Ophelia) are qualities that make a magic users great.

First up, I didn't say Leo couldn't be a magic nuke. I don't really wanna be accused of saying something I didn't. I said that Elise has more numbers on her side. The long and short of it is that Elise doubles more, needs less help to do it, and on average will cap magic way sooner and a fair bit higher. As a mage, not as a hybrid like the Dark Knight is, you can't ask for anything more. You can't throw her into exactly the same situations as you could Leo, but that's been a separate discussion in my mind. Again, 'never' is strong language.

Sorry, I misread what you said. In any case, Leo gets an upwards of 9 Speed through tonics, Felicia and mess hall bonuses, so he basically never has trouble doubling and can obliterate enemies that can't be 2shot with Forged Lightning. Heartseeker lets him also hit evasive opponents and basically negate throne bonuses, which as we all know are a bitch. I'm not even sure why this is even up for debate. Like Elise will win in terms of numbers, but... so what? She doesn't have good supports that boost those numbers even further, nor does she have the skills that make her more effective in combat. Her enemy phase is a joke. It's not even about throwing her in the same situations as Leo. She can never enter enemy range which means she can't attack as many enemies. Ergo, her combat is worse.

I agree with most of this. My point is that the transition is much healthier for Elise, and her raw stats are good enough that spending a bit with basic tomes isn't actually a big deal. As soon as she's 'acceptable' as a mage, she's naturally on the path of being good at it, and then great.

Disagree for the reasons I've stated. There's more to being a good mage than high growths. Contributions, supports, tome utility and durability matter.

I misspoke. I didn't mean to suggest that Leo has gimmicks (besides his irrelevant weapon skill), I wanted to make a point of how good Elise is on paper and how that extends to her application.

I just don't understand what you mean when you say Dark Knight is a compromise class.

As I mentioned above, you are making this an either/or situation. Elise can do all of those things. She's still likely your best staff user and she'll hit A rank very reasonably. She can also blow stuff up. She has the craziest magic growth in the game, amazing speed, and high resistance. It's wasteful not to take advantage of those things. Especially in Conquest, when you just don't get enough consistently good magic users, especially if you omit Ophelia. Elise comes into the fray at a time where the game starts to cool off on units like ninjas or Pegasus Riders (and gives you other tools to mitigate their impact on your strategy anyways) and you won't need to catch her up or deal with patching her stats up because she moves into tomes around a good time for magic.

My intention was to never imply that she couldn't do both. It's just she does really well in one category (staff support) and acceptable in another. Outside of numbers, there is nothing noteworthy about her magic combat. She lacks the supports, durability and tome access to be anything better than "good" at it.

That's why i'll never acknowledge her as the best 1st gen magic user. It's absolutely impossible when Leo exists.
Elise's offense can get pretty nuts but I'm pretty sure she hit 28 HP at 20/20 for me, which even with tonics meant most things could OHKO her, which made her useless combatwise for anything other than player phase nukes. There's no way she's better combat than Leo if that experience was close to average.
This argument has gone on way too long for something that should be obvious.

Let's recap real quick:

-Elise is a top 10 unit in Conquest, and is arguably better than Leo.
-If you think her combat contributions are a remotely significant factor in her placement, you need to get your head checked.
-Nyx and Odin are bad, nobody even said otherwise.
Promoting with Elise at Chapter 17 at minimum (which still seems too early to me) isn't impressive. Whereas every other combat unit who promotes around that time really comes into their own at that point, Elise starts out with a feeble tome rank, low skill, low durability and abilities that are strictly suited for supporting others.

adding on to this cause the whole promote by chp17 stood out to me:

take a look at what the actual chapters are:
17: ninja hell, she's useless in actually fighting cause ninjas will wreck her
18: she's usable here
19: foxes, also useless, even more liable thanks to pass
20: fuga's wild ride: subjective, depending on how you play the chapter but there are higher amounts of high res enemies than most
21: why aren't you cheesing this with dvs?

i mean elise was great for me, but I found i was using her less and less to actually fight since she was being a bad matchup in a lot of the later chapters thanks to her shaky skill, low tome rank and general lack of defense

Andrew J.

I used Elise mostly as a support unit even after promotion, but she made a good pinch-hitter for when I really needed a bit of extra offense. Her high movement means she could wait outside enemy attack range but still get in for a kill, and her Mag was so high that even with low-rank tomes her damage output was really good.


On my phone and this conversation is getting silly, so don't expect a comprehensive rebuttal. First up, yeah, ninja hell sucks. So does fox hell (Keaton and Velouria love it, though). Still manages to retain utility and build experience because of her versatility where she comes to the fore in the final torrent of missions unlike the other strict mages who straight up can't. Elise still gains enough skill on average to keep alongside the average speed of later enemies and E-rank tomes still compensate for the lower than average skill anyways.

I called Dark Knight a compromise class because it's literally a compromise between physical and magical aptitude. Leo can't truly excel in one of the other, even if what he gets in both are 'good enough' and where Xander is one end of a spectrum, Elise is on the other. He's a practical workhorse.

I think her combat aptitude is perfectly relevant to why she's good, too. She's primarily amazing for her utility, but saying 'she will kill dudes hard on top of that' is not exactly something I think deserves to be met with derision. Especially when you're more likely to find 2 range units using magic more than anything else later on. I don't think the wall counts because you control so much of how you want to take on that encounter. Archers are really easy to deal with, if aggravating on the occasion they have something annoying like Counter on. On the grounds of where she compares to the other dedicated mages in the game, she still does the job better. Nyx needs shit like Lightning to make up for her stuff and she doesn't harvest XP like Elise does. If you need to apply magical force in Conquest, Elise is a delete button you don't need to rig and she's always going to be relevant thanks to the nature of her positional skills and her high move.

Anyways, my top ten. Once again omitting kids because they complicate things too much and I only have personal experience with three.

1. Camilla (huge early power spike, great growths, great class and class access, relatively low 'adjusted' level in spite of being a strong pre-promote)
2. Xander (ludicrously strong tank with an amazing Prf)
3. Elise (unparalleled utility and strong assassin)
4. Leo (well rounded mixed tank with a decent at worst solution to most problems)
5. Azura (the sheer power of turn refresh and Inspiring Song later on overrides her tissue paper body)
6. Effie (godlike early carry that still scales well late, one of the best Personals in Conquest straight up)
7. Keaton (versatility as an assassin or tank with his Beaststone/rune, high bases, amazing growths, Beastbane is invaluable and immediately relevant to the map you acquire him in)
8. Felicia (utility only beaten out by Elise but has a smoother mid-game because of how perfect the Flame Shuriken is for her, will melt dudes and doesn't require much work to catch up)
9. Kaze (benefits from being the lone primary ninja of Conquest, and ninja is an amazing class. Mainly suffers from not having a perfect fit weapon like Felicia does the Flame Shuriken, but stuff like Poison Strike are fantastic in conjunction with debuffs)
10. Selena (great growths, strong bases, meh Personal but your best bet for a Hero. The closest thing this game has to a proper Myrmidon. Great pair-up partner, too.)
For anyone who decides to play Lunatic, beware of fixed growths. Units join with predetermined growth spreads, and are unchangeable once they are on your team.

My main team was thankfully not affected too harshly. I think certain units like Corrin and his siblings will likely end up being blessed even with the fixed Lunatic growths, because they all have great stats.

Some of the non royal units were slightly screwed. Niles and Kaze have both capped SPD and RES, but they have even lower STR than they would on Hard. Silas has even lower speed than usual, but he will certainly max STR, SKL, and DEF. None of these guys are very useful anymore, but they were good for most of the game. Everybody has a respectable HP stat for their class.

I am using Midori's and Kana's Paralogues to test the growths for my benched units. Basically, I play these chapters without saving to see how low level units will develop after they promote.

I started with Odin. I originally planned to use him this run, because I had never seriously used him before. I had to drop Odin this run, because his 11 SPD as a Lv 16 Dark Mage was unacceptable.

You guys will not believe how hard Odin got screwed in the butt during this experiment. I kept him in his default class, and got him all the way to level 10 Sorcerer with the two Paralogues.

Can you guess what his speed was? It was only 16. The promotion bonus included 3 SPD, so he only gained 2 points from Lv 16 Dark Mage to Lv 10 Sorcerer! His other stats were not impressive either. These growths are set in stone. They will not change upon resetting. On this run, Odin was predetermined to be pure trash.

I will restart the experiment, and I will see if leveling him as a Samurai and Swordmaster will give him more speed level ups.

I've already cleared the main game on this file, so I will be primarily using it to test other benched characters.
I think her combat aptitude is perfectly relevant to why she's good, too. She's primarily amazing for her utility, but saying 'she will kill dudes hard on top of that' is not exactly something I think deserves to be met with derision.

No, it is laughable, because quite frankly if Elise is 20/1 by chapter 17 you went at an absolutely glacial pace, I went out of my way to force enemies to burn all their staff charges and routed as much as I could and she still only reached level 18 by chapter 18.
Why would you let Leo stay at dark knight after getting lifetaker?

25spd cap plz.

I'd much rather pair him up with something speedy and give him sorcerer.
No, it is laughable, because quite frankly if Elise is 20/1 by chapter 17 you went at an absolutely glacial pace, I went out of my way to force enemies to burn all their staff charges and routed as much as I could and she still only reached level 18 by chapter 18.

Elise should be promoted before starting Chapter 18. Are you playing on Normal? I would find it very difficult to be in that position on Hard or Lunatic.
Elise should be promoted before starting Chapter 18. Are you playing on Normal? I would find it very difficult to be in that position on Hard or Lunatic.

I played on Lunatic lol

Unless you play really slowly you have to early promote her at around ~15 (if you go really fast she barely reaches level 10 by chapter 18).

Why would you let Leo stay at dark knight after getting lifetaker?

25spd cap plz.

I'd much rather pair him up with something speedy and give him sorcerer.

Leo with max speed+speed tonic+Felicia pairup=32 speed

+2 speed meal and he doubles literally every enemy in chapter 26 except Hans



I went at what I thought was a respectable pace and got tons of usage out of Elise from Freezing bosses or thieves and healing at every reasonable opportunity. I didn't think I was being that selective about using her either. She just grew, and she hit 20/1 when she hit it. She transitioned into tomes reasonably. And she blew stuff up like you typically expect mages to blow stuff up in FE games in a way only her daughter exceeded. I don't think that so incredulous. Leo is really the only other tome user in the game you'd feel okay about actually using tomes from the get go.
I still think the whole guard stance guards vs attack stance could use some balancing for the next entry. No other way to beat other paired units unless you use your own.

BTW: Whos the best unit for Hero class? Exclusion of Xander.


I'd be fine if there were more weapons that properly interacted with Guard stance. Stuff that forced enemies to swap lead units or weapons that did less damage but ignored guard. Stuff that damaged two units at once. Attack stance is conceivably mostly fine as is, since theoretically you're still getting twice the amount of actions as opposed to pairing up, but as you said, it's awful against guard stance and hurts how viable it actually is. I think attack stance should maybe add a flat damage boost on initiative or something. Still might not be enough to even it out exactly, but it'd help.

EDIT: Selena.

PK Gaming

I called Dark Knight a compromise class because it's literally a compromise between physical and magical aptitude. Leo can't truly excel in one of the other, even if what he gets in both are 'good enough' and where Xander is one end of a spectrum, Elise is on the other. He's a practical workhorse.

No offense, but you're being incredibly vague here. Why can't Leo excel at magic? Seriously, explain to me why he's merely "good enough" at magic when I've consistently explained in detail why he's a powerhouse again and again (fantastic magic supports, durability and forged Lightning, none of which Elise has). He still gets A-rank in tomes, his magic growth is high, he has high res, and Leo also gets good defense and health to go on top of that. Like, Dark Knight seems like a jack of all trades in practice, but with Leo, you're exclusively focusing on his Magic and you have a bunch of ways of maximizing it via supports. Elise's only advantage over him are higher offensive growths that don't end up mattering; it's downright laughable to say that she's on the other end of the spectrum.

I think her combat aptitude is perfectly relevant to why she's good, too. She's primarily amazing for her utility, but saying 'she will kill dudes hard on top of that' is not exactly something I think deserves to be met with derision. Especially when you're more likely to find 2 range units using magic more than anything else later on. I don't think the wall counts because you control so much of how you want to take on that encounter. Archers are really easy to deal with, if aggravating on the occasion they have something annoying like Counter on. On the grounds of where she compares to the other dedicated mages in the game, she still does the job better. Nyx needs shit like Lightning to make up for her stuff and she doesn't harvest XP like Elise does. If you need to apply magical force in Conquest, Elise is a delete button you don't need to rig and she's always going to be relevant thanks to the nature of her positional skills and her high move.

Elise saw very little combat in my game. There was never a moment where I felt obligated to bring her out, because of the rest of my frontline units could handle. She was always positioned to make use out of her personal ability or provide quick staff support in case of an emergency. She got a few kills in when I was dominating the player phase, but there was never a moment where her offense ended up making a big difference. Also, "needing" Lightning isn't that big of a deal when the game throws 3 of them your way, and if you've trained up Nyx then you're obviously going to give her the forged Lightning. It's more accurate to say that she benefits tremendously from having instant access to it.

If you need to apply magical pressure in Conquest, Leo is your goto from chapter 14 on. If Odin married someone, Ophelia will be your next best choice. Neither of these characters need rigging; Elise is further down the line.
I played on Lunatic lol

Unless you play really slowly you have to early promote her at around ~15 (if you go really fast she barely reaches level 10 by chapter 18).

I don't do low turn count on Lunatic. I want to clear the stage reliably, and make sure that my units are actually good. This game kind of encourages turtling during most main story chapters.

Moonlight's tier list is in the right direction, but they should be based on grade scales instead of numbered spots. I don't have a huge issue with the actual explanations, but I strongly disagree with Selena being important to a team. Niles/Shura are overall more useful than Selena due to vital utility (Pass, Locktouch, Shurikenbreaker, Niles' Capture) and bow usage helps against troublesome enemy types (fliers, ninjas).

Camilla and Xander do their job extremely well, but neither unit can be considered the "best" due to them each having glaring weaknesses. There is no all-purpose unit. So, Camilla is not #1. I would just place them on a tier above the others.

PK Gaming

My top 10 11 for Conquest would look like

1) Corrin: Duh. Corrin is your go-to unit from onset. They do an immense of work early on, and their magic trivializes most of the game. They're incredibly flexible with amazing reclass options as well, and you can pretty much always count on them as a super unit. With Jakob/Felicia support they're incredibly hard to kill. The absolute best boss killer in the game.
2) Camilla: She's the parent who dresses their kids for school, always makes their lunches and beats up their bullies until they're all grown up. But she still beats up their grown up bullies because she's strong, fast and knows kung fu.
3) Xander: Literal a super unit. Will carry you, hard. Siegfried is hilarious.
4) Azura: A refresher, and the best damn refresher in the series to boot. You can always count on her to significantly improve your offense... just don't deploy her in certain maps. She is directly responsible for ensuring that nobody dies in the endgame.
5) Elise: She's the medic on wheels. Can heal, freeze, and rescue like a pro, and her passives are really solid. The best support unit.
6) Jakob (1st joining): His contributions to early game as a Paladin are enormous, (especially on Lunatic), and his internal level 0 so his experience gain is normal. if he starts to drag he's the absolute pair up bot for F!Corrin because of his godlike Personal.
7) Leo: Dear Leo is just an incredibly solid high move mage who can actually take hits and clean up with the proper support.
8) Felicia: Oh shit I forgot about Felicia. Also a solid support unit (it never hurts to have a reserve staff user) who can fight for a brief while. She is incredibly appealing as a pair up for several good units, like Leo and Corrin.
9) Niles: Kickass 9 move bow knight goodnesss. Locktouch utility, strong bow combat and general all purpose baddass. Basically Hawkeye.
10) Keaton: Beast. Gives you Velouria as a bonus, who is super beast.
11) Selena: She's just solid. I couldn't make her work, but I know she's good. Your only Peg knight on Conquest.
My top 10 for Conquest would look like

1) Corrin: Duh. Corrin is your go-to unit from onset. They do an immense of work early on, and their magic trivializes most of the game. They're incredibly flexible with amazing reclass options as well, and you can pretty much always count on them as a super unit. With Jakob/Felica support they're incredibly hard to kill. The absolute best boss killer in the game.
2) Camilla: She's the parent who dresses their kids for school, makes their lunches every day and beats up their bullies until they're all grown up. But she still beats up their grown up bullies because she's strong, fast and knows kung fu.
3) Xander: Literal a super unit. Will carry you, hard.
4) Azura: A refresher, and the best damn refresher in the series to boot. You can always count on her to significantly improve your offense... just don't deploy her in certain maps. She is directly responsible for ensuring that nobody dies on endgame.
5) Elise: She's the medic on wheels. Can heal, freeze, and rescue like a pro, and her passives are really solid. The best support unit.
6) Jakob (1st joining): His contributions to early game as a Paladin are enormous, (especially on Lunatic), and his internal level 0 so his experience gain is normal. if he starts to drag he's the absolute best guard unit for F!Corrin because of his godlike Personal.
7) Leo: Dear Leo is just an incredibly solid mage who can actually take hits and clean up with the proper support.
8) Niles: Kickass 9 move bow knight goodnesss. Locktouch utility, strong bow combat and general all purpose baddass. Basically Hawkeye.
9) Keaton: Beast. Gives you Velouria as a bonus, who is super beast.
10) Selena: She's just solid. I couldn't make her work, but I know she's good.

Selena is an extremely solid Combat unit especially when you upgrade her as a hero.,The only thing holding her back unfortunately is her poor resistance which makes her an easy target for tomb enemies


When is a good time to use an ebon wing on a character in revelations? I should have subaki's daughter by chapter 11 and I want to use her early since she'll have aptitude from mozu. Do I wait till level 20 like a normal promotion or change her right away.


When is a good time to use an ebon wing on a character in revelations? I should have subaki's daughter by chapter 11 and I want to use her early since she'll have aptitude from mozu. Do I wait till level 20 like a normal promotion or change her right away.

If you want them to gain all the skills they can from a unpromoted unit before changing to a Dark Flier, at least wait til' level 10.


Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation definitely feels like it's the path that had the least amount of though put into it. The level design, while creative in some areas, is lacking in execution (i.e. the fog of war level being more of a "pick the right path" scenario, the snow level) and the story seems more focused on tying up all the loose ends rather than telling a compelling story.
As an example for the story, the resolution to the mysterious hooded figure seen in the beginning and in a chapter of Birthright (I think), even though Sumeragi has a different frame and facial hair that a hood will not cover up. Moreover, it's pretty ridiculous that only Corrin and Ryoma can talk to him in battle instead of his other children, which makes for a massive missed opportunity to have them develop Takumi's character by showing how strong he's gotten since him becoming more powerful to protect the people he cares about is central to his development in every other route to some extent. Ditto with bringing back Queen Mikoto only to have her die so the game can have a sad moment without any sort of emotional investment from the player.

It's still an overall good game, but as far as Fire Emblem games go, its saving grace is the character interactions for the two main casts. The story and design just don't hold a candle to the other two paths.


I shot people I like more for less.
Finished Conquest today. Well, twice. The first time I finished it, Niles had died via a mixture of a high percentage miss+stat drop+my own stupidity in not pairing somebody up with him, but I just wanted to see how simple the rest of the level was (finished on the next turn). Second time I screwed some things up (messed up on the turn count), but it ended up working out anyway. Very pleased with the game overall (my main annoyances were just getting percentage fucked lol), though I'm not particularly a fan of the way Birthright or Conquest did their final level, with no saving in between the last chapter and the endgame chapter. Probably going to take a break before I play Revelation (much like I did after Birthright), but looking forward to it.

Corrin, Camilla, Xander, Effie, Odin (Dread Fighter), Kaze (Dread Fighter), Niles, Elise, Silas, and Azura were probably my top people. Leo didn't turn out great for me, his speed and skill were kind of low at 20/20. Arthur had his uses but I felt like it took too long for him to be useful for me, and it depended on the level. Rally strength was very handy a lot of the time though, and he was a useful pairing unit. If I played through again I'd probably try out Selena and Beruka and see how they do.


Well, I know when I'm beat. I'll concede that Elise is a worse magic user than Leo. I do still think her ability to smite dudes is still a relevant part of why she's good, though. Relevant, not equitable.

anyways since I'm bored I'm gonna break things down into tiers as has been suggested. No explanations beyond what letters mean. Ranked roughly.

S: Essentials.


A: Powerful units with immediate results.

B: Great units with caveats.
Niles (floats in the space between the two ranks, right now I'm cooler on him)
Jakob (amazing early boost but I don't see much reason to keep using him once you acquire Felicia, more relevant on Lunatic, of course)
Silas (swap the two cavaliers at your leisure, I prefer Peri's growth bias and her Personal)

C: Squarely middle of the road. Better options exist, but so do a lot of worse ones.
Mozu (wanted to put her at the top of D, but I guess this is fine)

D: Mediocre unless you REALLY care.
Gunter (Lunatic sees him jump like two or three tiers, lol)

F: for 'fuck you'

Curious to see the reasoning for Effie to be underrated so much.


The snow map in revelations is both interesting and can fuck right off due to low deployment meaning you can remove one maybe two chunks of snow at a time safely. If the map was later in the game and you could use say 10-12units it would be great. Even if the map was larger to make up for there being more units you could better manage uncovering snow and dealing with the units that get revealed. I don't want the map to be too easy but it feels needlessly tedious as it is.

Chapter 11 was more frustrating than anything but I loved thinking my way around a certain death by mathing out damage reductions, rallies and singing boosts. I hate math but I am happy to do it here to turn the tide in my favour and it feels satisfying to win when it felt like all was stacked against you.

Revelations is weird so far not bad but not great either.
Well, I know when I'm beat. I'll concede that Elise is a worse magic user than Leo. I do still think her ability to smite dudes is still a relevant part of why she's good, though. Relevant, not equitable.

anyways since I'm bored I'm gonna break things down into tiers as has been suggested. No explanations beyond what letters mean. Ranked roughly.

S: Essentials.


A: Powerful units with immediate results.

B: Great units with caveats.
Niles (floats in the space between the two ranks, right now I'm cooler on him)
Jakob (amazing early boost but I don't see much reason to keep using him once you acquire Felicia, more relevant on Lunatic, of course)
Silas (swap the two cavaliers at your leisure, I prefer Peri's growth bias and her Personal)

C: Squarely middle of the road. Better options exist, but so do a lot of worse ones.
Mozu (wanted to put her at the top of D, but I guess this is fine)

D: Mediocre unless you REALLY care.
Gunter (Lunatic sees him jump like two or three tiers, lol)

F: for 'fuck you'

Curious to see the reasoning for Effie to be underrated so much.
I'd say switch Leo and Effie and you're about right, she's a damn tank and can pretty much take on almost anyone in the game especially if you make her a general.


i'm sorry for picking on you moonlight but i've arrived to defend arthur and also justice

here's my one-stop shop for sick techniques to make arthur work

1) give him all your goddess icons. who the hell else needs them? bam, he gets crit way less
2) unequip gamble for a little while. his skill growth is good enough that he'l be able to roll with it eventually but not at level 10 with the low base hit of axes
3) congratulations arthur can do work

i understand that "dump all of your stat boosters for a particular stat into this unit to make them good" is an intensely weak argument and the definition of babying but when the stat booster in question is goddess icons i cant really think of a better place to use them. low luck isnt really a drawback for most units and only affects arthur because it stacks with his personal skill's drawback to make him an enemy crit machine. you get way better returns for your icons if you drop them on arthur. he has the added benefit of not getting knocked over by a stiff breeze (or completely mangled by a stiff magic-based breeze) when compared to charlotte-- his def and hp ended up high enough for me (without stat boosters even!) that he could even survive enemy crits sometimes, and he has natural access to sol to improve survivability even further (and swords to help his hit rate even further if you get fucked on skill)

he's a high-availability unit with super good growths afforded to him by his growth dump stats being magic and luck-- he'll never need magic and he's the only character with a big enough luck problem to warrant stat boosters to fix it. by no means essential, and by no means powerful with immediate results, but with these criteria in mind i would advocate him as a low-B high-C unit.

PK Gaming

Yeah, I feel like Arthur definitely deserves to be in B-tier at minimum. Great availability, superb growths, decent durability and his AS with Hand Axe is pretty clutch early on. His crit rate as a Berserker is insane, but Hero!Arthur is more noteworthy to me because because Sol is like, top 5 best skill in the game. He takes a little work to get off the ground, but the payoff is great.

Gunter should also be in A tier even on Hard. He's basically about as useful as Felicia to me. Instant solid pair up option for pretty much anyone on your crew that needs it, can do work as a Wyvern Lord for a while (before enemies get too strong). Forceful Partner is extremely good on Corrin because your hitrate against certain enemies (fucking ninjas & throne enemies) can get pretty sketchy and the boost in power is appreciated. He can also make Nohrian Trust a viable skill for Corrin! We've all seen those hypothetical hype Nohrian Trust set ups that don't actually end up being relevant in the main game without buying like a ton of skills, but Gunter comes with Luna which makes Corrin even better at boss killing (and can pick up pretty much any skill if you're willing to marry him and feed him experience. lol)

Nyx should be in C-tier with Charlotte. She's trash, but her pair up bonuses on a magic unit are basically about as good as Charlotte's. Come to think of it, Charlotte might merit being in B solely based on the fact hat she makes any physical unit who supports with her 10x better in combat (Peri and Beruka really hit the jackpot in that regard, lol).

Mozu should probably be in F. No real reason to use her unless you like her because her bases are really awful and raising her is a pain in the ass. She needs a heart seal to be viable. Not even good like other units, viable!


I love Selena as much as the next person but I wouldn't say she has immediate results. She can barely kill anything at the point you get her. There's plenty of horror stories out there of her getting screwed in essential stats due to her growths. But she her potential is high so I could see why she's ranked there.

She's amazing if the chips fall into place, as she's one of those units that continues to gets better (or worse) as the game goes on.

That Odin ranking hurts thought. I really care and I always have to use him. Damn you Intelligent Systems!
Yeah, I feel like Arthur definitely deserves to be in B-tier at minimum. Great availability, superb growths, decent durability and his AS with Hand Axe is pretty clutch early on. His crit rate as a Berserker is insane, but Hero!Arthur is more noteworthy to me because because Sol is like, top 5 best skill in the game. He takes a little work to get off the ground, but the payoff is great.

Gunter should also be in A tier even on Hard. He's basically about as useful as Felicia to me. Instant solid pair up option for pretty much anyone on your crew that needs it, can do work as a Wyvern Lord for a while (before enemies get too strong). Forceful Partner is extremely good on Corrin because your hitrate against certain enemies (fucking ninjas & throne enemies) can get pretty sketchy and the boost in power is appreciated. He can also make Nohrian Trust a viable skill for Corrin! We've all seen those hypothetical hype Nohrian Trust set ups that don't actually end up being relevant in the main game without buying like a ton of skills, but Gunter comes with Luna (and can pick up pretty much any skill if you marry him and feed him experience. lol)

Nyx should be in C-tier with Charlotte. She's trash, but her pair up bonuses on a magic unit are basically about as good as Charlotte's. Come to think of it, Charlotte might merit being in B solely based on the fact hat she makes any physical unit who supports with her 10x better in combat (Peri and Beruka really hit the jackpot in that regard, lol).

Mozu should probably be in F. No real reason to use her unless you like her because her bases are really awful and raising her is a pain in the ass. She needs a heart seal to be viable. Not even good like other units, viable!

I know it's just your opinion, and I don't want this to be a long back and forth argument. I just find so much wrong with this analysis.

This is a very complex game, and practically everyone has yet to even scratch the surface. I still haven't even used some of the units.

I'm certainly no expert, but I think that at least one run of Conquest Lunatic can provide a somewhat informed opinion of unit usability.

The viability of units changes drastically from Hard to Lunatic. I made a post about fixed growths and this will strongly affect some units.

On Hard difficulty, every single unit performs well. Arthur, in particular, will benefit massively from his great growths on low difficulties. Even Nyx would perform well on Hard or lower.

Arthur ended as a level 15 Berserker on my Lunatic file. I kept him in the same class, because I didn't want to spend Gold on Sealing him. His performance was solid, but the Lunatic growths have screwed him up a bit.

I used Midori's Paralogue (without saving) to level him up, and check his level 20 stats. He has 54 HP (without HP +5), 39 STR, 36 SKL (capped), 27 SPD, 19 DEF, 8 RES. His MAG and LCK are both 0. His DEF and SPD are lower than usual, but this is still usable on Lunatic.

Units who performed well in Hard may not even be viable at all depending on how Lunatic growths treat you. This is why Corrin, Azura, Camilla, Elise, Leo, and Xander are the only true staple characters on any playthrough. Kaze and Niles may be staples just for their utility and mage/flier killing.

You can't afford to set aside multiple deployment slots for pure pair-up fodder, so your reasoning for giving Gunter, Charlotte, and Nyx very high ratings compared to potentially better combat units is kind of weak.

Mozu is bad for LTC players, but she can actually work on Lunatic! I actually made her an Archer and promoted to Sniper. She required too much babying, so I will ignore her in later playthroughs. But she does get good stats. My Mozu capped STR and SPD, though her defenses are slightly squishy. She was actually useful for some chapters.

Whenever I have time to do subsequent Lunatic runs, I will seriously attempt to use Laslow/Selena, Peri, Beruka, Benny, and Nyx because these are the units that I don't have experience with. I only used Charlotte on Hard, but have already witnessed her horrible performance as a high level Berserker. I won't even test Charlotte on Lunatic, since I now know that Arthur is much better despite his Luck. Nyx's atrocious early game performance turned me off from using her on Hard, but I never actually invested in her. It will be interesting to see if she ever redeems herself (on Lunatic, nonetheless!).

I have confidence that Beruka, Benny, Peri, and one of the Mercenaries (can't use both) will be able to perform their roles well. They obviously won't carry like Corrin and his siblings, but they will probably be able to contribute. I think Nyx will struggle, but I want to switch things up.
The non-Xander cavaliers in Nohr are so lackluster IMO. Overshadowed by godly tanks like Effie, Benny's kid, Xander, and Keaton. I use them mostly to transport the tanks. :/

Wary Fighter is amazing.


In my experience Camilla is your most powerful unit for about 5 chapters but then Xander upstages her in pretty much everything except movement (also obviously availability) and takes center stage for the rest of the game. Not sure why so many seem to rank her slightly above him.

Keaton was definetely an S rank for me though I guess I can see why someone would rank him lower since he comes a little late and requires a bit of an investment at first before he starts to dominate the game. Conquest Mozu is underrated as hell but I'm not feeling like arguing about it.


Re: some rankings, mostly Nyx
It's mostly dictated less by their usefulness as pair-up bots and more how they apply as units. Nyx rises with that in consideration, but IMO she's the worst combat unit in Conquest with the least potential. I'll concede Gunter is still pretty alright in this regard and his bases/pre-promote status inherently bumps him, but I think when Effie and arguably Peri or Silas exist, it's hard for me to find room for him. Perhaps I'm just sentimental!

Re: Arthur
My thing about Arthur is that I think he's inherently made less good by the fact that Camilla and Beruka exist - two units with the same weapon, a better class, and way less investment.

With that in mind, I've underrated him compared to Charlotte, I'll admit (though she does have a more relevant Personal with assuredly less terrible implications), and while she doesn't need to be fed boosters (maybe a Dracoshield?) she has about as hard a time as Arthur getting started thanks to starting map context and less availability.

Re: Mozu
I actually think Mozu is super lame in Conquest, but mostly it was a bone thrown to the people who do see value in her, and she's... like, if you really want to use her, Conquest is a better space for her than Birthright, since you're choked for available archers anyways. Not that Niles and his kid if you really want her aren't enough, but with enough time she does compare decently to conditionally better than Niles in some areas. The question, of course, is how much time and how much payoff, but while her potential is in actuality quite underwhelming in spite of her gimmick, it's still decent (if neutered by her crap bases) and paired up with a pretty decent class.
I want more fire emblem maps like Chapter 10 and 21 of Conquest.

Fk chapter 20 with its really weird mechanic.

Also why is Kaze rated A? Spy shuriken isn't until late late game and so is Replicate. I'd rank him B at most.


I want more fire emblem maps like Chapter 10 and 21 of Conquest.

Fk chapter 20 with its really weird mechanic.

Also why is Kaze rated A? Spy shuriken isn't until late late game and so is Replicate. I'd rank him B at most.

Best mage killer and debuffer in the game.


i guess while we're continuing the great conquest tier list debate of 2016 i'll give my experience with selena

her combat turned out TRASH for me, like, just terrible. low str, low skill. she could double anybody around... but she could miss and she did junk damage, even with +2 steel

now i made her a sky knight because rally speed is good and that is definite utility that only she brings to the table (and she can make soleil a sky knight too if you pair her with laslow) in addition to speed bonuses on pair up so i could have kept her around for utility's sake-- maybe Hero Selena ends up different between using swords and having some extra str growth, but man, i just had to bench her. the roster was too crowded.

maybe i just fucked her up with the reclass or maybe i just got screwed by rng but i am genuinely curious what people see in her when they rank her so high


I like Camilla and I try my best with her but both conquest runs had her use in the last third of the game being a ferry and pairup for keaton. She never really falls off as a combat unit for me and can one shot the unit types that are supposed to threaten her but keaton just grows into such a better unit so fast.

If effie is my fav defensive unit in conquest then velouria and keaton are tied for fave offensive units.

Mrrgle, I want to do my next planned conquest run now where I use new builds and try more units then my usual staples but I need to finish rev first.
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