You might want to spoil that
Huh. Good point.
You might want to spoil that
I have a problem. I think my game is bugged. In my castle, it says "New" for Buildings, but it's grayed out when I click on it. It's been this way for several missions and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Perhaps there's a limit to how many buildings you can have, and you've hit it?
Man, I don't know how you guys play these games on Lunatic difficulty. I'm playing Birthright on Classic and play with a strict "no deaths allowed" policy. I'm on chapter 23 and no matter how many steps I try thinking ahead, someone ends up dying. I do well when I play super defensively, but then each chapter takes at least an hour to beat because I'm spending all my time covering my bases and making sure I'm not playing stupid, and I'm starting to get impatient. Especially considering I'll put 30-40 minutes into a chapter just to have to restart because someone gets hit by a crit or I forget to change weapons after I put somebody somewhere.
This game makes me feel dumb.
Man, I don't know how you guys play these games on Lunatic difficulty. I'm playing Birthright on Classic and play with a strict "no deaths allowed" policy. I'm on chapter 23 and no matter how many steps I try thinking ahead, someone ends up dying. I do well when I play super defensively, but then each chapter takes at least an hour to beat because I'm spending all my time covering my bases and making sure I'm not playing stupid, and I'm starting to get impatient. Especially considering I'll put 30-40 minutes into a chapter just to have to restart because someone gets hit by a crit or I forget to change weapons after I put somebody somewhere.
This game makes me feel dumb.
Yeah, Hard it the limit for me. Challenging, but I can still use any of the characters I want and I'm not reaching great levels of frustration. I get why people like Lunatic though, it's just not for me. People that play Lunatic probably look at me refusing to move up from Hard like I look at people who are playing Phoenix Mode.Which is to say, enjoy the game whichever way is best for you ^_^
It's a combination of experience that comes from playing FE games and general knowledge (ie: who the good units are, optimal pairs, etc). Birthright levels are legitimately long and even exhausting at times, so don't beat yourself for screwing and having to restart. Are you turning off battle animations and pressing start during the enemies turn? That should speed things up considerably.
You'll get it eventually, for sure. Birthright Lunatic isn't even that much harder than Hard.
Poor Scarlet got Corderlia'd by making Ryoma oblivious to her advances in the DLC.
Intelligent Systems can be such trolls sometimes.
I can understand easier difficulties or even casual mode. But I don't understand who phoenix mode is even for. People who don't care about anything except the support convos? If you want to read those but not play the game why not save your money and read them online?
Beating Conquest on Hard/Classic proves that you're a very competent Fire Emblem player.
Conquest Lunatic is for masochists. I had a lot of time on my hands to master the strategies needed for the maps, but people with limited free time maybe should not bother.
I'm guessing its for peoplethat just want to progress through the game without worrying about dying and spend hours retrying the same level again?
I can understand easier difficulties or even casual mode. But I don't understand who phoenix mode is even for. People who don't care about anything except the support convos? If you want to read those but not play the game why not save your money and read them online?
God, you can say that again. I don't remember ever feeling like playing the game was a chore in Awakening (my first Fire Emblem) like I do in Birthright. I plan on playing through a different game or 2 between Birthright and Conquest for a mental reset, but when I finally get around to it can I expect Conquest to have less exhausting chapters?
Oh yeah definitely I got my ass kicked plenty of times on Hard mode but I couldn't even imagine doing it on Lunatic. At best I'd probably do Birthright Lunatic but not Conquest Lunatic at the moment lol
I legitimately could not believe how long Mt. Garou took and how little I actually had to do just letting these endless waves of reinforcements crash against my army.Absolutely. Conquest chapters are definitely more challenging, but they're much quicker to clear
I do not understand how Hayato and sakura's s rank implied things were going to be physical soon enough for a kid to happen. Blah blah both are more mature than they seem but just just felt creepy somehow. Now i have to imagine they made a poor life choice too young and being in the deeprealms was somehow the better option for the kid. (Rev is the only route where hiding some of the kids seems smart due to parentage)
Also just now it occured to me that the various royals marrying and having kids should be a big deal in all the routes.
I've only just finished 16-17 of revelations. I feel like there could almost be a decent story if it was drawn out better. Have like 8 chapters bonding with your sibs and getting the idea of what garon is like. Plus the troubles Nohr faces now. Then another 6 or so chapters in Hoshido trying to come to grips with your past your lost memories and this family you have regained. Keep the whole explody sword.dragon corrin into making a choice chapters but now they are far enough into the game to make the choice feel genuinely stressful and make picking neither option feel more sensible. Continue from there into whatever the fuck revs actual plot is slowly picking up followers old friends and family as appropriate. It'd be a much a longer game to do well but I think it would have resulted in a better story and better maps if the team needed to only focus on one thing.
Plus you could make normal difficulty have no skills on enemies. Hard give them skills and lunatic give them ridiculous combos and stuff.
I still love conquest best of all but if I could have that games maps and the full cast (properly integrated mind you ) and the story they really wanted to tell that would be great.
I do not understand how Hayato and sakura's s rank implied things were going to be physical soon enough for a kid to happen. Blah blah both are more mature than they seem but just just felt creepy somehow. Now i have to imagine they made a poor life choice too young and being in the deeprealms was somehow the better option for the kid. (Rev is the only route where hiding some of the kids seems smart due to parentage)
Also just now it occured to me that the various royals marrying and having kids should be a big deal in all the routes.
I've only just finished 16-17 of revelations. I feel like there could almost be a decent story if it was drawn out better. Have like 8 chapters bonding with your sibs and getting the idea of what garon is like. Plus the troubles Nohr faces now. Then another 6 or so chapters in Hoshido trying to come to grips with your past your lost memories and this family you have regained. Keep the whole explody sword.dragon corrin into making a choice chapters but now they are far enough into the game to make the choice feel genuinely stressful and make picking neither option feel more sensible. Continue from there into whatever the fuck revs actual plot is slowly picking up followers old friends and family as appropriate. It'd be a much a longer game to do well but I think it would have resulted in a better story and better maps if the team needed to only focus on one thing.
Plus you could make normal difficulty have no skills on enemies. Hard give them skills and lunatic give them ridiculous combos and stuff.
I still love conquest best of all but if I could have that games maps and the full cast (properly integrated mind you ) and the story they really wanted to tell that would be great.
1) She's garbage when you first get her and is really worthless in her base class, so reclassing her to archer costs an early heart seal that could be used for Corrin/Jakob/CamillaI'm on Ch.23 and Sniper/Mizou is my best character. She can pretty much KO everything solo, and she has a near 50% Crit chance on every attack with the Killer Bow.
I don't understand, how is she not widely considered to be the most overpowered unit in the game? She is a bit of a glass cannon, but it isn't too much of a problem since most enemies never get an attack on her because she kills them first...
1) She's garbage when you first get her and is really worthless in her base class, so reclassing her to archer costs an early heart seal that could be used for Corrin/Jakob/Camilla
2) Archer/Sniper is not a good class. Certain units (Takumi) can be more useful than their base class because they have a very strong start and can be immediately useful, but even Takumi is handicapped by the fact that he can't attack on Enemy Phase and his usefulness (along with every other bow-lock uni) is limited to killing one enemy per turn.
3) With the amount of investment it takes to make Mozu not have garbage-tier stats, you could just give that to a better unit for much less effort and the same level of payoff. Everyone talks about giving her all the kills in her join chapter but you can just give those kills to a good unit like Corrin or Kaze and they'll be an even better unit.
1) She's garbage when you first get her and is really worthless in her base class, so reclassing her to archer costs an early heart seal that could be used for Corrin/Jakob/Camilla
2) Archer/Sniper is not a good class. Certain units (Takumi) can be more useful than their base class because they have a very strong start and can be immediately useful, but even Takumi is handicapped by the fact that he can't attack on Enemy Phase and his usefulness (along with every other bow-lock uni) is limited to killing one enemy per turn.
3) With the amount of investment it takes to make Mozu not have garbage-tier stats, you could just give that to a better unit for much less effort and the same level of payoff. Everyone talks about giving her all the kills in her join chapter but you can just give those kills to a good unit like Corrin or Kaze and they'll be an even better unit.
On #2:
While that is true for Birthright Mozumi, Conquest Mozu and Revelation Mozumi get access to the Mini Bow post-Ch. 13, making them much more usable on enemy phase -- arguably more usable than melee units with throwing weapons because, despite the Mini Bow being the bow equivalent of the Tomahawk, oddly enough, it has no penalty to doubling whatsoever. Still won't let them hit at both 1- and 2-range at the same time (unless you give them a Shining Bow which they're awful with), but it lets them be flexible.
and I can imagine Mozu being more useful than him for the Ninja Hell chapters), but he's more than usable.
That makes no sense, why would you compare Mozu with a Mini Bow to someone else with a throwing weapon, when the Mini Bow is 1-range only and the logical comparison is an Iron Axe or something.
also, even in Revelation, you could use Mozu's paralogue to dig out one member of the Sakura squad instead
arguably in chapter 17 (both should ORKO them though), most definitely not in chapter 25 because Shurikenbreaker+Lucky Seven shoves their hit down to 0
Doesn't Revelation have infinite grinding like Birthright does? So why does it matter where you do it?
If you're cool with grinding tier lists look something likeDoesn't Revelation have infinite grinding like Birthright does? So why does it matter where you do it?
On weapon comparisons:
I compared the Mini Bow to the Tomahawk because the Mini Bow lets bow users hit at melee much like Tomahawks let axe users hit at range, something neither are supposed to be able to do normally. Mini Bows are penalty-free. Tomahawks aren't. Hatchets get a similar penalty, though they are 1-2 ranged.
On grinding out Subaki or Hana
Ew, Subaki and Hana. >.> They turned out sooooo terribly for me. But, er, anyways, they join for Ch. 9, not Ch. 8. 1 or 2 levels from Mozu's paralogue won't save them there.
Then just leave it at "Mozu has better 2 range", why make that comparison?
Although 2 range in Conquest is actually surprisingly unneeded in general so that's another thing going against her.
who says you have to do Mozu's paralogue immediately
like, with the amount of effort some people put into Mozu, you could instead make Odin an invincible Nosferatu-tank or some other stupid build, but Odin is still a bad unit
I made the comparison in the first place because her being locked to 2-range isn't quite true, subsequently making the "Archers are crap for enemy phase" argument not quite true either. Moreover, due to a missing penalty, the Mini Bow is a viable option for turning her into a melee unit for enemy phase unlike turning melee units into ranged units.
On doing Mozu's paralogue later:
Hm? The enemies scale? Thought it was the children's paralogues that did, not hers.
On effort:
She -really- doesn't require that much effort in Revelation when her paralogue and Ch. 8 have brain-dead AI for setting up easy kills that I sure as hell ain't letting Gunter take, and she's got the growths to make it well-worth the minimal investment against Revelations' stat-inflated enemies -- fighting fire with fire and all that. Meanwhile, saving someone like Odin takes much more investment when he has a truly bad start with his join time and doesn't have the growths to let him break out of it quickly, if at all. Like, he could be 20/20 and Mozu'd still be better than him at 20/0. /slight exaggeration
yeah so you spent a bunch of resources and now Mozu has the option of 1-range or 2-range (but not both simultaneously)
then what?
It's not that they scale, it's that Subaki/Hana/Kaze can still get a decent amount out of it themselves.
I'm talking about Conquest Odin here, Revelation Odin is obviously an unsalvageable piece of crap.
If you're cool with grinding tier lists look something like
S Tier:
Odin stuff:
You can turn Odin into an invincible Nosfera-God in Conquest? I mean, between needing all the Speedwings in the world only to still end up slower than Xander (Thanks, Sorceror caps >.>) and Nosferatu being kinda crap damage-wise on top of Odin's crap Mag, you'll have to forgive me for being a little skeptical.![]()
I don't know about turning him into a god, but I'd gladly take Odin over Mozu in Conquest.
Odin unlocks Ophelia. I like to use a heart seal on him too so I can pass on Vantage, but that can be done at any time since he just wants to get married, so he doesn't need one of the first two.
Mozu needing one of the early heart seals when Corrin and Jakob both would like one is hard for me to justify, especially when it means I'm just getting another archer even though Niles fills that role perfectly.
do DLC skills get passed down to children? I'm marrying Odin to Witch Nyx and I want to hold off until she gets the Warp skill so that I can give that to Ophelia.
Should I wait until I can get Odin to be a level 5 Swordmaster so he can pass on Astra instead? He's currently a level 20 Samurai right now.
Also, want to ask this again since no one answered:
DLC skills can't be passed down. I don't like Odin but whatever floats your boat.
Or maybe I don't like mages. w.e
Should I wait until I can get Odin to be a level 5 Swordmaster so he can pass on Astra instead? He's currently a level 20 Samurai right now.