Bonen no Max'd
How useful you'll find Mozu (or any character like her) is basically is decided by how much you like using her. If you enjoy watching a character go from weak to strong, you will go through the trouble of investing resources to make her good. Other characters will do exactly what she does but better though. On lower difficulties basically anyone is salvageable, so if you think her having high growths makes her OP, then you'll probably try to make her OP. Remember that the amount of investment it takes to make her good will basically make anyone good.
That's not exactly true for Nohr, since she can be your only archer and get some niche use out of that, but in general, high growths alone don't make a good unit.
That's not exactly true for Nohr, since she can be your only archer and get some niche use out of that, but in general, high growths alone don't make a good unit.