I kinda disagree. I found it most effective to turtle in the corner around the first tempest, because the second one made for an awful choke point (you're open on three sides), To me, it was just another Awakening map where there's little meaningful terrain; no practical choke points, and assloads of reinforcements dropped on you. That said, I'll mark off points for any chapter that has 15+ enemy reinforcements, regardless of quality.
I don't have any guides, but I will say that Fates had an unusually awful tutorial after Awakening's excellent effort (if I remember right). There's a lot more to the pair up system and weapons and you're right, it's not explained well at all. Everything is in the paltry guide, which isn't all that great. An optional tutorial would've been welcome. Strange decision on Nintendo's part to forego handholding in a game that arguably needs it.