Without Shield Pulse, he's just target practice as Urvan just isn't a good enough effect to kill him alive.
His problem is that he has no "good" phase. He's built like a wall but Urvan almost demands he attack first otherwise (with his low speed) he'll get attacked, retaliate, and get attacked again for full damage... and be potentially dead.
If he attacks, two retaliations will have a damage penalty. But then because he's so slow, and because Urvan/SB don't won't have been able to trigger yet for his special (because he engaged), he's entering the enemy phase with less health and in front of an alive enemy.
Conversely, if he just sits around waiting to bait a kill on Urvan/SB + Ignis or whatever, he's basically just mage fodder in a mage heavy meta with no way to retaliate.