Haha I was thinking about the same as I have an extra Hector now. It's more of a surprise joke than actually useful, though.I saw a merged Azura with Distant Counter. Really? Azura?
Yeah, some of these things strike me as more silly than useful.Haha I was thinking about the same as I have an extra Hector now. It's more of a surprise joke than actually useful, though.
Ike hinges on his speed stat I think...if he's +SPD then he works fine as the cookie cutter Ryoma build with moonbow/fury/vantage. Boring but effective.
Mine is -HP +Res so I use him with luna/heavy blade/quick riposte. I haven't tried Aether yet but as Luna triggers after he takes one hit and attacks twice, that means that something is probably gonna be dead at the end of that combat phase, one way or the other. Gotta make sure he's hone speed buffed at all times for safety.
honestly for Tiki and that team I'd hold off on investing heavily and build up a good ranged unit.
Thanks guys, I guess I can finally try to win some arena battles. Didn't realize how much stronger people got since I stop playing.Young Tiki and Ike, hm...They're actually statistically similar barring Ike's +4 Atk on Tiki and Tiki's +11 Res on Ike. Suppose they could use a similar build.
As for what that is, I dunno. I just throw TA and QR on everything. <.<
To note, Ike does actually need TA to survive -blade tome Cecilia/Camilla because their damage output is just that great if fully buffed while Tiki, hitting their Res stat, needs QR to kill them on counter.
What would be the best fourth unit for my horse emblem? I have :
Rein with Death Blow, Quick Riposte, Luna, Fortify
Titania with Distant Counter, Green Tomebreaker, Iceberg, Hone
Xander with Fury, Quick Riposte, Bonfire, Fortify
Reinhardt should be nerfed, there is no point in going to arena if you don't have a hard counter to him. Motherfucker can clear your team alone witouth punishment, HUH.
Give a few weeks and I'll have my revenge with my own Reinhardt.
Isn't that true to a lot of mages in the game? I lost to Julia this morning despite of my death blow equipped Reinhardt. Even Ursula in the same team beat my Reinhardt.Reinhardt should be nerfed, there is no point in going to arena if you don't have a hard counter to him. Motherfucker can clear your team alone witouth punishment, HUH.
Give a few weeks and I'll have my revenge with my own Reinhardt.
Isn't that true to a lot of mages in the game? I lost to Julia this morning despite of my death blow equipped Reinhardt. Even Ursula in the same team beat my Reinhardt.
Surely, some are more op than others but nothing is impossibly op, I think.
My team currently has no one who can tank him, and every Rein encounter takes at least twice as long as any other arena fight because I have to plan so carefully. I can beat him if he walks into my range, but I have to bait him into walking close without also attacking anyone.Reinhardt should be nerfed, there is no point in going to arena if you don't have a hard counter to him. Motherfucker can clear your team alone witouth punishment, HUH.
Give a few weeks and I'll have my revenge with my own Reinhardt.
Isn't that true to a lot of mages in the game? I lost to Julia this morning despite of my death blow equipped Reinhardt. Even Ursula in the same team beat my Reinhardt.
Surely, some are more op than others but nothing is impossibly op, I think.
What would be the best fourth unit for my horse emblem? I have :
Rein with Death Blow, Quick Riposte, Luna, Fortify
Titania with Distant Counter, Green Tomebreaker, Iceberg, Hone
Xander with Fury, Quick Riposte, Bonfire, Fortify
That's how I build teams too. I just ask myself how that team would answer common popular units.My arena team is just hard counters to popular characters.
I have an anti-Hector, an anti-Lucina/Ryoma, and an anti-Takumi/Reinhardt/Linde/Robin.
Gotta engage evasive maneuvers a bit if Julia shows up.
I get by.
Mine isn't atk+ but almost always buffed by Azura. Surely, he can destroy a team but what I was pointing out is so is Nino, Julia, and others in the right team. I don't feel he's the single most op unit.is yours +atk and running a team supporting him with hone/goad cavalry? That's when he becomes 'OP'. That and a +4 one will get matched up against unmerged infantry/armor because his total stats are so low. .
they won't nerf him outright but I expect more counters in the form of passive skills in the near future. Hopefully they don't come with horrible drawbacks like Windsweep.
Julia is his hard counter (not counting extensive inheritance on other greens) so I have to question why you'd even mess with her using him. But yeah just because he can't beat one character doesn't mean he's not ridiculous.
I don't know of any limits. Some of my older characters have a big pile of inherited skills just sitting around from experimenting with different builds.Man my Ryoma really needs Vantage. Having Fury 3 without it is just a death wish for him. I have a 4* Reinhardt ready to give it up, but I need the feathers to promote him to 5* first.
As a side note, how many total skills can a unit inherit? Is there a limit? Like if I wanted to build my Ryoma to have 2 totally different skill builds, could I do it?
He does indeed. I'm looking at my 4* Reinhardt with Vantage 3 right now.I thought Rein had Vantage 3 at 4*?
My collection of Laslows is ready.Yeah, I'm pinin' for a Tharja myself.
Good thing that banner is coming up!
(so I can roll and get even more 3* Firs)
I don't know of any limits. Some of my older characters have a big pile of inherited skills just sitting around from experimenting with different builds.
I thought Rein had Vantage 3 at 4*?
I've got 26 skills on one character - inherited but not all learned. Different builds for different situations.
He does indeed. I'm looking at my 4* Reinhardt with Vantage 3 right now.
How's Linde compared to Reinhardt or Robin? I've heard she can be blue Nino with blade tome. How's her with her default weapon? I'm definitely aiming for Julia but don't know much about Linde.
Linde is kind of the blue version of Julia, but with speed rather than res. She's a magic nuker, fast enough to avoid getting doubled by most things, but is very fragile otherwise.How's Linde compared to Reinhardt or Robin? I've heard she can be blue Nino with blade tome. How's her with her default weapon? I'm definitely aiming for Julia but don't know much about Linde.
Use a dancer till camus comes out, his leaked stats look good and he has a distant counter lance
Linde is absolutely ridiculous, she is the human embodiment of life and death 15
The problem with Linde is that she fights a role that really isn't needed. Most people already have answers for red units, with good blue units being relatively common. Maybe if red mages were more common.
How's Linde compared to Reinhardt or Robin? I've heard she can be blue Nino with blade tome. How's her with her default weapon? I'm definitely aiming for Julia but don't know much about Linde.
The problem with Linde is that she fights a role that really isn't needed. Most people already have answers for red units, with good blue units being relatively common. Maybe if red mages were more common.
almost done the armor tier 10 quest because hector and effie just demolish everything. what are my best combinations for a horse / flier team?
Do you have a spare Nino for Cecilia to take gronnblade and drawback?
Or Odin for Ursula?
For fliers, I don't see a Hinoka so you don't have Hone Fliers for offense, though Caeda for Fortify Fliers is nice. You also have plenty of Pallas for Goad Fliers, which you'll want to pass to anyone who's not sporting Hone/Fortify Fliers. You also have Bunnilla, who is great for a flying team.almost done the armor tier 10 quest because hector and effie just demolish everything. what are my best combinations for a horse / flier team?
For fliers, I don't see a Hinoka so you don't have Hone Fliers for offense, though Caeda for Fortify Fliers is nice. You also have plenty of Pallas for Goad Fliers, which you'll want to pass to anyone who's not sporting Hone/Fortify Fliers. You also have Bunnilla, who is great for a flying team.
Your team probably isn't complete for arena without Hone Fliers, but if you're just doing the training tower quests and want to minimize spending on promotions/SI, then you could probably do something like... Claire(forgot her name)/Bunnilla/Caeda/Cherche? Or Subaki/Bunnilla/Caeda/Cherche.
Phew. Bought 20 orbs and got a another Ryoma with +HP/-Res. Only took 2 orbs so I have some to spare for the mage banner.
If I merge them will I end up in Arena whale hell or no? This would be my only merged unit.
Depending on the strength of their 3* versions, you could try Catria too. Catria is great at multi-turn fights because of Armored Blow and Seal Attack.thanks, and yeah this isn't going to touch arena. just for this month's quest and whatever future quests where you need specific units
Just put a blade tome on a pony and use hone/fortify cavs and you're good.yep, got a crappy +atk - spd nino and a bunch of 3 star odins. so i guess those two plus maybe jagen and gunter? or at least their hone and fortify on other units?
yep, got a crappy +atk - spd nino and a bunch of 3 star odins. so i guess those two plus maybe jagen and gunter? or at least their hone and fortify on other units?
yep, got a crappy +atk - spd nino and a bunch of 3 star odins. so i guess those two plus maybe jagen and gunter? or at least their hone and fortify on other units?
I once fought someone in arena that had a 4* +10 Est with carrot lance+ on their team.Trash pull. At least I got another Bonfire and Reposition.
I got my tenth Est!
Trash pull. At least I got another Bonfire and Reposition.
I got my tenth Est!