Currently playable characters by game:
With the 2 SoV banners done, Leif and Micaiah are now the only lords that haven't joined the roster. Wonders who will come first. Probably Micaiah to follow in the PoR banner's footstep?
Sanaki is so lonely there.
I suppose RD's banner will probably bring a story chapter (World of Dawn?) while Thracia's will probably just be a paralogue. As for characters, RD will probably have Micaiah, Sothe, Nolan, and Laura. They can certainly throw in Edward and Leonardo as well to make it a 6-unit banner if they like. Since the PoR banner is strictly Greil Mercenary only I bet the first RD banner will be Dawn Brigade only as well.
As for FE5, Leif and Finn are pretty much given; Nanna probably is as well. If they already have these 3, they might as well throw in Eyvel (will she wield sword or bow though) to complete the "family" set.
Either way, will certainly break the bank when any of these drops.