Made it to 4812 by running Ryoma, Hector (sacred cowl+QP), MRobin (TA2) and my -atk +spd fury/QR Nowi. I used them for 6 matches and then switched to horse emblem for an easy 7th, even this was more points than I need to get back into 20.
Nowi is a beast on defensive tiles, especially with Robin giving her 6 defense from spur def 3 + the seal. I accidentally had her in range of a fully kitted-out Bridelia who rallied Azura and got danced, but she took a pitiful amount of damage. I only have fury 2, and -atk makes her damage a little unreliable but it seemed to work out. With Hector's speed buff and the seal she sits at 37 speed, even Lucina couldn't kill her.
I do feel like overall I got lucky though. I dodged Horse Emblem when I could because they were low point teams, but outside of a few Xanders on mixed squads I didn't run into any cavalry. Worst thing I saw was this whale spawn, also on that Bridelia team:
I had to bust out the calculator. It ended up being better for Hector to stand on a non-defense tile, because he did exactly 39 damage to her that way and she didn't get a chance to double him.